182 research outputs found

    Inter-organisational projects in french innovation clusters: the construction of collaboration

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    Having received considerable attention from central government and local authorities, French innovation clusters (the so-called ‘pôles de compétitivité') are beginning to be studied by academic researchers and evaluated by consultants. The core of their activity consists of collaborative projects, which are characterised by specific management and HR practices located at the junction of different cultures and employment statuses. Almost four years after they were launched, what can we say about the dynamic of these collaborative projects? What is the reality of such collaboration when it involves multiple partnerships bringing together employees from different occupational cultures and HRM systems? The aim of this longitudinal research, which is based on observation of two collaborative projects in one of the most largest clusters in France,is to discuss management and HR issues in such a setting. A literature review highlights the need to open up the ‘black box' of collaboration within projects and encourages examination of both manager's coordination efforts and the actors' motivation to cooperate, as well as the role played by HRM practices. Thus observation of the conduct of the projects over two years reveals that collaboration, far from being a given within these projects, is the product of a process of social construction that might be fostered by better managerial support.innovation cluster ; collaborative project ; coordination ; cooperation ; learning ; competences

    Bringing research results to users: the case for a knowledge resource centre

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    Poster presented at Scientific and Technical Information and Rural Development: Highlights of Innovative Practices. 13. IAALD World Congress. Montpellier (France), 26-29 Apr 201

    La gestion des compétences est-elle soluble dans la collaboration entre plusieurs organisations ? Une analyse des chantiers de " gestion des compétences étendue

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    Depuis notamment Williamson et sa typologie caractérisant l'organisation, le marché et le réseau (1975), la recherche a développé de nombreuses analyses du phénomène de " l'entreprise étendue ", au travers des travaux sur les réseaux, les chaînes de valeur ou les organisations virtuelles. Au sein de ces travaux, l'attention s'est portée souvent sur les questions de partage des représentations et des connaissances, d'apprentissage et de coordination, mais plus rarement sur les enjeux de gestion des ressources humaines (GRH). Or, l'entreprise étendue et les collaborations inter-organisationnelles ne se font pas qu'au travers des produits ou des contrats commerciaux : elles supposent également une GRH qui dépasse les frontières de l'organisation, et en particulier une gestion permettant de rassembler des compétences jusqu'ici dispersées au sein d'organisations différentes. Qu'en est-il alors des pratiques qui permettent de gérer les compétences dans ce contexte d'entreprise étendue ? Peut-on et doit-on parler d'une gestion des compétences étendue ? Quels défis se présentent aujourd'hui, quelles premières réponses se construisent, et comment les analyser ? Dans cette communication, nous soutenons la thèse selon laquelle le développement des formes collaboratives entre les organisations génère d'ores et déjà de nouvelles pratiques de gestion des compétences qu'il convient d'observer et d'interroger.entreprise étendue, collaboration, réseau, compétences

    From Preferred to Actual Mate Characteristics: The Case of Human Body Shape

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    The way individuals pair to produce reproductive units is a major factor determining evolution. This process is complex because it is determined not only by individual mating preferences, but also by numerous other factors such as competition between mates. Consequently, preferred and actual characteristics of mates obtained should differ, but this has rarely been addressed. We simultaneously measured mating preferences for stature, body mass, and body mass index, and recorded corresponding actual partner's characteristics for 116 human couples from France. Results show that preferred and actual partner's characteristics differ for male judges, but not for females. In addition, while the correlation between all preferred and actual partner's characteristics appeared to be weak for female judges, it was strong for males: while men prefer women slimmer than their actual partner, those who prefer the slimmest women also have partners who are slimmer than average. This study therefore suggests that the influences of preferences on pair formation can be sex-specific. It also illustrates that this process can lead to unexpected results on the real influences of mating preferences: traits considered as highly influencing attractiveness do not necessarily have a strong influence on the actual pairing, the reverse being also possible

    Bananas and food security= Les productions bananieres: un enjeu economique majeur pour la securite alimentaire: International symposium, Douala, Cameroon, 10-14 November 1998

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    The proceedings of the first International Symposium on the socioeconomics of non-export banana production 'Bananas and food security' held in November 1998 in Douala, Cameroon, include 61 contributions from all over the world and cover the following topics: Importance of bananas economically and as a source of food (16 contributions); Diversity and dynamics of the sectors (18 contributions); Organisation of markets and marketing (13 contributions) and Production systems (14 contributions). Papers are published in their original language (English or French) and include abstracts in both languages. These proceedings will provide a valuable tool for sharing the wide range of experiences and information presented during the symposium and will promote increased activity in the area of socioeconomics

    Developing a regional strategy to address the outbreak of banana Xanthomonas wilt in East and Central Africa: Proceedings of the banana Xanthomonas wilt regional preparedness and strategy development workshop held in Kampala, Uganda, 14-18 February 2005

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    Proceedings of a workshop to develop a coherent regional and international response for containing the spread of banana Xanthomonas wilt in East and Central Africa and mitigating its impact on rural livelihoods


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    Objet de nombreuses attentions de la part du gouvernement et des collectivités locales, les pôles de compétitivité commencent à être étudiés par les chercheurs et sont évalués par des consultants. Le cœur de leur activité consiste en des projets collaboratifs où se jouent un management et une gestion des ressources humaines particuliers, au carrefour de cultures et de statuts différents. Près de quatre ans après leur lancement, que peut-on dire de la dynamique de ces projets collaboratifs ? Quelle est la réalité de la collaboration lorsqu'il s'agit de travailler en mode multi-partenaires, entre salariés relevant de cultures professionnelles et de systèmes de GRH différents ? Cette recherche longitudinale, basée sur l'observation de deux projets collaboratifs d'un pôle à vocation mondiale, entend contribuer à lever le voile sur les réalités managériales et ressources humaines encore méconnues à ce niveau. Une revue de littérature alerte sur la nécessité d'ouvrir la « boîte noire » de la collaboration au sein des projets et invite à questionner aussi bien l'analyse des efforts managériaux de coordination que la motivation des acteurs à coopérer ainsi que la contribution des pratiques de GRH. Le suivi de deux années de fonctionnement révèle ainsi que la collaboration, loin d'être une donnée naturelle au sein de ces projets, relève d'une construction sociale qu'un meilleur accompagnement managérial peut favoriser.pôle de compétitivité, projet collaboratif, coopération, apprentissage, compétences.

    Performance of the First ANTARES Detector Line

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    In this paper we report on the data recorded with the first Antares detector line. The line was deployed on the 14th of February 2006 and was connected to the readout two weeks later. Environmental data for one and a half years of running are shown. Measurements of atmospheric muons from data taken from selected runs during the first six months of operation are presented. Performance figures in terms of time residuals and angular resolution are given. Finally the angular distribution of atmospheric muons is presented and from this the depth profile of the muon intensity is derived.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
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