13 research outputs found

    Questionário de adaptação ao ensino superior remoto (QAES-R): estudo de validação

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    Nos estudos relacionados à psicologia da educação, o fenômeno da adaptação acadêmica tem sido recorrente por sua estreita relação com o sucesso ou evasão do estudante na universidade. Durante a pandemia da Covid-19, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem passou por mudanças significativas e a implementação do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) teve impacto na adaptação acadêmica dos estudantes. O objetivo deste artigo foi contribuir para a validação do Questionário de Adaptação ao Ensino Superior Remoto QAES-R (Ferraz et al., 2020). O questionário foi aplicado a uma amostra de 420 estudantes matriculados no ensino superior dos cursos ofertados pelo Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL-Campus Maceió). Os estudantes eram, em sua maioria, do sexo feminino, com idade entre 17 e 67 anos e matriculados em cursos tecnológicos de curta duração e cursos de longa duração, licenciaturas e bacharelados. A análise fatorial exploratória, recorrendo-se ao método dos componentes principais, permitiu agrupar os itens seguindo a estrutura das cinco dimensões proposta na versão original: institucional, interpessoal, estudo, pessoal-emocional e planejamento de carreira. Os indicadores de precisão e validade mostraram-se adequados à utilização do questionário na investigação, registrando-se impacto da vivência da Covid-19 e do Ensino Remoto Emergencial nos níveis de adaptação dos estudantes ao Ensino Superior

    Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, ventilation management, and outcomes in invasively ventilated intensive care unit patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome: a pooled analysis of four observational studies

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    Background: Geoeconomic variations in epidemiology, the practice of ventilation, and outcome in invasively ventilated intensive care unit (ICU) patients without acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) remain unexplored. In this analysis we aim to address these gaps using individual patient data of four large observational studies. Methods: In this pooled analysis we harmonised individual patient data from the ERICC, LUNG SAFE, PRoVENT, and PRoVENT-iMiC prospective observational studies, which were conducted from June, 2011, to December, 2018, in 534 ICUs in 54 countries. We used the 2016 World Bank classification to define two geoeconomic regions: middle-income countries (MICs) and high-income countries (HICs). ARDS was defined according to the Berlin criteria. Descriptive statistics were used to compare patients in MICs versus HICs. The primary outcome was the use of low tidal volume ventilation (LTVV) for the first 3 days of mechanical ventilation. Secondary outcomes were key ventilation parameters (tidal volume size, positive end-expiratory pressure, fraction of inspired oxygen, peak pressure, plateau pressure, driving pressure, and respiratory rate), patient characteristics, the risk for and actual development of acute respiratory distress syndrome after the first day of ventilation, duration of ventilation, ICU length of stay, and ICU mortality. Findings: Of the 7608 patients included in the original studies, this analysis included 3852 patients without ARDS, of whom 2345 were from MICs and 1507 were from HICs. Patients in MICs were younger, shorter and with a slightly lower body-mass index, more often had diabetes and active cancer, but less often chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure than patients from HICs. Sequential organ failure assessment scores were similar in MICs and HICs. Use of LTVV in MICs and HICs was comparable (42\ub74% vs 44\ub72%; absolute difference \u20131\ub769 [\u20139\ub758 to 6\ub711] p=0\ub767; data available in 3174 [82%] of 3852 patients). The median applied positive end expiratory pressure was lower in MICs than in HICs (5 [IQR 5\u20138] vs 6 [5\u20138] cm H2O; p=0\ub70011). ICU mortality was higher in MICs than in HICs (30\ub75% vs 19\ub79%; p=0\ub70004; adjusted effect 16\ub741% [95% CI 9\ub752\u201323\ub752]; p<0\ub70001) and was inversely associated with gross domestic product (adjusted odds ratio for a US$10 000 increase per capita 0\ub780 [95% CI 0\ub775\u20130\ub786]; p<0\ub70001). Interpretation: Despite similar disease severity and ventilation management, ICU mortality in patients without ARDS is higher in MICs than in HICs, with a strong association with country-level economic status. Funding: No funding

    Efectos del aprendizaje a distancia en estudiantes de la educación superior

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    Com as medidas para conter o avanço do novo coronavírus, as Instituições de Ensino Superior precisaram impor aos estudantes um novo cenário educacional. Este estudo objetiva analisar os efeitos do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) na vivência dos estudantes. Foi aplicado o Questionário de Adaptação ao Ensino Superior Remoto (QAES-R), adaptado por Ferraz et al. (2020). Participaram 420 estudantes do Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL), com idades entre 17 e 67 anos. A maioria dos participantes trabalha e estuda e tem renda igual ou inferior a 1.5 salário-mínimo. Os resultados mostram que o ERE trouxe impactos para os estudantes, principalmente os mais novos, com menos condições, evidenciando desmotivação, intenção de abandono e um menor índice de adaptação aos seus cursos. Os achados desta pesquisa podem contribuir com futuras linhas de investigação que visem à promoção de adequações institucionais para um maior engajamento dos estudantes, sua adaptação e permanência na universidade, durante e após a pandemia.In face of measures to contain the advance of the new coronavirus, Higher Education Institutions had to impose a new educational scenario for students. This study aims to analyze the effects of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE) on the students’ experience. The Adaptation Questionnaire for Remote Higher Education (QAES-R), adapted by Ferraz et al. (2020). 420 IFAL students, aged between 17 and 67 years, participated. Most participants work and study and have an income equal to or less than 1.5 minimum incomes. The results show that the ERE brought impacts to students, especially the younger ones with less conditions, showing lack of motivation, intention to drop out and a lower rate of adaptation to their courses. The findings of this research can contribute to future lines of investigation aimed at promoting institutional adjustments for greater student engagement, adaptation and permanence at university, during and after the pandemic.Con las medidas para contener el avance del nuevo coronavirus, se impone para las Instituciones de Educación Superior y los estudiantes un nuevo escenario educacional. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los efectos de la Enseñanza Remota de Emergencia (ERE) en la vivencia de los estudiantes. El instrumento de la investigación fue un Cuestionario de Adaptación para la Educación Superior Remota (QAES-R), adaptado por Ferraz et al. (2020). Participaron 420 estudiantes del Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL), de 17 a 67 años. La mayor parte de los respondientes trabaja y estudia y tienen ingresos iguales o inferiores a 1.5 salarios mínimos. Los resultados enseñan que el ERE trajo impactos en los estudiantes, principalmente en los más jóvenes, financieramente más vulnerables, lo que revela desmotivación, intención de desertar de los estudios, y una tasa más baja de adaptación a sus cursos. Estos hallazgos pueden contribuir con futuras líneas de investigación en torno a adecuaciones institucionales para mayor participación, adaptación y permanencia de los estudiantes en la universidad, durante y después de la pandemia

    A review on electric vehicles and their interaction with smart grids: the case of Brazil

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    This work provides a comprehensive literature review to evaluate the expected impacts of the introduction of electric vehicles into the power electric system with smart grid, examining the case of Brazil. Previous studies point out to different impact levels with the introduction of electric vehicles in the country’s electric grid, varying from small impacts for substitution of 10 % of the fleet, to potential difficulties if more than 20 % of the fleet is replaced. Electric vehicles offer significant advantages over their internal combustion engine powered vehicles counterparts, including the higher efficiency and performance of the electric motor, reduced pollution emissions during operation, and decreased noise levels. The current disadvantages lie mainly with the higher vehicle and battery costs, relatively long battery-charging period required, limited battery lifetime, and the need to increase market availability. Brazil’s electricity generation capacity is primarily based on clean and renewable energy (hydropower, wind, biomass), providing the preferred approach to charge electric vehicles with minimal carbon and other pollutant emissions. With the introduction of smart grids in the country’s electricity distribution structure, electric vehicles also provide a pathway (with renewable energy options) toward cleaner electricity, leveling the power demand cycle, and lowering the need to add costly central station generation by integrating them into the grid itself during periods when they are not used for transportation. However, careful studies must be conducted mainly due to the need to increase electric power generation to meet existing and imminent demands

    B. Sprachwissenschaft

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    Overview of JET results

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    Since the last IAEA conference, the scientific programme of JET has focused on the qualification of the integrated operating scenarios for ITER and on physics issues essential for the consolidation of design choices and the efficient exploitation of ITER. Particular attention has been given to the characterization of the edge plasma, pedestal energy and edge localized modes (ELMs), and their impact on plasma facing components (PFCs). Various ELM mitigation techniques have been assessed for all ITER operating scenarios using active methods such as resonant magnetic field perturbation, rapid variation of the radial field and pellet pacing. In particular, the amplitude and frequency of type I ELMs have been actively controlled over a wide parameter range (q95 = 3–4.8, βN <= 3.0) by adjusting the amplitude of the n = 1 external perturbation field induced by error field correction coils. The study of disruption induced heat loads on PFCs has taken advantage of a new wide-angle viewing infrared system and a fast bolometer to provide a detailed account of time, localization and form of the energy deposition. Specific ITER-relevant studies have used the unique JET capability of varying the toroidal field (TF) ripple from its normal low value δBT = 0.08% up to δBT = 1% to study the effect of TF ripple on high confinement-mode plasmas. The results suggest that δBT < 0.5% is required on ITER to maintain adequate confinement to allow QDT = 10 at full field. Physics issues of direct relevance to ITER include heat and toroidal momentum transport, with experiments using power modulation to decouple power input and torque to achieve first experimental evidence of inward momentum pinch in JET and determine the threshold for ion temperature gradient driven modes. Within the longer term JET programme in support of ITER, activities aiming at the modification of the JET first wall and divertor and the upgrade of the neutral beam and plasma control systems are being conducted. The procurement of all components will be completed by 2009 with the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and tungsten divertor extending from summer 2009 to summer 2010