91 research outputs found

    Analysis of the structure and chemical properties of some commercial carbon nanostructures

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    For many years the scientific community has believed in a promising future for carbon nanotubes for various applications in such diverse fields as polymer reinforcement, adsorption, catalysis, electronics and medicine. Industrial production of carbon nanotubes and -fibers and the subsequent availability and decrease of price, have rendered this vision feasible. In the last years, several carbon nanomaterial products have been marketed by major chemical companies. In this work, we present an extensive characterization of a representative set of commercially available carbon nanomaterials. Special focus has been put on their quality, i.e. presence of metal or carbonaceous impurities but also homogeneity and structural integrity. The observations are of importance for subsequent use in catalysis where the presence of impurities or defects in the nanostructure can dramatically modify the activity of the catalytic material

    Timing of deformation in the SarandĂ­ del YĂ­ Shear Zone, Uruguay: implications for the amalgamation of western Gondwana during the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny

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    U-Pb and Hf zircon (sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe -SHRIMP- and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry -LA-ICP-MS-), Ar/Ar hornblende and muscovite, and Rb-Sr whole rock-muscovite isochron data from the mylonites of the SarandĂ­ del YĂ­ Shear Zone, Uruguay, were obtained in order to assess the tectonothermal evolution of this crustal-scale structure. Integration of these results with available kinematic, structural, and microstructural data of the shear zone as well as with geochronological data from the adjacent blocks allowed to constrain the onset of deformation along the shear zone at 630-625 Ma during the collision of the Nico PĂ©rez Terrane and the RĂ­o de la Plata Craton. The shear zone underwent dextral shearing up to 596 Ma under upper to middle amphibolite facies conditions, which was succeeded by sinistral shearing under lower amphibolite to upper greenschist facies conditions until at least 584 Ma. After emplacement of the Cerro Caperuza granite at 570 Ma, the shear zone underwent only cataclastic deformation between the late Ediacaran and the Cambrian. The SarandĂ­ del YĂ­ Shear Zone is thus related to the syncollisional to postcollisional evolution of the amalgamation of the RĂ­o de la Plata Craton and the Nico PĂ©rez Terrane. Furthermore, the obtained data reveal that strain partitioning and localization with time, magmatism emplacement, and fluid circulation are key processes affecting the isotopic systems in mylonitic belts, revealing the complexity in assessing the age of deformation of long-lived shear zone

    Comparative Assessment of Quantification Methods for Tumor Tissue Phosphoproteomics

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    With increasing sensitivity and accuracy in mass spectrometry, the tumor phosphoproteome is getting into reach. However, the selection of quantitation techniques best-suited to the biomedical question and diagnostic requirements remains a trial and error decision as no study has directly compared their performance for tumor tissue phosphoproteomics. We compared label-free quantification (LFQ), spike-in-SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture), and tandem mass tag (TMT) isobaric tandem mass tags technology for quantitative phosphosite profiling in tumor tissue. Compared to the classic SILAC method, spike-in-SILAC is not limited to cell culture analysis, making it suitable for quantitative analysis of tumor tissue samples. TMT offered the lowest accuracy and the highest precision and robustness toward different phosphosite abundances and matrices. Spike-in-SILAC offered the best compromise between these features but suffered from a low phosphosite coverage. LFQ offered the lowest precision but the highest number of identifications. Both spike-in-SILAC and LFQ presented susceptibility to matrix effects. Match between run (MBR)-based analysis enhanced the phosphosite coverage across technical replicates in LFQ and spike-in-SILAC but further reduced the precision and robustness of quantification. The choice of quantitative methodology is critical for both study design such as sample size in sample groups and quantified phosphosites and comparison of published cancer phosphoproteomes. Using ovarian cancer tissue as an example, our study builds a resource for the design and analysis of quantitative phosphoproteomic studies in cancer research and diagnostics

    Alichur Dome, South Pamir, Western India-Asia Collisional Zone: Detailing the Neogene Shakhdara-Alichur Syn-collisional Gneiss-Dome Complex and Connection to Lithospheric Processes

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    Neogene, syn‐collisional extensional exhumation of Asian lower–middle crust produced the Shakhdara–Alichur gneiss‐dome complex in the South Pamir. The <1 km‐thick, mylonitic–brittle, top‐NNE, normal‐sense Alichur shear zone (ASZ) bounds the 125 × 25 km Alichur dome to the north. The Shakhdara dome is bounded by the <4 km‐thick, mylonitic–brittle, top‐SSE South Pamir normal‐sense shear zone (SPSZ) to the south, and the dextral Gunt wrench zone to its north. The Alichur dome comprises Cretaceous granitoids/gneisses cut by early Miocene leucogranites; its hanging wall contains non/weakly metamorphosed rocks. The 22–17 Ma Alichur‐dome‐injection‐complex leucogranites transition from foliation‐parallel, centimeter‐ to meter‐thick sheets within the ASZ into discordant intrusions that may comprise half the volume of the dome core. Secondary fluid inclusions in mylonites and mylonitization‐temperature constraints suggest Alichur‐dome exhumation from 10–15 km depth. Thermochronologic dates bracket footwall cooling between ~410–130 °C from ~16–4 Ma; tectonic cooling/exhumation rates (~42 °C/Myr, ~1.1 km/Myr) contrast with erosion‐dominated rates in the hanging wall (~2 °C/Myr, <0.1 km/Myr). Dome‐scale boudinage, oblique divergence of the ASZ and SPSZ hanging walls, and dextral wrenching reflect minor approximately E–W material flow out of the orogen. We attribute broadly southward younging extensional exhumation across the central South Pamir between ~20–4 Ma to: (i) Mostly northward, foreland‐directed flow of hot crust into a cold foreland during the growth of the Pamir orocline; and (ii) Contrasting effects of basal shear related to underthrusting Indian lithosphere, enhancing extension in the underthrust South Pamir and inhibiting extension in the non‐underthrust Central Pamir

    Interpreting and reporting ⁎⁰Ar/ÂłâčAr geochronologic data

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    The ⁎⁰Ar/ÂłâčAr dating method is among the most versatile of geochronometers, having the potential to date a broad variety of K-bearing materials spanning from the time of Earth’s formation into the historical realm. Measurements using modern noble-gas mass spectrometers are now producing ⁎⁰Ar/ÂłâčAr dates with analytical uncertainties of ∌0.1%, thereby providing precise time constraints for a wide range of geologic and extraterrestrial processes. Analyses of increasingly smaller subsamples have revealed age dispersion in many materials, including some minerals used as neutron fluence monitors. Accordingly, interpretive strategies are evolving to address observed dispersion in dates from a single sample. Moreover, inferring a geologically meaningful “age” from a measured “date” or set of dates is dependent on the geological problem being addressed and the salient assumptions associated with each set of data. We highlight requirements for collateral information that will better constrain the interpretation of ⁎⁰Ar/ÂłâčAr data sets, including those associated with single-crystal fusion analyses, incremental heating experiments, and in situ analyses of microsampled domains. To ensure the utility and viability of published results, we emphasize previous recommendations for reporting ⁎⁰Ar/ÂłâčAr data and the related essential metadata, with the amendment that data conform to evolving standards of being findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) by both humans and computers. Our examples provide guidance for the presentation and interpretation of ⁎⁰Ar/ÂłâčAr dates to maximize their interdisciplinary usage, reproducibility, and longevity

    Determination of host cell proteins constituting the molecular microenvironment of coronavirus replicase complexes by proximity-labeling

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    Positive-sense RNA viruses hijack intracellular membranes that provide niches for viral RNA synthesis and a platform for interactions with host proteins. However, little is known about host factors at the interface between replicase complexes and the host cytoplasm. We engineered a biotin ligase into a coronaviral replication/transcription complex (RTC) and identified >500 host proteins constituting the RTC microenvironment. siRNA-silencing of each RTC-proximal host factor demonstrated importance of vesicular trafficking pathways, ubiquitin-dependent and autophagy-related processes, and translation initiation factors. Notably, detection of translation initiation factors at the RTC was instrumental to visualize and demonstrate active translation proximal to replication complexes of several coronaviruses. Collectively, we establish a spatial link between viral RNA synthesis and diverse host factors of unprecedented breadth. Our data may serve as a paradigm for other positive-strand RNA viruses and provide a starting point for a comprehensive analysis of critical virus-host interactions that represent targets for therapeutic intervention

    The History, Relevance, and Applications of the Periodic System in Geochemistry

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    Geochemistry is a discipline in the earth sciences concerned with understanding the chemistry of the Earth and what that chemistry tells us about the processes that control the formation and evolution of Earth materials and the planet itself. The periodic table and the periodic system, as developed by Mendeleev and others in the nineteenth century, are as important in geochemistry as in other areas of chemistry. In fact, systemisation of the myriad of observations that geochemists make is perhaps even more important in this branch of chemistry, given the huge variability in the nature of Earth materials – from the Fe-rich core, through the silicate-dominated mantle and crust, to the volatile-rich ocean and atmosphere. This systemisation started in the eighteenth century, when geochemistry did not yet exist as a separate pursuit in itself. Mineralogy, one of the disciplines that eventually became geochemistry, was central to the discovery of the elements, and nineteenth-century mineralogists played a key role in this endeavour. Early “geochemists” continued this systemisation effort into the twentieth century, particularly highlighted in the career of V.M. Goldschmidt. The focus of the modern discipline of geochemistry has moved well beyond classification, in order to invert the information held in the properties of elements across the periodic table and their distribution across Earth and planetary materials, to learn about the physicochemical processes that shaped the Earth and other planets, on all scales. We illustrate this approach with key examples, those rooted in the patterns inherent in the periodic law as well as those that exploit concepts that only became familiar after Mendeleev, such as stable and radiogenic isotopes

    Crustal recycling by subduction erosion in the central Mexican Volcanic Belt

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    Recycling of upper plate crust in subduction zones, or ‘subduction erosion’, is a major mechanism of crustal destruction at convergent margins. However, assessing the impact of eroded crust on arc magmas is difficult owing to the compositional similarity between the eroded crust, trench sediment and arc crustal basement that may all contribute to arc magma formation. Here we compare Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf and trace element data of crustal input material to Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–He–O isotope chemistry of a well-characterized series of olivine-phyric, high-Mg# basalts to dacites in the central Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). Basaltic to andesitic magmas crystallize high-Ni olivines that have high mantle-like 3He/4He = 7–8 Ra and high crustal ÎŽ18Omelt = +6.3–8.5‰ implying their host magmas to be near-primary melts from a mantle infiltrated by slab-derived crustal components. Remarkably, their Hf–Nd isotope and Nd/Hf trace element systematics rule out the trench sediment as the recycled crust end member, and imply that the coastal and offshore granodiorites are the dominant recycled crust component. Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotope modeling shows that the granodiorites control the highly to moderately incompatible elements in the calc-alkaline arc magmas, together with lesser additions of Pb- and Sr-rich fluids from subducted mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB)-type altered oceanic crust (AOC). Nd–Hf mass balance suggests that the granodiorite exceeds the flux of the trench sediment by at least 9–10 times, corresponding to a flux of â©Ÿ79–88 km3/km/Myr into the subduction zone. At an estimated thickness of 1500–1700 m, the granodiorite may buoyantly rise as bulk ‘slab diapirs’ into the mantle melt region and impose its trace element signature (e.g., Th/La, Nb/Ta) on the prevalent calc-alkaline arc magmas. Deep slab melting and local recycling of other slab components such as oceanic seamounts further diversify the MVB magmas by producing rare, strongly fractionated high-La magmas and a minor population of high-Nb magmas, respectively. Overall, the central MVB magmas inherit their striking geochemical diversity principally from the slab, thus emphasizing the importance of continental crust recycling in modern solid Earth relative to its new formation in modern subduction zones

    Die Entwicklung weiterer ZusammenhÀnge des Seelischen

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    Über kindliche Konflikte

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