23 research outputs found

    Fortune favours the brave: movement responses shape demographic dynamics in strongly competing populations

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    Animal movement is a key mechanism for shaping population dynamics. The effect of interactions between competing animals on a population's survival has been studied for many decades. However, interactions also affect an animal's subsequent movement decisions. Despite this, the indirect effect of these decisions on animal survival is much less well-understood. Here, we incorporate movement responses to foreign animals into a model of two competing populations, where inter-specific competition is greater than intra-specific competition. When movement is diffusive, the travelling wave moves from the stronger population to the weaker. However, by incorporating behaviourally induced directed movement towards the stronger population, the weaker one can slow the travelling wave down, even reversing its direction. Hence movement responses can switch the predictions of traditional mechanistic models. Furthermore, when environmental heterogeneity is combined with aggressive movement strategies, it is possible for spatially segregated co-existence to emerge. In this situation, the spatial patterns of the competing populations have the unusual feature that they are slightly out-of-phase with the environmental patterns. Finally, incorporating dynamic movement responses can also enable stable co-existence in a homogeneous environment, giving a new mechanism for spatially segregated co-existence

    Revisiting Brownian motion as a description of animal movement: a comparison to experimental movement data

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    1) Characterization of patterns of animal movement is a major challenge in ecology with applications to conservation, biological invasions and pest monitoring. Brownian random walks, and diffusive flux as their mean field counterpart, provide one framework in which to consider this problem. However, it remains subject to debate and controversy. This study presents a test of the diffusion framework using movement data obtained from controlled experiments. 2) Walking beetles (Tenebrio molitor) were released in an open circular arena with a central hole and the number of individuals falling from the arena edges was monitored over time. These boundary counts were compared, using curve fitting, to the predictions of a diffusion model. The diffusion model is solved precisely, without using numerical simulations. 3) We find that the shape of the curves derived from the diffusion model is a close match to those found experimentally. Furthermore, in general, estimates of the total population obtained from the relevant solution of the diffusion equation are in excellent agreement with the experimental population. Estimates of the dispersal rate of individuals depend on how accurately the initial release distribution is incorporated into the model. 4) We therefore show that diffusive flux is a very good approximation to the movement of a population of Tenebrio molitor beetles. As such, we suggest that it is an adequate theoretical/modelling framework for ecological studies that account for insect movement, although it can be context specific. An immediate practical application of this can be found in the interpretation of trap counts, in particular for the purpose of pest monitoring

    Analysing the impact of trap shape and movement behaviour of ground-dwelling arthropods on trap efficiency

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    The most reliable estimates of the population abundance of ground-dwelling arthropods are obtained almost entirely through trap counts. Trap shape can be easily controlled by the researcher, commonly the same trap design is employed in all sites within a given study. Few researchers really try to compare abundances (numbers of collected individuals) between studies because these are heavily influenced by environmental conditions, e.g. temperature, habitat structure and food sources available, directly affecting insect movement activity. We propose that useful insights can be obtained from a theoretical-based approach. We focus on the interplay between trap shape (circle, square, slot), the underlying movement behaviour and the subsequent effect on captures. We simulate trap counts within these different geometries whilst considering movement processes with clear distinct properties, such as Brownian motion (BM), the correlated random walk (CRW) and the Lévy walk (LW). (a) We find that slot shaped traps are far less efficient than circular or square traps assuming same perimeter length, with differences which can exceed more than two-fold. Such impacts of trap geometry are only realized if insect mobility is sufficiently large, which is known to significantly vary depending on type of habitat. (b) If the movement pattern incorporates localized forward persistence then trap counts accumulate at a much slower rate, and this rate decreases further with higher persistency. (c) If the movement behaviour is of Lévy type, then fastest catch rates are recorded in the case of circular trap, and the slowest for the slot trap, indicating that trap counts can strongly depend on trap shape. Lévy walks exacerbate the impact of geometry while CRW make these differences more inconsequential. In this study we reveal trap efficiencies and how movement type can alter capture rates. Such information contributes towards improved trap count interpretations, as required in ecological studies which make use of trapping systems. © 2019 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution © 2019 British Ecological Societ

    On the Consistency of the Reaction-Telegraph Process Within Finite Domains

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    Reaction-telegraph equation (RTE) is a mathematical model that has often been used to describe natural phenomena, with specific applications ranging from physics to social sciences. In particular, in the context of ecology, it is believed to be a more realistic model to describe animal movement than the more traditional approach based on the reaction-diffusion equations. Indeed, the reaction-telegraph equation arises from more realistic microscopic assumptions about individual animal movement (the correlated random walk) and hence could be expected to be more relevant than the diffusion-type models that assume the simple, unbiased Brownian motion. However, the RTE has one significant drawback as its solutions are not positively defined. It is not clear at which stage of the RTE derivation the realism of the microscopic description is lost and/or whether the RTE can somehow be ‘improved’ to guarantee the solutions positivity. Here we show that the origin of the problem is twofold. Firstly, the RTE is not fully equivalent to the Cattaneo system from which it is obtained; the equivalence can only be achieved in a certain parameter range and only for the initial conditions containing a finite number of Fourier modes. Secondly, the Dirichlet type boundary conditions routinely used for reaction-diffusion equations appear to be meaningless if used for the RTE resulting in solutions with unrealistic properties. We conclude that, for the positivity to be regained, one has to use the Cattaneo system with boundary conditions of Robin type or Neumann type, and we show how relevant classes of solutions can be obtained. © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Nonlocal reaction–diffusion models of heterogeneous wealth distribution

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    Dynamics of human populations can be affected by various socio-economic factors through their influence on the natality and mortality rates, and on the migration intensity and directions. In this work we study an economic–demographic model which takes into account the dependence of the wealth production rate on the available resources. In the case of nonlocal consumption of resources, the homogeneous-in-space wealth–population distribution is replaced by a periodic-inspace distribution for which the total wealth increases. For the global consumption of resources, if the wealth redistribution is small enough, then the homogeneous distribution is replaced by a heterogeneous one with a single wealth accumulation center. Thus, economic and demographic characteristics of nonlocal and global economies can be quite different in comparison with the local economy. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Three-dimensional random walk models of individual animal movement and their application to trap counts modelling

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    Background: Random walks (RWs) have proved to be a powerful modelling tool in ecology, particularly in the study of animal movement. An application of RW concerns trapping which is the predominant sampling method to date in insect ecology and agricultural pest management. A lot of research effort has been directed towards modelling ground-dwelling insects by simulating their movement in 2D, and computing pitfall trap counts, but comparatively very little for flying insects with 3D elevated traps. Methods: We introduce the mathematics behind 3D RWs and present key metrics such as the mean squared displacement (MSD) and path sinuosity, which are already well known in 2D. We develop the mathematical theory behind the 3D correlated random walk (CRW) which involves short-term directional persistence and the 3D Biased random walk (BRW) which introduces a long-term directional bias in the movement so that there is an overall preferred movement direction. In this study, we focus on the geometrical aspects of the 3D trap and thus consider three types of shape; a spheroidal trap, a cylindrical trap and a rectangular cuboidal trap. By simulating movement in 3D space, we investigated the effect of 3D trap shapes and sizes and of movement diffusion on trapping efficiency. Results: We found that there is a non-linear dependence of trap counts on the trap surface area or volume, but the effect of volume appeared to be a simple consequence of changes in area. Nevertheless, there is a slight but clear hierarchy of trap shapes in terms of capture efficiency, with the spheroidal trap retaining more counts than a cylinder, followed by the cuboidal type for a given area. We also showed that there is no effect of short-term persistence when diffusion is kept constant, but trap counts significantly decrease with increasing diffusion. Conclusion: Our results provide a better understanding of the interplay between the movement pattern, trap geometry and impacts on trapping efficiency, which leads to improved trap count interpretations, and more broadly, has implications for spatial ecology and population dynamics. © 2021 The Author(s

    Stability of a planetary climate system with the biosphere species competing for resources

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    With the growing number of discovered exoplanets, the Gaia concept finds its second wind. The Gaia concept defines that the biosphere of an inhabited planet regulates a planetary climate through feedback loops such that the planet remains habitable. Crunching the "Gaia"puzzle has been a focus of intense empirical research. Much less attention has been paid to the mathematical realization of this concept. In this paper, we consider the stability of a planetary climate system with the dynamic biosphere by linking a conceptual climate model to a generic population dynamics model with random parameters. We first show that the dynamics of the corresponding coupled system possesses multiple timescales and hence falls into the class of slow-fast dynamics. We then investigate the properties of a general dynamical system to which our model belongs and prove that the feedbacks from the biosphere dynamics cannot break the system's stability as long as the biodiversity is sufficiently high. That may explain why the climate is apparently stable over long time intervals. Interestingly, our coupled climate-biosphere system can lose its stability if biodiversity decreases; in this case, the evolution of the biosphere under the effect of random factors can lead to a global climate change. © 2021 American Physical Society

    Chaos and regular dynamics in model multi-habitat plankton-fish communities

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    This work is focused on the role of diffusive interaction between separate habitats in a patchy environment in plankton pattern formation. We demonstrate that conceptual reaction-diffusion mathematical models constitute an appropriate tool for searching and understanding basic mechanisms of plankton pattern formation and complex spatio-temporal plankton dynamics.</p