98 research outputs found

    Distributed Code-Reviews Using Gerrit

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    This paper gives an overview of the advantages and weaknesses of distributed source code review tools in software engineering. We cover this topic with a specific focus on Google’s freely available software Gerrit. In chapter 1 we discuss how code-reviews are generally useful for groups of programmers. We lay out how traditional approaches differ from distributed setups where developers may be vastly distributed from a geographical point of view or where meetings are otherwise contraindicated. In chapter 2 we discuss how users can interact with Gerrit, and chapter 3 covers some basic knowledge for those people who have to administer one or more Gerrit installations. Finally, chapter 4 summarizes key points and gives an outlook on the future role of distributed code-review

    Aufbau eines Dokumentationsmodells zur effizienten Erstellung vonE-Commerce-Softwarespezifikationen aus strukturiert erfasstenAnforderungen

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    Die Anforderungen an ein E-Commerce-Projekt sollten strukturiert dokumentiert werden, um daraus technische Lösungskonzepte abzuleiten. Eine solche Planungsphase erhöht die Chancen auf ein erfolgreiches Projekt und minimiert Projektrisiken, ist jedoch mit Zeitaufwand und Kosten verbunden. Viele Webshop-Betreiber möchten diese AufwĂ€nde minimieren, da eine kurze Projektdauer als kritischer Erfolgsfaktor am Markt angesehen wird. Diese Arbeit zeigt ein Dokumentationsmodell fĂŒr Software- und Infrastrukturanforderungen auf, das die Branchenspezifika berĂŒcksichtigt und die Dokumentation von Anforderungen und Lösungskonzept erheblich beschleunigen soll. Dazu setzt es auf Wiederverwendung und die visuelle Modellierung mit einem CASE-Tool der aktuellen Generation. Sie reflektiert den Nutzen anhand eines Tests des Dokumentationsmodells im Projekteinsatz.The requirements of an e-commerce project should be documented in a structured way in order to derive technical concepts from them. Such an analysis phase increases the chance for a successful project and mitigates project risks, yet it costs both time and effort. Many webshop operators strive to minimize the analysis efforts as a brief project duration is considered a critical factor to success in the market. This thesis develops a documentation model for software and infrastructure requirements that takes industry specifics into account and aims to greatly accelerate the documentation of requirements and corresponding solution concepts. For that purpose it proposes requirements reuse and visual requirement modeling with a current-generation CASE tool. The thesis reflects on the benefits based on a test of the documentation model in an actual project

    How much wind power potential does Europe have? Examining European wind power potential with an enhanced socio-technical atlas

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    The continuous development of onshore wind farms is an important feature of the European transition towards an energy system powered by distributed renewables and low-carbon resources. This study assesses and simulates potential for future onshore wind turbine installations throughout Europe. The study depicts, via maps, all the national and regional socio-technical restrictions and regulations for wind project development using spatial analysis conducted through GIS. The inputs for the analyses were based on an original dataset compiled from satellites and public databases relating to electricity, planning, and other dimensions. Taking into consideration socio-technical constraints, the study reveals 52.5 TW of untapped onshore wind power potential in Europe - equivalent to 1 MW per 16 European citizens – a supply that would be sufficient to cover the global energy demand from now through to 2050. The study offers a more rigorous, multi-dimensional, and granular atlas of onshore wind energy development that can assist with future energy policy, research, and planning

    Cation Distribution and Vacancies in Nickel Cobaltite

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    Samples of nickel cobaltite, a mixed oxide occurring in the spinel structure which is currently extensively investigated because of its prospective application as ferromagnetic, electrocatalytic, and cost-effective energy storage material were prepared in the form of nanocrystals stabilized in a highly porous silica aerogel and as unsupported nanoparticles. Nickel cobaltite nanocrystals with average size 4 nm are successfully grown for the first time into the silica aerogel provided that a controlled oxidation of the metal precursor phases is carried out, consisting in a reduction under H2 flow followed by mild oxidation in air. The investigation of the average oxidation state of the cations and of their distribution between the sites within the spinel structure, which is commonly described assuming the Ni cations are only located in the octahedral sites, has been carried out by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy providing evidence for the first time that the unsupported nickel cobaltite sample has a Ni:Co molar ratio higher than the nominal ratio of 1:2 and a larger than expected average overall oxidation state of the cobalt and nickel cations. This is achieved retaining the spinel structure, which accommodates vacancies to counterbalance the variation in oxidation state

    MÀnnliche Gewalt und PrÀvention

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    Ausgangspunkt des Beitrags ist die Erkenntnis, daß Jugendgewalt im wesentlichen ein mĂ€nnliches PhĂ€nomen ist und daß - zur ErklĂ€rung dieses PhĂ€nomens die mĂ€nnliche Sozialisation herangezogen werden muß, die sich immer noch vor allem an Leitbildern von Dominanz, Überlegenheit, StĂ€rke und HĂ€rte gegen sich selbst und andere orientiert. In diesem Zusammenhang werden die Ergebnisse von zwei DJI-Projekten zu "Strukturen mĂ€nnlicher Sozialisation und (potentieller) TrĂ€gerschaft bezĂŒglich sexuellen Mißbrauchs an MĂ€dchen" sowie zu "Jugendhilfe und Geschlechtersozialisation" vorgestellt. An den Ergebnissen beider Studien lĂ€ĂŸt sich zeigen, daß die immer noch vorherrschenden Vorstellungen von "ĂŒberlegener", "beherrschender" MĂ€nnlichkeit und von relativ wehrloser, sich unterordnender Weiblichkeit zentrale Grundlagen von (sexueller) Gewaltbereitschaft bzw. Gewalttoleranz bilden. Aus diesen Ergebnissen werden Ansatzpunkte zur PrĂ€vention im Sozialisationsprozeß abgeleitet. (DIPF/Orig.

    Investigation of the reaction mechanisms during Li uptake and release of spinel oxide nanoparticles MIIMIIIFeO4 MII Mn, Mg, Co, Ni; MIII Mn, Fe for application as anode materials in Lithium ion batteries

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    Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) have achieved great success as portable power supply for consumer electronic devices. New applications for LIBs in the near future are electric vehicles and stationary energy storage systems. Therefore, higher energy density and simultaneously cost reduction is needed. Materials should also be earth abundant and environmental friendly. Actually commercialized materials exhibit a capacity limit due to the fact that just a limited number of Li+ ions can be intercalated/deintercalated per formula unit. Alternative materials were investigated during the past decades. Conversion materials exhibit 2 - 5 times larger capacities because more Li per formula unit can be stored. Intensively investigated materials are e.g. spinel oxides MIIMIII2O4 (MII = Co, Cu, Mn, Mg, Co, Ni; MIII = Mn, Fe, Co). The reactions occurring during electrochemical cycling are complex affecting both the crystal structure and the electronic properties, which were not investigated in detail. In the thesis the synthesis of several spinel oxide nanoparticles MnFe2O4, MgFe2O4, CoFe2O4, CoMnFeO4 and NiMnFeO4 are reported. In addition, composites were synthesized including NiFe2O4 interconnected with a network made of carbon nanotubes and CoFe2O4 deposited on reduced graphite oxide. The materials were intensively characterized and processed as electrodes for testing their electrochemical performance applying galvanostatic cycling and cyclic voltammetry (CV)
