73 research outputs found

    Binding of Estrogenic Compounds to Recombinant Estrogen Receptor-α: Application to Environmental Analysis

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    Estrogenic activity in environmental samples could be mediated through a wide variety of compounds and by various mechanisms. High-affinity compounds for estrogen receptors (ERs), such as natural or synthetic estrogens, as well as low-affinity compounds such as alkylphenols, phthalates, and polychlorinated biphenyls are present in water and sediment samples. Furthermore, compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which do not bind ERs, modulate estrogen activity by means of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). In order to characterize compounds that mediate estrogenic activity in river water and sediment samples, we developed a tool based on the ER-αligand-binding domain, which permitted us to estimate contaminating estrogenic compound affinities. We designed a simple transactivation assay in which compounds of high affinity were captured by limited amounts of recombinant ER-αand whose capture led to a selective inhibition of transactivation. This approach allowed us to bring to light that water samples contain estrogenic compounds that display a high affinity for ERs but are present at low concentrations. In sediment samples, on the contrary, we showed that estrogenic compounds possess a low affinity and are present at high concentration. Finally, we used immobilized recombinant ER-αto separate ligands for ER and AhR that are present in river sediments. Immobilized ER-α, which does not retain dioxin-like compounds, enabled us to isolate and concentrate ER ligands to facilitate their further analysis

    Profiling of benzophenone derivatives using fish and human estrogen receptor-specific in vitro bioassays.

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    International audienceBenzophenone (BP) derivatives, BP1 (2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone), BP2 (2,2',4,4'-tetrahydroxybenzophenone), BP3 (2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone), and THB (2,4,4'-trihydroxybenzophenone) are UV-absorbing chemicals widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and industrial applications, such as topical sunscreens in lotions and hair sprays to protect skin and hair from UV irradiation. Studies on their endocrine disrupting properties have mostly focused on their interaction with human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha), and there has been no comprehensive analysis of their potency in a system allowing comparison between hERalpha and hERbeta activities. The objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive ER activation profile of BP derivatives using ER from human and fish origin in a battery of in vitro tests, i.e., competitive binding, reporter gene based assays, vitellogenin (Vtg) induction in isolated rainbow trout hepatocytes, and proliferation based assays. The ability to induce human androgen receptor (hAR)-mediated reporter gene expression was also examined. All BP derivatives tested except BP3 were full hERalpha and hERbeta agonists (BP2>THB>BP1) and displayed a stronger activation of hERbeta compared with hERalpha, the opposite effect to that of estradiol (E2). Unlike E2, BPs were more active in rainbow trout ERalpha (rtERalpha) than in hERalpha assay. All four BP derivatives showed anti-androgenic activity (THB>BP2>BP1>BP3). Overall, the observed anti-androgenic potencies of BP derivatives, together with their proposed greater effect on ERbeta versus ERalpha activation, support further investigation of their role as endocrine disrupters in humans and wildlife

    Ligands environnementaux des récepteurs aux oestrogÚnes : développement d'outils de biosurveillance

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    Les perturbateurs endocriniens sont des substances chimiques, d'origine naturelle ou synthĂ©tique, susceptibles de modifier le fonctionnement d'une partie du systĂšme endocrinien et de provoquer des effets nĂ©fastes sur la santĂ© d'un organisme ou de sa descendance. Parmi ces substances, les plus Ă©tudiĂ©es sont celles capables de se lier aux rĂ©cepteurs aux ƓstrogĂšnes (ERs) et d'induire ou moduler une rĂ©ponse relayĂ©e par ce rĂ©cepteur. Ces xĂ©no-ƓstrogĂšnes ou ƓstrogĂšnes mimĂ©tiques proviennent essentiellement de l'industrie, de l'agriculture et des rejets urbains. Ils sont prĂ©sents dans les eaux de surface, les sĂ©diments de riviĂšre et dans les effluents de station d'Ă©puration. Par contre, si on commence Ă  avoir des renseignements sur les effets environnementaux, les substances mises en cause sont rarement identifiĂ©es. De nombreux tests biologiques in vivo et in vitro ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s pour Ă©valuer le potentiel d'un xĂ©no-biotique Ă  interagir avec le systĂšme endocrinien. Afin d'amĂ©liorer les mĂ©thodes existantes et de permettre la dĂ©tection et l'identification de ces xĂ©no-ƓstrogĂšnes environnementaux, nous avons Ă©tabli des lignĂ©es cellulaires bioluminescentes Ă  partir de cellules MCF-7 ou HeLa, dans lesquelles le gĂšne rapporteur de la lucifĂ©rase est exprimĂ© sous le contrĂŽle des ƓstrogĂšnes. Ces modĂšles cellulaires nous ont permis de mesurer l'activitĂ© de xĂ©no-ƓstrogĂšnes et d'Ă©tudier la spĂ©cificitĂ© de ligands environnementaux pour les isotypes du rĂ©cepteur aux ƓstrogĂšnes humain (ERa ou ERb) ou le rĂ©cepteur de la truite arc-en-ciel (rtER). Pour Ă©tudier l'effet in vivo des xĂ©no-ƓstrogĂšnes, nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© des xĂ©no-greffes de ces cellules bioluminescentes chez la souris nude mĂąle. Ce modĂšle d'analyse nous permet de prendre en compte l'accumulation et le mĂ©tabolisme dans l'organisme de ces xĂ©no-ƓstrogĂšnes.Enfin, pour dĂ©tecter et identifier les composĂ©s responsables de ces activitĂ©s ƓstrogĂ©niques dans les Ă©chantillons biologiques, nous avons mis au point une mĂ©thode de concentration et de purification spĂ©cifique des ƓstrogĂšnes par du rĂ©cepteur aux ƓstrogĂšnes recombinant immobilisĂ© sur sĂ©pharose.MONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocPARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les nombres au travail. Dynamiques et usages de la quantification dans les organisations

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    National audienceÀ partir de l’analyse de trois objets diffĂ©renciĂ©s – la mesure de la performance Ă  PĂŽle Emploi, des inĂ©galitĂ©s sexuĂ©es et de la santĂ© au travail en entreprise – cet article explore la dynamique et la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la quantification dans les organisations. Il montre notamment comment la traduction de la rĂ©alitĂ© dans des donnĂ©es numĂ©riques produit des effets de cadrage de la situation qui ne sont pas sans consĂ©quence sur la distribution des pouvoirs entre les acteurs sociaux. Il invite alors Ă  se pencher sur les usages multiples et potentiellement conflictuels portĂ©s par les parties prenantes au sein des organisations. Plus largement, cet article plaide pour une analyse rĂ©flexive et critique du pouvoir de la quantification au sein des organisations

    Imagerie en bioluminescence : application Ă  la cancĂ©rologie et l’endocrinologie

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    Depuis plus de 20 ans, notre laboratoire utilise diffĂ©rents systĂšmes d’imagerie en bioluminescence pour visualiser et quantifier les rĂ©actions de bioluminescence et de chimioluminescence. GrĂące Ă  cet Ă©quipement, nous avons pu sĂ©lectionner des clones cellulaires exprimant un gĂšne rapporteur bioluminescent et ainsi Ă©tablir de nombreuses lignĂ©es cellulaires afin d’étudier le mĂ©canisme d’action des rĂ©cepteurs nuclĂ©aires.Les cellules exprimant le gĂšne de lucifĂ©rase sous le contrĂŽle d’un promoteur constitutif sont utilisĂ©es pour suivre la prolifĂ©ration in vivo des cellules cancĂ©reuses. Nous avons comparĂ© l’efficacitĂ© de mesure de la luminescence in vitro et in vivo et dĂ©terminĂ© les conditions de mesure des rĂ©actions de bioluminescence. DiffĂ©rents modĂšles (cellules cancĂ©reuses greffĂ©es sur des souris) sont actuellement utilisĂ©s pour suivre l’évolution des tumeurs in vivo au cours de traitements.Les animaux bioluminescents sont Ă©galement de nouveaux outils pour Ă©valuer l’efficacitĂ© de traitements et le rĂŽle des rĂ©cepteurs hormonaux dans l’invasion. Des cellules exprimant un gĂšne rapporteur sous l’action d’hormones sont utilisĂ©es comme biosenseurs in vivo pour Ă©tudier la biodisponibilitĂ© d’analogues et les cinĂ©tiques de rĂ©ponse in vivo. Ces modĂšles sont complĂ©mentaires des modĂšles in vitro dĂ©veloppĂ©s depuis plusieurs annĂ©es dans notre laboratoire.Dans le futur, le ciblage de l’expression de gĂšnes rapporteurs (la lucifĂ©rase et la GFP) dans diffĂ©rents tissus cibles devrait permettre d’établir une cartographie prĂ©cise de l’action de nombreux ligands des rĂ©cepteurs nuclĂ©aires

    Substances entrant dans la formulation de cosmétiques et perturbations endocrines

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    International audienceCertaines substances entrant dans la formulation de cosmĂ©tiques sont suspectĂ©es ĂȘtre des perturbateurs endocriniens (PE). Parmi les substances utilisĂ©es dans la formulation de produits cosmĂ©tiques et d’hygiĂšne corporelle identifiĂ©es comme PE potentiels, se trouvent certains muscs, parabens et quelques Ă©crans solaires. Dans cet article, nous allons prĂ©senter les utilisations de ces trois familles de substances, leur identification dans l’environnement et les Ă©tudes qui les dĂ©signent comme PE potentiels. Les informations disponibles concernant leur prĂ©sence dans l’environnement, leur persistance, leur capacitĂ© Ă  ĂȘtre bioaccumulĂ©es et la connaissance sur leurs modes d’action restent parcellaires

    New Caledonian lineages of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) reveal different evolutionary histories and the largest documented plant radiation for the archipelago.

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    International audience: New Caledonia is a remote archipelago of the South-West Pacific, whose flora is rich, distinctive, and disharmonic. The interest of botanists has long been attracted by the spatio-temporal origin of this flora, but little attention has been paid to the modes of colonization and the diversification processes that have led to the archipelago's modern flora. To date, no explosive plant radiation has yet been highlighted for New Caledonia. A dated phylogenetic framework on the second richest New Caledonian genus - Psychotria s.l. and its allied genera (tribes Psychotrieae and Palicoureeae, Rubiaceae; ca. 85 species) - is provided in this study to explore its patterns of colonization and diversification in the archipelago. This study is based on a comprehensive species sampling, two nuclear and four plastid loci. Results show that New Caledonia was colonized four times by Psychotria and its allied genera during the Neogene long after its mid-Eocene re-emergence from the sea. The Pacific clade of Psychotrieae, one of the largest plant diversifications in the Pacific islands and the Indo-Pacific region, is absent from New Caledonia, possibly due to niche competition. Although the four lineages colonized New Caledonia relatively simultaneously during the Neogene, they express different evolutionary histories, as revealed by unevenness in species richness and net diversification rates. The genus Geophila has not diversified on New Caledonia, as a non-endemic single species has been documented in the archipelago. The genus Margaritopsis had a moderate level of diversification (four species) similar to that on other Pacific islands. The Psychotria clade NC1 appears to be a relictual lineage, which probably underwent a drastic extinction, with a narrow ecological habitat and dispersal limitations. The Psychotria clade NC2 is the largest and youngest New Caledonian plant radiation, and has undergone the fastest recorded diversification of any endemic lineage in the archipelago, and could be the result of a 'non-adaptive radiation', originating from Australian rainforests

    Estrogenic activity in water and sediments of a French river: contribution of alkylphenols

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    International audienceAlkylphenols, known to possess estrogenic activity, have been found in the aquatic environment. In this study, we focused on the contribution of alkylphenols to total estrogenic activity in sediment and water extracts of French rivers. Four sites representing rural, agricultural, urban, and industrial watersheds were studied. The concentrations of alkylphenols in water and sediment were quantified by GC/MS. Estrogen-responsive reporter cell lines (MELN) have been used for investigating estrogenic activity at these sites. These observed activities were compared with activities mediated by known concentrations of alkylphenols. In water, the concentration of alkylphenols, from 0.06 to 0.550 microg x L(-1) and from < 0.001 microg x L(-1) to 0.077 microg x L(-1) for nonylphenols and 4t-octylphenol, respectively, were too low to contribute to the observed estrogenic activity. In sediment of the industrial, rural, and urban sites, the observed estrogenic activities could be explained in great part by the alkylphenol concentrations from 0.26 to 2.87 microg x g(-1) and from 0.005 microg x g(-1) to 0.49 microg x g(-1) for nonylphenols and 4t-octylphenol, respectively. In the agricultural site, the alkylphenols (0.022 microg x g(-1) of nonylphenols) poorly contribute to the observed estrogenic activity. Other compounds, such as natural and synthetic hormones, present in water and sediments could act additively in the overall activity

    Demethylation by low-dose 5-aza-2â€Č-deoxycytidine impairs 3D melanoma invasion partially through miR-199a-3p expression revealing the role of this miR in melanoma

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    International audienceBackground: Efficient treatments against metastatic melanoma dissemination are still lacking. Here, we report that low-cytotoxic concentrations of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine, a DNA demethylating agent, prevent in vitro 3D invasiveness of metastatic melanoma cells and reduce lung metastasis formation in vivo.Results: We unravelled that this beneficial effect is in part due to MIR-199A2 re-expression by promoter demethylation. Alone, this miR showed an anti-invasive and anti-metastatic effect. Throughout integration of micro-RNA target prediction databases with transcriptomic analysis after 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatments, we found that miR-199a-3p downregulates set of genes significantly involved in invasion/migration processes. In addition, analysis of data from melanoma patients showed a stage- and tissue type-dependent modulation of MIR-199A2 expression by DNA methylation.Conclusions: Thus, our data suggest that epigenetic- and/or miR-based therapeutic strategies can be relevant to limit metastatic dissemination of melanoma
