10,396 research outputs found

    SWAT raids are more about symbolism than reducing crime in the long term.

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    SWAT raids are among the most dramatic display of the power of law enforcement to deal with crime and disorder. But are SWAT raids actually effective at reducing crime? In new research which studies 39 SWAT raids in Buffalo, New York, Dae-Young Kim, Scott W. Phillips and Andrew P. Wheeler find that the raids did lead to fewer street crimes involving property – though only for a short time, and that they had no deterrent effect on violent crimes in private places, drug arrests, or calls for service

    Heat capacity study of BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}: effects of annealing

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    Heat-capacity, X-ray diffraction, and resistivity measurements on a high-quality BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} sample show an evolution of the magneto-structural transition with successive annealing periods. After a 30-day anneal the resistivity in the (ab) plane decreases by more than an order of magnitude, to 12 μΩ\mu\Omegacm, with a residual resistance ratio ∼\sim36; the heat-capacity anomaly at the transition sharpens, to an overall width of less than K, and shifts from 135.4 to 140.2 K. The heat-capacity anomaly in both the as-grown sample and after the 30-day anneal shows a hysteresis of ∼\sim0.15 K, and is unchanged in a magnetic field μ0\mu_{0}H = 14 T. The X-ray and heat-capacity data combined suggest that there is a first order jump in the structural order parameter. The entropy of the transition is reported

    Entropy of solid He4: the possible role of a dislocation glass

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    Solid He4 is viewed as a nearly perfect Debye solid. Yet, recent calorimetry indicates that its low-temperature specific heat has both cubic and linear contributions. These features appear in the same temperature range (T∼200T \sim 200 mK) where measurements of the torsional oscillator period suggest a supersolid transition. We analyze the specific heat to compare the measured with the estimated entropy for a proposed supersolid transition with 1% superfluid fraction. We find that the experimental entropy is substantially less than the calculated entropy. We suggest that the low-temperature linear term in the specific heat is due to a glassy state that develops at low temperatures and is caused by a distribution of tunneling systems in the crystal. It is proposed that small scale dislocation loops produce those tunneling systems. We argue that the reported mass decoupling is consistent with an increase in the oscillator frequency as expected for a glass-like transition.Comment: 4 pages latex file with 4 eps figure file

    Compositionality, stochasticity and cooperativity in dynamic models of gene regulation

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    We present an approach for constructing dynamic models for the simulation of gene regulatory networks from simple computational elements. Each element is called a ``gene gate'' and defines an input/output-relationship corresponding to the binding and production of transcription factors. The proposed reaction kinetics of the gene gates can be mapped onto stochastic processes and the standard ode-description. While the ode-approach requires fixing the system's topology before its correct implementation, expressing them in stochastic pi-calculus leads to a fully compositional scheme: network elements become autonomous and only the input/output relationships fix their wiring. The modularity of our approach allows to pass easily from a basic first-level description to refined models which capture more details of the biological system. As an illustrative application we present the stochastic repressilator, an artificial cellular clock, which oscillates readily without any cooperative effects.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Accepted by the HFSP journal (13/09/07

    Glutathione-triggered disassembly of isothermally responsive polymer nanoparticles obtained by nanoprecipitation of hydrophilic polymers

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    The encapsulation and selective delivery of therapeutic compounds within polymeric nanoparticles offers hope for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Traditional approaches to trigger selective cargo release typically rely on polymer degradation which is not always sensitive to the biological location of a material. In this report, we prepare nanoparticles from thermoresponsive polymers with a ‘solubility release catch’ at the chain-end. This release catch is exclusively activated in the presence of intracellular glutathione, triggering an ‘isothermal’ response and promoting a change in polymer solubility. This solubility switch leads to specific and rapid nanoparticle disassembly, release of encapsulated cargo and produces completely soluble polymeric side-products

    SALT: a Spectral Adaptive Light curve Template for Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present a new method to parameterize Type Ia Supernovae (SN Ia) multi-color light curves. The method was developed in order to analyze the large number of SN Ia multi-color light curves measured in current high-redshift projects. The technique is based on empirically modeling SN Ia luminosity variations as a function of phase, wavelength, a shape parameter, and a color parameter. The model is trained with a sample of well measured nearby SN Ia and then tested with an independent set of supernovae by building an optimal luminosity distance estimator combining the supernova rest-frame luminosity, shape parameter and color reconstructed with the model. The distances we measure using B- and V-band data show a dispersion around the Hubble line comparable or lower than obtained with other methods. With this model, we are able to measure distances using U- and B-band data with a dispersion around the Hubble line of 0.16 +- 0.05.Comment: Accepted in A&A, June 23, 2005 (printer friendly replacement version, includes language corrections

    Scaling properties of cavity-enhanced atom cooling

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    We extend an earlier semiclassical model to describe the dissipative motion of N atoms coupled to M modes inside a coherently driven high-finesse cavity. The description includes momentum diffusion via spontaneous emission and cavity decay. Simple analytical formulas for the steady-state temperature and the cooling time for a single atom are derived and show surprisingly good agreement with direct stochastic simulations of the semiclassical equations for N atoms with properly scaled parameters. A thorough comparison with standard free-space Doppler cooling is performed and yields a lower temperature and a cooling time enhancement by a factor of M times the square of the ratio of the atom-field coupling constant to the cavity decay rate. Finally it is shown that laser cooling with negligible spontaneous emission should indeed be possible, especially for relatively light particles in a strongly coupled field configuration.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    The importance of long-term genetic monitoring of reintroduced populations: inbreeding in the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita)

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    Genetic monitoring is an important, but frequently lacking, component of management actions to support long-term persistence in reintroduced populations. Populations that remain small, due to demographic processes and genetic diversity, are more likely to experience a second extinction event. The natterjack toad (Epidelea calamita) is legally protected in Britain and was the subject of a reintroduction programme in the 1990s. However, subsequent genetic assessment has been mostly lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of two reintroduced populations of natterjack toads in order to inform conservation management. Adults were sampled and nine microsatellites amplified to assess neutral genetic variation within each site and for comparison with the source population. Inbreeding was observed at the reintroduction sites, as evidenced by high FIS values (0.43 and 0.72), low observed compared to expected heterozygosities, and significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Observed heterozygosity is currently lower in the reintroduction sites than it was in the source population at the time of the reintroductions (Red Rocks: 0.15±0.20; Talacre: 0.12±0.20; Ainsdale (source): 0.29). Evidence for a bottleneck was not found, although this is likely a result of sampling overlapping generations. No within-site population structuring was observed. Such low genetic diversity has not previously been recorded in any natterjack population. Genetic rescue, combined with pool creation, is the most viable option for safeguarding the species at these sites into the future. Our work highlights the importance of ongoing genetic monitoring, in collaboration with conservation organisations, to support conservation management

    Probing the X-Ray Binary Populations of the Ring Galaxy NGC 1291

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    We present Chandra studies of the X-ray binary (XRB) populations in the bulge and ring regions of the ring galaxy NGC 1291. We detect 169 X-ray point sources in the galaxy, 75 in the bulge and 71 in the ring, utilizing the four available Chandra observations totaling an effective exposure of 179 ks. We report photometric properties of these sources in a point-source catalog. There are ~40% of the bulge sources and ~25% of the ring sources showing >3\sigma long-term variability in their X-ray count rate. The X-ray colors suggest that a significant fraction of the bulge (~75%) and ring (~65%) sources are likely low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). The spectra of the nuclear source indicate that it is a low-luminosity AGN with moderate obscuration; spectral variability is observed between individual observations. We construct 0.3-8.0 keV X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) for the bulge and ring XRB populations, taking into account the detection incompleteness and background AGN contamination. We reach 90% completeness limits of ~1.5\times10^{37} and ~2.2\times10^{37} erg/s for the bulge and ring populations, respectively. Both XLFs can be fit with a broken power-law model, and the shapes are consistent with those expected for populations dominated by LMXBs. We perform detailed population synthesis modeling of the XRB populations in NGC 1291, which suggests that the observed combined XLF is dominated by an old LMXB population. We compare the bulge and ring XRB populations, and argue that the ring XRBs are associated with a younger stellar population than the bulge sources, based on the relative overdensity of X-ray sources in the ring, the generally harder X-ray color of the ring sources, the overabundance of luminous sources in the combined XLF, and the flatter shape of the ring XLF.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Whole body exposure of mice to secondhand smoke induces dose-dependent and persistent promutagenic DNA adducts in the lung

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    Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is a known risk factor for lung cancer in lifelong nonsmokers. However, the underlying mechanism of action of SHS in lung carcinogenesis remains elusive. We have investigated, using the (32)P-postlabeling assay, the genotoxic potential of SHS in vivo by determining the formation and kinetics of repair of DNA adducts in the lungs of mice exposed whole body to SHS for 2 or 4 months (5h/day, 5 days/week), and an ensuing one-month recovery period. We demonstrate that exposure of mice to SHS elicits a significant genotoxic response as reflected by the elevation of DNA adduct levels in the lungs of SHS-exposed animals. The increases in DNA adduct levels in the lungs of SHS-exposed mice are dose-dependent as they are related to the intensity and duration of SHS exposure. After one month of recovery in clean air, the levels of lung DNA adducts in the mice exposed for 4 months remain significantly higher than those in the mice exposed for 2 months (P<0.0005), levels in both groups being significantly elevated relative to controls (P<0.00001). Our experimental findings accord with the epidemiological data showing that exposure to smoke-derived carcinogens is a risk factor for lung cancer; not only does the magnitude of risk depend upon carcinogen dose, but it also becomes more irreversible with prolonged exposure. The confirmation of epidemiologic data by our experimental findings is of significance because it strengthens the case for the etiologic involvement of SHS in nonsmokers' lung cancer. Identifying the etiologic factors involved in the pathogenesis of lung cancer can help define future strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment of this highly lethal malignancy
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