206 research outputs found

    The Kemalist Revolution and Asia

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    The Turkish revolution is a model that emerged from a struggle against imperialism, proving that God is not British, and aiming to establish a system based on capitalist principles favoring the interest of the people. The Chinese model, under the leadership of Sun Yat Sen, similarly fought against imperialism and colonialism, following the Kemalist Revolution's path. Under the guidance of the Communist Party, they continued with a National Democratic revolution. Today, these two countries, both fighters in their own right, holding the two ends of a path and sharing a similar fate, yet differing in aspects ranging from economic development to their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, is not a mere coincidence. The leader of the defense of their respective homelands at that time saw the global polarization clearly and proposed a solution: "Against the harmful group that has afflicted us... There is a common front that separates the East from the West, stretching all the way from the North to the South. To be able to defend on this front, it will require the genuine and sincere solidarity of nations that have become each other's allies... However, the states participating in this solidarity must be individually strong, fortified with the idea of independence." This understanding is a stance against the enmity and division imposed by imperialism. Success has always and will continue to come through this path. The political stance, culture, and understanding targeted today also stem from this standpoint. The coming century is a time to rewrite history from Asia to Africa and Latin America. The key to success lies in our hands

    Ege denizi ve Marmara denizi’ndeki adalardan Türkiye kemirici faunasının karyolojisine ve yayılışına katkılar

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    A chromosomal study on five different rodent species (Mus domesticus, Mus macedonicus, Apodemus sylvaticus, Apodemus witherbyi and Rattus rattus) from Gökçeada and Bozcaada in Aegean Sea and Marmara Island in Marmara Sea was performed to fill the deficiency of karyological information about island populations of these species. Diploid chromosome sets (2n) and fundamental numbers of chromosomal arms (NF) were determined to be 2n = 40, 40, 48, 48 and 38, NF = 40, 40, 48, 48 and 60 for M. domesticus, M. macedonicus, A. sylvaticus, A. witherbyi and R. rattus respectively. Results showed that there was no difference between karyological values in island and continental populations of those rodents, although Aegean and Marmara seas have served as geographic barriers for a long time between islands and mainland. In addition to the karyotypes of M. domesticus, M. macedonicus, A. sylvaticus and R. rattus, their presence in Marmara Islands were firstly determined by current studyBeş farklı kemirici türünün (Mus domesticus, Mus macedonicus, Apodemus sylvaticus, Apodemus witherbyi ve Rattus rattus) Türkiye’deki ada populasyonlarına ilişkin karyolojik bilgi eksikliğini gidermek amacıyla, bu türlerin Ege Denizi’nde yer alan Gökçeada ve Bozcaada ile Marmara Denizi’nde yer alan Marmara Adası’nda yayılış gösteren populasyonları üzerine kromozomal bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. M. domesticus, M. macedonicus, A. sylvaticus, A. witherbyi ve R. rattus için diploit kromozom sayıları ve temel kromozom kol sayıları sırasıyla 2n = 40, 40, 48, 48 ve 38, NF = 40, 40, 48, 48 ve 60 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ege Denizi ve Marmara Denizi bu türlerin adalarda ve anakarada yayılış gösteren populasyonları arasında gen akışının kesilmesine neden olan coğrafik bariyerler olarak uzun süredir görev yapmaktadır, buna rağmen, bu çalışma ile bu kemirici türlerinin adalarda ve anakarada yayılış gösteren populasyonları arasında karyolojik bakımdan herhangi bir farklılaşma olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, M. domesticus, M. macedonicus, A. sylvaticus ve R. rattus’un Marmara Adası’nda yayılış gösterdiği ilk kez bu çalışma ile belirlenmişti

    Variation in the Conventional and Banded Karyotypes among Populations of Arvicola amphibius (L., 1758) (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Turkey

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    Chromosomal characteristics of water voles (Arvicola amphibius) were studied in ten populations including 33 samples from Anatolia, Turkey. The C-banding pattern and NORs distribution were analysed in four samples from Eastern Anatolia. The conventionally stained karyotypes showed the standard complement of the species (2n = 36, NFa = 60-62, NF = 64-66). Variation in the number of autosomal arms originated from the alternative presence of a subtelocentric or an acrocentric autosomal pair. C-banding provided further support for differentiation of the amount and distribution of C-heterochromatin between populations from Central Europe and Asia Minor. Chromosomal variation among Turkish populations was manifested by the number of autosomal arms, positive C-bands and NOR-carrying autosomes

    Coşku yarışında 10. yılda çakılıp kaldık:Haydi marş marş

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 127-İstiklal Marşı ve MarşlarUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    A new chromosomal race (2n=44) of Nannospalax xanthodon from Turkey (Mammalia: Rodentia)

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    This study was supported by Omer Halisdemir University (FEB2011/35, FEB2013/01)A new karyotype for blind mole rats was recorded in Tunceli province in Eastern Turkey. The karyotype contained 44 chromosomes, including 13 biarmed pairs, 7 acrocentric pairs, and one heteromorphic pair with a submetacentric and an acrocentric homologue in the autosomal complement (FNa=69). The X chromosome was submetacentric and the Y chromosome medium-sized subtelocentric (FN=73). Distinct dark centromeric C-bands were observed on most of the biarmed and three pairs of the acrocentric autosomes. The NORs were detected on short arms of three subtelocentric pairs and one acrocentric pair of autosomes. The diploid number of chromosomes and the karyotype characteristics observed are obviously unique among hitherto studied populations of blind mole rats and the complement can be evaluated as a new chromosome race of Nannospalax xanthodon. The distribution ranges of individual chromosome races of the species recorded in Eastern Anatolia are revised and possible interracial hybridization is discussed in respect of the finding of a new race

    Nuclear and organelle genes based phylogeny of dryomys (glirıidae, rodentıa, mammalıa) from Turkey

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    Molecular phylogeny, phylogeography and genetic structure of the genus Dryomys Thomas, 1906 from Turkey were identified by using partial sequences of beta-fibrinogen intron 7 and mitochondrially encoded 12S ribosomal RNA genes and also combined data of two genes. Within Dryomys nitedula species, both, nuclear and mitochondrial genes coherently separated the Thrace lineage from the other lineages in Anatolia. Contrary to this, complex and incomprehensible phylogenies were recovered for Anatolian populations of this species. The analysis of the combined data of these two genes resolved mentioned complexity and incongruity and made phylogeny compatible with the results of past studies for the relative position of the Anatolian lineages. Thus, the presence of four different lineages (one in Thrace and three in Anatolia) within D. nitedula in the localities exemplified across Turkey was confirmed. Genetic differentiation (K2P distances) between the lineages were moderate at the level of intraspecific diversity. In addition to this, genetic distance (K2P = 5.5%) determined between D. nitedula and D. laniger conformed the distance suggested for the separate species of mammals. Evolutionary divergence time estimations demonstrated that the probable divergence between D. laniger and D. nitedula and among its detected lineages started in the border of Late Miocene and Pliocene (5.3 Mya) and lasted to the beginning of the Calabrian Stage of Pleistocene (1.8 Mya) in line with the previous results obtained from fossil and molecular data

    Phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships of populations of Meriones tristrami Thomas, 1892 (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) in Turkey as inferred from Cytochrome-b and RFLP analysis

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    The present study aimed to reveal the relationship between the genetic diversity of Tristram’s jird Meriones tristrami subpopulations by using cyt-b sequences, the amplified fragments of cyt-b produced by restriction endonuclease (RFLP; Msp I, Rsa I, Noc I and Hae III were used) and the distribution on the Anatolian Peninsula. Eighteen haplotypes were identified in the subpopulations of this species, with the highest nucleotide diversity in the Central Anatolia. The haplotype diversity was determined to be 0.970 among subpopulations. The fixation index (Fst) and the gene flow parameter (Nm) based on cyt-b sequences showed the effective gene flow between the western and south-eastern subpopulations. Both cyt-b sequences and RFLP analyses produced almost similar topology in the Bayesian and UPGMA trees, indicating a gene flow from subpopulations of the South-east to Central Anatolia and the Western Black Sea coast. The main factor for the genetic diversity is considered to be the intermittent distribution from west to east as a result of the great altitude of the Eastern Anatolian Plateau as well as the sea and lake system fragmenting the territory of Anatolia in the Pliocene – Pleistocene AgeThis study was financially supported by the Ankara University-BAP 09H4240003 and TBAG-107T32

    An example of secondary fault activity along the North Anatolian Fault on the NE Marmara Sea Shelf, NW Turkey

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    Seismic data on the NE Marmara Sea Shelf indicate that a NNE-SSW-oriented buried basin and ridge system exist on the sub-marine extension of the Paleozoic Rocks delimited by the northern segment of the North Anatolian Fault (NS-NAF), while seismic and multi-beam bathymetric data imply that four NW-SE-oriented strike-slip faults also exist on the shelf area. Seismic data indicate that NW-SE-oriented strike-slip faults are the youngest structures that dissect the basin-ridge system. One of the NW-SE-oriented faults (F1) is aligned with a rupture of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) cutting the northern slope of the Cinarcik Basin. This observation indicates that these faults have similar characteristics with the NS-NAF along the Marmara Sea. Therefore, they may have a secondary relation to the NAF since the principle deformation zone of the NAF follows the Marmara Trough in that region. The seismic energy recorded on these secondary faults is much less than that on the NAF in the Marmara Sea. These faults may, however, produce a large earthquake in the long term