21 research outputs found

    Cache-aware static scheduling for hard real-time multicore systems based on communication affinities

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    The growing need for continuous processing capabilities has led to the development of multicore systems with a complex cache hierarchy. Such multicore systems are generally designed for improving the performance in average case, while hard real-time systems must consider worst-case scenarios. An open challenge is therefore to efficiently schedule hard real-time tasks on a multicore architecture. In this work, we propose a mathematical formulation for computing a static scheduling that minimize L1 data cache misses between hard real-time tasks on a multicore architecture using communication affinities

    Estimation of the Reliability of Automatic Axial-balancing Devices for Multistage Centrifugal Pumps

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    The permanent increase of operating parameters of modern multistage centrifugal pumps requires more precise modelling for estimation their dynamic reliability and needs to develop new approach and methodology for the related calculations. It is necessary to change the approach assuming empirical coefficients to another one based on the probabilistic design for analysis of reliability for pumps and their nodes. In this case, the probabilistic parameters of the design features and fluid flow are significant for the calculation (e. g. geometry of gap seals, boundary conditions, material properties) and should be considered. The automatic axial-balancing device of the rotor is one of the most important nodes of multi-stage centrifugal pumps. It operates as the balancing disc for the axial force up to 1 MN. This paper presents the methodology for the numerical calculation of the balancing disc and its influence on the reliability of multistage centrifugal pumps. The proposed approach is based on the criterion of the permissible amplitudes of axial oscillations of the rotor with the automatic axial-balancing device considering probabilistic origin of main geometrical, hydromechanical and operating parameters

    Friction Properties of the Heat-Treated Electroless Ni Coatings Embedded with c-BN Nanoparticles

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    The nickel (Ni) coatings without and with embedded (5-7 vol. %) cubic boron nitride (c-BN) nanoparticles (10 nm in diameter) were deposited on carbon steel substrate by an electroless plating process. Coatings were tested in as-deposited and heat-treated (heating at 300 degrees C for 6 h) conditions. Coating structure characterisation was performed, as well as hardness and roughness measurements. Friction properties were tested in dry and in water (seawater) lubricated contact conditions, with bronze as a counter-body material. Both static and kinetic coefficients of friction were measured for two different surface texture preparations (initial and working). The first surface texture simulated the running-in condition, and the second surface texture represented the steady-state conditions. The enhancement of the abrasive and erosive wear resistance of heat-treated electroless Ni coatings with embedded c-BN nanoparticles was already proved in our previous studies. This study aims to investigate those influences on friction properties of electroless Ni coatings in different sliding conditions. The results show that the coefficients of friction did not differ too much between the coatings and that the surface roughness and presence of seawater had a much stronger influence

    [Avian cytogenetics goes functional] Third report on chicken genes and chromosomes 2015

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    High-density gridded libraries of large-insert clones using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and other vectors are essential tools for genetic and genomic research in chicken and other avian species... Taken together, these studies demonstrate that applications of large-insert clones and BAC libraries derived from birds are, and will continue to be, effective tools to aid high-throughput and state-of-the-art genomic efforts and the important biological insight that arises from them

    Taste In Man - cycle of paintings medium format

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    Bakalářská práce se skládá ze dvou částí praktické a teoretické. V první z nich jsem vytvořil sérii pěti maleb. Použitá technika malby je akryl v kombinaci s olejovým pastelem na desce o rozměrech 122x92 centimetrů. V podstatě se jedná o sociální dokument, který obráží zrcadlo dnešní doby v lokální úrovni. Společným jmenovatelem jednotlivých obrazů je slovo hřích. V teoretické části jsem popsal průběh své práce, hlavní inspirační zdroje, popsal jsem hlavní myšlenková východiska, charakteristiku použité techniky a materiálů, vlastní malbu a konkrétně jsem interpretoval jednotlivé obrazy. V neposlední řadě jsem zkusil nastínit možné využití tohoto tématu ve výtvarné výchově a vzdělávání.Katedra výtvarné kulturyObhájenoThe bachelor thesis is composed by two parts the practical one and the theoretical one. In the first one I created a series of five paintings. Used technique of paintings is acrylic in combination with oil pastels on hardboard, size is 122x92 centimetres. In theoretical part i have described process of my work, the main source of inspiration, description of artistic intention and technological process. I described the individual works. Finally, the possible use of the theme in education

    Special Issue on Modelling, Simulation and Control in Combustion Processes of Renewable Fuels

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    The modeling and simulation of combustion processes is still a challenging field [...

    Auxiliary device for accurate measurement by the smartvision system

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    The article deals with the design of equipment for accurate measurement or checking linear dimensions using a smart vision system. Commercial smart vision systems can not accurately measure large linear dimensions because the precision of the camera sensor decreases with distance from measured object. The main benefit of the proposed solution is the possibility of continuous measuring in production lines with high precision even for very long dimensions. © 2018, MM publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.APVV-15-0602, APVV, Agentúra na Podporu Výskumu a Vývoja; NPU I LO1303, MŠMT, Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a TělovýchovyAgency for Research and Development [APVV-15-0602and, NPU I LO1303]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech RepublicMinistry of Education, Youth & Sports - Czech Republi

    Parameter identification of the basset force acting on particles in fluid flow induced by the oscillating wall

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    The article is aimed at the development of the analytical approach for evaluating the parameters of the Basset force acting on a particle in two-dimensional fluid flow induced by the oscillating wall. By applying regression analysis, analytical expressions to determine complementary functions were established for evaluating the Basset force. The obtained dependencies were generalized using the infinite power series. As a result of studying the hydrodynamics of a two-phase flow, analytical dependencies to determine the Basset force were proposed for assessing its impact on particles of the dispersed phase in a plane channel with the oscillating wall. It was discovered that the Basset force affects larger particles. However, in the case of relatively large wavelengths, its averaged value for the vibration period is neglected. Additionally, the value of the Basset force was determined analytically for the case of relatively small wavelengths. Moreover, it was discovered that its impact can be increased by reducing the wavelength of the oscillating wall

    Tribological characterisation in dry sliding conditions of compocasted hybrid A356/SiCp/Gr(p) composites with graphite macroparticles

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    The influence of SiC microparticles reinforcement and graphite macroparticles addition on the friction and wear characteristics of A356 Al-Si alloys, produced by compocasting, has been assessed using a pin-on-disc tribometer. The incorporation of SiC reinforcement increased the coefficient of friction and reduced the wear. The addition of graphite did not reduce the coefficient of friction. In the case of hybrid composite with 1wt% graphite, wear was more or less the same as with SiC reinforced composite, while in the case of hybrid composite with 3wt% graphite, wear was further reduced. On the worn surfaces of hybrid composites, the presence of the discontinuous mixed surface layer, containing graphite and transferred counter-body material, was noticed