13 research outputs found

    Impact of Safety Procedures and Airports Equipment on Air Operators Economy

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    Import 05/08/2014Obsah této diplomové práce pojednává o vlivu bezpečnostních postupů a vybavení letišť na ekonomiku leteckých provozovatelů. První část diplomové práce je spíše teoretická a vysvětlují se v ní fakta, která úzce souvisí s bezpečností v letectví. Druhá část se zabývá nejaktuálnějšími trendy ve vybavení a postupech na letištích a to zejména na Letišti Leoše Janáčka. Poslední část, tedy část hlavní pojednává o vlastní analýze vlivu bezpečnostních postupů na ekonomickou zátěž aerolinek a zdalipak jsou tyto postupy přiměřené vůči zvýšení úrovně bezpečnosti v letectví.This master thesis deals with the impact of security procedures and airports facilities on the economy airline operators. The first chapter is mainly theoretical and try to explain the facts which are closely related to airport security. The second chapter deals with the most recent trends in equipment and procedures at airports and especially at Leos Janacek Airport. The last chapter which is major deals with the analysis of the influence of its own security procedures on economic burden of airlines and I wonder if these procedures are proportionate to the increase in the level of airport security.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn

    Sustainability requirements in EU public and private procurement – a right or an obligation?

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    Procurement is no longer just about buying the cheapest possible supplies or services. Rather, it is understood as a process whereby organisations meet their needs in a way that achieves value for money on a lifetime basis and allows delivering aspects beyond savings, so-called sustainable procurement. This is true both for the public and private sectors. However, there is only limited legal regulation of sustainable procurement, which causes many uncertainties in respect to the possibility to include sustainability concerns into procurement processes as well as consequences of (not) doing so. The article thus focuses on the questions whether pursuing sustainability goals through procurement is an organisation's right or obligation and whether there are any risks of liability associated with pursuing or ignoring sustainability goals. These questions are analysed from the two perspectives of public and private procurement and similarities and differences between the sectors are identified. We find that in both sectors sustainability topics (i) are increasingly considered and implemented into contracts; (ii) deal with similar issues in both contexts; (iii) cover issues that are linked to the subject matter of a contract, including issues that relate rather to production process than the physical qualities of the delivered goods as such; and (iv) proliferate through all stages of the procurement process. However, the drivers of sustainability procurement and the legal regulation differ substantially. Still, it is found that while there is a right to include sustainability considerations into both public and private procurement processes, there are only contours of the legal obligation to do so. In respect to private procurement, the right to give considerations to sustainability issues is not expressly stated by the applicable law as it is in respect to public procurement (though limitations apply there as well). In fact, in both sectors the right mostly stems from the fact that there is no regulation forbidding this. Quite counter-intuitively then, there seem to be more legal risks associated with the inclusion of sustainability requirements into the procurement process (and inadequate enforcement thereof) rather than with ignoring them


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    [...] conflicting legal rules and norms, some pushing for the pursuance of CSR and sustainability goals and some suggesting the risk of liability for the same, were in the focus of the conference titled ‘To Pursue or Not to Pursue CSR Goals: Legal Risks and Liabilities’ held in Copenhagen on 6-7 October 2016. This conference was an initiative of the Centre for Enterprise Liability, Copenhagen University (CEVIA) and the International and Transnational Tendencies in Law centre, Aarhus University (INTRAlaw) and co-organised with the Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade (SMART) project and the CSR Legal Research Network. The speakers addressed the issue of whether companies, states and other entities that are required by transnational private regulation and soft law to pursue CSR and sustainability goals in their activities may in fact face legal risks and liabilities for doing or not doing so. This special issue presents five of the contributions, discussing the topic both from the company (private) and state (public) perspectives. [...

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Telematic services and usage telematics in insurance

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    This thesis deals with a specific area of telematics systems - intelligent transport systems for private vehicles. The main objective is to compare telematics services in the insurance industry in the Czech Republic and in selected foreign countries (UK, USA, Germany and Russia) and propose an extension of these services, which could be implemented in a particular society dedicated to the insurance industry. Proposal to extend the product service from the insurance telematics is drawn through two project plans. The main goal is accomplished through several other sub-objectives, in identifying the theoretical concepts related to these issues and overall definition of telematics for analysis of telematic services. Another sub-goal is to monitor the Czech market providers of navigation systems and vehicle monitoring, comparison and evaluation of the products aimed at this issue. Contribution of the work is mainly mapping market, what products and services are offered. The solution also helps to compare the chosen methodology through the evaluation criteria. Evaluation of this situation will be reflected as a recommendation for a specific provider from the insurance industry. Analysis of products and services is also beneficial for the customer, provides an overview of the products and their evaluation, which basically points out what is appropriate to focus on making these products

    Electronic trade and private international law with special regard to entering into contracts

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    1 Electronic Commerce and Private International Law (with Special Focus on Contract Formation Process) Summary in English language Technologies through which we are able to conclude a contract and carry out business are evolving by unbelievable speed. Legislators all over the world are unable to keep up with such a development usually because the legislative process is a long-term one, they come across absolutely new problems and they have to find new ways to deal with them. The current effective norms governing electronic commerce are often insufficient. They deal only with parts of the problems arising in connection to electronic commerce. Most of them were enacted in times when internet was the only mean of contracting and therefore they are not applicable to new technologies like mobile phones or PDA ect. One of the biggest legal problems arising in connection with new technologies is caused by their borderless. The users are contracting through borders easily because they are not obvious in traditional way. There appears a new question where are the borders in the cyberspace? And are there any? And hand in hand with this issue goes the problem of determining the governing law for these contracts and court that has jurisdiction to hear a case when a dispute arise. Shortly said the new borderless media..

    Leisure activites for mentally and physically handicapped people in Zbesicky

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    The work deals with leisure activities in a facility for people with disabilities in Zběšičky. The next is divided into practical and theoretical part. The theoretical part deals with a specific facility, DOZP Zběšičky. It deals with the history, clients, and the possibility of using free time in the facility. Furthermore, the theoretical part examines the definitions and differences of mental and physical disabilities, leisure time and opportunities for leisure activities for people with disabilities. The practical part deals with specific clients and their key employees through qualitative research and interviews. The practical part also describes the possibilities of using free time and describes the lives of people living in this facility

    Alternative Method of Measuring the Braking Actions on Airport Operation Area

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    Import 03/08/2012PETERKOVÁ, K. Náhradní způsob měření brzdných účinků na provozní ploše letiště: Bakalářská práce. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská – Technická Univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta Strojní, Ústav letecké dopravy, 2012, 50 stran, Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Ing. Lubor Sobek, Ph.D. Obsah této bakalářské práce pojednává o náhradním způsobu měření brzdných účinků na provozní ploše letiště. První část je spíše teoretická a vysvětluje se v ní, co to brzdné účinky jsou, jakým způsobem a jakými technickými prostředky se dají měřit. Hlavní částí je kapitola, kde je popsán náhradní způsob měření, který byl v minulosti realizován vozidlem bez ABS. Dnes se však využívá vozidlo s ABS a proto je popsán přepočet mezi těmito dvěma vozidly na základě porovnání hodnot z tabulky stávající pro náhradní způsob měření a z tabulky nové, která byla určena praktickými měřeními, které reprezentují část druhou a to praktickou.PETERKOVÁ, K. Alternative Method of Measuring the Braking Action on Airport Operation Area: Bachelor Thesis: Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Air Transport, 2012, 50 pages, Thesis head: Ing. Lubor Sobek, Ph.D. This bachelor's thesis deals with alternative method of measuring the braking action on airport operation area. The first chapter is mainly theoretical part where is explained what is the braking effect and how and by what it can be measured. The main part is the chapter which describes the alternative method of measuring braking action which was implemented with a car without Anti-lock Brake System in the past. However today the car is used with Anti-lock Brake System so that is why there is a conversion between the car without ABS and the car with ABS by comparing the values from the existing chart for alternative method of measuring and the new chart, which was determined by practical measurements which are in the second practical part.342 - Institut dopravyvýborn