63 research outputs found

    A Unique Case Report of Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy Associated With Endometrial Cancer and Literature Review.

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    Introduction:  In this manuscript, we present an oncological case of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy (HOA) associated with endometrial cancer.Presentation of the case:  A 46 year-old woman with a history of endometrial cancer (ER+/PR+) presented with hemoptysis and severe diffuse muscle and joint pain, intractable to hydromorphone and non-steroidal-anti-inflammatories. She was diffusely tender to palpation, prominently in the bilateral lower extremities. Bone scintigraphy showed diffuse osteoblastic activity in all extremities, most prominent in the tibiae, concordant with HOA.  Patient was treated with zoledronic acid (ZA) and ketorolac, achieving adequate pain control. Conclusion:  HOA has been associated with multiple primary malignancies, as well as other medical conditions.  Its association with endometrial cancer has been rarely described in the literature.  The pathophysiology of this disorder is poorly understood.  More studies are needed to further enhance our understanding of this rare disease

    Violencia de usuarios a personal sanitario en centros de Atención Primaria de la Región de Murcia.

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    La violencia en el sector laboral es una problemática social de creciente preocupación a nivel mundial. Entre los grupos más afectados, algunas organizaciones internacionales señalan que, al menos uno de cuada cuatro casos son vividos por el personal sanitario. La más común es aquella que es ejercida por los usuarios de estos servicios, predominando la violencia de baja o media intensidad (no física), sobre alta intensidad (física). Esto tiene múltiples consecuencias sobre los profesionales tanto a nivel físico como psicológico. El objetivo del presente estudio, pretende explorar las principales fuentes de conflicto en los centros de Atención Primaria de la Región de Murcia y posibles formas de reducir esta conflictividad desde la perspectiva de los propios profesionales. Se utilizará un diseño transversal con metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa. Desde la perspec tiva cualitativa, se emplearán grupos focales y análisis temáticos con los representantes de los principales grupos profesionales y otros informadores clave. Desde la perspectiva cuantitativa, se evaluarán variables sociodemográficas y la percepción de violencia de usuarios con la totalidad de los centros participantes. Para el desarrollo de este estudio, se contará con la colaboración del Servicio Murciano de Salud y seis centros de Atención Primaria de la Región de Murcia. De la ejecución del presente proyecto se espera que se pueda conocer con mayor especificidad cuales son los principales focos de conflicto entre usuarios y profesionales. Así como servir de base para la ideación de planes de prevención/intervención para reducir la violencia de usuarios hacia el personal sanitario

    Communications in flexible supervisor for laboratory research in renewable energy

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    In laboratories new systems are created where researchers hope to obtain improved functions at a reasonable cost. In them, specialists need efficient tools that offer better performance and flexible features. This paper designs and implements a SCADA system for GERA laboratory (Scientific Group for Applied Renewable Energy at the University of Oriente) adjusted to the inherent characteristics of flexibility and functionality required in research centers. All these features are supported in an efficient communication system with the implementation of various protocols and novel solutions for this type of systems for monitoring and control. It verifies and validates the system for formal methods

    Helicobacter pylori growth pattern in reference media and extracts from selected minimally processed vegetables

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    [EN] Helicobacter pylori is an emergent foodborne pathogen of concern, the entrance of which into the food chain has been recently related with the possible contamination of raw or minimally processed vegetables. The present study documented the growth kinetics of the bacterium at 5, 20 and 37 degrees C, in reference media and vegetable substrates, to be fitted to the Gompertz equation. H. pylori was able to grow at 37 degrees C and 20 degrees C, but not at refrigeration temperature. Incubation temperature decrease significantly (p-value < 0.05) affected growth kinetic parameters, with the elongation of lag phase duration (lambda) and the reduction of the maximum specific growth rate (mu(max)) (0.10 log(10)(CFU/ml)/h at 37 degrees C; 0.04 log(10)(CFU/ml)/h at 20 degrees C). In vegetable extracts, the microorganism remained in a viable culturable (VC) form for a maximum of 5 days (20 degrees C), being unable to grow significantly in chard, spinach and in kale. In lettuce, H. pylori achieved growth of close to 1 log(10) cycle (after 5 days at 20 degrees C) (mu(max) 0.79 log(10)(CFU/ml)/d). The present study is the first reporting kinetic parameter values describing the growth behavior of H. pylori at its optimum growth temperature and, also studying the most relevant handling temperatures for minimally processed vegetables: commercial distribution (room temperature 20 degrees C), and refrigeration temperature. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The present research work has been supported by the funds provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) as HELICOFOOD project with reference AGL2014-53875-R. Postdoctoral contract of M.C. Pina-Perez as Juan de la Cierva-Incorporacion granted by the MINECO is also acknowledged.Pina Pérez, MC.; González Pellicer, A.; Moreno Trigos, MY.; Ferrús Pérez, MA. (2017). Helicobacter pylori growth pattern in reference media and extracts from selected minimally processed vegetables. Food Control. 86:389-396. doi:10.1016/j.foodcont.2017.11.044S3893968

    Tough Love Lessons: Lateral Violence among Hospital Nurses

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    Background: Workplace violence is a growing social problem among many professions, but it particularly affects the health sector. Studies have mainly focused on evaluating user violence toward health professionals, with less attention being paid to other sources of conflict, such as co-workers themselves. There are different manifestations of this violence in what has been called a context of tolerated or normalized violence among co-workers. However, its effects are far from being tolerable, as they have an impact on general health and job satisfaction and contribute to burnout among professionals. Based on this idea, and following the line of the previous literature, nursing staff are a population at high risk of exposure to workplace violence. For this reason, the present study aims to evaluate exposure to lateral violence or violence among co-workers in nursing staff in public health services and the relationship of this exposure with some of the most studied consequences. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional associative study was carried out in which scales of workplace violence (HABS-CS), burnout (MBI-GS), job satisfaction (OJS), and general health (GHQ-28) were applied to a sample of 950 nursing staff from 13 public hospitals located in the southeast of Spain. (3) Results: The results show that nursing staff have a high exposure to violence from their co-workers, which is more common in male nurses. Greater exposure is observed in professionals with between 6 and 10 years of experience in the profession, and it is not characteristic of our sample to receive greater violence when they have less experience or are younger. A positive correlation is observed with high levels of burnout and a negative correlation with general health and job satisfaction. (4) Conclusions: The results of this work contribute to increasing the scientific evidence of the consequences of a type of workplace violence frequent among nursing staff and to which less attention has been paid in relative terms to other types of prevalent violence. Organizations should be aware of the importance of this type of workplace violence, its frequency and impact, and implement appropriate prevention policies that include the promotion of a culture that does not reward violence or minimize reporting. A change of mentality in the academic environment is also recommended in order to promote a more adequate training of nursing staff in this field

    Evidence of Surface Rupture Associated With Historical Earthquakes in the Lower Tagus Valley, Portugal. Implications for Seismic Hazard in the Greater Lisbon Area

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    The Lower Tagus Valley Fault, Portugal, has long been associated with the damaging earthquakes that affected the Greater Lisbon Area in historical times. These include a poorly documented earthquake that occurred in 1344, the relatively well-documented 1531 earthquake, and the most recent M6.0 1909 earthquake. In this work, we use a 0.5 m resolution LiDAR-based digital elevation model and a 0.5 cm resolution digital surface model based on UAV photogrammetry to accurately locate the fault scarps in the northernmost portion of the western fault strand and to select sites to perform paleoseimolological investigations. The paleoseismological and geochronological analysis performed in the Alviela trench site document the fault activity in the last 3000 years, including two earthquakes during historical times. We performed ground motion scenarios for 20 km, 40 km, and 60 km ruptures including the trench site. The ground motion fields obtained for the 40 km and 60 km ruptures are in agreement with most macroseismic intensity data available for the 1531 earthquake, implying a magnitude in the range M6.8–7.4. However, the degree of deformation preserved in the trench suggests a value closer to the lower magnitude bound. The intensity level observed in Lisbon in 1531 (IX) is lower than the modeled intensities for all considered scenarios and could be related to a particularly high level of vulnerability of the building stock

    SINDE V. 1.0: Desarrollo de un soporte informático sobre nutrición y dietética para Enfermería

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    SINDE v. 1.0, es un programa multimedia resultado de una combinación de aspectos pedagógicos, informáticos y curriculares, que pretende ser un método innovador de aprendizaje, que de forma clara, interactiva e intuitiva desarrolle el contenido de la asignatura de "Nutrición y Dietética" de la diplomatura de enfermería de la Universidad Pública de Navarra. Se ha desarrollado con Director 6.0. e incluye dibujos, gráficos, animaciones, sonido y otros recursos multimedia. La implantación del programa que se presenta en CD-ROM se llevará a cabo, bajo entorno windows, para uso de los estudiantes de enfermería, y se utilizarán distintas herramientas para la validación del programa

    Genetic diversity of the Spanish apple genetic resources using SSRs

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    The Spanish Program of Plant Genetic Resources integrates, among others, the collections located at Public University of Navarre, Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo, Cabildos (Tenerife, La Palma and Gran Canaria), University of Lleida, Estación Experimental de Aula Dei-CSIC and CITA of Aragon. Those collections include mainly local cultivars from their respective regions, covering most of the Spanish apple-growing areas. Though some previous studies about the genetic variability of apple genetics resources from Spain were already performed, a complete analysis is needed in order to evaluate the complete diversity of Malus spp. in Spain. For doing that, the Spanish Government funded the project ¿Harmonization of the methodology of characterization, assessment of genetic diversity and definition of the core collection of the apple germplasm conserved in Spanish genebanks¿. In total, we have evaluated 1206 accessions using standardized methodologies, with SSR markers and morphological descriptors. SSR fingerprinting was performed with 13 SSR markers. SSR profiles were obtained independently and allele sizes were compared using a common set of cultivars selected as references. Results showed 601 genotypes for 1206 accessions. Most of the genotypes (438) were identified only in one accession. The other 163 genotypes were repeated in two to 81 accessions (involving 767 accessions in total). The harmonization of morphological descriptors will allow us to determine if the accessions with the same genotype are synonymies or closely related individuals. Results of this study highlight the interest of coordinated actions in order to optimize the management of germplasm collections and to evaluate the complete genetic diversity of Malus spp. in Spain.Peer Reviewe

    Propiedades psicométricas del Pain and Sensitivity Reactivity Scales (PSRS) en población neurotípica infantojuvenil

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    La percepción del dolor y la reactividad sensorial se presenta como una tarea difícil para la ciencia al ser considera una respuesta subjetiva que depende de diferencias individuales. Esta dificultad se incrementa aún más si la población de estudio incluye a niños y a adolescentes. Para la medición de esta respuesta se pueden utilizar medidas neurofisiológicas o escalas estandarizadas que cuantifiquen la información. Esta evaluación es de suma importancia, ya que puede detectar si existe una dificultad para recibir e interpretar los estímulos sensoriales tanto exteroceptivos como interoceptivos. Sin embargo, aún no existe una escala dimensional para población infanto-juvenil que aborde este campo. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar las propiedades psicométricas del Pain and Sensitivity Reactivity Scale (PSRS) en población infanto-juvenil neurotípica. La muestra está formada por más de 1000 niños y adolescentes de 12 a 17 años. La versión infanto-juvenil de la PSRS está formada tres escalas que hacen referencia al dolor, la hiposensibilidad e hipersensibilidad. Los resultados muestran una consistencia interna adecuada tanto para las diferentes escalas y como para el instrumento. Por último, en el análisis factorial exploratorio aparecen las tres dimensiones principales. En conclusión, poder evaluar la percepción del dolor y la reactividad sensorial en población infanto-juvenil puede ayudar a contextualizar problemas conductuales, emocionales e incluso académicos que pueden estar encubiertos por el desconocimiento que tanto el propio individuo muestra sobre su percepción como por el desconocimiento que familiares y profesionales de la educación presentan sobre las diferencias en la reactividad sensorial y la percepción del dolor.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech