308 research outputs found

    The Economics of Milkfish Aquaculture in Iloilo, Philippines

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    The milkfish (ehanos chanos)industry plays a vital role in the Philippine economy. The industry, however, is facing the problem of low productivity. This study evaluates the efficiency of resource use in milkfish aquaculture. The trans log production and translog prof it functions were estimated using cross-sectional data obtained through a survey of 67 milkfish farmers surveyed in Iloilo, Philippines. In both functions, the explanatory variables were inorganic fertilizer, seed, labour, pesticides,age of pond and respondent's experience. Farm size was entered as dummy variable for small, medium and large farms. The performance of each farm category was evaluated using economic indicators such as rate of return on investment, rate of return on operating cost, ratio of net profit to gross revenues and ratio of net profit to variable costs. The results showed that the small farms had performed better than the other farm groups

    Sports-Teachers’ Coaching Style, Behavior, Competency and Student-Athletes Performance in Sports

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    Student-athletes’ performance in sports can be influenced by a lot of factors. The coaching style, behavior, and competency of coaches are critical to the development of athletic talent. Thus, this research examined the relationship that existed between coaching style, behavior, competency of coaches, and student-athletes’ performance in sports. Furthermore, predictors of student-athletes’ performance were also explored. Using descriptive correlational research design, quantitative data were gathered using a questionnaire as the main instrument. The study enlisted a total of 59 purposively selected sport-teachers assigned to coach student-athletes. Results of the study revealed that command style, reciprocal style, problem-solving style, and guided discovery style were the coaching styles highly practiced by the respondents. Coaching behavior such as physical training and planning, technical skill, mental preparation, competition strategy, personal rapport, and negative personal rapport was the coaching behavior that is highly applied by the respondents. Coaching competence like motivation, game strategy, character building, and technique were found to be very high. On the other hand, student-athletes performance in sports in the division level was found to be satisfactory, while it is unsatisfactory in regional and national level. Guided discovery coaching style, competition strategy competency, and motivation competency were found to have a moderate significant relationship with student-athletes performance. Competition strategy competency was found to be a predictor of student-athletes performance. Therefore, it is highly recommended that coaches must consistently sustain their high level of competence in this area

    Las tecnologías emergentes como soportes del conocimiento: el libro digital

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    Las tecnologías digitales permiten actuar sobre la información de manera que, aparentemente, simplifican los procesos de captación, almacenamiento, recuperación y difusión. Pero también introducen elementos nuevos en la construcción de la información, como ocurre cuando se distribuyen, a través de las redes, textos que contienen sonidos e imágenes, que pueden además incluir nuevas posibilidades de relación con los autores, e interacción con el contenido de la obra. El libro digital es un nexo entre el soporte tradicional, y el emergente, con muchas posibilidades de ocupar un lugar destacado en el conjunto de tecnologías orientadas al depósito de información y conocimiento.The digital technologies allow to act over the information in some ways; apparently, they simplified all the processes related likes record, preservation, access and spread off. But the digital technologies can modify the attributes of information itself, and change our ideas about the distribution of texts, now with sounds, images and some kind of interaction; also we are discovering new posibilities of relation with the authors and their products too. The digital book is a nexus among the traditional book and others media, with many posibilities to get a place in the group of technologies oriented to contain information and knowledge

    Campesinado, cambio agrario y usos comunales: la dehesa de La Laguna (Tenerife), 1498-1769.

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    Este trabajo analiza las estrategias empleadas por el Cabildo de Tenerife en la gestión de la dehesa de La Laguna y sus repercusiones a largo plazo en la composición social del campesinado de la ciudad. Durante el siglo XVI el interés del Cabildo por aumentar sus ingresos favoreció un modelo de explotación de la dehesa basado en el cultivo del cereal en régimen de rotación bienal, con aprovechamiento comunal de barbechos y rastrojos y subastas anuales de las tierras orientadas al pequeño campesinado. A mediados del XVII la producción se derrumbó y el colapso de sus rentas llevó al Cabildo a cambiar de estrategia, modificando el sistema de cesión a fin de permitir la introducción de mejoras en el cultivo. Esta mudanza aceleró el desarrollo de un grupo de labradores acomodados que acabó capitalizando la explotación de la dehesa. Los labradores acomodados introdujeron nuevos cultivos, sistemas de rotación más complejos y un uso más eficiente del suelo cultivable, pero la mejora supuso también la práctica erradicación de los aprovechamientos comunales.This work analyses the strategies applied by the Council [Ancien Regime local authority] of Tenerife in the management of the Dehesa [enclosed common lands] and their long-term repercussions on the social profile of the peasantry. The Council sought to increase its revenues in the sixteenth century by promoting grain cultivation on a biennial rotation schedule, with communal use of fallow land and stubble, along with annual land auctions oriented toward the small peasantry. When grain production collapsed in the mid‐seventeenth century, diminishing revenues led the Council of Tenerife to change its strategy. The land transfer system was modified in order to facilitate the introduction of agricultural improvements, which favoured the development of a group of prospe‐rous farmers who eventually capitalised the cultivation of the common lands. They introduced new crops, more complex crop rotation systems and more efficient land use for cultivation; but these improvements virtually eradicated the communal use of the Dehesa

    Estado y tendencias de la información audiovisual: la presencia del periodista en los informativos de televisión

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    El ecosistema mediático se encuentra en rápida transformación. En estos entornos cambiantes, los contenidos de la información audiovisual también evolucionan, aunque más lentamente, entre otras razones porque utilizan recursos expresivos y procesos de producción consolidados en la época analógica y que tendrán que adaptarse a las formas de televisión emergentes. En el área de los contenidos, uno de los recursos expresivos diferenciales de las piezas informativas es la presencia explícita del informador audiovisual, un referente icónico de la profesión periodística en el imaginario colectivo, que puede resultar afectado por las nuevas condiciones del entorno.The media system is in train to transform it quickly. Inside the media, the audiovisual information contents are evolved too, but their speed are so slowly because they use forms and productions process from analogous era, and they need to transform them in the new digital age. The journalist image in tv news is a real iconic reference among the audience, but the changes in the media environment can affect this practice

    La digitalización de utopías. Desarrollos y retos de la televisión interactiva

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    Entre las características que acompañan a la televisión digital se encuentran sus posibilidades de interacción. Resulta preciso aclarar como la interactividad se ha ido planteando desde los inicios de la televisión analógica, así como mostrar cuales pueden ser las dificultades que existen para la materialización de la interactividad en el caso de la televisión digital.Although often the possibility of interaction appears when we refer to digital television, it is precise to say that the interactivity was first developed in the analog television, as well as to show the difficulties that exist to get the interactivity in the case of the digital television

    An algebraic analysis using Matrix Padé Approximation to improve the choice of certain parameter in Scalar Component Models

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    This paper presents an algebraic analysis using Matrix Padé Aproximation to improve the identification stage of the proposal in [6] on Scalar Component Models, specifically as it refers to the choice of a parameter they denote h. The original methodology in [6] is based on the construction and interpretation of a table whose elements are related to the singular value zero of certain relevant matrices in the process. We propose the alternative use of what we call a Ranks Table and the sure overall orders concept instead of the so-called overall orders. Ranks Table information allows for the improved interpretation and implication of the results and of potential computational and statistical properties.VARMA models, Scalar Component Models (SCM), Identification Stage, Sure overall orders, Corank and Rank Tables, Matrix Padé Approximation,

    Pedagogical Competencies and Classroom Anxieties in Teaching General Music

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    This study utilized a descriptive correlational research design to examine the pedagogical competencies and classroom anxieties in teaching general music of 50 public junior high school MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education & Health) teachers in Gapan City, Philippines. Quantitative data were gathered using questionnaire as the main instrument involving statements measured through Likert scale. With a six-month data gathering, Pearson r was utilized in the analysis. Results disclosed that musical skills and knowledge were significantly correlated with pedagogical competencies and classroom anxieties in teaching general music. Recommendations on capacitating MAPEH teacher’s musical skills and knowledge must be considered to further improve the quality of music education

    Ecological divergence combined with ancient allopatry in lizard populations from a small volcanic island

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    Population divergence and speciation are often explained by geographical isolation, but may also be possible under high gene flow due to strong ecology-related differences in selection pressures. This study combines coalescent analyses of genetic data (11 microsatellite loci and 1 Kbp of mtDNA) and ecological modelling to examine the relative contributions of isolation and ecology to incipient speciation in the scincid lizard Chalcides sexlineatus within the volcanic island of Gran Canaria. Bayesian multispecies coalescent dating of within-island genetic divergence of northern and southern populations showed correspondence with the timing of volcanic activity in the north of the island 1.5–3.0 Ma ago. Coalescent estimates of demographic changes reveal historical size increases in northern populations, consistent with expansions from a volcanic refuge. Nevertheless, ecological divergence is also supported. First, the two morphs showed non-equivalence of ecological niches and species distribution modelling associated the northern morph with mesic habitat types and the southern morph with xeric habitat types. It seems likely that the colour morphs are associated with different antipredator strategies in the different habitats. Second, coalescent estimation of gene copy migration (based on microsatellites and mtDNA) suggest high rates from northern to southern morphs demonstrating the strength of ecology-mediated selection pressures that maintain the divergent southern morph. Together, these findings underline the complexity of the speciation process by providing evidence for the combined effects of ecological divergence and ancient divergence in allopatry

    Analysis of the critical attitude of university social sciences students toward the use of computing software

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    This research is in the context of university mathematics education for social sciences students, in particular, in the fields of economics, business, accounting and finance. It arises from the observed deficiency in the training of students that leads them to trust the accuracy of results obtained through any specialized and widely recognized mathematical software. Some of them know that the software can be mistaken, however they believe that it will only occur in exercises at a far higher level than that affecting them, meaning those involving strictly scientific areas. The research confirms that this blind trust is true, and justifies why they should have a critical attitude toward the use of software at any level. It also provides one of multiple answers to the question that some of them ask: why devote class time to the methods and certain steps in the algorithms if the computer can solve the exercises