388 research outputs found

    La lucha por el mantenimiento de un huerto de simples en la Universidad de Valencia durante el s. XVII

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    [email protected] artículo profundiza en los esfuerzos realizados durante el siglo XVII por catedráticos y estudiantes de Medicina, colegios de boticarios y cirujanos y magistrados municipales de Valencia orientados a la creación y mantenimiento de un huerto destinado al cultivo de plantas medicinales procedentes de diferentes partes del mundo.This article deepens on the efforts made during the 17th century by Medicine professors and students, Pharmacist Associations as well as surgeons and magistrates from Valencia directed toward the creation and mantenaince of a garden destinated to the growing of medicinal plants from worldwide

    Aportación a la divulgación zoológica valenciana del siglo XVII. El Tratado de los animales terrestres y volátiles de Jerónimo Cortés (1613)

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    The zoological popularization work of Jerónimo Cortés has been explored in this dissertation. His work is encyclopaedic and deserves particular praise for his attempt to systematize and make knowledge accessible to a non-specialist audience. This work combines early interest in a poorly developed field at the time of its publication with an outstanding Valencian contribution to the biological illustration history in the 17th century.Este artículo profundiza en el contenido de la obra de divulgación zoológica de Jerónimo Cortés, un escritor de carácter enciclopédico del que resulta especialmente loable su intento de sistematizar unos saberes, ordenarlos y hacerlos accesibles a un público no especializado, que aúna el interés de incidir tempranamente en un campo escasamente desarrollado en el momento de su publicación y de constituir una destacada contribución valenciana a la historia de la ilustración biológica del siglo XVII

    Aspilota-group in Natural Parks of Valencia and European Dinotrema Revision

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    El trabajo de investigación en que se basa la Tesis doctoral realizada por Francisco Javier Peris Felipo, se ha centrado en el estudio taxonómico, análisis de la diversidad y examen fenológico de los bracónidos alysinos del grupo Aspilota. Además, se ha llevado a cabo la revisión europea del género Dinotrema. Alrededor de 2.000 especies y más de 100 géneros han sido registrados en la subfamilia Alysiinae. Actualmente, esta subfamilia está separada en dos grandes y polimórficas tribus, Alysiini y Dacnusiini. Los miembros de esta subfamilia se distribuyen por todo el mundo siendo muy comunes en hábitats naturales de las regiones templadas y boreales y se caracterizan por ser endoparasitoides exclusivamente koinobiontes de diversas familias de dípteros ciclorrafos. Por su parte, el grupo Aspilota se encuentra bastante bien diferenciado dentro de la tribu Alysiini e incluye los géneros Adelphenaldis Fischer 2003, Aspilota Foerster 1862, Dinotrema Foerster 1862, Orthostigma Ratzeburg 1844 y Synaldis Foerster 1862. Entre ellos,el género Dinotrema Foerster es uno de los más abundantes, con aproximadamente 320 especies descritas a nivel mundial. A pesar de ello, todavía es muy poco lo que se conoce sobre este género de avispas parasitoides de dípteros pertenecientes a las familias Phoridae, Anthomyiidae y Platypezidae. Los objetivos de este estudio han sido: (i) Estudio faunístico y fenológico del grupo Aspilota en cada parque. (ii) Determinar la diversidad alpha, beta and gamma y conocer la estructura de las comunidades en cada parque natural. (iii) Revisión europea de las especies del género Dinotrema. (iv) Elaboración de claves dicotómicas para el género Dinotrema a nivel europeo. Para llevar a cabo este estudio fueron seleccionados tres enclaves naturales de la Comunidad Valenciana por presentar condiciones microclimáticas particulares. Estos se correspondieron con tres Parques Naturales: El Parque Natural del Carrascal de La Font Roja (norte de Alicante), el Parque Natural de Las Lagunas de La Mata-Torrevieja (sur de Alicante) y el Parque Natural de La Tinença de Benifassà (Castellón). El análisis de la fauna de Aspilota se realizó a partir de material procedente de muestreos semanales entre Abril 2004 y Diciembre 2007 en cada uno de los parques, colocándose, además, trampas Malaise. Los ejemplares capturados eran llevados al laboratorio donde se procedía a su montaje y etiquetado. Seguidamente, se realizaba la identificación del material. Se recolectaron 820 ejemplares pertenecientes a 6 géneros, distribuidos de la siguiente forma: Adelphenaldis (2), Aspilota (108), Dinotrema (341), Eudinostigma (10), Orthostigma (88) y Synaldis (271). A su vez, estos ejemplares se distribuyen en 52 especies: 1 Adelphenaldis, 10 Aspilota, 25 Dinotrema, 1 Eudinostigma, 5 Orthostigma y 10 Synaldis. De las 52 especies, 31 (59.61%) son nuevas especies y 4 constituyen nueva cita para España (A. delicata, A. procreata, D. costulatum y D. crassicostum). Sin embargo, debido a la dificultad que presenta el estudio de estos géneros, nos hemos centrado únicamente en las nuevas especies de Adelphenaldis (1) y Dinotrema (21). Estas son: A. maxfischeri y D. achterbergi, D. amparoae, D. belokobylskiji, D. benifassaense, D. broadi, D. enanum, D. fischerianum, D. jimenezi, D. lagunasense, D. mareum, D. munki, D. pappi, D. paquitae, D. pareum, D. pilarae, D. robertoi, D. teresae, D. tinencaense, D. torreviejaense, D. vitobiasi y D. zimmermanae. Posteriormente, el análisis fenológico constató que, a nivel global, es posible encontrar ejemplares de este grupo en cualquier momento del año, siendo mayor su abundancia en primavera y otoño. Sin embargo, al analizar los diferentes parques por separado se apreció que en La Font Roja están presentes sobre todo en primavera, en La Tinença en primavera y otoño y en Torrevieja en primavera e invierno. A su vez, al comparar estos picos de abundancia con las condiciones climatológicas de cada parque comprobamos que los individuos del grupo Aspilota presentan mayor abundancia en el medio cuando las temperaturas son moderadas, entre 18-22ºC. Por otro lado, a nivel específico, se observó que hay especies que pueden encontrarse en el medio en cualquier época del año y que otras únicamente se encuentran en momentos puntuales. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo el análisis de la diversidad alpha, beta y gamma para conocer la diversidad y estructura de la comunidad de Aspilota en cada uno de los parques. Mediante estos análisis se apreció que el Parque Natural de la Tinença de Benifassà presenta mayor abundancia y diversidad de especies, seguido de La Font Roja y Torrevieja, respectivamente. En el análisis de la estructura de la comunidad, apreciamos que los Parques Naturales de La Font Roja y de Torrevieja presentan un patrón de comunidad que coincide con el modelo log-series mientras que la Tinença se adapta a los modelos log-series y log-normal. Por otro lado, como hemos mencionado anteriormente, en esta Tesis también se ha realizado la revisión europea del género Dinotrema y, con esta finalidad, se visitaron los Museos de Historia Natural en los que se encuentra depositado el material tipo para llevar a cabo el estudio, revisión y toma de fotografías digitales y de barrido de cada uno de los caracteres importantes para su identificación. Con todas las especies revisadas se elaboraron las claves dicotómicas para la identificación de las especies europeas de Dinotrema, proporcionándose, además, la revisión de cada especie.The research done by Francisco Javier Peris Felipo, which this doctoral thesis is based on, focuses on the taxonomic study, diversity analysis and phenological examination of the braconid Alysiinae of the Aspilota–group. In addition, the revision of the European Dinotrema genera has been carried out. Alysiinae subfamily have been recorded 2,000 species and 100 genera approximately. Currently, this subfamily is divided in two large and polymorphic tribes, the Dacnusiini and the Alysiini. The members of this subfamily can be found all over the Earth and they are very common in natural habitats in the temperate and boreal regions and are characterized by being endoparasitoids, exclusively koinobionts, of various Diptera cyclorrapha families. On one hand, the Aspilota–group is fairly differentiated within the Alysiini tribe and it includes the Adelphenaldis Fischer 2003, Aspilota Foerster 1862, Dinotrema Foerster 1862, Orthostigma Ratzeburg 1844 y Synaldis Foerster 1862. Among them, the Dinotrema Foerster is one of the most abundant genera, with about 320 identified species worldwide. However, very little is still known about this kind of dipterous parasitoid wasp belonging to the Phoridae, Anthomyiidae and Platypezidae families. The objectives of this study have been: (i) The study of the fauna and phenology of the Aspilota–group in each park. (ii) To determine the alpha, beta and gamma diversity and to understand the structure of networks in each park. (iii) The revision of the Dinotrema genera at a European level. (iv) The development of dichotomous equations for the Dinotrema genera at a European level. In order to carry out this study three natural sites in Valencia were selected to represent particular microclimatic conditions. They corresponded to three national parks: The Natural Park of La Font Roja Carrascal (north of Alicante), the Natural Park of Las Lagunas de La Mata-Torrevieja (south of Alicante) and the Natural Park of La Tinença of Benifassà (north of Castellon). The analysis of the fauna of Aspilota was performed from the material that was sampled on a weekly basis between April 2004 and December 2007 in each of the parks, additionally positioning Malaise traps in these sites. The captured specimens were taken to the laboratory where they were assembled and labelled. Then the identification of the material took place. During the samples, 820 specimens were collected belonging to 6 genera, distributed in the following manner: Adelphenaldis (2), Aspilota (108), Dinotrema (341), Eudinostigma (10), Orthostigma (88) and Synaldis (271). In turn, these samples are distributed into 52 species: 1 Adelphenaldis, 10 Aspilota, 25 Dinotrema, 1 Eudinostigma, 5 Orthostigma and 10 Synaldis. Of these 52 species, 31 (59.61%) are new species and 4 are of a new record for Spain (A. delicata, A. procreata, D. costulatum and D. crassicostum). However, due to the difficulty that studying these genera requires, we have focused solely on the new species of Adelphenaldis (1) and Dinotrema (21). These are: A. maxfischeri and D. achterbergi, D. amparoae, D. belokobylskiji, D. benifassaense, D. broadi, D. enanum, D. fischerianum, D. jimenezi, D. lagunasense, D. mareum, D. munki, D. pappi, D. paquitae, D. pareum, D. pilarae, D. robertoi, D. teresae, D. tinencaense, D. torreviejaense, D. vitobiasi and D. zimmermanae. Subsequently, the phenological analysis found that, on a global level, it is possible to find copies of this group at any time of the year, with a higher abundance in spring and autumn. However, when analyzing the different parks separately, it was found that in La Font Roja they are present especially during spring, in Tinença during spring and autumn and in Torrevieja during spring and winter. In turn, when comparing these peaks of abundance to the climatic conditions of each park we found that individual specimens in the Aspilota–group show a greater abundance when the temperatures are moderate in their environment, between 18–22°C. Moreover, a specific level, it was observed that there are species that can be found in the environment at any season and others are only at certain times. Finally, we carried out the analysis of alpha, beta and gamma diversity in order to understand the diversity and structure of the networks of the Aspilota in each of the parks. Through these analyses it was found that the Natural Park of Tinença de Benifassà presents a greater diversity and abundance of species, followed by La Font Roja and Torrevieja, respectively. In the analysis of the structure of the networks, we established that the Natural Parks of La Font Roja Torrevieja showed networks that coincide with log-series model while Tinença adapts to the log-series and log-normal models. Moreover, as mentioned previously, in this dissertation a European study of the Dinotrema genera has been carried out and, to this end, we visited the Museum of Natural History that contains the material to enable this study, to revise and take digital photographs and scan each of the important characteristics for its identification. For all of the species, a dichotomous equation was developed to identify the European Dinotrema species, likewise adding to the review of each species

    A review of the genus Apronopa van Achterberg (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae) with a key to species

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    A review of the genus Apronopa van Achterberg, 1980 with illustrated re-descriptions of the known species and a key for their identification is provided

    Effect of LivinGro treatment on soil health indicators in an experimental crop plot in Zaragoza (Spain).

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    Assessing the soil health in agricultural areas is a fundamental task, particularly in the context of climate crisis, where soil degradation is perceived as one of the primary threats facing contemporary society. Proper management of these spaces is a priority action for maintaining food security and achieving sustainable development goals. In this regard, it is imperative to develop sustainable and effective adaptation strategies, understanding the need to promote the application of robust methodologies for monitoring various soil health indicators (physical, chemical, and biological). Thus, it is essential to promote practices and treatments aimed at enhancing soil resilience to new changing conditions. Under this paradigm, this study aims to evaluate the soil health status based on different physicochemical indicators in a representative experimental plot of nectarine cultivation in the province of Zaragoza (Spain). The study investigates the impact of a treatment based on the use of multifunctional cover crops (CCM) on these indicators. Soil samples were collected every two months over three years, evaluating different indicative properties in (i) a control zone (without CCM treatment) and (ii) a zone with CCM treatment (Livingro). The results show the effects of this treatment on the soil. The main analyzed properties indicate that the Livingro-treated zone is improving soil health, particularly in key indicators such as basal respiration, organic carbon, nitrogen, and porosity. Likewise, climatic variability, specifically existing seasonal rainfall differences, has been identified as a determining variable in the results analysis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Multifunctional areas as a tool to enhance biodiversity and promote conservation in alfalfa fields.

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    The present study analyses the effects of multifunctional areas (MA) for three years (2013-2015) on an intensive multi-crop farm in Portugal. The implementation of MA resulted in a wide range of enhancements in the insect community, such as significant effects as a reservoir, allowing an increase of 102.47% in the number of species and 97.64% of individuals. MA play an important role in conservation strategies and help increase the population of rare and threatened arthropod species

    Analyses of occurrence data of protected insect species collected by citizens in Italy

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    Citizen science, the engagement of people in a research project, has grown rapidly in recent years, also for mapping of species of conservation interest. The Life Project "Monitoring Insects with Public Participation" (MIPP) actively promoted collaboration amongst scientists, public administrations and citizens in the collection of occurrence data of nine insect species listed in the Habitats Directive: Lucanus cervus, Osmoderma eremita, Cerambyx cerdo, Rosalia alpina, Morimus asper/funereus, Lopinga achine, Parnassius apollo, Zerynthia cassandra/polyxena and Saga pedo. These species were selected because they share two main characteristics: (i) they are listed in Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directive and (ii) they are large and relatively easy to identify. From 2014 to 2016, many different strategies were applied to contact and engage the public and approximately 14,000 citizens were reached directly. Additionally, printed and online material informed the public about this project. Citizens could transmit data on the target species, accompanied by a photograph, via the web-site of the project or through a dedicated application (app) for smartphones and tablets. All records were validated by experts based on the photographs sent by citizens. A total number of 2,308 records were transmitted and 1,691 (73.2%) of these were confirmed. Most of the reports were submitted via the website, although the submission via the app increased over time. The species most commonly recorded was L. cervus, followed by M. asper/funereus and R. alpina. Data collected by citizen scientists allowed a detailed analysis to be made on altitudinal distribution and phenology of the species and the results obtained were compared with literature data on altitudinal distribution and phenology. For example, for L. cervus, 67% of the records collected were from the altitudinal range 0–400 m a.s.l. Interestingly, the data showed that the phenology of this species changed with altitude

    La polémica destitución de Melchor de Villena (1564-1655) de las cátedras de Botánica médica y Método de Valencia

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    Se analiza un aspecto tan trascendental de la trayectoria vital y profesional del catedrático de Medicina Melchor de Villena como su destitución de la cátedra de Botánica médica, primero, y de la Método, despues, que durante más de un decenio le mantuvieron separado de la docencia universitari