189 research outputs found

    La música y su interpretación como vehículo de expresión y comunicación

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    A través de la experiencia práctica como intérprete del violín, la autora plasma en este artículo la intención comunicativa de la música y destaca los valores emocionales y expresivos que los músicos sienten y perciben a través de la música que interpretan, proyectando sus sensaciones al oyente. Con una visión muy personal, muestra cómo la función comunicadora de los intérpretes ha existido siempre a lo largo de la historia de la música, y recuerda las figuras más representativas de todos los tiempos que desempeñaron su actividad como intérpretes-comunicadores y como creadores-expresivos.____________________________Through the practice experience as violin´s performer, in this paper the author shows the communicative intention of music and emphasizes the expressive and emotional feelings that musicians feel and perceive through the music they perform, transmitting their sensations to the audience. With a very personal vision, she shows how the communicative function of performers has always existed along the history of music, and she remembers the most representative figures of all times, as performers and as expressive creators

    Trends in Double Networks as Bioprintable and Injectable Hydrogel Scaffolds for Tissue Regeneration

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    Additive manufacturing and injection are essential tools in the rapidly developing field of personalized medicine and are particularly promising for applications in regenerative medicine. One of the biggest challenges in this vibrant research domain remains the processing of complex formulations with robust mechanical properties. Mimicking the native extracellular matrix associated with many tissues requires materials that have high degrees of functionality for performing the complex array of functions within the cellular environment. Furthermore, native tissues often possess outstanding mechanical properties, particularly in connective tissues. These exceptional mechanics are a challenge to emulate in their own right, especially considering the accompanying demands for additional functionality. Double-network hydrogels have emerged as strong candidates for tissue engineering because of the impressive mechanics and versatility in terms of chemical makeup. Combining advances in processing (i.e., additive manufacturing and injection) with dual-network hydrogel formulations has led to an impressive collection of results, making great strides toward systems capable of addressing the demanding environment surrounding tissues while being amenable to personalized fabrication techniques. This review provides a brief summary of the most contemporary trends collected from the literature describing dual-network hydrogels being demonstrated in additive manufacturing and injectable applications

    High orientation of long chain branched poly (lactic acid) with enhanced blood compatibility and bionic structure

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    YesHighly-oriented poly (lactic acid) (PLA) with bionic micro-grooves was fabricated through solid hot drawing technology for further improving the mechanical properties and blood biocompatibility of PLA. In order to enhance the melt strength and thus obtain high orientation degree, long chain branched PLA (LCB-PLA) was prepared at first through a two-step ring-opening reaction during processing. Linear viscoelasticity combined with branch-on-branch (BOB) model was used to predict probable compositions and chain topologies of the products, and it was found that the molecular weight of PLA increased and topological structures with star like chain with three arms and tree-like chain with two generations formed during reactive processing, and consequently draw ratio as high as1200% can be achieved during the subsequent hot stretching. With the increase of draw ratio, the tensile strength and orientation degree of PLA increased dramatically. Long chain branching and orientation could significantly enhance the blood compatibility of PLA by prolonging clotting time and decreasing platelet activation. Micro-grooves can be observed on the surface of the oriented PLA which were similar to the intimal layer of blood vessel, and such bionic structure resulted from the formation of the oriented shish kebab-like crystals along the draw direction

    Rapid, regioselective living ring-opening metathesis polymerization of bio-derivable asymmetric tricyclic oxanorbornenes

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    The synthesis of a range of alkyl esters (methyl, n-butyl, and n-decyl) prepared via Steglich esterification of the thermodynamically controlled exo, exo Diels���Alder adduct of furfuryl alcohol and maleic anhydride is reported. Subsequent ring-opening metathesis polymerization of these bio-derivable tricyclic oxanorbornene analogs delivers polymers with targeted molar mass and low molar mass dispersity. The polymerizations are rapid with complete monomer conversion achieved within 15 min. Significantly, the presence of the cyclic lactone at the bridgehead of these monomers leads to polymers with high regioregularity (>85% head-to-tail) and high stereoregularity (>75% trans). The resultant polymers display both high thermal stability and high glass transition temperatures. This new class of oxanorbornene monomer, accessed from bio-derivable furfuryl alcohol and maleic anhydride, may be further tailored to incorporate a range of functional moieties. Furthermore, the exceptional properties of the derived polymers indicate potential in a range of applications

    Conseil pharmaceutique officinal en lien avec la pratique de la plongée sous-marine

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    La plongée sous-marine, en scaphandre autonome, est un sport subaquatique en pleine expansion. Elle se caractérise par des contraintes physiques dues au milieu hyperbare correspondant à l’augmentation des pressions partielles des gaz respirés suivant la profondeur de la plongée. De plus, elle se définit par des contraintes physiologiques liées à l’immersion au niveau respiratoire, cardiovasculaire, notamment. La population mondiale est vieillissante, celle des plongeurs l’est également. L’utilisation des médicaments est, de surcroit, grandissante, que ce soit sur prescription médicale ou en automédication. Le pharmacien d’Officine a un rôle primordial à jouer afin de sécuriser la dispensation des médicaments pour cette population particulière et ainsi de prévenir la survenue des accidents de plongée. En effet, certains médicaments peuvent les favoriser. Dans ce but, nous avons réalisé, avec les connaissances actuelles disponibles, des tableaux sur certaines classes thérapeutiques et des fiches synthétiques à l’intention du pharmacien et de son équipe. Ces fiches portent sur les thématiques suivantes : la douleur, l’asthme, le diabète, le rhume et la rhinite allergique, les corticoïdes, les bétabloquants. Elles pourraient être facilement utilisables au comptoir, néanmoins la diffusion reste à développer. En espérant que ce travail apportera une réelle aide aux pharmaciens

    Music and its performance like a vehicle of expression and communication

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    Through the practice experience as violin´s performer, in this paper the author shows the communicative intention of music and emphasizes the expressive and emotional feelings that musicians feel and perceive through the music they perform, transmitting their sensations to the audience. With a very personal vision, she shows how the communicative function of performers has always existed along the history of music, and she remembers the most representative figures of all times, as performers and as expressive creators

    La música y su interpretación como vehículo de expresión y comunicación

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    Through the practice experience as violin´s performer, in this paper the author shows the communicative intention of music and emphasizes the expressive and emotional feelings that musicians feel and perceive through the music they perform, transmitting their sensations to the audience. With a very personal vision, she shows how the communicative function of performers has always existed along the history of music, and she remembers the most representative figures of all times, as performers and as expressive creators.A través de la experiencia práctica como intérprete del violín, la autora plasma en este artículo ¡a intención comunicativa de la música y destaca los valores emocionales y expresivos que los músicos sienten y perciben a través de la música que interpretan, proyectando sus sensaciones al oyente. Con una visión muy personal, muestra cómo la función comunicadora de los intérpretes ha existido siempre a lo largo de la historía de la música, y recuerda las figuras más representativas de todos los tiempos que desempeñaron su actividad como intérpretes-comunicadores y como creadores-expresivos
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