77 research outputs found

    La medicalizaciĂłn de la mutilaciĂłn genital femenina

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    La “medicalizaciĂłn” de la mutilaciĂłn genital femenina debe ser denunciada por dos razones: en primer lugar porque en general es anatĂłmicamente mĂĄs perjudicial y, en segundo lugar porque va en contra del fundamento Ă©tico de la profesiĂłn mĂ©dica

    An early history of T cell-mediated cytotoxicity.

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    After 60 years of intense fundamental research into T cell-mediated cytotoxicity, we have gained a detailed knowledge of the cells involved, specific recognition mechanisms and post-recognition perforin-granzyme-based and FAS-based molecular mechanisms. What could not be anticipated at the outset was how discovery of the mechanisms regulating the activation and function of cytotoxic T cells would lead to new developments in cancer immunotherapy. Given the profound recent interest in therapeutic manipulation of cytotoxic T cell responses, it is an opportune time to look back on the early history of the field. This Timeline describes how the early findings occurred and eventually led to current therapeutic applications

    Measuring pH in low ionic strength glacial meltwaters using ion selective field effect transistor (ISFET) technology

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    Measuring pH in glacial meltwaters is challenging, because they are cold, remote, subject to freeze‐thaw cycles and have low ionic strength. Traditional methods often perform poorly there; glass electrodes have high drift and long response times, and spectrophotometric techniques are unpractical in cold, remote environments. Ion selective field effect transistor (ISFET) sensors are a promising alternative, proven in marine and industrial applications. We assess the suitability of two models of ISFET, the Honeywell Durafet and Campbell Scientific Sentron, for use in glacial melt through a series of lab and field experiments. The sensors have excellent tolerance of freeze‐thaw and minimal long‐term drift, with the Durafet experiencing less drift than the Sentron model. They have predictable response to temperature, although the Durafet housing causes some lag during rapid cycling, and the impact of stirring is an order of magnitude less than that of glass electrodes. At low ionic strength ( 7 with consistent diurnal cycles from the very first meltwater flows. We recommend that ISFET sensors are used to assess the pH of glacial meltwater, since their tolerance is significantly better than alternative methods: the Durafet is accurate to ± 0.2 pH when waters are > 1 mmol L−1 ionic strength, and ± 0.3 pH at < 1 mmol L−1

    Obesity and functional gait recovery after total hip and total knee arthroplasties : clinical and biomechanical analysis

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    Introduction : L’influence de l’Index de Masse Corporelle (IMC) sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des paramĂštres de la marche aprĂšs prothĂšse totale de hanche (PTH) et de genou (PTG) est mĂ©connue. Peu d' Ă©tude se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es Ă  l'influence de l’IMC sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des amplitudes articulaires actives Ă  la marche (AAA) ou de la vitesse de marche aprĂšs PTH et PTG. Notre objectif Ă©tait d’évaluer cet impact en prĂ©opĂ©ratoire et en post-opĂ©ratoire par une Ă©valuation clinique et biomĂ©canique. Notre hypothĂšse Ă©tait que l’obĂ©sitĂ© (IMC>30kg/m2) serait un facteur pĂ©joratif de rĂ©cupĂ©ration des paramĂštres de marche.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : AprĂšs avoir effectuĂ© une revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration fonctionnelle aprĂšs prothĂšses totales du membre infĂ©rieur (PTH et PTG) afin de nous assurer de l’originalitĂ© de notre travail et de sa pertinence nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© 2 Ă©tudes prospectives indĂ©pendantes : en incluant 76 PTH chez des patients coxarthrosiques d’une part et 79 PTG chez des patients gonarthrosiques d’autre part. Tous les patients bĂ©nĂ©ficiaient d’une analyse quantifiĂ©e de la marche en prĂ©opĂ©ratoire et en post-opĂ©ratoire (Ă  6 mois pour les PTH et Ă  un an pour les PTG). Un groupe de tĂ©moins sains appariĂ©s suivait le mĂȘme protocole. La vitesse de la marche, l’AAA de hanche et de genou, ainsi que des scores fonctionnels et de qualitĂ© de vie Ă©taient Ă©valuĂ©s, pour tous les paramĂštres le gain Ă©tait calculĂ©. Les patients Ă©taient rĂ©partis en 2 groupes : patients non-obĂšses (G1) : IMC 30kg /m2) would be a negative factor in the recovery of gait parameters.Material and methods: After conducting a systematic review of the literature on functional recovery after total prostheses of the lower limb (THA and TKA) to ensure the originality of this work and its relevance we conducted 2 independent prospective studies: including 76 THA in hip osteoarthritis patients on the one hand and 79 TKA in knee osteoarthritis patients on the other hand. All patients had a quantified gait analysis of preoperatively and postoperatively (at 6 months for THA and 1 year for TKA). A control group of matched healthy people followed the same protocol. The gait speed, ROM hip and knee, as well as functional and quality of life scores were evaluated, for all parameters the gain was calculated. Patients were divided into 2 groups in each cohort: non-obese patients (G1): BMI <30kg/m2 and obese patients (G2): BMI≄30kg/m2. Paired t-tests were used to evaluate the pre- and post-operative differences between G1 and G2, then the differences in gain between G1 and G2. Finally, a uni- and multivariate linear regression sought associations between BMI, gait speed, and ROM.Results: In both cohorts: preoperatively, gait speed and ROM were significantly lower in obese patients. Postoperatively, walking speed and ROM were significantly lower for all patients undergoing TKA or THA compared with the control group. Preoperatively obese patients were more symptomatic. A significant difference was found between G1 and G2 regarding pain improvement in favor of the obese (on the gain of WOMAC pain for TKA and analogic pain scale for THA). For all other parameters the gains were not different between G1 and G2. Uni- and multivariate regression showed no significant relationship between gait speed, ROM and BMI.Conclusion: BMI has no direct negative effect on recovery of walking parameters after THA or TKA. Indeed despite a higher preoperative symptomatology obese patients show a comparable improvement in terms of gain to non-obese patients clinically and biomechanically. However, postoperative gait parameters after THA or TKA remain significantly lower than those of controls, regardless of the BMI of patients without full clinical or biomechanical recovery. Though, obesity appears to have a similar effect on the gait parameters recovery after THA or TKA

    Caractéristiques, chronologie et rÎles des circulations fluides dans le bassin d'Athabasca et son socle : implications dans la formation et l'évolution du gisement d'uranium de Cigar Lake

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    The main exploration targets for unconformity-related U deposits of the Athabasca Basin are the graphite-rich structures in the basement. But these are not necessarily fertile. They show distinct features expressing specific events of fluid circulations. This study aims, through a multidisciplinary approach, at unravelling the complex history of fluid flow events recorded in the vicinity of the Cigar Lake deposit. During the basement uplift, at the end of the Trans-Hudson Orogeny, the formation of ductile-brittle shear zones associated to the circulation of C-O-H-N fluids led to hydrothermal graphite enrichments and a petrophysical evolution of damages zones. These graphite-rich shear zones that were specifically weakened by the ante-Athabasca brittle reactivation have been reactivated once more after basin deposition allowing the formation of a developed damage zone especially favorable for sedimentary brine convection. Circulations of NaCl-rich brines in the basement led to brine-rock interactions, and subsequent uptake of uranium and other metals from the basement rocks. The latter have subsequently undergone strong K-Mg alteration whereas the NaCl dominated brines evolved toward a CaCl2-dominated composition with higher salinities. Finally, this thesis sets out an integrated methodology allowing to decipher the complex superimposed geochemical signatures of distinct fluid flow events on the primary uranium oxides. Five fluid flow events contributed to the present day state of the Cigar Lake deposit: a primary event of brine circulation occurred at 1290-1380 Ma and is at the origin of the main U stock; a second basin-scale event of fluid flow occurred at ca. 900 Ma, it brecciated and strongly disturbed the deposit; two later events of fluid flow strongly remobilized the deposit at ca. 340 and 220 Ma and greatly contributed to the actual state of the deposit. Finally a last, rather recent event of fluid flow was at the origin of strong chemical changes in the uranium oxides compositions and strong isotopic resettingLes principales cibles d'exploration pour les gisements d’uranium de type discordance du bassin d’Athabasca (Canada) sont les structures graphiteuses du socle. Toutes ces structures ne sont pourtant pas fertiles et elles prĂ©sentent des histoires plus ou moins complexes de circulations fluides successives. Cette thĂšse propose de dĂ©convoluer les caractĂ©ristiques propres Ă  chaque Ă©vĂšnement de circulations fluides par une Ă©tude multidisciplinaire focalisĂ©e sur l’exemple de l’environnement proche du gisement de Cigar Lake. Au cours de l’exhumation tardi-orogĂ©nique du socle, la formation de failles ductile-cassantes associĂ©es Ă  une circulation intense de fluides Ă  C-O-H-N a permis des enrichissements en graphite et une premiĂšre Ă©volution pĂ©trophysique des zones endommagĂ©es. Ces structures du socle particuliĂšrement fragilisĂ©es par la dĂ©formation cassante fini-Hudsonienne ont pu ĂȘtre rĂ©activĂ©es aprĂšs dĂ©pĂŽt du bassin et devenir des lieux favorables Ă  la convection de saumures sĂ©dimentaires. La circulation de saumures sodiques dans le socle a favorisĂ© des interactions fluides-roches Ă  l’origine de la solubilisation de l’uranium, d’altĂ©rations K-Mg et d’évolution de composition du fluide vers un pĂŽle plus calcique de plus forte salinitĂ©. Enfin une mĂ©thodologie d’analyse intĂ©grĂ©e des compositions Ă©lĂ©mentaires majeures, traces et isotopiques U-Pb-O sur oxydes d’uranium est proposĂ©e, permettant de dĂ©convoluer les effets des Ă©vĂšnements fluides ultĂ©rieurs sur la minĂ©ralisation primaire. Cinq Ă©vĂšnements ont ainsi contribuĂ© aux caractĂ©ristiques actuelles du gisement de Cigar Lake : Un Ă©vĂšnement primaire de circulation de saumures Ă  1290-1380 Ma, Ă  l’origine de l’ensemble du stock d’uranium ; un Ă©vĂ©nement de circulations fluides Ă  ca. 900 Ma Ă  l’échelle rĂ©gionale qui n’est pas associĂ© Ă  une reprĂ©cipitation d’uranium mais a brechifiĂ© et perturbĂ© la chimie des oxydes primaires ; deux Ă©vĂšnements tardifs de circulations fluides Ă  ca. 340 et 220 Ma qui ont significativement remobilisĂ© le stock primaire d’uranium. Enfin un dernier Ă©pisode rĂ©cent de circulation d’eaux mĂ©tĂ©oriques est Ă  nouveau Ă  l’origine d’un changement de chimie des oxydes antĂ©rieurs et d’une remise Ă  zĂ©ro des systĂšmes isotopique

    Effet de l’obĂ©sitĂ© sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration fonctionnelle de la marche aprĂšs prothĂšses totales de hanche et de genou : analyse biomĂ©canique et clinique

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    Introduction : Body Mass Index (BMI) impact on gait recovery after total hip and total knee arthroplasty (THA and TKA) remains misunderstood. Few studies have analyzed the influence of BMI on the recovery of hip and knee range of motion (ROM) during gait or walking speed after THA and TKA. Our objective was to assess this impact preoperatively and post-operatively using both 3D gait analysis and clinical assessment. Our hypothesis was that obesity (BMI> 30kg /m2) would be a negative factor in the recovery of gait parameters.Material and methods: After conducting a systematic review of the literature on functional recovery after total prostheses of the lower limb (THA and TKA) to ensure the originality of this work and its relevance we conducted 2 independent prospective studies: including 76 THA in hip osteoarthritis patients on the one hand and 79 TKA in knee osteoarthritis patients on the other hand. All patients had a quantified gait analysis of preoperatively and postoperatively (at 6 months for THA and 1 year for TKA). A control group of matched healthy people followed the same protocol. The gait speed, ROM hip and knee, as well as functional and quality of life scores were evaluated, for all parameters the gain was calculated. Patients were divided into 2 groups in each cohort: non-obese patients (G1): BMI 30kg/m2) serait un facteur pĂ©joratif de rĂ©cupĂ©ration des paramĂštres de marche.MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : AprĂšs avoir effectuĂ© une revue systĂ©matique de la littĂ©rature sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration fonctionnelle aprĂšs prothĂšses totales du membre infĂ©rieur (PTH et PTG) afin de nous assurer de l’originalitĂ© de notre travail et de sa pertinence nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© 2 Ă©tudes prospectives indĂ©pendantes : en incluant 76 PTH chez des patients coxarthrosiques d’une part et 79 PTG chez des patients gonarthrosiques d’autre part. Tous les patients bĂ©nĂ©ficiaient d’une analyse quantifiĂ©e de la marche en prĂ©opĂ©ratoire et en post-opĂ©ratoire (Ă  6 mois pour les PTH et Ă  un an pour les PTG). Un groupe de tĂ©moins sains appariĂ©s suivait le mĂȘme protocole. La vitesse de la marche, l’AAA de hanche et de genou, ainsi que des scores fonctionnels et de qualitĂ© de vie Ă©taient Ă©valuĂ©s, pour tous les paramĂštres le gain Ă©tait calculĂ©. Les patients Ă©taient rĂ©partis en 2 groupes : patients non-obĂšses (G1) : IMC<30 et patients obĂšses (G2) : IMC≄30 dans chacune des cohortes. Des t-tests appariĂ©s Ă©taient utilisĂ©s pour Ă©valuer (1) les diffĂ©rences prĂ©- et post-opĂ©ratoires entre G1 et G2, puis les diffĂ©rences de gain entre G1 et G2. Enfin une rĂ©gression linĂ©aire uni- et multivariĂ©e recherchait les associations entre l’IMC, la vitesse de la marche et les AAA.RĂ©sultats Pour les 2 cohortes : en prĂ©opĂ©ratoire, la vitesse de la marche et les AAA Ă©taient significativement plus bas chez les obĂšses. En post-opĂ©ratoire la vitesse de la marche et les AAA Ă©taient significativement plus bas pour tous les patients opĂ©rĂ©s d’une PTG ou d’une PTH comparativement au groupe tĂ©moin. En prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire les obĂšses Ă©taient plus symptomatiques. Une diffĂ©rence significative Ă©tait retrouvĂ©e entre G1 et G2 concernant l’amĂ©lioration de la douleur en faveur des obĂšses (sur le gain de WOMAC douleur pour les PTG et d’EVA pour les PTH). Pour tous les autres paramĂštres les gains n’étaient pas diffĂ©rents entre G1 et G2. La rĂ©gression uni- et multivariĂ©e ne montrait pas de relation significative entre la vitesse de la marche, les AAA et l’IMC.Conclusion : L’IMC n’a pas d’effet dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre direct sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des paramĂštres de marche aprĂšs une PTH ou une PTG. En effet malgrĂ© une symptomatologie prĂ©-opĂ©ratoire plus forte les patients obĂšses prĂ©sentent une amĂ©lioration comparable en termes de gain aux patients non-obĂšses. Cependant les paramĂštres de marche post-opĂ©ratoire aprĂšs une PTH ou une PTG demeurent significativement plus bas que ceux des tĂ©moins et ce quel que soit l’IMC des patients opĂ©rĂ©s, sans rĂ©cupĂ©ration ad integrum clinique ou biomĂ©canique de leur fonction de la hanche ou du genou. Ainsi l’obĂ©sitĂ© semble prĂ©senter un effet similaire sur la rĂ©cupĂ©ration des paramĂštres de marche aprĂšs une PTH ou une PTG

    Characteristics, chronology and roles of fluid circulations in the Athabasca Basin and its basement : implications for the formation and evolution of the Cigar Lake uranium deposit

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    Les principales cibles d'exploration pour les gisements d’uranium de type discordance du bassin d’Athabasca (Canada) sont les structures graphiteuses du socle. Toutes ces structures ne sont pourtant pas fertiles et elles prĂ©sentent des histoires plus ou moins complexes de circulations fluides successives. Cette thĂšse propose de dĂ©convoluer les caractĂ©ristiques propres Ă  chaque Ă©vĂšnement de circulations fluides par une Ă©tude multidisciplinaire focalisĂ©e sur l’exemple de l’environnement proche du gisement de Cigar Lake. Au cours de l’exhumation tardi-orogĂ©nique du socle, la formation de failles ductile-cassantes associĂ©es Ă  une circulation intense de fluides Ă  C-O-H-N a permis des enrichissements en graphite et une premiĂšre Ă©volution pĂ©trophysique des zones endommagĂ©es. Ces structures du socle particuliĂšrement fragilisĂ©es par la dĂ©formation cassante fini-Hudsonienne ont pu ĂȘtre rĂ©activĂ©es aprĂšs dĂ©pĂŽt du bassin et devenir des lieux favorables Ă  la convection de saumures sĂ©dimentaires. La circulation de saumures sodiques dans le socle a favorisĂ© des interactions fluides-roches Ă  l’origine de la solubilisation de l’uranium, d’altĂ©rations K-Mg et d’évolution de composition du fluide vers un pĂŽle plus calcique de plus forte salinitĂ©. Enfin une mĂ©thodologie d’analyse intĂ©grĂ©e des compositions Ă©lĂ©mentaires majeures, traces et isotopiques U-Pb-O sur oxydes d’uranium est proposĂ©e, permettant de dĂ©convoluer les effets des Ă©vĂšnements fluides ultĂ©rieurs sur la minĂ©ralisation primaire. Cinq Ă©vĂšnements ont ainsi contribuĂ© aux caractĂ©ristiques actuelles du gisement de Cigar Lake : Un Ă©vĂšnement primaire de circulation de saumures Ă  1290-1380 Ma, Ă  l’origine de l’ensemble du stock d’uranium ; un Ă©vĂ©nement de circulations fluides Ă  ca. 900 Ma Ă  l’échelle rĂ©gionale qui n’est pas associĂ© Ă  une reprĂ©cipitation d’uranium mais a brechifiĂ© et perturbĂ© la chimie des oxydes primaires ; deux Ă©vĂšnements tardifs de circulations fluides Ă  ca. 340 et 220 Ma qui ont significativement remobilisĂ© le stock primaire d’uranium. Enfin un dernier Ă©pisode rĂ©cent de circulation d’eaux mĂ©tĂ©oriques est Ă  nouveau Ă  l’origine d’un changement de chimie des oxydes antĂ©rieurs et d’une remise Ă  zĂ©ro des systĂšmes isotopiquesThe main exploration targets for unconformity-related U deposits of the Athabasca Basin are the graphite-rich structures in the basement. But these are not necessarily fertile. They show distinct features expressing specific events of fluid circulations. This study aims, through a multidisciplinary approach, at unravelling the complex history of fluid flow events recorded in the vicinity of the Cigar Lake deposit. During the basement uplift, at the end of the Trans-Hudson Orogeny, the formation of ductile-brittle shear zones associated to the circulation of C-O-H-N fluids led to hydrothermal graphite enrichments and a petrophysical evolution of damages zones. These graphite-rich shear zones that were specifically weakened by the ante-Athabasca brittle reactivation have been reactivated once more after basin deposition allowing the formation of a developed damage zone especially favorable for sedimentary brine convection. Circulations of NaCl-rich brines in the basement led to brine-rock interactions, and subsequent uptake of uranium and other metals from the basement rocks. The latter have subsequently undergone strong K-Mg alteration whereas the NaCl dominated brines evolved toward a CaCl2-dominated composition with higher salinities. Finally, this thesis sets out an integrated methodology allowing to decipher the complex superimposed geochemical signatures of distinct fluid flow events on the primary uranium oxides. Five fluid flow events contributed to the present day state of the Cigar Lake deposit: a primary event of brine circulation occurred at 1290-1380 Ma and is at the origin of the main U stock; a second basin-scale event of fluid flow occurred at ca. 900 Ma, it brecciated and strongly disturbed the deposit; two later events of fluid flow strongly remobilized the deposit at ca. 340 and 220 Ma and greatly contributed to the actual state of the deposit. Finally a last, rather recent event of fluid flow was at the origin of strong chemical changes in the uranium oxides compositions and strong isotopic resettin

    The medicalisation of female genital mutilation

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    The ‘medicalisation’ of female genital mutilation should be denounced on two counts. Firstly, it is usually anatomically more damaging and, secondly, it goes against the ethical basis of the medical profession

    Paraparesis Revealing Tophaceous Gout

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    International audienceA 77-year-old man with a history of intermittent inflammatory arthritis of the feet was hospitalized for a 6-month progressive paraparesis resulting in severe gait impairment. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 4cm extradural mass lesion at the T10 level, compressing the spinal cord, with heterogeneous peripheral enhancement after gadolinium

    Linear relationship between lateralization of the bicipital groove and humeral retroversion and its link with the biepicondylar humeral line. Anatomical study of seventy cadaveric humerus scans

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    International audienceIntroduction Morphological studies of the humerus have shown that the position of the bicipital groove varies with the individual and the retroversion of the humeral head. Depending on the authors, these two parameters are independent or associated. This study evaluated the relationship between the humeral head axis and its retroversion and the bicipital groove relative to the humeral biepicondylar line.Materials and methods Seventy cadaveric humeri were scanned to obtain 3D reconstructions. Views of the 3D reconstruction from above showed the bicondylar line, the bicipital groove and the humeral head on a single image. After measuring the humeral retroversion angle and the bicipital groove angle relative to the bicondylar line, we assessed the relationship between these two angles with Pearson's correlation coefficient.Results Pearson's correlation coefficient indicated a significant linear correlation between the angle of the groove and the angle of humeral retroversion based on the 70 cadaveric humeral bones (the p-value was 7.5(10) (7), the correlation coefficient was -0.5515, and the 95% confidence interval was (-0.6962; -0.3636)). Our study thus demonstrates that the less lateralized the bicipital groove is, the greater the humeral retroversion will be.Conclusion We demonstrated a linear relationship between humeral head retroversion and bicipital groove lateralization. Within our reliability interval, this relationship can be used in clinical practice to evaluate retroversion without resorting to CT of the entire humerus
