34 research outputs found

    Field-Driven Transitions in the Dipolar Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Gd2_2Ti2_2O7_7

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    We present a mean-field theory for magnetic field driven transitions in dipolar coupled gadolinium titanate Gd2_2Ti2_2O7_7 pyrochlore system. Low temperature neutron scattering yields a phase that can be regarded as a 8 sublattice antiferromagnet, in which long-ranged ordered moments and fluctuating moments coexist. Our theory gives parameter regions where such a phase is realized, and predicts several other phases, with transitions amongst them driven by magnetic field as well as temperature. We find several instances of {\em local} disorder parameters describing the transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. v2: longer version with 2 add.fig., to appear in PR

    Field-Induced Order and Magnetization Plateaux in Frustrated Antiferromagnets

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    We argue that collinearly ordered states which exist in strongly frustrated spin systems for special rational values of the magnetization are stabilized by thermal as well as quantum fluctuations. These general predictions are tested by Monte Carlo simulations for the classical and Lanczos diagonalization for the S=1/2 frustrated square-lattice antiferromagnet.Comment: 4 pages, 2 PostScript figures included; to appear in the proceedings of SCES2001, Ann Arbor, August 6-10, 2001 (Physica B

    Роль генотипа, состава среды и типа экспланта в формировании первичного каллюса изогенных линий пшеницы

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    The processes of callusogenesis induction of winter wheat Triticum aestivum L., cultivar Myronovskaya 808 isogenic by genes of the control of type Vrn and rates Ppd of development were investigated. In the studied genotypes genotypic dependence of callusogenesis processes was noted and it was shown that callusogenesis and the type of callus tissue were caused by the type of explants. It was established that the callus from mature germs and leaf explants had morphogenetic potential. The distinctions among isogenic lines in callus tissue cell sizes and rate of primary callus formation were revealed.Исследованы процессы индукции каллюсогенеза изогенных по генам контроля типа Vrn и темпов Ppd развития линий озимой мягкой пшеницы (Triticum aestivum L.) сорта Мироновская 808. У изученных генотипов установлена генотипическая зависимость частоты каллюсогенеза, а также показано, что эффективность процесса и тип каллюсной ткани обусловлены выбранным эксплантом. Установлено, что морфогенетическим потенциалом обладают каллюсы из зрелых зародышей и листовых эксплантов. Выявлены различия среди изогенных линий в размерах клеток каллюсных тканей и скорости их формирования

    Методичне підґрунтя формування цифрового простору виконання підрядних будівельних робіт

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    The article searches for an appropriate methodology for the formation of methodological and formal analytical basis for the modernization of models of construction organization based on BIM models. The leading area of application of BIM-technologies in construction is the transformation of disparate graphic and tabular elements from the design and estimate documentation into a single system of info-graphic graphic modules, which are integrated by a single information retrieval system. However, in the realities of the domestic construction market and construction administration systems, BIM technologies remain an aid to the visual-graphic and analytical presentation of the content of a construction development project as an object of construction and investment. However, the strategic trend of this market is the formation of construction development as a single environment of the construction project and as a format of construction administration. Given such strategic dominants, there is a need to redirect and readjust the functional content and graph-analytical design of VIM-technologies to the peculiarities of preparation and organization of the construction development project cycle (BDP) – from promoting the initial investment product idea to the end of the development contract. BIM-technologies should no longer be considered solely as an additional tool for visualizing the progress of the project cycle. It is substantiated that the digital space of the construction industry (construction projects, construction organizations-participants) in the development of information and communication technologies acquires the characteristics of an alternative construction business, which should function in a certain transformed environment of construction development projects. Technologies directly related to design and construction (BIM, augmented reality, laser scanning, etc.) increase the efficiency of investment and construction projects, while digital data analysis systems contribute to a better understanding of construction market trends.В статті проведено пошук належної методології щодо формування методичної та формально аналітичної основи модернізації моделей організації будівництва на ґрунті BIM–моделей. Провідною сферою застосування BIM-технологій у будівництві є трансформація розрізнених графічних і табличних елементів з складу проектно-кошторисної  документації у єдину систему інфо-графічних графічних модулів, що інтегруються єдиною інформаційно-пошуковою системою. Однак, у реаліях вітчизняного будівельного ринку та систем адміністрування будівництвом BIM–технології лишаються  допоміжним засобом візуально-графічного та аналітичного подання змісту будівельного девелоперського проекту як об’єкту будівництва та інвестування. Проте стратегічною тенденцією даного ринку є становлення будівельного  девелопменту як єдиного середовища будівельного проекту та як формату адміністрування  будівництвом. Враховуючи такі стратегічні домінанти, виникає потреба переспрямування та переналаштування функціонального змісту та графо-аналітичної конструкції ВIM-технологій до особливостей  підготовки та організації циклу будівельного девелоперського проекту (БДП) - від просування  започаткувальної  інвестиційно-продуктової ідеї до завершення дії девелоперського контракту. BIM-технології вже не слід розглядати  виключно як додатковий інструмент візуалізації  ходу проектного циклу. Обґрунтовано, що цифровий простір будівельної галузі (будівельні проекти, будівельні організації-учасники) в умовах розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій набуває ознак альтернативного будівельного бізнесу, що має функціонувати в певним чином трансформованому середовищ будівельних девелоперських проектів. Технології, безпосередньо пов’язані з проектуванням і будівництвом (BIM, доповнена реальність, лазерне сканування тощо), підвищують ефективність реалізації інвестиційно-будівельних проектів, натомість системи аналізу цифрових даних сприяють кращому розумінню тенденцій будівельного ринку

    Genotype by yield × trait (GYT) biplot analysis for the identification of the superior winter and facultative barley breeding lines

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    Received: January 25th, 2023 ; Accepted: May 21st, 2023 ; Published: June 17th, 2023 ; Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] the present study, in a panel of promising winter and facultative barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding lines, the peculiarities of yield performance and its combination with resistance (tolerance) to the most common under conditions of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe abiotic and biotic stresses have been determined. In 2016-17–2018-19 the breeding lines were differentiated based on grain yield, thousand kernel weight, frost resistance, leakage of electrolytes, relative drought tolerance, lodging resistance, and resistance to powdery mildew (caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E. O. Speer, f. sp. hordei emend. É. J. Marchal (anamorph Oidium monilioides Link)), spot blotch (caused by Cochliobolus sativus (anamorph Bipolaris sorokiniana [Sacc.] Shoem.)), and leaf rust (caused by Puccinia hordei Otth.). GYT (genotype by yield × trait) biplot model was used for comprehensive evaluation of the breeding lines by a combination of yield with a complex of traits. As a result, the winter breeding line ‘Pallidum 5096’ and facultative breeding line ‘Pallidum 5110’ superior to others in terms of yield × traits combinations have been identified. These breeding lines as new varieties ‘MIP Atlas’ and ‘MIP Yanus’ accordingly have been submitted to the Ukrainian Institute for Plant Variety Examination for further State Qualification Examination. The winter (‘Pallidum 5134’, ‘Pallidum 5097’, ‘Pallidum 5024’, ‘Pallidum 5090’, and ‘Pallidum 5130’) and facultative (‘Pallidum 5153’, ‘Pallidum 5102’, ‘Pallidum 5126’, and ‘Pallidum 5131’) breeding lines can be used as valuable genetic sources in breeding programs in Ukraine and some other Central a nd Eastern European countries

    Gender differences of basketball players aged 12-13 years according to the response to a moving object

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    Purpose: The study aims at the determining gender differences of basketball players aged 12-13 years in response to an object in motion that determines the predominance of excitation and inhibition processes. Material: The participants of the study are 58 basketball players aged 12-13 years, 35 are male basketball players and 23 are female. Male basketball players had 4-5-year training experience, female had 1,5-2-year experience. All athletes had normal visual acuity and were healthy at the time of the study. Young basketball players were informed about the purpose of the study. The computer program containing visual stimuli, moving with acceleration from different points of the monitor was used for testing. Results: The deviations from the target data as well the pole were taken into consideration. It demonstrated the predominance of excitation and inhibition processes of basketball players of different sexes. The response accuracy to visual stimuli without taking into account the pole during perception with the left eye and the right eye is shown. Conclusions: It was found out that the females’ response accuracy during monocular perception is more closely related to the response accuracy during binocular imaging, whereas the role of the males’ leading eye is increased during perception of objects from a convenient side. This may indicate the peculiar reactions under the conditions of double perception of objects in solving complex spatial problems

    Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnets

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    The magnetothermodynamics of strongly frustrated classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets on kagome, garnet, and pyrochlore lattices is examined. The field induced adiabatic temperature change (dT/dH)_S is significantly larger for such systems compared to ordinary non-frustrated magnets and also exceeds the cooling rate of an ideal paramagnet in a wide range of fields. An enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect is related to presence of a macroscopic number of soft modes in frustrated magnets below the saturation field. Theoretical predictions are confirmed with extensive Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 page

    Total Cross Section Measurements With π- , Σ- And Protons On Nuclei And Nucleons Around 600 Gev/c

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    Total cross sections for Σ- and π- on beryllium, carbon, polyethylene and copper as well as total cross sections for protons on beryllium and carbon have been measured in a broad momentum range around 600GeV/c . These measurements were performed with a transmission technique in the SELEX hyperon-beam experiment at Fermilab. We report on results obtained for hadron-nucleus cross sections and on results for σtot(Σ-N) and σtot(π-N) , which were deduced from nuclear cross sections. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.57901/02/15277312Langland, J.L., (1995) Ph.D. Thesis, , University of IowaKleinfelder, S.A., (1988) IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 35 (1)Dersch, U., (1998) Ph.D. Thesis, HeidelbergBiagi, S.F., (1981) Nucl. Phys. B, 186, pp. 1-21Bellettini, G., (1966) Nucl. Phys., 79, pp. 609-624Schiz, A.M., (1980) Phys. Rev. D, 21, pp. 3010-3022Murthy, P.V.R., (1975) Nucl. Phys. B, 92, pp. 269-308Caso, C., (1998) Eur. Phys. J. C, 3. , http://pdg.lbl.gov/1998/contents_plots.html, and data on total cross sections from computer readable filesSchiz, A.M., (1979) Ph.D. Thesis, , Yale University(1973) Landolt Börnstein Tables, 7. , Springer editionEngler, J., (1970) Phys. Lett. B, 32, pp. 716-719Babaev, A., (1974) Phys. Lett. B, 51, pp. 501-504Glauber, R.J., (1959) Boulder Lectures, pp. 315-413Franco, V., (1972) Phys. Rev. C, 6, pp. 748-757Karmanov, V.A., Kondratyuk, L.A., (1973) JETP Lett., 18, pp. 266-268Burq, J.P., (1983) Nucl. Phys. B, 217, pp. 285-335Gross, D., (1978) Phys. Rev. Lett., 41, pp. 217-220Beznogikh, G.G., (1972) Phys. Lett. B, 39, pp. 411-413Vorobyov, A.A., (1972) Phys. Lett. B, 41, pp. 639-641Foley, K.J., (1967) Phys. Rev. Lett., 19, pp. 857-859Fajardo, L.A., (1981) Phys. Rev. D, 24, pp. 46-65Jenni, P., (1977) Nucl. Phys. B, 129, pp. 232-252Breedon, R.E., (1989) Phys. Rev. Lett. B, 216, pp. 459-465Amos, N., (1983) Phys. Rev. Lett. B, 128, pp. 343-348Amaldi, U., (1977) Phys. Rev. Lett. B, 66, pp. 390-394Amos, N., (1985) Nucl. Phys. B, 262, pp. 689-714Akopin, V.D., (1977) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 25, pp. 51-55Amirkhanov, I.V., (1973) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 17, pp. 636-637Foley, K.J., (1969) Phys. Rev., 181, pp. 1775-1793Apokin, V.D., (1976) Nucl. Phys. B, 106, pp. 413-429Burq, J.P., (1982) Phys. Lett. B, 109, pp. 124-127Dakhno, L.G., (1983) Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 37, pp. 590-598Kazarinov, M., (1976) Sov. Phys. JETP, 43, pp. 598-606De Jager, C.W., (1974) At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 14, pp. 479-508Donnachie, A., Landshoff, P.V., (1992) Phys. Lett. B, 296, pp. 227-232Lipkin, H., (1975) Phys. Rev. D, 11, pp. 1827-1831Barnett, R.M., (1996) Phys. Rev. D, 54, pp. 191-192Carroll, A.S., (1979) Phys. Lett. B, 80, pp. 423-427Badier, J., (1972) Phys. Lett. B, 41, pp. 387-39

    Total Cross Section Measurements with pi-, Sigma- and Protons on Nuclei and Nucleons around 600 GeV/c

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    Total cross sections for Sigma- and pi- on beryllium, carbon, polyethylene and copper as well as total cross sections for protons on beryllium and carbon have been measured in a broad momentum range around 600GeV/c. These measurements were performed with a transmission technique adapted to the SELEX hyperon-beam experiment at Fermilab. We report on results obtained for hadron-nucleus cross sections and on results for sigma_tot(Sigma- N) and sigma_tot(pi- N), which were deduced from nuclear cross sections.Comment: 42 pages, submitted to Nucl.Phys.