2,843 research outputs found

    Propuestas productivas sostenibles para el municipio de Vetas (Santander) como alternativas de sustitución a la explotación minera en el páramo de Santurbán desde la perspectiva de la gobernanza.

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    El presente documento pretende abordar una problemática socioeconómica que vive actualmente el municipio de Vetas en el departamento de Santander producto de la minería y los constantes conflictos entre gobernantes, comunidad y activistas ambientales. El desarrollo del trabajo está enfocado en identificar otras potencialidades económicas del municipio especialmente a nivel agrícola y pecuario y conceptuar la relación que existe entre la gobernanza y las estrategias productivas de la región para así ofrecer opciones alternas a la minería y que pueden ofrecer grandes beneficios para la comunidad.This document intends to address a socio-economic problem that the municipality of Vetas currently lives in the department of Santander as a result of mining and the constant conflicts between rulers, community and environmental activists. The development of the work is focused on identifying other economic potentialities of the municipality, especially at the agricultural and livestock level and conceptualizing the relationship between governance and productive strategies in the region in order to offer alternative options to mining and that can offer great benefits for community

    Supercritical Extraction Process of Allspice Essential Oil

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    Se presentan los resultados del proceso de extracción de aceite de pimienta utilizando dióxido de carbono supercríticoAllspice essential oil was extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) in a static process at three different temperatures (308.15, 313.15 and 318.15 K), and four levels of pressure (100, 200, 300 and 360 bar). The amount of oil extracted was measured at intervals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6h, the most extraction yield reached was of 68.47% at 318.15K, 360 bar and 6h of contact time. In this supercritical extraction process, the distribution coefficient (KD), the mean effective diffusion coefficient (Def), the energy of activation (Ea), the thermodynamic properties (ΔG0, ΔH0 and ΔS0) and the apparent solubility (S) expressed as mass fraction (w/w) were evaluated for the first time. At the equilibrium the experimental apparent solubility data were successfully correlated with the modified Chrastil equation

    Clinical and epidemiological aspects of complicated malaria in Colombia, 2007–2013

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    Additional file 2. Annual percentage change (APC) for complicated malaria, stratified by age

    Embarazo en la adolescencia

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    El embarazo en la adolescencia tiene unas consecuencias adversas tanto de tipo físico y psicosocial, en especial en las más jóvenes (15-16 años) y sobre todo en las pertenecientes a las clases sociales más desfavorecidas, ya que siguen una dieta inadecuada a su estado y utilizan tarde o con poca frecuencia el servicio de atención prenatal , lo que supone una dificultad mayor para aceptar la realidad, retraso de la primera visita, desconocimiento del tiempo de gestación, incumplimiento del tratamiento, pasividad, falta de respaldo, depresión y dificultad en la relación asistencial, entre otras cosas . Una de las características sociodemográficas de las madres adolescentes, es la particular composición de la estructura familiar; destaca que un 17,5% de las madres siguen constando como residentes en la residencia paterna, mientras que un 15% se incorpora a la residencia del padre, un 65% crea una unidad familiar independiente y un 2,5% vive sola o con otras personas (pensiones, casas de acogida, etc...) En lo concerniente al aspecto psicológico, es conveniente que la madre adolescente reoriente toda su vida y asuma responsabilidades de adulto. Según numerosos estudios realizados, éstas desempeñan bien su papel de madre, estableciendo buenas relaciones con su hijo, no siendo menos competentes que las adultasThe teenage pregnancy has adverse consequences both physical and psychological type, especially in younger women (15-16 years) and especially those belonging to lower social classes as inadequate diets status and used later or infrequent antenatal care service, which is a major difficulty to accept reality, delayed first visit, unaware of the gestation time, noncompliance, passivity, lack of support, depression and difficulty in the care relationship, among other things. One of the sociodemographic characteristics of teenage mothers, is the particular composition of the family structure stands just 17.5% of mothers are still recorded as living in the parental home, while 15% is incorporated into the residence of the father , 65% creates an independent family unit and 2.5% live alone or with others (pension, shelters, etc ...) With regard to the psychological aspect, it is desirable that the teen mother to redirect his life and take on adult responsibilities. According to numerous studies, they play well their role as mothers, establishing good relations with your child, not being less competent than adul

    The application of a mechanistic model to analyze the factors that affect the lactation curve parameters of dairy sheep in Mexico

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    Pollott́s mechanistic model has been designed to describe lactation curve parameters based on the known biology of milk production and can be useful for analyzing the factors that affect this process. A total of 553 lactations (9956 weekly test-day records) of crossbred dairy sheep from four commercial farms located in Mexico, were analyzed to investigate environmental factors that influenced lactation curve parameters, using Pollott’s 5-parameter additive model. This model was fitted to each lactation using an iterative nonlinear procedure. The estimated parameters were maximum milk secretion potential (MSmax), relative rate of increase in cell differentiation (GR), maximum secretion loss (MSLmax), relative rate of decline in cell numbers (DR) and the proportion of parenchyma cells dead at parturition. A general linear model procedure was used to determine the effect of type of lambing, lambing number, flock and lambing season on total lactation milk yield (TMY), lactation length and estimated parameters of the Pollott model. Ewes had an average milk yield of 74.4 L with an average lactation length of 140 days. Flock had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on most of the analyzed traits, which can be explained by the different farmś management practices. The TMY were significantly (P = 0.005) higher for twin-lambing than single-lambing lactations. Sheep in their first lambing had lower TMY than those in their fourth lambing (P = 0.01), possibly explained by the lower values of MSmax (2.85 vs. 5.3 L) and the decrease in DR throughout life (P = 0.03). However, the relative GR was greatest (P = 0.04) during first lambing and then decreased as lambing number increased. Both lambing number and type of lambing also affected milk yield. The parameters of the Pollott model can be useful to explain, with a biological approximation, the dynamics of differentiation, secretion and death of mammary cells in dairy sheep

    Fuentes renovables no convencionales y redes inteligentes en Brasil y Chile

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    Este paper presenta los avances que han tenido en fuentes de energías renovables no convencionales y redes inteligentes dos de los mercados que más han avanzado en Latinoamérica sobre el tema, Brasil y Chile. Brasil igual que Colombia depende en gran medida del agua para generar energía, lo que ha implicado deforestación y emisiones de gases efecto invernadero y, por tanto, en años recientes ha hecho esfuerzos para fomentar el crecimiento de la generación de energía solar y eólica. En 2015 se posicionó como el octavo país a nivel mundial con generación eólica y en 2017 se construyó la central más grande de energía solar fotovoltaica, con una capacidad instalada de 1097 MW. Por su parte Chile, en la estrategia nacional de energía 2012-2030, sus dos pilares principales de esta estrategia son el incremento en las energías renovables no convencionales, en 2019 del total de la capacidad instalada, el 18% fue en eólica y solar, y el énfasis en la eficiencia energética.This paper presents the advances Brazil and Chile have made in non-conventional renewable energy sources (NCRE) and smart grids. Brazil, like Colombia, is highly dependent on water to generate energy, which has led to deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions; therefore, in recent years Brazil has made efforts to encourage the growth of energy generation with NCRE. In 2015, it positioned itself as the eighth country in the world with wind generation and, in 2017, the largest solar photovoltaic power plant was built. In addition, in Chile’s national energy strategy 2012-2030, its two main cornerstones of the strategy are the increase in non-conventional renewable energies, in 2019 of the total installed capacity was 18% wind and solar, and the emphasis on energy efficiency


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    El presente trabajo describe la construcción y diseño de un sistema de monitoreo y control climático semi-automatizado para un invernadero de pequeña escala, utilizando sensores y actuadores colocados estratégicamente dentro y fuera del invernadero para monitorear y regular las variables ambientales de temperatura, luminosidad, humedad, concentración de monóxido de carbono y ventilación natural. Los sensores y actuadores se enlazan a un instrumento virtual de LabVIEW mediante la unidad de adquisición de datos Agilent 34970A, en donde el usuario podrá observar de manera gráfica el clima dentro del invernadero y tomar acciones sobre este. Los actuadores son gobernados por esquemas de control de dos posiciones y de proporcional-integral-derivativo (PID). La comunicación entre la tarjeta de adquisición de datos y el instrumento virtual de LabVIEW se lleva a cabo mediante el protocolo de comunicación GPIB.Palabras Claves: Invernadero, control, P.I.D;  Sensores.AbstractThis paper describes the construction and design of a semi-automated climate monitoring and control system for a small-scale greenhouse, using sensors and actuators strategically placed inside and outside the greenhouse to monitor and regulate the environmental variables of temperature, luminosity, humidity , carbon monoxide concentration and natural ventilation. The sensors and actuators are linked to a virtual LabVIEW instrument through the Agilent 34970A data acquisition unit, where the user can graphically observe the climate inside the greenhouse and take action on it. The actuators are governed by control schemes of two positions and proportional-integral-derivative (PID). The communication between the data acquisition card and the LabVIEW virtual instrument is carried out using the GPIB communication protocol.Keywords:  Invernadero, Matlab- Simulink, P.I.D;  Ziegler Nichols.


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    ResumenSe realiza un análisis de rendimiento para comparar el comportamiento del control PID tradicional frente a las estrategias de control de modo deslizante de segundo orden aplicadas a un generador sincrónico sujeto a perturbaciones en la carga.Palabras Claves: Maltlab, PID, Control por modos deslizantes, Super-Twisting, Twisting. AbstractA performance analysis is made to compare the behavior of the traditional PID control vs. second order sliding mode control strategies applied to a synchronic generator subject to disturbances on loadKeywords:  Matlab, PID, Sliding mode control, Super-Twisting, Twisting.