11 research outputs found

    Ceftazidime and cefepime antagonize 5-fluorouracil’s effect in colon cancer cells

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    Background Drug-drug interaction (DDI), which can occur at the pharmacokinetics and/or the pharmacodynamics (PD) levels, can increase or decrease the therapeutic or adverse response of a drug itself or a combination of drugs. Cancer patients often receive, along their antineoplastic agents, antibiotics such as ß-lactams to treat or prevent infection. Despite the narrow therapeutic indices of antibiotics and antineoplastic agents, data about their potential interaction are insufficient. 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), widely used against colon cancer, is known for its toxicity and large intra- and inter- individual variability. Therefore, knowledge about its interaction with antibiotics is crucial. Methods In this study, we evaluated at the PD levels, against HCT-116 colon cancer cells, DDI between 5-FU and several ß-lactams (ampicillin, benzypenicillin, piperacillin, meropenem, flucloxacillin, ceftazidime (CFT), and cefepime (CFP)), widely used in intensive care units. All drugs were tested at clinically achieved concentrations. MTT assay was used to measure the metabolic activity of the cells. Cell cycle profile and apoptosis induction were monitored, in HCT-116 and DLD-1 cells, using propidium iodide staining and Caspase-3/7 activity assay. The uptake of CFT and CFP by the cells was measured using LC-MS/MS method. Results Our data indicate that despite their limited uptake by the cells, CFT and CFP (two cephalosporins) antagonized significantly 5-FU-induced S-phase arrest (DLD-1 cells) and apoptosis induction (HCT-116 cells). Remarkably, while CFP did not affect the proliferation of colon cancer cells, CFT inhibited, at clinically relevant concentrations, the proliferation of DLD-1 cells via apoptosis induction, as evidenced by an increase in caspase 3/7 activation. Unexpectedly, 5-FU also antagonized CFT’s induced cell death in DLD-1 cells. Conclusion This study shows that CFP and CFT have adverse effects on 5-FU’s action while CFT is a potent anticancer agent that inhibits DLD-1 cells by inducing apoptotic cell death. Further studies are needed to decipher the mechanism(s) responsible for CFT’s effects against colon cancer as well as the observed antagonism between CFT, CFP, and 5-FU with the ultimate aim of translating the findings to the clinical settings

    Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein instructs dendritic cells to elicit Th22 cell response

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    Neutrophil-derived bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) is known for its bactericidal activity against gram-negative bacteria and neutralization of lipopolysaccharide. Here, we define BPI as a potent activator of murine dendritic cells (DCs). As shown in GM-CSF-cultured, bone-marrow-derived cells (BMDCs), BPI induces a distinct stimulation profile including IL-2, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor expression. Conventional DCs also respond to BPI, while M-CSF-cultivated or peritoneal lavage macrophages do not. Subsequent to BPI stimulation of BMDCs, CD4+ T cells predominantly secrete IL-22 and, when naive, preferentially differentiate into T helper 22 (Th22) cells. Congruent with the tissue-protective properties of IL-22 and along with impaired IL-22 induction, disease severity is significantly increased during dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in BPI-deficient mice. Importantly, physiological diversification of intestinal microbiota fosters BPI-dependent IL-22 induction in CD4+ T cells derived from mesenteric lymph nodes. In conclusion, BPI is a potent activator of DCs and consecutive Th22 cell differentiation with substantial relevance in intestinal homeostasis

    New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism.

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    Birth weight within the normal range is associated with a variety of adult-onset diseases, but the mechanisms behind these associations are poorly understood. Previous genome-wide association studies of birth weight identified a variant in the ADCY5 gene associated both with birth weight and type 2 diabetes and a second variant, near CCNL1, with no obvious link to adult traits. In an expanded genome-wide association meta-analysis and follow-up study of birth weight (of up to 69,308 individuals of European descent from 43 studies), we have now extended the number of loci associated at genome-wide significance to 7, accounting for a similar proportion of variance as maternal smoking. Five of the loci are known to be associated with other phenotypes: ADCY5 and CDKAL1 with type 2 diabetes, ADRB1 with adult blood pressure and HMGA2 and LCORL with adult height. Our findings highlight genetic links between fetal growth and postnatal growth and metabolism

    Use of Complementary Medicine in Competitive Sports: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND Although complementary medicine is frequently used in Germany, there is almost no information about complementary medicine use in competitive sports. The aim was to assess the use of complementary medicine among elite athletes in Germany. PATIENTS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study among athletes was performed between March 2012 and September 2013. Athletes of both sexes who visited a sports medical outpatient clinic in Munich, Bavaria were included. Data about the use of complementary medicine were collected by means of a standardized measurement instrument, the German version of the international complementary and alternative medicine questionnaire. RESULTS Of the 334 athletes (female 25%, mean age 20.2 ± 6.6 years) who completed all 4 sections of the questionnaire, 69% reported the use of at least one type of complementary medicine within the last 12 months. 505 athletes (female 26%, mean age 20.5 ± 7.0 years) completed at least one section of the questionnaire entirely. Within 12 months, the osteopath (11%), herbal medicine (17%), vitamins/minerals (32%), and relaxation techniques (15%) were the most frequently visited/used in relation to the respective sections of the questionnaire. CONCLUSION Complementary medicine is frequently used by athletes in Germany. The efficacy, safety, and costs of complementary medicine should be investigated in clinical trials among athletes in the future

    Repurposing of Antimicrobial Agents for Cancer Therapy: What Do We Know?

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    The substantial costs of clinical trials, the lengthy timelines of new drug discovery and development, along the high attrition rates underscore the need for alternative strategies for finding quickly suitable therapeutics agents. Given that most approved drugs possess more than one target tightly linked to other diseases, it encourages promptly testing these drugs in patients. Over the past decades, this has led to considerable attention for drug repurposing, which relies on identifying new uses for approved or investigational drugs outside the scope of the original medical indication. The known safety of approved drugs minimizes the possibility of failure for adverse toxicology, making them attractive de-risked compounds for new applications with potentially lower overall development costs and shorter development timelines. This latter case is an exciting opportunity, specifically in oncology, due to increased resistance towards the current therapies. Indeed, a large body of evidence shows that a wealth of non-cancer drugs has beneficial effects against cancer. Interestingly, 335 drugs are currently being evaluated in different clinical trials for their potential activities against various cancers (Redo database). This review aims to provide an extensive discussion about the anti-cancer activities exerted by antimicrobial agents and presents information about their mechanism(s) of action and stage of development/evaluation

    Allergic diseases in German competitive athletes : results of a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Allergic diseases are common in the general population. Among the population of competitive athletes (hereafter referred to as athletes), previous studies have mostly focused on the prevalence of allergic diseases and further aspects of bronchial asthma. We aimed to examine the prevalence of allergic diseases and respective medication use in athletes in Germany. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study in athletes from different sport disciplines between March 2012 and September 2013 in Munich, Bavaria. Allergic diseases and medication use were descriptively determined using the standardized Allergy Questionnaire for Athletes (AQUA). Allergic predisposition was defined at an AQUA score (range 0 to 35) of at least 5. RESULTS: In total, 560 athletes (mean age 20.4 ± 6.7 years, males 73.4%, most frequent sport discipline soccer) were included in the analysis. The reported proportion of any allergic condition was 28%, and 46% of the athletes had an allergic predisposition. Sixteen percent of all athletes and 36% of athletes with an allergic predisposition reported the use of antiallergic or antiasthmatic medications. CONCLUSIONS: Athletes had a high rate of allergic diseases, and almost half of them reported an allergic predisposition. Further research is needed to validate our results and investigate the impact of allergic diseases in athletes on the performance and specific aspects of their sport, such as training intensity and duration

    Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein instructs dendritic cells to elicit Th22 cell response

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    Summary: Neutrophil-derived bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) is known for its bactericidal activity against gram-negative bacteria and neutralization of lipopolysaccharide. Here, we define BPI as a potent activator of murine dendritic cells (DCs). As shown in GM-CSF-cultured, bone-marrow-derived cells (BMDCs), BPI induces a distinct stimulation profile including IL-2, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor expression. Conventional DCs also respond to BPI, while M-CSF-cultivated or peritoneal lavage macrophages do not. Subsequent to BPI stimulation of BMDCs, CD4+ T cells predominantly secrete IL-22 and, when naive, preferentially differentiate into T helper 22 (Th22) cells. Congruent with the tissue-protective properties of IL-22 and along with impaired IL-22 induction, disease severity is significantly increased during dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in BPI-deficient mice. Importantly, physiological diversification of intestinal microbiota fosters BPI-dependent IL-22 induction in CD4+ T cells derived from mesenteric lymph nodes. In conclusion, BPI is a potent activator of DCs and consecutive Th22 cell differentiation with substantial relevance in intestinal homeostasis

    New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism

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    Birth weight within the normal range is associated with a variety of adult-onset diseases, but the mechanisms behind these associations are poorly understood(1). Previous genome-wide association studies of birth weight identified a variant in the ADCY5 gene associated both with birth weight and type 2 diabetes and a second variant, near CCNL1, with no obvious link to adult traits(2). In an expanded genome-wide association metaanalysis and follow-up study of birth weight (of up to 69,308 individuals of European descent from 43 studies), we have now extended the number of loci associated at genome-wide significance to 7, accounting for a similar proportion of variance as maternal smoking. Five of the loci are known to be associated with other phenotypes: ADCY5 and CDKAL1 with type 2 diabetes, ADRB1 with adult blood pressure and HMGA2 and LCORL with adult height. Our findings highlight genetic links between fetal growth and postnatal growth and metabolism