518 research outputs found

    Foreign direct investment in Bosna and Herzegovina: lingua franca or perplexity of original sin

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the nature and impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In stark contrast with theoretical predictions found in previous literature on FDI/MNE in small underdeveloped transition economies, even after controlling for Serbian M:TS’s investment in Republic of Srpska’s M:Tel, horizontal inbound FDI have been predominant in relation to vertical ones. However, in spite of diminishing tariffs and other international trade costs, as well as abundant natural resources and comparatively cheaper labour, all typically favourable for attracting vertical FDI, dominance of horizontal FDI recorded by available data for Bosnia and Herzegovina does not seem to go hand in hand with decrease of imports, once again contradicting the standard theoretical paradigm. After reviewing recent scientific background relevant for the topic, we analyse empirical data on FDI in BiH in recent years. The main contribution of the paper is in trying to reconcile a posteriori empirical findings with a priori theoretical expectations regarding the case of BiH


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    Transport is one of the largest emitters of harmful substances that affect air quality. Each combination of freight transport modes has a different volume and at the same time has a differentiated negative impact on air quality. That is why the European Union has been making special efforts for many years to create and implement strategies aimed at improving air quality. The main goal of this paper is to present a methodology that enables quantification and analysis of the impact of each freight transport mode combination on air quality using feed-forward neural networks. The developed model uses the parameters of the EU member states in the period from 2000 to 2014. In addition to the scientific and practical contribution, the development of the model provides a good basis for the universal platform formation in order to create and develop strategies, i.e. measures to improve air quality on a global level

    Determination of essential oil composition of Artemisia L. using gas chromatography

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    Šest uzoraka eteričnog ulja vršnih dijelova pelina ubranih u Hrvatskoj (A. alba, A. annua (dva uzorka), A. maritima, A. verlotiorum i A. vulgaris) izolirano je destilacijom vodenom parom. Dobiven je različit sadržaj eteričnog ulja u uzorcima (0,4-0,9 mL/kg). Kemijski sastav dobivenih eteričnih ulja analiziran je plinskom kromatografijom vezanom sa spektrometrijom masa (GC-MS). Identificirano je 87 komponenata, a dobivene su velike razlike među uzorcima u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom sastavu. Čak i dva uzorka A. annua ubrana na različitim lokacijama znatno se razlikuju po sastavu. Eterično ulje A. annua ubrano u Zagrebu sadrži visoki postotak artemizia ketona (46,0%), artemizia alkohol (1,3%), kamfor (18,7%) i β-selinen (8,8%). Eterično ulje A. annua ubrano u području srednjeg Velebita sadrži puno kamfora (31,5%), β-selinena (24,6%) i najveći postotak seskviterpena (30,7%), ali sadrži malo artemizia ketona (1,9%) i artemizia alkohol (0,1%). Sastav ulja A. vulgaris sličan je sastavu ulju A. annua ubrane u području srednjeg Velebita i ima najveći udio monoterpenskih oksida (80,8%), dok ulje A. verlotiorum ima najveći udio tujona. Ulje A. maritima ima najviše seskviterpenskih oksida (22,4%), dok se ulje A. alba najviše kvalitativno razlikuje od ostalih uzoraka. Većina neidentificiranih komponenata pripada seskviterpenskim spojevima s kisikom koje u znatnom udjelu sadrže svi uzorci, a teško ih je identificirati.The essential oils of aerial parts of six Artemisia samples growing in Croatia (A. alba, A. annua (two samples), A. maritima, A. verlotiorum i A. vulgaris) were isolated by hydrodistillation. The oil yield varied between 0.4-0.9 (v/w). Chemical composition of the obtained essential oils were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 87 compounds were identified. Large differences between samples were obtained in qualitative and quantitative composition. Even two samples of A. annua collected on different locations varied significantly in composition. Oil collected in Zagreb was characterised by high amounts of artemisia ketone (46.0%), artemisia alcohol (1.3%), camphor (18.7%) and β-selinene (8.8%). Oil collected in middle Velebit area contained higher amount of camphor (31.5%) and β-selinene (24.6%) and the highest amount of sesquiterpenes (30.7%) among all analysed samples but contained smaller amount of artemisia ketone (1.9%), artemisia alcohol (0.1%). A. vulgaris had similar major compounds as A. annua collected middle Velebit area having the highest amount of monoterpene oxides (80.8%) while A. verlotiorum had the highest amount of thujones. A. meritima had the highest amount of sesqterpene oxides (22.4%) while A. alba showed the highest qualitative difference among samples. The most of unidentified compounds belongs to oxygen containing sesquiterpene compounds which were contained in all analysed samples and which are difficult to identify

    Cost optimization in agribusiness based on life cycle costing

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    In efforts to achieve and sustain competitiveness and contribute to the goal of sustainable development of society, entity management requires information that will enable the adoption of adequate decisions. The changed business environment and the growing importance of the issues that emerge from the domain of traditional business, both spatial and temporal, have necessitated the monitoring of costs not only during the production phase, but throughout the entire grain cycle of the product. Since conventional cost accounting systems do not have the capacity to generate the above information, in theory and practice, a life cycle costing system (LCC) has been developed. The aim of the paper is to point out the specificity and importance of perceiving and capturing the impacts and consequential costs that arise during the life cycle of the product, with particular reference to agribusiness, precisely because of the complexity of optimizing costs in that sector

    Stress constraints applied to the optimization of a thin-walled Z-beam

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    Razmatran je jedan pristup optimizaciji tankozidih otvorenih poprečnih preseka oblika Z - profila, izloženih savijanju i ograničenoj torziji. Za data opterećenja, materijal i geometrijske karakteristike, problem se svodi na određivanje minimalne mase, odnosno minimalne površine poprečnog preseka konstruktivnih tankozidih poprečnih preseka izabranog oblika. Površina poprečnog preseka je izabrana za funkciju cilja. Uvedena su naponska ograničenja. Primenjuje se Metoda Lagranžovog množitelja. Rezultati analitički dobijenih jednačina za matematički model, numerička rešenja, kao i ušteda u masi, izračunati su za tri slučaja opterećenja. Neki rezultati su provereni primenom programa COSMOS.One approach to the optimization of a thin-walled open section Z-beam subjected to the bending and to the constrained torsion is considered. For given loads, material and geometrical characteristics, the problem is reduced to the determination of minimum mass i.e. minimum crosssectional area of structural thin-walled beam of the chosen shape. The area of the cross-section is assumed to be the objective function. The stress constraints are introduced. The Lagrange multiplier method is applied. Solutions of analitically obtained expressions for the mathematical model, numerical solutions, as well as the saved mass, are calculated for three loading cases

    The role of social and cognitive conflict in developing the scientific concepts in the school context

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    Главни циљеви овог рада су да се истражи садржај и организација наивног, физичког знања код ученика, и да ли се и како ово почетно знање мења под утицајем традиционалне наставе и наставе засноване на социо-когнитивном конфликту у вршњачкој групи. Истраживање такође има за циљ да испита квалитет вршњачког дијалога у реалном школском контексту, и како је овај повезан са процесом развоја научних појмова. Истраживање је реализовано у форми експеримента са паралелним групама. Контролну и експерименталну групу ученика су чинила по два одељења 7. разреда основне школе која су накнадно уједначена кроз статистички поступак. У експерименталној фази, два одељења су учила физичке садржаје (Њутнови закони механике) кроз наставни програм заснован на принципима социо-когнитивног конфликта у вршњачкој групи. У фази пре и после извођења наставе (редовне и експерименталне) ученици су радили тест знања (паралелне форме). Постекспериментално, знање ученика је додатно испитано полуструктуираним интервјуом. Квалитативна анализа одговора ученика је показала да наивно, физичко знање поседује унутрашњу организацију у виду наивних, експликативних принципа који представљају оквир у коме ученици тумаче посебне појмове или физичке појаве. Током процеса учења, на индивидуалном сазнајном плану ученика, наивни и научни садржаји задржавају статус паралелних форми, што омогућава да се у њиховим одговорима наивна и научна објашњења појављују заједно на међусобно неискључив начин. Квалитативна анализа указује на значајне разлике у корист експерименталне групе. Доминантне категорије одговора у контролној групи одражавају учење школских садржаја чињеничког типа, и у квалитативном смислу немају карактер напредовања или развоја научних појмова у односу на почетни, наивни ниво разумевања. Доминанте категорије одговора у експерименталној групи одражавају учење научних принципа, и у квалитативном смислу укузују на то да је на индивидуалном сазнајном плану ученика започет процес изграђивања логичких веза који је карактеристичан за одговарајући систем научних појмова. Квантитативна анализа резултата на тесту знања показује да је експериментална група напредовала значајно више од контролне групе...This work’s main goal is researching the contents and organization of students’ naïve knowledge of physics, and seeing if and how this initial knowledge changes under the influence of traditional teaching and teaching based on social-cognitive conflict in a peer group. Another aim of the research is examining the quality of peer dialogue in a realistic school context, and how is it related to the process of scientific concepts development. The research was conducted as an experiment with parallel groups – control group and an experimental one. Each was made out of two seventh grade primary school classes, that were later balanced through a statistical procedure. In the experimental phase, two classes learned physics (Newton’s laws of motion) through a curriculum based on the principles of social-cognitive conflict in a peer group. In phases before and after teaching (regular and experimental), students did a knowledge test (parallel forms). Post experimentally, students’ knowledge was additionally evaluated through a semi structured interview. Students’ answers qualitative analysis showed that their naïve knowledge of physics has an internal organization in a form of naïve, explanatory principles that represent a framework in which students interpret individual concepts or physical phenomena. Through the learning process, on a student’s individual cognitive scale, naïve and scientific contents keep the status of parallel forms, which enables the coexistence of naïve and scientific explanations in their answers in a mutually nonexclusive manner. Quantitative analysis of the test results shows that the experimental group made a remarkable progress in comparison to the control group..

    Stress constraints applied to the optimization of a thin-walled Z-beam

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    Razmatran je jedan pristup optimizaciji tankozidih otvorenih poprečnih preseka oblika Z - profila, izloženih savijanju i ograničenoj torziji. Za data opterećenja, materijal i geometrijske karakteristike, problem se svodi na određivanje minimalne mase, odnosno minimalne površine poprečnog preseka konstruktivnih tankozidih poprečnih preseka izabranog oblika. Površina poprečnog preseka je izabrana za funkciju cilja. Uvedena su naponska ograničenja. Primenjuje se Metoda Lagranžovog množitelja. Rezultati analitički dobijenih jednačina za matematički model, numerička rešenja, kao i ušteda u masi, izračunati su za tri slučaja opterećenja. Neki rezultati su provereni primenom programa COSMOS.One approach to the optimization of a thin-walled open section Z-beam subjected to the bending and to the constrained torsion is considered. For given loads, material and geometrical characteristics, the problem is reduced to the determination of minimum mass i.e. minimum crosssectional area of structural thin-walled beam of the chosen shape. The area of the cross-section is assumed to be the objective function. The stress constraints are introduced. The Lagrange multiplier method is applied. Solutions of analitically obtained expressions for the mathematical model, numerical solutions, as well as the saved mass, are calculated for three loading cases

    Influential Factors in the Loading of the Axial Bearing of the Slewing Platform Drive in Hydraulic Excavators

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    The paper contains the results of the analysis of factors that influence the loading of the axial bearing of the slewing platform drive mechanism in hydraulic excavators. The following influential factors are considered: the operations of the excavator manipulation tasks, the number of drives in the slewing platform mechanism, and the configuration of the excavator kinematic chain. The importance of the influence of these factors is assessed on the basis of the comparison between certain equivalent loads of the platform drive bearing with the diagrams of allowed load capacities of available bearings. The equivalent loads of the platform drive mechanism bearing are determined using the approach of static and dynamic excavator simulation in the programs developed on the basis of the defined mathematical models of the excavator. The equivalent loads are given with regard to the duration of the manipulation task and in the form of a spectrum of equivalent loads determined in the entire operating area of the excavator. The analysis is performed for three different configurations of the kinematic chain of a tracked hydraulic excavator with the mass of around 100000 kg

    Spójność Unii Europejskiej i krajów Bałkanów Zachodnich w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju podróży i turystyki

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    Managing the future policy and strategy of tourism development is becoming increasingly challenging due to the constantly changing environment. It is crucial to identify key dimensions and implement the concept of sustainable development to ensure tourism development is sustainable. This paper aims to research the dimensions of sustainable tourism development in European Union countries and the Western Balkans. The goal is to analyze the homogeneity of these countries in terms of sustainability of tourism and travel. Additionally, this paper aims to determine the level of deviation of the Western Balkans from the European Union countries in terms of economic, ecological, and social sustainability of tourism development. Identifying critical components of tourism sustainability in these countries is important for creating strategic guidelines to manage tourism and directing supply and demand in the dynamic tourism market.Zarządzanie przyszłą polityką i strategią rozwoju turystyki staje się coraz większym wyzwaniem ze względu na stale zmieniające się otoczenie. Istotne jest zidentyfikowanie kluczowych wymiarów i wdrożenie koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju, aby zapewnić zrównoważony rozwój turystyki. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie wymiarów rozwoju zrównoważonej turystyki w krajach Unii Europejskiej i Bałkanach Zachodnich. Celem jest analiza spójności tych krajów pod względem zrównoważoności rozwoju turystyki i podróży. Celem artykułu jest także określenie poziomu odstawania Bałkanów Zachodnich od krajów Unii Europejskiej pod względem zrównoważenia gospodarczego, ekologicznego i społecznego rozwoju turystyki. Identyfikacja kluczowych elementów zrównoważonego rozwoju turystyki w tych krajach jest ważna dla stworzenia strategicznych wytycznych do zarządzania turystyką oraz kierowania podażą i popytem na dynamicznym rynku turystycznym

    New Electronic Interface Circuits for Humidity Measurement Based on the Current Processing Technique

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    The paper describes a new electronic conditioning circuit based on the current-processing technique for accurate and reliable humidity measurement, without post-processing requirements. Pseudobrookite nanocrystalline (Fe2TiO5) thick film was used as capacitive humidity transducer in the proposed design. The interface integrated circuit was realized in TSMC 0.18 mu m CMOS technology, but commercial devices were used for practical realization. The sensing principle of the sensor was obtained by converting the information on environment humidity into a frequency variable square-wave electric current signal. The proposed solution features high linearity, insensitivity to temperature, as well as low power consumption. The sensor has a linear function with relative humidity in the range of Relative Humidity (RH) 30-90 %, error below 1.5 %, and sensitivity 8.3 x 10(14) Hz/F evaluated over the full range of changes. A fast recovery without the need of any refreshing methods was observed with a change in RH. The total power dissipation of readout circuitry was 1 mW