13 research outputs found

    Molecular analysis distinguishes metastatic disease from second cancers in patients with retinoblastoma

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    The pediatric ocular tumor retinoblastoma readily metastasizes, but these lesions can masquerade as histologically similar pediatric small round blue cell tumors. Since 98% of retinoblastomas have RB1 mutations and a characteristic genomic copy number “signature”, genetic analysis is an appealing adjunct to histopathology to distinguish retinoblastoma metastasis from second primary cancer in retinoblastoma patients. Here, we describe such an approach in two retinoblastoma cases. In patient one, allele-specific (AS)-PCR for a somatic nonsense mutation confirmed that a temple mass was metastatic retinoblastoma. In a second patient, a rib mass shared somatic copy number gains and losses with the primary tumor. For definitive diagnosis, however, an RB1 mutation was needed, but heterozygous promoter→exon 11 deletion was the only RB1 mutation detected in the primary tumor. We used a novel application of inverse PCR to identify the deletion breakpoint. Subsequently, AS-PCR designed for the breakpoint confirmed that the rib mass was metastatic retinoblastoma. These cases demonstrate that personalized molecular testing can confirm retinoblastoma metastases and rule out a second primary cancer, thereby helping to direct the clinical management

    DisProt: intrinsic protein disorder annotation in 2020

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    The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: https://disprot.org) provides manually curated annotations of intrinsically disordered proteins from the literature. Here we report recent developments with DisProt (version 8), including the doubling of protein entries, a new disorder ontology, improvements of the annotation format and a completely new website. The website includes a redesigned graphical interface, a better search engine, a clearer API for programmatic access and a new annotation interface that integrates text mining technologies. The new entry format provides a greater flexibility, simplifies maintenance and allows the capture of more information from the literature. The new disorder ontology has been formalized and made interoperable by adopting the OWL format, as well as its structure and term definitions have been improved. The new annotation interface has made the curation process faster and more effective. We recently showed that new DisProt annotations can be effectively used to train and validate disorder predictors. We believe the growth of DisProt will accelerate, contributing to the improvement of function and disorder predictors and therefore to illuminate the ‘dark’ proteome

    Caractérisation des périodes de sécheresse sur le domaine de l'Afrique simulée par le Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC5)

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    Les conséquences des changements climatiques sur la fréquence ainsi que sur l'intensité des précipitations auront un impact direct sur les périodes de sécheresse et par conséquent sur différents secteurs économiques tels que le secteur de l'agriculture. Ainsi, dans cette étude, l'habilité du Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC5) à simuler les différentes caractéristiques des périodes de sécheresse est évaluée pour 4 seuils de précipitation soit 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm et 3 mm. Ces caractéristiques incluent le nombre de jours secs, le nombre de périodes de sécheresse ainsi que le maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans. Les résultats sont présentés pour des moyennes annuelles et saisonnières. L'erreur de performance est évaluée en comparant le MRCC5 piloté par ERA-Interim aux données d'analyses du GPCP pour le climat présent (1997-2008). L'erreur due aux conditions aux frontières c'est-à-dire les erreurs de pilotage du MRCC5, soit par CanESM2 et par ERA-Interim ainsi que l'évaluation de la valeur ajoutée du MRCC5 face au CanESM2 sont également analysées. L'analyse de ces caractéristiques est également faite dans un contexte de climat changeant pour deux périodes futures, soit 2041-2070 et 2071-2100 à l'aide du MRCC5 piloté par le modèle de circulation générale CanESM2 de même que par le modèle CanESM2 sous le scénario RCP 4.5. Les résultats suggèrent que le MRCC5 piloté par ERA-Interim a tendance à surestimer la moyenne annuelle du nombre de jours secs ainsi que le maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans dans la plupart des régions de l'Afrique et une tendance à sous-estimer le nombre de périodes de sécheresse. En général, l'erreur de performance est plus importante que l'erreur due aux conditions aux frontières pour les différentes caractéristiques de périodes de sécheresse. Pour les régions équatoriales, les changements appréhendés par le MRCC5 piloté par CanESM2 pour les différentes caractéristiques de périodes de sécheresse et pour deux périodes futures (2041-2070 et 2071-2100), suggèrent une augmentation significatives du nombre de jours secs ainsi que du maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans. Une diminution significative du nombre de périodes de sécheresse est aussi prévue.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Modèle Régional du Climat, Changement climatique, Jours secs, Nombre de périodes de sécheresse, Événement de faible récurrence, Afriqu

    Critical assessment of protein intrinsic disorder prediction

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    Abstract: Intrinsically disordered proteins, defying the traditional protein structure–function paradigm, are a challenge to study experimentally. Because a large part of our knowledge rests on computational predictions, it is crucial that their accuracy is high. The Critical Assessment of protein Intrinsic Disorder prediction (CAID) experiment was established as a community-based blind test to determine the state of the art in prediction of intrinsically disordered regions and the subset of residues involved in binding. A total of 43 methods were evaluated on a dataset of 646 proteins from DisProt. The best methods use deep learning techniques and notably outperform physicochemical methods. The top disorder predictor has Fmax = 0.483 on the full dataset and Fmax = 0.792 following filtering out of bona fide structured regions. Disordered binding regions remain hard to predict, with Fmax = 0.231. Interestingly, computing times among methods can vary by up to four orders of magnitude

    DisProt 7.0 : a major update of the database of disordered proteins

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    Es va publicar un treball amb esmenes a aquest article que es pot consultar a https://ddd.uab.cat/record/186050 (DOI 10.1093/nar/gkw1279)Ajuts: COST Action BM1405 NGP-net; ELIXIR-IIB (elixir-italy.org); 'Lendület' Grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences [LP2014-16 to Z.D.]; Hungarian Scientific Research Fund [OTKA K 108798 to Z.D.]; AIRC Research Fellowship (to D.P.); Spanish Ministerio de Educación Cultura i Deporte PhD Fellowship (to J.P.); Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) PhD Fellowship [215503 to M.M.-C.]; Grant PortoNeuroDRIve@i3S funded by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (to S.M.-R.); Direction Générale des Armées and Aix-Marseille University PhD Fellowship (to E.Sa.); OTKA Grant [PD-OTKA 108772 to E.Sc.]; French Ministry of National Education, Research and Technology PhD Fellowship (to A.S.); Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia [173001, 173049 to N.V., R.D.]; ICREA-Academia Award (to S.V.); Odysseus Grant from Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) [G.0029.12 to P.T.]; AIRC IG Grant [17753 to S.T., in part]; Italian Ministry of Health [GR-2011-02347754 to E.L., S.T.; GR-2011-02346845 to S.T.]; Swedish Research Council Grant [VR-NT 2012-5046 to A.E.]. Computational resources were provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at NSC. Funding for open access charge: COST Action BM1405 NGP-net.The Database of Protein Disorder (DisProt, URL: ) has been significantly updated and upgraded since its last major renewal in 2007. The current release holds information on more than 800 entries of IDPs/IDRs, i.e. intrinsically disordered proteins or regions that exist and function without a well-defined three-dimensional structure. We have re-curated previous entries to purge DisProt from conflicting cases, and also upgraded the functional classification scheme to reflect continuous advance in the field in the past 10 years or so. We define IDPs as proteins that are disordered along their entire sequence, i.e. entirely lack structural elements, and IDRs as regions that are at least five consecutive residues without well-defined structure. We base our assessment of disorder strictly on experimental evidence, such as X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (primary techniques) and a broad range of other experimental approaches (secondary techniques). Confident and ambiguous annotations are highlighted separately. DisProt 7.0 presents classified knowledge regarding the experimental characterization and functional annotations of IDPs/IDRs, and is intended to provide an invaluable resource for the research community for a better understanding structural disorder and for developing better computational tools for studying disordered proteins