110 research outputs found

    The internal structure of Paleoalpine thrusts of the Western Carpathians: A case study from the Križná thrust system

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    Abstract The aim of this article is to point out the complicated internal structure of Paleoalpine thrusts of the Western Carpathians and the consequential ambiguous interpretations of the tectonic transport of these tectonic units. The example used here is that of the internal structure of the Križná thrust system in the area of the Demänová and II'anová Valleys in Nízke Tatry Mountains. The form that the Križná thrust takes is that of three individual thrust sheets. These overthrust each other along differently oriented thrust ramps. The geometry of the ramps influences the direction of the thrust displacement of the individual thrust sheets of the Križná thrust

    The influence of pavement surface texture and type of measuring tyre on values of friction coefficient

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    Príspevok sa venuje meraniu geometrických ako aj fyzikálnych charakteristík popisujúcich aktuálny stav drsnosti daného povrchu vozovky. Merania boli realizované na vybraných úsekoch cestnej siete s rozdielnym asfaltovým povrchom s cieľom o čo najväčšie možné zastúpenie používaných zmesí na Slovensku. Boli vykonané merania makrotextúry, mikrotextúry, ako aj samotné meranie súčiniteľa trenia. Merania súčiniteľa trenia boli realizované zariadením TWO (Traction Watcher One), ktoré je vo vlastníctve centra excelentnosti Žilinskej univerzity.The article deals with the measurement of geometric and physical characteristics, which are used for describing of the current skid resistance value of the road pavement surface. The measurements were performed on selected road sections with different asphalt surface in order to examine the widest possible representation of asphalt mixtures used in Slovakia. There were performed measurements of macrotexture, microtexture and measurements of longitudinal friction coefficient. The measurements of friction coefficient were performed by means of device TWO (Traction Watcher One), which is the property of Centre of Excellence, University of Žilina

    Physics Experiments Planned by The Students Themselves - Higher Secondary Education

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    [EN] More than 15 years ago we started to implement in our physics curriculum for 17 years old pupils physics experiments planned by students themselves. Each student must learn, how to prepare and perform physics experiment. The leading idea of this endeavor is “student must do, what she/he wants, at least sometimes”. As a most problematic part of this task is, as has been proved, to teach students to formulate a problem - a question, which can be answered by an experiment and also to formulate a hypothesis, a prediction based on the previous knowledge or based on the information gathered from secondary sources. As important we also see the connection of planning experiments to the goals and aims of science education and sensibility of it from the view of pupils and their parents. Planning experiments by students themselves is a task involving a manifold cluster of means of knowledge gathering and utilization. As generally in creativity, the crucial role has memory. The student applies his/her knowledge. But, at the same time, he/she learns, what is the optimal, useful strategy and structure of working, optimal management for a teamwork. Within planning, a student flips through external sources of information, usually, electronic sources or textbooks, focus his/her attention to information interesting or potentially useful for the phenomenon examined by the experiment just planned. Student remembers, what equipment is available, looks for other equipment and material. Of course, the student also learns to write scientifically, to write in a manner, that nothing hampers understanding of the focus, process, and outcomes. Part of the article is devoted to the topic of development abilities of pre-service physics teacher‘s to scaffold the process of planning experiments of their future students.Authors are gratteful to the support from the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract APVV-14-0070.Demkanin, P.; Kováč, M. (2019). Physics Experiments Planned by The Students Themselves - Higher Secondary Education. En INNODOCT/18. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 23-33. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2018.2018.8767OCS233

    Mechanochemical synthesis of nanocrystalline lead selenide

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    Mechanochemical synthesis of lead selenide PbSe nanoparticles has been performed by high-energy milling of lead and selenium powder in a planetary ball mill Pulverisette 6 (Fritsch, Germany) and in an industrial eccentric vibratory mill ESM 654 (Siebtechnik GmbH, Germany). Structural properties of the synthesized lead selenide were characterized by X-ray diffraction, which confirms crystalline nature of PbSe nanoparticles (JCPDS 6-354). The average size of PbSe crystallites of 37 nm was calculated from XRD data by Williamson-Hall method. The methods of particle size distribution analysis, specific surface area measurement, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy were used for characterization of surface, mean particle size, and morphology of PbSe. An application of industrial mill verified a possibility of the synthesis of a narrowband-gap semiconductor PbSe at ambient temperature and in a relatively short reaction time

    Power restoration in medium voltage network using multiagent system

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    The article describes a novel approach to a power restoration in medium voltage power distribution network. It focuses primary at searching of a new network configuration enabling to minimalize the size of faulted area and to restore the power for the highest possible number of loads. It describes characteristic features of medium voltage power distribution network and discusses the implementation of the presented approach in existing networks. A software tool, developed by the authors, including physical simulation of model network and its autonomous control system is described. An example of fault situation in a virtual distribution network is presented. Afterwards, the solution of restoration problem by proposed multiagent system is simulated using the software tool described in the paper

    Expression of Constitutive Nitric Oxide Synthase Isoforms in Varicose Vein Wall; Preliminary Results

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    There are conflicting findings in literature about the structural changes of the primary varicose veins. NO (a potent vasodilatator) is synthesized by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). From 3 known NOS isoforms the two are constitutional: eNOS (endothelial NOS) and nNOS (neuronal NOS). 10 varicose and 10 control vein samples were processed by standard light microscopy and immuno-histochemica techniques using rabbit polyclonal antibodies against eNOS and nNOS. Antibodies expression was evaluated semiquantitatively and proved morphometrically by 2D-image analysis. total area of NOS isoforms expressions was determined by color analysis and color digital subtraction. The results showed discontinuous and significantly lower expression of both NOS isoforms the in the tunica media of varicose veins compared with the control group. For the statistical analysis the unpaired t-test was used. Our results suppose lower NO levels in varicose vein wall, deducing that varicose dilatation is due to other mechanism, and they contradict the results of previously published similar works

    Hodnotenie konkurencieschopnosti slovenského strojárskeho priemyslu v kontexte EÚ

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    Príspevok bol riešený v rámci projektu KEGA 019TUKE-4/2022 Príprava manažérov nových výrobných štruktúr budúcnosti na princípoch „Overall Equipment Effectiveness“ (OEE) prostredníctvom vzdelávania študentov v predmete Manažment výroby v študijnom programe Priemyselné inžinierstvo a VEGA 1/0438/20 Interakcia digitálnych technológií za účelom podpory softvérovej a hardvérovej komunikácie pokročilej platformy systému výroby.V súčasnej dobe globalizácia predstavuje neodvratnú realitu a konkurencia na trhu stále narastá. To predstavuje pre podniky a priemyselné odvetvia riešenie problému konkurencieschopnosti a jej zabezpečenia. Dnes sa trhy stále viac otvárajú a medzinárodná konkurencia sa zintenzívňuje, je pre mnohé odvetvia priemyslu kľúčové udržať si konkurencieschopnosť. Slovenský strojársky priemysel predstavuje významnú časť národného hospodárstva a jeho konkurencieschopnosť na trhoch Európskej únie je kritická pre udržanie významného postavenia na týchto trhoch

    Návrh trojkolesovej jednotky pre výrobný promyslel

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    Príspevok bol riešený v rámci projektu KEGA 019TUKE-4/2022 Príprava manažérov nových výrobných štruktúr budúcnosti na princípoch „Overall Equipment Effectiveness“ (OEE) prostredníctvom vzdelávania študentov v predmete Manažment výroby v študijnom programe Priemyselné inžinierstvo a VEGA 1/0438/20 Interakcia digitálnych technológií za účelom podpory softvérovej a hardvérovej komunikácie pokročilej platformy systému výroby.Článok popisuje návrh inteligentnej trojkolesovej jednotky. Trojkolesová jednotka má mať uplatnenie vo výrobných halách pri preprave osôb, ako aj pri prevoze materiálov, súčiastok potrebných pre zabezpečenie výrobných procesov. Jednou z hlavných predností majú byť menšie rozmery trojkolesovej jednotky a taktiež možnosť pripojenia prívesného vozíka, z čoho vyplýva potreba dostatočne silného pohonu a tiež aj robustnejšia konštrukcia. Pohon trojkolesovej jednotky bude zabezpečovať elektromotor. Ďalšou výhodou má byť aj možnosť komunikácie so zariadeniami vo výrobnej hale pomocou bezdrôtovej technológie a požiadavkami zariadení z výroby, ktoré sa budú zobrazovať pomocou aplikácií na zobrazovacom zariadení (tabletu)


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    Danube Basin Upper Miocene to Pliocene development is well recorded in its sedimentary succession, where three depositional sequences were documented (marked DB1, DB2 and DB3). First lacustrine depositional cycle (DB1) comprises the Lower to lowermost Upper Pannonian sediments (A–F zones sensu Papp 1951) represented by the Ivánka Formation and lower part of the Beladice Formation, deposited in time span 11.6–(9.7?) 8.9 Ma. Second lacustrine to alluvial depositional cycle (DB2) comprises the Upper Pannonian sediments (F, G and H zones sensu Papp 1951) represented by the upper part of the Beladice Formation and Volkovce Formation, deposited in time span 8.9 – 6.3? Ma. Third, alluvial depositional cycle (DB3) comprises the Danube Basin Upper Pliocene sediments represented by the Romanian Kolárovo Formation, dated 4.1? – 2.6 Ma