50 research outputs found

    Úprava, výpočet a experimentální nastavení hořáku, určeného pro spalování metanu v elektrickém poli

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    In this paper was solved modification of combustion burner for experimental exam of methane combustion in the electric field with high intensity voltage. The burner was originally designed for the combustion stack gas. The burner must have been necessary adjusted, because the mixture of stack gas and air was replaced by mixture of methane and oxygen. The fundamental requirement is to adjust the height of the flame that may reach a maximum of height 100 mm. This height was re-quired because the application of electric field intensity with the maximum voltage of 100 kV. An-other objective was to achieve a geometrically stable methane-oxygen flame. Gas mixture of methane and oxygen were chosen because the simplicity of combustion reactions. This paper includes a detailed description of stack gas burner, the recalculation of the parameters for a mixture of me-thane and oxygen with the calculation of flow rate regulation for individual gasses, calculation of flow velocity and differential pressure. From the results of calculations and using the experimental configuration, the burner was configured on flow rate 0.1045 m3·h-1 of oxygen and 0.051 m3·h-1 of methane and pressures 2 bar for methane and 5.9 bar for oxygen, which corresponds to approximately power of burner 0.5 kW. At this setting, the flame showed a perfect geometry and flame height for the subsequent application of high intensity electric field to the flame zone.V této práci byla řešena úprava hořáku pro experimentální úlohu spalování metanu V elektrickém poli O vysoké intenzitě napětí. Hořák byl původně určený pro spalování vysokopecní-ho plynu. Hořák bylo nutné upravit Z důvodu záměny směsi vysokopecního plynu se vzduchem za směs metanu S kyslíkem. Stěžejní podmínkou bylo upravit výšku plamene tak, aby dosahoval maxi-mální výšky 100 mm. Výška byla požadována Z důvodu aplikace elektrického pole O intenzitě napětí max 100 kV. Dalším cílem bylo dosažení geometricky stabilního metanovo-kyslíkového plamene. Směs plynů metanu a kyslíku byla zvolena Z důvodu jednoduchosti reakce hoření. Článek zahrnuje podrobný popis hořáku na vysokopecní plyn, přepočet jednotlivých parametrů pro směs metanu S kyslíkem, dále výpočet regulace průtoků jednotlivých plynů, výpočet rychlosti proudění a rozdílu tlaku. Z výsledků výpočtů a pomocí experimentálního nastavení, byl hořák upraven na průtoky 0,1045 m3·h-1 kyslíku a 0,051 m3·h-1 metanu a tlaky 2 bar pro metan a 5,9 bar pro kyslík, což odpovídá výkonu hořáku cca 0,5 kW. Při tomto nastavení plamen vykazoval ideální geometrii a výšku plamene pro následnou aplikaci elektrického pole O vysoké intenzitě do zóny plamene. * Ing. Pavel KLAUS, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy an

    Experimental modeling of weld thermal cycle of the heat affected zone (HAZ)

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    Contribution deals with experimental modeling of quick thermal cycles of metal specimens. In the introduction of contribution will be presented measured graphs of thermal cycle of heat affected zone (HAZ) of weld. Next will be presented experimental simulation of measured thermal cycle on the standard specimens, useable for material testing. This approach makes possible to create material structures of heat affected zone of weld, big enough for standard material testing.Web of Science55473673

    Modes of micromolar host-guest binding of beta-cyclodextrin complexes revealed by NMR spectroscopy in salt water

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    Multitopic supramolecular guests with finely tuned affinities toward widely explored cucurbit[n]urils (CBs) and cyclodextrins (CDs) have been recently designed and tested as functional components of advanced supramolecular systems. We employed various spacers between the adamantane cage and a cationic moiety as a tool for tuning the binding strength toward CB7 to prepare a set of model guests with K-CB7 and K beta-CD values of (0.6-5.0) x 10(10) M-1 and (0.6-2.6) x 10(6) M-1, respectively. These accessible adamantylphenyl-based binding motifs open a way toward supramolecular components with an outstanding affinity toward beta-cyclodextrin. H-1 NMR experiments performed in 30% CaCl2 /D2O at 273 K along with molecular dynamics simulations allowed us to identify two arrangements of the guest@beta-CD complexes. The approach, joining experimental and theoretical methods, provided a better understanding of the structure of cyclodextrin complexes and related molecular recognition, which is highly important for the rational design of drug delivery systems, molecular sensors and switches.Internal Funding Agency of the Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FT/2020/001]; Czech Science FoundationGrant Agency of the Czech Republic [18-05421S]; Ministry of Education, Youths and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS CR) [LQ1601]; CIISB, Instruct-CZ Center of Instruct-ERIC EU consortium - MEYS CR infrastructure project [LM2018127]; MEYS CR from the Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovations [CZLM2018140]Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT: CZ-LM2018140, LM2018127; Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR: 18-05421S, LQ1601; Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně: IGA/FT/2020/001; Masarykova Univerzita, M

    Conformations of Flanking Bases in HIV-1 RNA DIS Kissing Complexes Studied by Molecular Dynamics

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    Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations (in total almost 800 ns including locally enhanced sampling runs) were applied with different ion conditions and with two force fields (AMBER and CHARMM) to characterize typical geometries adopted by the flanking bases in the RNA kissing-loop complexes. We focus on flanking base positions in multiple x-ray and NMR structures of HIV-1 DIS kissing complexes and kissing complex from the large ribosomal subunit of Haloarcula marismortui. An initial x-ray open conformation of bulged-out bases in HIV-1 DIS complexes, affected by crystal packing, tends to convert to a closed conformation formed by consecutive stretch of four stacked purine bases. This is in agreement with those recent crystals where the packing is essentially avoided. We also observed variants of the closed conformation with three stacked bases, while nonnegligible populations of stacked geometries with bulged-in bases were detected, too. The simulation results reconcile differences in positions of the flanking bases observed in x-ray and NMR studies. Our results suggest that bulged-out geometries are somewhat more preferred, which is in accord with recent experiments showing that they may mediate tertiary contacts in biomolecular assemblies or allow binding of aminoglycoside antibiotics

    Transparent public administration - Using IT to reduce corruption and increase efficiency

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    The thesis present usage of information technologies in public sector and is focused on e-procurement. The aim is to inform about possible solutions which increase transparency and efficiency of public tenders. It begins with theoretic aspects of public sector, corrupt conduct, assumptions and barriers of implementing information technologies in the public sector. E-procurement is mentioned together with the European and national approach and both are compared. Furthermore, special tools and systems, which are available in the Czech Republic at all levels of public administration, are described. Finally, the closing part illustrates the usage of e-procurement tools in the environment of particular public authority

    Tepelný výpočet vozové komorové pece, určené pro tepelné zpracování ocelových předkovků

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVysoká škola báňská. Hutní fakulta. Katedra (635) tepelné technik

    Comparison of classical and modern methods of the determination of púathogenic microorganisms in foods

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    Práce sledujie možnost klasické metody a rychlometody na průkaz listerií ve vybraných potravinách. Byly zkoumány měkké a plísňové sýry. Na modelových příkladech byla ověřena záchytnost klasické kultivační metody na průkaz L. monocytogenes dle ČSN ISO 10560, na reálné vzorky sýrů byla aplikována metoda ČSN ISO 10560 na průkaz L. monocytogenes a screeningový test Clearview Listeria Test Unit.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    E-learning at primary and secondary schools

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    This thesis is focused on use of e-learning at primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. The aim is to inform about the possibilities of implementation, explain the basic idea of how e-learning works, what are the possibilities to choose from, with its advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, information about special needs for the e-learning solutions at this level of education with the options of state and EU financial support are included. The thesis also contains a few examples of concrete e-learning solutions at primary and secondary schools and my own research showing the actual measure of usage at primary and secondary schools