814 research outputs found

    Effects of Alfaxalone or Propofol on Giant-Breed Dog Neonates Viability During Elective Caesarean Sections

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    Nowadays, thanks to the increased awareness of owners and breeders and to the most recent techniques available to veterinarians, the management of parturition, especially of C-sections, has become a topic of greater importance. Anesthesia is crucial and must be targeted to both the mother and neonates. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the induction agent alfaxalone on the vitality of puppies born from elective C-section, in comparison to propofol. After inducing general anesthesia for elective C-section, puppies from the mothers induced with alfaxalone had higher 5-min Apgar scores than those induced with propofol. The concentration of cortisol in fetal fluids collected at birth is neither influenced by the anesthetic protocol used, nor does it differ between amniotic and allantoic fluids. Nevertheless, the cortisol concentration in fetal fluids affects the relationship between anesthesia and the Apgar score: the present study highlights a significant relationship between the anesthetic protocol used and Apgar score in puppies, and fetal fluids cortisol concentration acts as a covariate of this relationship. Alfaxalone is a safe and effective drug for the induction of anesthesia in dogs, and it can be successfully employed for elective C-section, with neonatal wellbeing improvements

    A post-IR IRSL chronology and dustmass accumulation rates of the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence in northeastern Serbia

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    In the Middle Danube Basin, Quaternary deposits are widely distributed in the Vojvodina region where they cover about 95% of the area.Major research during the last two decades has been focused on loess deposits in the Vojvodina region. During this period, loess in the Vojvodina region has become one of the most important Pleistocene European continental climatic and environmental records.Herewe present the dating results of 15 samples taken from theNosak loess-palaeosol sequence in northeastern Serbia in order to establish a chronology over the last three glacial– interglacial cycles. We use the pIRIR290 signal of the 4–11 lm polymineral grains. The calculated ages are within the error limits partially consistent with the proposed multi-millennial chronostratigraphy for Serbian loess. The average mass accumulation rate for the last three glacial–interglacial cycles is 265 g m�2 a�1 , which is in agreement with the values of most sites in the Carpathian Basin. Our results indicate a highly variable deposition rate of loess, especially during the MIS 3 and MIS 6 stages, which is contrary to most studies conducted in Serbia where linear sedimentation rates were assume

    Development of a modular test system for the silicon sensor R&D of the ATLAS Upgrade

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    High Voltage CMOS sensors are a promising technology for tracking detectors in collider experiments. Extensive R&D studies are being carried out by the ATLAS Collaboration for a possible use of HV-CMOS in the High Luminosity LHC upgrade of the Inner Tracker detector. CaRIBOu (Control and Readout Itk BOard) is a modular test system developed to test Silicon based detectors. It currently includes five custom designed boards, a Xilinx ZC706 development board, FELIX (Front-End LInk eXchange) PCIe card and a host computer. A software program has been developed in Python to control the CaRIBOu hardware. CaRIBOu has been used in the testbeam of the HV-CMOS sensor AMS180v4 at CERN. Preliminary results have shown that the test system is very versatile. Further development is ongoing to adapt to different sensors, and to make it available to various lab test stands
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