471 research outputs found

    Rapid decline in child mortality in a rural area of Senegal

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    Retrospective and prospective demographic and health data collected on the population of Mlomp (6352 people in 1985), a rural area of Senegal, show that the probability of dying before the age of 5 years declined from 350 to 81 deaths per hundred livebirths in the last 25 years. This dedine is greater and faster than ever observed in Senegal. The drop in mortality mainly results from improved access to new and efficient health services-a dispensary and a maternity clinic-and from growth surveillance, health education, vaccination and malaria programmes initiated in the 1960s and 1970s. Although socioeconomic conditions have changed in the area, the influence of classical factors such as women's educational level and improvement in transportation has probably been limited. Deaths from diseases that can be prevented by immunization (such as neonatal tetanus, measles, whooping cough) are now very rare (3% of the deaths of children under 5 years during the period 1985–1989). Although the risks of dying from diarrhoea or acute respiratory infections are much lower than in other rural areas of Senegal, these are still the main causes of deaths (33% and 19% of deaths after 1 month of age). Malaria, despite its high morbidity during the rainy season, causes few deaths (4%). This reflects the success of the health education programme promoting chemoprophylaxis and early treatment of fever cases. Mlomp is one example of an African rural area where the provision of well-organized health services at a reasonable cost has produced a dramatic decline in child mortality

    Hypoxia and muscle maintenance regulation: implications for chronic respiratory disease

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Muscle wasting and impaired muscle oxidative metabolism are common extrapulmonary features of chronic respiratory failure (CRF) that significantly increase disease burden. This review aims to address the question whether hypoxia, an obvious consequence of this disease, actually plays a causal role in these muscle impairments. RECENT FINDINGS: In experimental models, a causal role for hypoxia in muscle atrophy and metabolic impairments has clearly been shown. Although the hypoxia-inducible factors and nuclear factor kappa B are putative mediators of these hypoxia-induced alterations, their true involvement remains to be proven. Molecular signatures of disrupted regulation of muscle mass and oxidative metabolism observed in these experimental models also have been shown in muscles of patients suffering from CRF, suggestive of but not conclusive for a causal role of hypoxia. Therapies, including but not restricted to those aimed at alleviating hypoxia, have been shown to partially but not completely restore muscle mass and oxidative capacity in CRF patients, which may imply an additive effect of nutritional modulation of substrate metabolism. SUMMARY: Although hypoxia clearly affects skeletal muscle maintenance, it remains to be confirmed whether and by which underlying molecular mechanisms hypoxia is causally involved in CRF-related muscle atrophy and impaired oxidative capacity

    Mixing divalent ionic liquids : effects of charge and side-chains

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    Funding Information: EB acknowledges UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for funding of doctoral studies, MCG and LP thank the Institute of Chemistry at Clermont-Ferrand for the use of the densimeter and the viscometer. MCG and AvdB acknowledge the financial support of the project IDEXLYON of the University of Lyon (ANR-16-IDEX-0005). TW acknowledges an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant for funding. Publisher Copyright: © the Owner Societies 2021.We have prepared novel divalent ionic liquids (ILs) based on the bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion where two charged imidazolium groups in the cations are either directly bound to each other or linked by a single atom. We assessed the influence of the side-chain functionality and divalency on their physical properties and on the thermodynamics of mixing. The results indicate that shortening the spacer of a divalent IL reduces its thermal stability and increases its viscosity. Mixtures of divalent and monovalent ILs show small but significant deviations from ideality upon mixing. These deviations appear to depend primarily on the (mis)match of the nature and length of the cation side-chain. The non-ideality imposed by mixing ILs with different side-chains appears to be enhanced by the increase in formal charge of the cations in the mixture.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Learning a Factor Model via Regularized PCA

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    We consider the problem of learning a linear factor model. We propose a regularized form of principal component analysis (PCA) and demonstrate through experiments with synthetic and real data the superiority of resulting estimates to those produced by pre-existing factor analysis approaches. We also establish theoretical results that explain how our algorithm corrects the biases induced by conventional approaches. An important feature of our algorithm is that its computational requirements are similar to those of PCA, which enjoys wide use in large part due to its efficiency

    Mud Origin, Characterisation and Human Activities (MOCHA): Final report

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    The cohesive sediments, which are frequently found in the Belgian nearshore zone (southern North Sea), are of different age such as tertiary clays and Holocene, modern and recently deposited muds. The area is characterised by a turbidity maximum. The source areas of the recently deposited muds and the effect of human impact vs. natural processes on the distribution and/or erosion of these sediments have been investigated using historic and recent bottom samples, in situ and remote sensing (satellite images) SPM concentration measurements, numerical modelling, GIS and clay mineral and microfossil analysis. The Schelde estuary, the potential erosion areas of cohesive sediments on the BCS and adjacent areas and the SPM transport through the Dover Strait have been considered as possible source areas.The historic bottom samples have been collected in the beginning of the 20th century, the quality of these samples and the meta-information is very high and they have proven to be a major reference to understand the evolution of the cohesive sediment distribution. The recent bottom samples consist of box core, Reineck core and Van Veen grab samples collected during the last 10 years. The processing of the historic and recent data on cohesive sediments was mainly based on field descriptions of the samples (consolidation, thickness) and morphological evolution. On some of the recent samples radioactive and gamma densitometric measurements have been carried out. During the processing the emphasis was put on the occurrence of thick layers (>30 cm) of freshly deposited to very soft consolidated mud and of clay and mud pebbles, because these sediments are witnesses of changes.Satellite images, in situ measurements and a 2D hydrodynamic numerical model have been combined to calculate the long term SPM transport through the Dover Strait and in the southern North Sea. The satellite images (SeaWiFS) provide synoptic views of SPM concentration. The representativness of SPM concentration maps derived from satellites for calculating long term transports has been investigated by comparing the SPM concentration variability from the in situ measurements with those of the satellite data. It is underlined that SPM concentration measurements should be carried out during at least one tidal cycle in high turbidity areas to obtain representative values of SPM concentration.Areas where the thickness of the Quaternary cover is less than 2.5 m were defined as potential erosion areas of Palaeogene clay containing deposits. In the framework of this project, the geological data related to the BCS have been reviewed and the relevant information was compiled into a GIS. This also included a small part of the French continental shelf. Additionally information was added from vibrocores analysis and Dutch geological data. Approximately 20 % of the BCS, 6 % of the small part of the French area and only 3% of the Dutch study area could possibly serve as a source for fine suspended sediments. Quaternary muds are mostly presented in the 2 eastern nearshore area; on the Dutch part they occur more offshore. Their occurrence represents 11% of the BCS and approximately 35% of the Rabsbank area Cretaceous microfossils are present in all samples and have been transported into the area with the residual water transport. Material from the east, in particular from the Eocene-Oligocene transitional strata, has been found in the eastern nearshore area up to about Oostende. This zone coincides with the extension of the Holocene mud and could indicate an erosion of these sediments and/or a transport of clay minerals from the Schelde estuary.Clay mineral analysis has been carried by two approaches in order to determine source areas. The results of the second approach show that no systematic differences in the clay mineralogy depending on geographic location could have been found within the samples. The results clearly prove the necessity of using more elaborate sample preparation procedures in examining the provenance of the mud deposits.Thick layers of fresh mud were deposited in the beginning of the 20th century mainly in a narrow band along the coast from about Nieuwpoort up to the mouth of the Westerschelde. These deposits were mainly the result of natural morphological changes. Today, most of the depositions of thick layers of fresh mud have been induced by anthropogenic operations, such as dumping, deepening of the navigation channels and construction and extension of the port of Zeebrugge. Comparing the actual situation with the situation 100 years ago reveals that the area around Zeebrugge where fresh mud is deposited extends more offshore today