39 research outputs found

    Effect of GABAA Receptor Clustering on Phasic and Tonic Inhibition in the Hippocampus

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    Inhibitory transmission plays a major role in information processing in the brain since it integrates excitatory signals and defines the gain between neural input and output. \u3b3-Amino butyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult mammalian brain. By activating GABAA and GABAB receptors this neurotransmitter inhibits neuronal firing and stabilizes the membrane potential near the resting value. In particular GABAA receptors are permeable to chloride ions and are responsible for phasic and tonic hyperpolarizing responses. GABA-mediated currents are the result of rapid, sequential events including transmitter release from the presynaptic terminal, transmitter diffusion within and outside the cleft and post-synaptic receptors gating. The kinetics of each of these processes is crucial in determining the shape of post-synaptic currents. Therefore the modulation of any of these events leads to the heterogeneity of GABAergic responses and to changes in the potency of inhibition. In this thesis I have studied the sources of such variability at presynaptic/cleft and postsynaptic level. At presynaptic/cleft level I have focused on the influence of the agonist concentration profile in the synaptic cleft on GABA-mediated synaptic currents. Fast-off competitive antagonists and computer simulations allowed estimating the range of variability of the peak concentration and the speed of GABA clearance form the synaptic cleft. At postsynaptic level particular attention has been attributed to the impact of GABAA receptors clustering on both phasic and tonic GABAA-mediated inhibition. With ultrafast applications of GABA and computer simulations it was possible to describe the modulation of GABAA receptor gating induced by clustering

    Impact of Synaptic Neurotransmitter Concentration Time Course on the Kinetics and Pharmacological Modulation of Inhibitory Synaptic Currents

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    The time course of synaptic currents is a crucial determinant of rapid signaling between neurons. Traditionally, the mechanisms underlying the shape of synaptic signals are classified as pre- and post-synaptic. Over the last two decades, an extensive body of evidence indicated that synaptic signals are critically shaped by the neurotransmitter time course which encompasses several phenomena including pre- and post-synaptic ones. The agonist transient depends on neurotransmitter release mechanisms, diffusion within the synaptic cleft, spill-over to the extra-synaptic space, uptake, and binding to post-synaptic receptors. Most estimates indicate that the neurotransmitter transient is very brief, lasting between one hundred up to several hundreds of microseconds, implying that post-synaptic activation is characterized by a high degree of non-equilibrium. Moreover, pharmacological studies provide evidence that the kinetics of agonist transient plays a crucial role in setting the susceptibility of synaptic currents to modulation by a variety of compounds of physiological or clinical relevance. More recently, the role of the neurotransmitter time course has been emphasized by studies carried out on brain slice models that revealed a striking, cell-dependent variability of synaptic agonist waveforms ranging from rapid pulses to slow volume transmission. In the present paper we review the advances on studies addressing the impact of synaptic neurotransmitter transient on kinetics and pharmacological modulation of synaptic currents at inhibitory synapses

    Declusterization of GABAA receptors affects the kinetic properties of GABAergic currents in cultured hippocampal neurons.

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    Speed and reliability of synaptic transmission are essential for information coding in neuronal networks and require the presence of clustered neurotransmitter receptors at the plasma membrane in precise apposition to presynaptic terminals. Receptor clusterization is the result of highly regulated processes involving functional and structural proteins. Among the structural elements, microtubules are known to play a crucial role in anchoring of gamma-aminobutyric acid, type A (GABA(A)) receptors. Here we show that microtubule depolymerization with nocodazole induces the declusterization of GABA(A) receptors and modifies the kinetic properties of GABAergic currents in cultured hippocampal neurons. In particular, this drug, applied either in the bath or via the patch pipette, induced the acceleration of the onset kinetics of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) without significantly affecting their frequency, thus suggesting a main postsynaptic site of action. After nocodazole treatment, current responses to ultrafast applications of GABA exhibited a faster rise time and an accelerated onset of desensitization. A quantitative analysis of GABA-evoked currents and model simulations suggest that declusterization affects the gating properties of GABA(A) receptors. In particular, a faster entry into the desensitized state of declustered GABA(A) receptors may account for the changes in the kinetic properties of mIPSCs after nocodazole treatment. Hence it appears that the clustered condition of GABA(A) receptors contributes in shaping GABAergic currents

    Correlating Fluorescence and High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (HRSEM) for the study of GABAA receptor clustering induced by inhibitory synaptic plasticity

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    Both excitatory and inhibitory synaptic contacts display activity dependent dynamic changes in their efficacy that are globally termed synaptic plasticity. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying glutamatergic synaptic plasticity have been extensively investigated and described, those responsible for inhibitory synaptic plasticity are only beginning to be unveiled. In this framework, the ultrastructural changes of the inhibitory synapses during plasticity have been poorly investigated. Here we combined confocal fluorescence microscopy (CFM) with high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) to characterize the fine structural rearrangements of post- synaptic GABAA Receptors (GABAARs) at the nanometric scale during the induction of inhibitory long-term potentiation (iLTP). Additional electron tomography (ET) experiments on immunolabelled hippocampal neurons allowed the visualization of synaptic contacts and confirmed the reorganization of post- synaptic GABAAR clusters in response to chemical iLTP inducing protocol. Altogether, these approaches revealed that, following the induction of inhibitory synaptic potentiation, GABAAR clusters increase in size and number at the post-synaptic membrane with no other major structural changes of the pre- and post-synaptic elements

    Tuning GABAergic Inhibition: Gephyrin Molecular Organization and Functions

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    To be highly reliable, synaptic transmission needs postsynaptic receptors (Rs) in precise apposition to the pre - synaptic release sites. At inhibitory synapses, the postsynaptic protein gephyrin self -assembles to form a scaffold that anchors glycine and GABA A Rs to the cytoskeleton, thus ensuring the accurate accumulation of postsynaptic receptors at the right place. This protein undergoes several post -translational modifications which control protein-protein interac- tion and downstream signaling pathways. In addition, through the constant exchange of scaffolding elements and recep- tors in and out of synapses, gephyrin dynamically regulates synaptic strength and plasticity.The aim of the present review is to highlight recent findings on the functional role of gephyrin at GABAergic inhibitory synapses. We will discuss different approaches used to interfere with gephyrin in order to unveil its function. In addition, we will focus on the impact of gephyrin structure and distribution at the nanoscale level on the functional properties of inhibitory synapses as well as the implications of this scaffold protein in synaptic plasticity processes. Finally, we will emphasize how gephyrin genetic mutations or alterations in protein expression levels are implicated in several neuropathological disorders, including aut- ism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, temporal lobe epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease, all associated with severe def- icits of GABAergic signaling. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Honoring Ricardo Miledi - outstanding neuroscientist of XX-XXI centuries. (c) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO. This is an open access article under the CC BY -NC -ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Kainate receptor activation shapes short-term synaptic plasticity by controlling receptor lateral Mobility at glutamatergic synapses

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    Kainate receptors (KARs) mediate postsynaptic currents with a key impact on neuronal excitability. However, the molecular determinants controlling KAR postsynaptic localization and stabilization are poorly understood. Here, we exploit optogenetic and single-particle tracking approaches to study the role of KAR conformational states induced by glutamate binding on KAR lateral mobility at synapses. We report that following glutamate binding, KARs are readily and reversibly trapped at glutamatergic synapses through increased interaction with the β-catenin/N-cadherin complex. We demonstrate that such activation-dependent synaptic immobilization of KARs is crucial for the modulation of short-term plasticity of glutamatergic synapses. Thus, the present study unveils the crosstalk between conformational states and lateral mobility of KARs, a mechanism regulating glutamatergic signaling, particularly in conditions of sustained synaptic activity

    Nanoscale molecular reorganization of the inhibitory postsynaptic density is a determinant of gabaergic synaptic potentiation

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    Gephyrin is a key scaffold protein mediating the anchoring of GABAA receptors at inhibitory synapses. Here, we exploited superresolution techniques combined with proximity-based clustering analysis and model simulations to investigate the single-molecule gephyrin reorganization during plasticity of inhibitory synapses in mouse hippocampal cultured neurons. This approach revealed that, during the expression of inhibitory LTP, the increase of gephyrin density at postsynaptic sites is associated with the promoted formation of gephyrin nanodomains. We demonstrate that the gephyrin rearrangement in nanodomains stabilizes the amplitude of postsynaptic currents, indicating that, in addition to the number of synaptic GABAA receptors, the nanoscale distribution of GABAA receptors in the postsynaptic area is a crucial determinant for the expression of inhibitory synaptic plasticity. In addition, the methodology implemented here clears the way to the application of the graph-based theory to single-molecule data for the description and quantification of the spatial organization of the synapse at the single-molecule level

    Descriptive epidemiology of selected birth defects, areas of Lombardy, Italy, 1999

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Birth defects are a leading cause of neonatal and infant mortality in Italy, however little is known of the etiology of most defects. Improvements in diagnosis have revealed increasing numbers of clinically insignificant defects, while improvements in treatment have increased the survival of those with more serious and complex defects. For etiological studies, prevention, and management, it is important to have population-based monitoring which provides reliable data on the prevalence at birth of such defects.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We recently initiated population-based birth defect monitoring in the Provinces of Mantova, Sondrio and Varese of the Region of Lombardy, northern Italy, and report data for the first year of operation (1999). The registry uses all-electronic source files (hospital discharge files, death certificates, regional health files, and pathology reports) and a proven case-generation methodology, which is described.</p> <p>The data were checked manually by consulting clinical records in hospitals. Completeness was checked against birth certificates by capture-recapture. Data on cases were coded according to the four-digit malformation codes of the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9). We present data only on selected defects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found 246 selected birth defects in 12,008 live births in 1999, 148 among boys and 98 among girls. Congenital heart defects (particularly septal defects) were the most common (90.8/10,000), followed by defects of the genitourinary tract (34.1/10, 000) (particularly hypospadias in boys), digestive system (23.3/10,000) and central nervous system (14.9/10,000), orofacial clefts (10.8/10,000) and Down syndrome (8.3/10,000). Completeness was satisfactory: analysis of birth certificates resulted in the addition of two birth defect cases to the registry.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This is the first population-based analysis on selected major birth defects in the Region. The high birth prevalences for septal heart defect and hypospadias are probably due to the inclusion of minor defects and lack of coding standardization; the latter problem also seems important for other defects. However the data produced are useful for estimating the demands made on the health system by babies with birth defects.</p