14 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the West African monsoon

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    A review is given of the dynamical mechanisms responsible for the monsoon circulation over West Africa. Features of the circulation are first described, including the seasonal displacement of the rain bands, the structure of the heat low over the Sahara, the meridional circulation to the south and the associated zonal jets. Simple theories for the zonal-mean meridional circulation are then presented, using the principles of angular momentum conservation, thermal wind balance and moist convective equilibrium. The application of these theories to the West African monsoon reveals a sensitivity to the low-level meridional gradient of equivalent potential temperature, which helps explain observed variability in the monsoon onset. Processes leading to east-west asymmetries in the circulation are also described, and mechanisms linking West African rainfall anomalies with remote events in the tropics are discussed. These dynamical considerations are then placed in the broader context of the ongoing AMMA research program

    Modelling of the Thermodynamical Diurnal Cycle in the Lower Atmosphere : A Joint Evaluation of Four Contrasted Regimes in the Tropics Over Land

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    International audienceThe diurnal cycle is an important mode of variability in the Tropics that is not correctly predicted by numerical weather prediction models. The African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses program provided for the first time a large dataset to document the diurnal cycle over West Africa. In order to assess the processes and mechanisms that are crucial for the representation of the diurnal cycle, four different regimes that characterize the varying conditions encountered over land along a surface-temperature gradient are selected. A single-column modelling framework is used in order to relate the features of the simulated diurnal cycle to physical processes in these four distinct cases. Particular attention is given to providing realistic initial and boundary conditions at the surface and in the atmosphere, enabling the use of independent data for the evaluation of the simulations. The study focuses on the simulation of the surface energy budget and low-level characteristics and analyzes the balance between cloud/surface/boundary-layer processes at the sub-diurnal time scale. The biases and drawbacks of the simulations are found to change along the temperature gradient but they always involve the representation of clouds. They also explain parts of the bias obtained with the same model when used in a less constrained configuration. Surface-atmosphere-cloud interactions arising at the sub-diurnal time scale are invoked to explain the distinct features of the low-level diurnal cycle observed over West Africa

    An idealized two-dimensional approach to study the impact of the West African monsoon on the meridional gradient of tropospheric ozone

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    An idealized vertical-meridional zonally symmetrical version of the Meso-NH model is used to study the response of tropospheric ozone to the dynamics of the West African monsoon, as well as surface emissions and NOx-production by lightning (LNOx). An O-3-NOx-VOC chemical scheme has been added to the dynamical model, including surface emissions and a parameterization of the LNOx production. The model shows that the ozone precursors emitted at the surface are uplifted by deep convection and then advected in the upper branches of the Hadley cells on both sides of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The NOx produced by lightning promotes chemical ozone production in the middle and upper troposphere from the oxidation of CO and VOCs. The analysis of the convective and chemical tendencies shows that the ozone minimum at the ITCZ is induced by venting of ozone-poor air masses into the upper troposphere. The bi-dimensional model suffers from limitations due to the absence of exchange with the higher latitudes and ventilation in the zonal direction. Despite of these restrictions, sensitivity simulations show that the LNOx source and biogenic VOCs are necessary to create the meridional gradient of ozone observed by the Measurements of OZone and water vapor by in-service AIrbus airCraft (MOZAIC) aircrafts in the southern Hadley cell. The LNOx source is also required to maintain the meridional ozone gradient up to 24 degrees N in the northern Hadley cell. The modeled meridional gradient of O-3 in the upper troposphere ranges from 0.22 to 0.52 ppbv/deg without the LNOx source and from 0.60 to 1.08 ppbv/deg with the LNOx source, in the southern and the northern cells respectively

    Tropical extremes : natural variability and trends

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    The West African Monsoon (WAM) has undergone drastic changes in the recent past causing dramatic impacts on populations. After 30 years of devastating drought, the last two decades experienced a growing number of damaging floods concurrent with ongoing episodes of water shortages and famines. This raised the issue of a more extreme climate in the Sahel with more intense rainfall and dry spells. This chapter gives an overview of progress on documenting the rainfall extremes in the Sahel, a subject that has long been ignored in the literature. It focuses on statistical characteristics of extremes, on their trends in the context of WAM decadal variability and on the physical mechanisms involved in their occurrence. Based on recent literature and original analyses of daily rain gauge records in the central Sahel, a significant intensification of the Sahelian rainfall regime is confirmed over the last 15 years: more extreme events, larger size storms, accompanied by a deficit in the occurrence of less intense events. From a composite of 20 extreme storms in Ouagadougou, some key atmospheric conditions are shown to drive extreme precipitation, including an intense southerly monsoon flux coincident with strong African easterly waves and a large-scale moist anomaly at the regional scale

    High-impact weather and urban flooding in the West African Sahel – A multidisciplinary case study of the 2009 event in Ouagadougou

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    On September 1st 2009 an extreme high-impact weather event occurred in Burkina Faso that had significant impacts upon the capital city Ouagadougou and its inhabitants. Subsequent reporting and research has however not focused on the contributing socio-economic and hydrological factors and the role of global warming and climatic change remains uncertain. This reflects a paucity of evidence attributing such extreme weather events to climate change for the West Africa region and limits the knowledge base for urban planning to climate-related risks which pose serious threats. This case study provides a holistic assessment of the most extreme urban hydrometeorological event recorded in the West African Sahel, that links synoptic conditions to climate change and through to hydrological impacts on vulnerable urban populations. The intention is to inform regional decision-makers on climate change and flood-generating high-impact weather events at the urban scale and to bridge the gap between what scientists understand as useful and decision-makers view as useable at the city scale by providing interdisciplinary answers to key questions raised by local stakeholders. Such an approach was shown to foster enhanced dialogue and engagement with stakeholders, while also providing a focus for communicating science at variable time- and spatial scales and between disciplines to improve understanding of how global processes have localised consequences. This reveals that Ouagadougou remains vulnerable to climate change and that such extreme weather events will become more frequent. But it is also demonstrated the complexity of attributing extreme events at such localised ‘urban’ scales to atmospheric phenomena affected by global climate change. Regional climate models are evolving and becoming more able to represent such extreme weather phenomena at suitable scales, enabling improved representation of climate-driven changes on such events, improving the ability for short-range forecasts in the future. Frameworks for managing flood risks however remain weak and under-resourced and there is limited capacity to manage flood risk from such events, particularly when rapid urbanisation amplifies vulnerability concerns. Recommendations are made to improve flood-resilience to future storms