1,907 research outputs found

    Deep VLT infrared observations of X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars

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    X-ray observations have unveiled the existence of a family of radio-quiet Isolated Neutron Stars whose X-ray emission is purely thermal, hence dubbed X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars (XDINSs). While optical observations have allowed to relate the thermal emission to the neutron star cooling and to build the neutron star surface thermal map, IR observations are critical to pinpoint a spectral turnover produced by a so far unseen magnetospheric component, or by the presence of a fallback disk. The detection of such a turnover can provide further evidence of a link between this class of isolated neutron stars and the magnetars, which show a distinctive spectral flattening in the IR. Here we present the deepest IR observations ever of five XDINSs, which we use to constrain a spectral turnover in the IR and the presence of a fallback disk. The data are obtained using the ISAAC instrument at the VLT. For none of our targets it was possible to identify the IR counterpart down to limiting magnitudes H = 21.5 - 22.9. Although these limits are the deepest ever obtained for neutron stars of this class, they are not deep enough to rule out the existence and the nature of a possible spectral flattening in the IR. We also derive, by using disk models, the upper limits on the mass inflow rate in a fallback disk. We find the existence of a putative fallback disk consistent (although not confirmed) with our observations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted by A&A on 26-06-200

    UVES/VLT high resolution absorption spectroscopy of the GRB080330 afterglow: a study of the GRB host galaxy and intervening absorbers

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    We study the Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) environment and intervening absorbers by analyzing the optical absorption features produced by gas surrounding the GRB or along its line of sight. We analyzed high resolution spectroscopic observations (R=40000, S/N=3 - 6) of the optical afterglow of GRB080330, taken with UVES at the VLT ~ 1.5 hours after the GRB trigger. The spectrum illustrates the complexity of the ISM of the GRB host galaxy at z = 1.51 which has at least four components in the main absorption system. We detect strong FeII, SiII, and NiII excited absorption lines associated with the bluemost component only. In addition to the host galaxy, at least two more absorbers lying along the line of sight to the afterglow have been detected in the redshift range 0.8 < z < 1.1, each exhibiting MgII absorption. For the bluemost component in the host galaxy, we derive information about its distance from the site of the GRB explosion. We do so by assuming that the excited absorption lines are produced by indirect UV pumping, and compare the data with a time dependent photo-excitation code. The distance of this component is found to be 280+40-50 pc, which is lower than found for other GRBs (1 - 6 kpc). We identify two additional MgII absorbers, one of them with a rest frame equivalent width larger than 1A. The distance between the GRB and the absorber measured in this paper confirms that the power of the GRB radiation can influence the conditions of the interstellar medium up to a distance of at least several hundred pc. For the intervening absorbers, we confirm the trend that on average one strong intervening system is found per afterglow, as has been noted in studies exhibiting an excess of strong MgII absorbers along GRB sightlines compared to quasars.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 ps figures, A&A in pres

    Nonresonant microwave absorption in epitaxial La-Sr-Mn-O films and its relation to colossal magnetoresistance

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    We study magnetic-field-dependent nonresonant microwave absorption and dispersion in thin La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3} films and show that it originates from the colossal magnetoresistance. We develop the model for magnetoresistance of a thin ferromagnetic film in oblique magnetic field. The model accounts fairly well for our experimental findings, as well as for results of other researchers. We demonstrate that nonresonant microwave absorption is a powerful technique that allows contactless measurement of magnetic properties of thin films, including magnetoresistance, anisotropy field and coercive field.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Renormalization of Coulomb interactions in s-wave superconductor Nax_xCoO2_2

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    We study the renormalized Coulomb interactions due to retardation effect in Nax_xCoO2_2. Although the Morel-Anderson's pseudo potential for a1ga_{1g} orbital μa1g\mu^*_{a1g} is relatively large because the direct Coulomb repulsion UU is large, that for interband transition between a1ga_{1g} and ege_g' orbitals μa1g,eg\mu^*_{a1g,eg'} is very small since the renormalization factor for pair hopping JJ is square of that for UU. Therefore, the s-wave superconductivity due to valence-band Suhl-Kondo mechanism will survive against strong Coulomb interactions. The interband hopping of Cooper pairs due to shear phonons is essential to understand the superconductivity in Nax_xCoO2_2.Comment: 2pages, 2figures, Proceedings of ICM in Kyoto, 200

    Enhanced selectivity towards O2 and H2 dissociation on ultrathin Cu films on Ru(0001)

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Chemical Physics 137.7 (2012): 074706 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/137/7/10.1063/1.4746942The reactivity of Cu monolayer (ML) and bilayer films grown on Ru(0001) towards O2 and H2 has been investigated. O2 initial sticking coefficients were determined using the King and Wells method in the incident energy range 40-450 meV, and compared to the corresponding values measured on clean Ru(0001) and Cu(111) surfaces. A relative large O2 sticking coefficient (∼0.5-0.8) was measured for 1 ML Cu and even 2 ML Cu/Ru(0001). At low incident energies, this is one order of magnitude larger than the value observed on Cu(111). In contrast, the corresponding reactivity to H2 was near zero on both Cu monolayer and bilayer films, for incident energies up to 175 meV. Water adsorption on 2 ML Cu/Ru(0001) was found to behave quite differently than on the Ru(0001) and Cu(111) surfaces. Our study shows that Cu/Ru(0001) is a highly selective system, which presents a quite different chemical reactivity towards different species in the same range of collision energiesThe authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia through projects CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 on Molecular Nanoscience and FIS2007-61114 and Comunidad de Madrid through the program NANOMAGNET S-0505/MAT/0194. P.P. acknowledges support through the Marie Curie AMAROUT EU action and the Spanish MICINN “Juan de la Cierva” contrac

    Laparascopic colon resection for cancer: Evidence based results

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    About 90-92% of patients with carcinoma of the colon are treated surgically. For other surgeons, laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of malignancies remains controversial because of concerns about the adequacy of lymphadenectomy, the extent of resection, early findings of port-site metastasis and the lack of data on long-term results. In our experience, there are no differences between the laparoscopic and laparotomic techniques, and only advantages if the laparoscopic technique is use correctly. We essentially agree with the good results of many studies published in the last ten years, but we are extremely confident that it is necessary to have a good learning curve and a high-volume cases hospital to obtain good results through a laparoscopic approach. So laparoscopic colorectal surgery should be performed only by surgeons who have completed training in this approach and who perform the procedure often enough to maintain a good level of competence

    Synchrotron Emission from Hot Accretion Flows and the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy

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    Current estimates of number counts of radio sources in the frequency range where the most sensitive Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments are carried out significantly under-represent sources with strongly inverted spectra. Hot accretion flows around supermassive black holes in the nuclei of nearby galaxies are expected to produce inverted radio spectra by thermal synchrotron emission. We calculate the temperature fluctuations and power spectra of these sources in the Planck Surveyor 30 GHz energy channel, where their emission is expected to peak. We find that their potential contribution is generally comparable to the instrumental noise, and approaches the CMB anisotropy level at small angular scales. Forthcoming CMB missions, which will provide a large statistical sample of inverted-spectra sources, will be crucial for determining the distribution of hot accretion flows in nearby quiescent galactic nuclei. Detection of these sources in different frequency channels will help constrain their spectral characteristics, hence their physical properties.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    UVES/VLT high resolution spectroscopy of GRB 050730 afterglow: probing the features of the GRB environment

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    We analyze high resolution spectroscopic observations of the optical afterglow of GRB050730, obtained with UVES@VLT about hours after the GRB trigger. The spectrum shows that the ISM of the GRB host galaxy at z = 3.967 is complex, with at least five components contributing to the main absorption system. We detect strong CII*, SiII*, OI* and FeII* fine structure absorption lines associated to the second and third component. For the first three components we derive information on the relative distance from the site of the GRB explosion. Component 1, which has the highest redshift, does not present any fine structure nor low ionization lines; it only shows very high ionization features, such as CIV and OVI, suggesting that this component is very close to the GRB site. From the analysis of low and high ionization lines and fine structure lines, we find evidences that the distance of component 2 from the site of the GRB explosion is 10-100 times smaller than that of component 3. We evaluated the mean metallicity of the z=3.967 system obtaining values about 0.01 of the solar metallicity or less. However, this should not be taken as representative of the circumburst medium, since the main contribution to the hydrogen column density comes from the outer regions of the galaxy while that of the other elements presumably comes from the ISM closer to the GRB site. Furthermore, difficulties in evaluating dust depletion correction can modify significantly these values. The mean [C/Fe] ratio agrees well with that expected by single star-formation event models. Interestingly the [C/Fe] of component 2 is smaller than that of component 3, in agreement with GRB dust destruction scenarios, if component 2 is closer than component 3 to the GRB site.Comment: 11 pages, 15 postscript figures, accepted for pubblication in A&

    Therapeutic potential of endothelial colony‐forming cells in ischemic disease: Strategies to improve their regenerative efficacy

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) comprises a range of major clinical cardiac and circulatory diseases, which produce immense health and economic burdens worldwide. Currently, vascular regenerative surgery represents the most employed therapeutic option to treat ischemic disorders, even though not all the patients are amenable to surgical revascularization. Therefore, more efficient therapeutic approaches are urgently required to promote neovascularization. Therapeutic angiogenesis represents an emerging strategy that aims at reconstructing the damaged vascular network by stimulating local angiogenesis and/or promoting de novo blood vessel formation according to a process known as vasculogenesis. In turn, circulating endothelial colony‐forming cells (ECFCs) represent truly endothelial precursors, which display high clonogenic potential and have the documented ability to originate de novo blood vessels in vivo. Therefore, ECFCs are regarded as the most promising cellular candidate to promote therapeutic angiogenesis in patients suffering from CVD. The current briefly summarizes the available information about the origin and characterization of ECFCs and then widely illustrates the preclinical studies that assessed their regenerative efficacy in a variety of ischemic disorders, including acute myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease, ischemic brain disease, and retinopathy. Then, we describe the most common pharmacological, genetic, and epigenetic strategies employed to enhance the vasoreparative potential of autologous ECFCs by manipulating crucial pro‐angiogenic signaling pathways, e.g., extracellular‐signal regulated kinase/Akt, phosphoinositide 3‐kinase, and Ca2+ signaling. We conclude by discussing the possibility of targeting circulating ECFCs to rescue their dysfunctional phenotype and promote neovascularization in the presence of CVD