65 research outputs found

    Higher LpL^p regularity for vector fields that satisfy divergence and rotation constraints in dual Sobolev spaces, and application to some low-frequency Maxwell equations

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    We show that Lp vector fields over a Lipschitz domain are integrable to higher exponents if their generalized divergence and rotation can be identified with bounded linear operators acting on standard Sobolev spaces. A Div-Curl Lemma-type argument provides compact embedding results for such vector fields. We investigate the regularity of the solution fields for the low-frequency approximation of the Maxwell equations in time-harmonic regime. We focus on the weak formulation 'in H' of the problem, in a reference geometrical setting allowing for material heterogeneities

    Analysis of improved Nernst--Planck--Poisson models of isothermal compressible electrolytes subject to chemical reactions: The case of a degenerate mobility matrix

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    We continue our investigations of the improved Nernst-Planck-Poisson model introduced by Dreyer, Guhlke and Müller 2013. In the paper by Dreyer, Druet, Gajewski and Guhlke 2016, the analysis relies on the hypothesis that the mobility matrix has maximal rank under the constraint of mass conservation (rank N-1 for the mixture of N species). In this paper we allow for the case that the positive eigenvalues of the mobility matrix tend to zero along with the partial mass densities of certain species. In this approach the mobility matrix has a variable rank between zero and N-1 according to the number of locally available species. We set up a concept of weak solution able to deal with this scenario, showing in particular how to extend the fundamental notion of \emph{differences of chemical potentials} that supports the modelling and the analysis in Dreyer, Druet, Gajewski and Guhlke 2016. We prove the global-in-time existence in this solution class

    On weak solutions to the stationary MHD-equations coupled to heat transfer with nonlocal radiation boundary conditions

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    We study the coupling of the stationary system of magnetohydrodynamics to the heat equation. Coupling occurs on the one hand from temperature-dependent coefficients and from a temperature-dependent force term in the Navier-Stokes equations. On the other hand, the heat sources are given by the dissipation of current in the electrical conductors, and of viscous stresses in the fluid. We consider a domain occupied by several different materials, and have to take into account interface conditions for the electromagnetic fields. Since we additionally want to treat high-temperatures applications, we also take into account the effect of heat radiation, which results in nonlocal boundary conditions for the heat flux. We prove the existence of weak solutions for the coupled system, under the assumption that the imposed velocity at the boundary of the fluid remains sufficiently small. We prove a uniqueness result in the case of constant coefficients and small data. Finally, we discuss the regularity issue in a simplified setting

    Higher integrability of the Lorentz force for weak solutions to Maxwell's equations in complex geometries

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    We consider the stationary Maxwell system in a domain filled with different materials. The magnetic permeability being only piecewise smooth, we have to take into account the natural interface conditions for the electromagnetic fields. We present two sets of hypotheses under which we can prove the existence of weak solutions to the Maxwell system such that the Lorentz force jxB is integrable to a power larger than 6/5. This property is important for the investigation of problems in magnetohydrodynamics, with many industrial applications such as crystal growth

    Regularity of second derivatives in elliptic transmission problems near an interior regular multiple line of contact

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    We investigate the regularity of the weak solution to elliptic transmission problems that involve several materials intersecting at a closed interior line of contact. We prove that local weak solutions possess second order generalized derivatives up to the contact line, mainly exploiting their higher regularity in the direction tangential to the line. Moreover we are thus able to characterize the higher regularity of the gradient and the Hoelder exponent by means of explicit estimates known in the literature for two dimensional problems. They show that strong regularity properties, for instance the integrability of the gradient to a power larger than the space dimension d =3, are to expect if the oscillations of the diffusion coefficient are moderate (that is for far larger a range than what a theory of small perturbations would allow), or if the number of involved materials does not exceed three

    Some mathematical problems related to the 2nd order optimal shape of a crystallization interface

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    We consider the problem to optimize the stationary temperature distribution and the equilibrium shape of the solid-liquid interface in a two-phase system subject to a temperature gradient. The interface satisfies the minimization principle of the free energy, while the temperature is solving the heat equation with a radiation boundary conditions at the outer wall. Under the condition that the temperature gradient is uniformly negative in the direction of crystallization, the interface is expected to have a global graph representation. We reformulate this condition as a pointwise constraint on the gradient of the state, and we derive the first order optimality system for a class of objective functionals that account for the second surface derivatives, and for the surface temperature gradient

    A curvature estimate for open surfaces subject to a general mean curvature operator and natural contact conditions at their boundary

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    In the seventies, L. Simon showed that the main curvatures of two-dimensional hypersurfaces obeying a general equation of mean curvature type are a priori bounded by the Hölder norm of the coefficients of the surface differential operator. This was an essentially interior estimate. In this paper, we provide a complement to the theory, proving a global curvature estimate for open surfaces that satisfy natural contact conditions at the intersection with a given boundary