19 research outputs found

    An integrated modelling framework from cells to organism based on a cohort of digital embryos

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    We conducted a quantitative comparison of developing sea urchin embryos based on the analysis of five digital specimens obtained by automatic processing of in toto 3D+ time image data. These measurements served the reconstruction of a prototypical cell lineage tree able to predict the spatiotemporal cellular organisation of a normal sea urchin blastula. The reconstruction was achieved by designing and tuning a multi-level probabilistic model that reproduced embryo-level dynamics from a small number of statistical parameters characterising cell proliferation, cell surface area and cell volume evolution along the cell lineage. Our resulting artificial prototype was embedded in 3D space by biomechanical agent-based modelling and simulation, which allowed a systematic exploration and optimisation of free parameters to fit the experimental data and test biological hypotheses. The spherical monolayered blastula and the spatial arrangement of its different cell types appeared tightly constrained by cell stiffness, cell-adhesion parameters and blastocoel turgor pressure

    A Digital Framework to Build, Visualize and Analyze a Gene Expression Atlas with Cellular Resolution in Zebrafish Early Embryogenesis

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    A gene expression atlas is an essential resource to quantify and understand the multiscale processes of embryogenesis in time and space. The automated reconstruction of a prototypic 4D atlas for vertebrate early embryos, using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with nuclear counterstain, requires dedicated computational strategies. To this goal, we designed an original methodological framework implemented in a software tool called Match-IT. With only minimal human supervision, our system is able to gather gene expression patterns observed in different analyzed embryos with phenotypic variability and map them onto a series of common 3D templates over time, creating a 4D atlas. This framework was used to construct an atlas composed of 6 gene expression templates from a cohort of zebrafish early embryos spanning 6 developmental stages from 4 to 6.3 hpf (hours post fertilization). They included 53 specimens, 181,415 detected cell nuclei and the segmentation of 98 gene expression patterns observed in 3D for 9 different genes. In addition, an interactive visualization software, Atlas-IT, was developed to inspect, supervise and analyze the atlas. Match-IT and Atlas-IT, including user manuals, representative datasets and video tutorials, are publicly and freely available online. We also propose computational methods and tools for the quantitative assessment of the gene expression templates at the cellular scale, with the identification, visualization and analysis of coexpression patterns, synexpression groups and their dynamics through developmental stages

    Biological influence of Hakai in cancer: a 10-year review

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    In order to metastasize, cancer cells must first detach from the primary tumor, migrate, invade through tissues, and attach to a second site. Hakai was discovered as an E3 ubiquitin-ligase that mediates the posttranslational downregulation of E-cadherin, a major component of adherens junctions in epithelial cells that is characterized as a potent tumor suppressor and is modulated during various processes including epithelial–mesenchymal transition. Recent data have provided evidences for novel biological functional role of Hakai during tumor progression and other diseases. Here, we will review the knowledge that has been accumulated since Hakai discovery 10 years ago and its implication in human cancer disease. We will highlight the different signaling pathways leading to the influence on Hakai and suggest its potential usefulness as therapeutic target for cancer

    A novel approach to the evolution of microorganisms

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    4D numerical schemes for cell image segmentation and tracking. Finite Volumes for

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    Abstract The paper introduces techniques for space-time segmentation and tracking in time sequences of 3D images of zebrafish embryogenesis. Instead of treating each 3D image individually, we consider the whole time sequence as a single 4D image and perform the extraction of objects and cell tracking in four dimensions. The segmentation of the spatiotemporal objects corresponding to the time evolution of the individual cells is realized by using the generalized subjective surface model that is discretized by a 4D finite volume scheme. Afterwards, we use the distance functions to the borders of the segmented spatiotemporal objects and to the initial cell center positions in order to backtrack the cell trajectories that can be understood as 4D parametrized curves. The distance functions are obtained by numerical solution of the time relaxed eikonal equation

    3D early embryogenesis image filtering by nonlinear partial differential equations

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    We present nonlinear diffusion equations, numerical schemes to solve them and their application for filtering 3D images obtained from laser scanning microscopy (LSM) of living zebrafish embryos, with a goal to identify the optimal filtering method and its parameters. In the large scale applications dealing with analysis of 3D+time embryogenesis images, an important objective is a correct detection of the number and position of cell nuclei yielding the spatio-temporal cell lineage tree of embryogenesis. The filtering is the first and necessary step of the image analysis chain and must lead to correct results, removing the noise, sharpening the nuclei edges and correcting the acquisition errors related to spuriously connected subregions. In this paper we study such properties for the regularized Perona-Malik model and for the generalized mean curvature flow equations in the level-set formulation. A comparison with other nonlinear diffusion filters, like tensor anisotropic diffusion and Beltrami flow, is also included. All numerical schemes are based on the same discretization principles, i.e. finite volume method in space and semi-implicit scheme in time, for solving nonlinear partial differential equations. These numerical schemes are unconditionally stable, fast and naturally parallelizable. The filtering results are evaluated and compared first using the Mean Hausdorff distance between a gold standard and different isosurfaces of original and filtered data. Then, the number of isosurface connected components in a region of interest (ROI) detected in original and after the filtering is compared with the corresponding correct number of nuclei in the gold standard. Such analysis proves the robustness and reliability of the edge preserving nonlinear diffusion filtering for this type of data and lead to finding the optimal filtering parameters for the studied models and numerical schemes. Further comparisons consist in ability of splitting the very close objects which are artificially connected due to acquisition error intrinsically linked to physics of LSM. In all studied aspects it turned out that the nonlinear diffusion filter which is called geodesic mean curvature flow (GMCF) has the best performance