2,309 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of Phytovolume Estimation Methods Based on UAV-Photogrammetry and Multispectral Imagery in a Mediterranean Forest

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    Management and control operations are crucial for preventing forest fires, especially in Mediterranean forest areas with dry climatic periods. One of them is prescribed fires, in which the biomass fuel present in the controlled plot area must be accurately estimated. The most used methods for estimating biomass are time-consuming and demand too much manpower. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) carrying multispectral sensors can be used to carry out accurate indirect measurements of terrain and vegetation morphology and their radiometric characteristics. Based on the UAV-photogrammetric project products, four estimators of phytovolume were compared in a Mediterranean forest area, all obtained using the difference between a digital surface model (DSM) and a digital terrain model (DTM). The DSM was derived from a UAV-photogrammetric project based on the structure from a motion algorithm. Four different methods for obtaining a DTM were used based on an unclassified dense point cloud produced through a UAV-photogrammetric project (FFU), an unsupervised classified dense point cloud (FFC), a multispectral vegetation index (FMI), and a cloth simulation filter (FCS). Qualitative and quantitative comparisons determined the ability of the phytovolume estimators for vegetation detection and occupied volume. The results show that there are no significant differences in surface vegetation detection between all the pairwise possible comparisons of the four estimators at a 95% confidence level, but FMI presented the best kappa value (0.678) in an error matrix analysis with reference data obtained from photointerpretation and supervised classification. Concerning the accuracy of phytovolume estimation, only FFU and FFC presented differences higher than two standard deviations in a pairwise comparison, and FMI presented the best RMSE (12.3 m) when the estimators were compared to 768 observed data points grouped in four 500 m2 sample plots. The FMI was the best phytovolume estimator of the four compared for low vegetation height in a Mediterranean forest. The use of FMI based on UAV data provides accurate phytovolume estimations that can be applied on several environment management activities, including wildfire prevention. Multitemporal phytovolume estimations based on FMI could help to model the forest resources evolution in a very realistic way

    Current strategies in cationic liposomal vaccine development for anti-cancer therapy

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    Nanomedicine is currently at the forefront of technology. Nanovaccines are a relevant development derived from this field and comprise nanoparticles ranging from 50-250 nm to deliver antigens and other immunomodulatory agents. Their formulation can include liposomes, which are widely known as safe and allow their engineering to be cationic, conferring a superior immunostimulatory effect. This promising strategy for vaccine delivery has gained interest in cancer as it provides higher targeting efficiency, increased antigen stability, prolonged circulation time, and enhanced uptake by antigen-presenting cells, mainly dendritic cells. Therefore, this minireview discusses recent research on cationic liposome-based vaccine delivery systems for anti-cancer therapy. Pubmed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were screened for original and review papers published in the last ten years. The antigen association with the cationic nanoparticles either by electrostatic interactions or complementary coiled coil peptide pair strategy were found as the most promising strategies. The work also highlights the potential of this therapeutic platform for enhancing the T-cell immune response against cancer through mRNA-containing formulations for different routes of administration, providing a detailed physicochemical characterization of the reported nanosystems

    The Gini index,the dual decomposition of aggregation functions, and the consistent measurement of inequality

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    In several economic fields, such as those related to health, education or poverty, the individuals’ characteristics are measured by bounded variables. Accordingly, these characteristics may be indistinctly represented by achievements or shortfalls. A difficulty arises when inequality needs to be assessed. One may focus either on achievements or on shortfalls but the respective inequality rankings may lead to contradictory results. Specifically, this paper concentrates on the poverty measure proposed by Sen. According to this measure the inequality among the poor is captured by the Gini index. However, the rankings obtained by the Gini index applied to either the achievements or the shortfalls do not coincide in general. To overcome this drawback, we show that an OWA operator is underlying in the definition of the Sen measure. The dual decomposition of the OWA operators into a self-dual core and anti-self-dual remainder allows us to propose an inequality component which measures consistently the achievement and shortfall inequality among the poor.Aggregation functions, dual decomposition, OWA operators, Gini index, consistent measures of achievement/shortfall inequality, Sen index, poverty measures.

    A mortalidade materna devido a hipertensão arterial na cidade de São Paulo (1995-1999)

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    AIM: To describe the case profile of maternal death resulting from hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and to propose measures for its reduction. METHODS: The Committee on Maternal Mortality of São Paulo City has identified 609 cases of obstetric maternal death between 1995 and 1999 with an underreporting rate of 52.2% and a maternal mortality rate of 56.7/100,000 live births. Arterial hypertension was the main cause of maternal death, corresponding to 142 (23.3%) cases. RESULTS: Ninety-five (66.9%) of the deaths occurred during the puerperal period and 34 (23.9%) occurred during pregnancy. The time of death was not reported in 13 (9.2%) cases. Seizures were observed in 41 cases and magnesium sulfate was used in four of them. The causes of death were ruled to be cerebrovascular accident (44.4%), acute pulmonary edema (24.6%), and coagulopathies (14.1%). Cesarean section was performed in 85 (59.9%) cases and vaginal delivery in 15 (16.0%). CONCLUSION: Complications of arterial hypertension are responsible for the high rates of pregnancy-related maternal death in São Paulo City. Quality prenatal care and appropriate monitoring of the hypertensive pregnant patient during and after delivery are important measures for better control of this condition and are essential to reduce disorders in pregnancy.OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil dos casos de morte materna decorrente de complicações da hipertensão arterial e propor medidas para sua redução. MÉTODOS: De 1995 a 1999 o Comitê de Mortalidade Materna da Cidade de São Paulo identificou 609 casos de morte materna obstétrica, com uma subnotificação de 52,2% e um CMM=56,7/100.000 Nascidos Vivos. A hipertensão arterial foi a principal causa de óbito materno, correspondendo a 142 (23,3%) casos. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 95 (66,9%) de óbitos no puerpério e 34 (23,9%) durante a gestação. Em 13 (9,2%) casos não se teve referência ao momento do óbito. Houve relato de crises convulsivas em 41 casos com a utilização de sulfato de magnésio em quatro deles. As principais causas determinantes do óbito foram: o acidente vascular cerebral (44,4%), o edema agudo de pulmão (24,6%) e as coagulopatias (14,1%). A cesárea foi realizada em 85 (59,9%) casos e o parto vaginal em 15 (16,0%). Em 28 (19,7%) casos não foi realizada nenhuma conduta para interromper a gravidez e em 14 (9,8%) não se obteve relato do procedimento. CONCLUSÃO: As complicações da hipertensão arterial no ciclo gravídico-puerperal determinam altos índices de mortalidade materna na cidade de São Paulo. A realização de um pré-natal de qualidade e o atendimento apropriado da gestante hipertensa no parto e no pós-parto são medidas de fundamental importância para um melhor controle desse evento, sendo primordial para a redução dessas ocorrências

    Estudio retrospectivo de costo para UCP del Hospital Base de Linares

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    52 p.El presente trabajo es un estudio retrospectivo de costos, de la UNIDAD DE CUIDADOS PREFERENCIALES DEL HOSPITAL DE LINARES, que mide los costos directos e indirectos durante los días de hospitalización del paciente, para ser comparado con el arancel establecido por FONASA, para el día cama, de cuidados intermedios.Se toma una muestra de 421 pacientes egresados entre los meses de enero y agosto 2008, se incorporaron al estudio 335 pacientes lo que representa un 88% de las hospitalizaciones, el 12% se excluyeron por falta de registros.Se revisa en cada ficha clínica, la cantidad de medicamentos orales e inyectables que se administraron, así también, como los exámenes que se le realizo a cada uno de los pacientes Se clasifican las patologías en: sepsis, cardiovascular, respiratorias, neurológicas, traumatológicas, intoxicaciones y otras, las cuales no son tan representativas para el estudio.En relación a recursos humanos de la unidad en estudio, tenemos un total de 22 funcionarios: 5 médicos, 4 enfermeras, 12 paramédicos, 1 auxiliar de servicio, a tiempo completo, y 1 nutricionista, 1 kinesiólogo, 1 secretaria, 1 enfermera coordinadora, a tiempo compartido, esta cantidad de funcionarios da atención para una dotación de 8 camas.Se realiza a los funcionarios de la unidad una entrevista, para enmarcar cada una de las actividades que realizan durante un turno, para verificar la información, se realiza un día de observación del servicio, y luego se registran estas actividades en una tabla. Estas actividades se comparan con el sueldo total haberes que recibe cada funcionario durante los 8 meses de estudio.Se aplicaron tres instrumentos para medir los costos por paciente, y día cama.Costos directos, aplicado a medicamentos y exámenes. Costos asociados al recurso humano y costos indirectos los que se relacionan con los medios de producción.Una vez finalizado el estudio se pudo concluir que el costo unitario día cama por paciente promedio es de 186012yelarancelFonasapordıˊacamaintermedioesde186012 y el arancel Fonasa por día cama intermedio es de 58920, es decir que alcanzamos a cubrir tan solo un 31% del costo de la hospitalización

    On the pulsating instability of two-dimensional flames

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    We consider a well-known thermo-diffusive model for the propagation of a premixed, adiabatic flame front in the large-activation-energy limit. That model depends only on one nondimensional parameter β, the reduced Lewis number. Near the pulsating instability limit, as β↓β0= 32/3, we obtain an asymptotic model for the evolution of a quasi-planar flame front, via a multi-scale analysis. The asymptotic model consists of two complex Ginzburg–Landau equations and a real Burgers equation, coupled by non-local terms. The model is used to analyse the nonlinear stability of the flame front

    Campaña gráfica sobre el bullying y la percepción de alumnos de primaria de dos I.E., Villa el Salvador - Lima, 2019

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    Este proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo establecer la relación significativa entre una campaña gráfica y la percepción de alumnos de 5to y 6to grado de primaria, entre 10 a 12 años de edad, de dos colegios de Villa el Salvador. Hecha la observación anterior, este proyecto de investigación se desarrolló con un diseño no experimental, de tipo no aplicada, un nivel de investigación correlacional, y enfoque cuantitativo. Cuya población es de 950 estudiantes conformados por dos instituciones “I.E. 6066 Villa el Salvador” y “I.E. Fe y Alegría N°17”, teniendo una muestra de 274 alumnos. Para recolectar los datos se usó como herramienta una encuesta basada en 15 preguntas con la escala de medición ordinal o Likert, que a su vez fue validada por tres expertos en la materia y puesta a prueba por el estadístico de fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach. El último mencionado alcanzó un puntaje de 0,849. En otras palabras, nos permite señalar que el instrumento tiene una alta confiabilidad Con los resultados obtenidos mediante las encuestas, se realizó el método estadístico “Chi Cuadrado de Pearson”, obteniendo un valor de Significancia de 0,000 menor que 0,05, de esta manera afirmamos que existe correlación positiva media entre las variables: Campaña gráfica sobre el bullying, y la percepción de alumnos de primaria. Por lo tanto, se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis general de la investigación; si existe relación significativa entre una campaña gráfica sobre el bullying y la percepción de alumnos de primaria de dos I.E. Villa el Salvador, Lima, 2019

    Desafios na redução da mortalidade materna no Município de São Paulo

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    Since 1993 the causes of maternal mortality has been studied by The Maternal Mortality Committee of the municipality of São Paulo. By the year 2016 the city accumulates 3505 maternal deaths, and 2389 are due to direct or indirect causes. The main cause of maternal mortality is high blood pressure, with 538 (22.5%) deaths, followed by bleeding complications of third quarter and puerperium with 330 (13.8%) instances. The other three main causes for maternal death are cardiovascular diseases, miscarriage (including unsafe abortions) and puerperal infection. The Maternal Mortality Committee of the municipality of São Paulo makes considerations about the five leading causes of maternal death and are offer suggestions to reduce these events. The other causes, with fewer, but no less important, are not object of this study.Desde 1993 as causas da mortalidade materna vem sendo estudadas pelo Comitê de Mortalidade Materna do Município de São Paulo. Até o ano de 2016 acumulamos 3505 mortes maternas, sendo 2389 óbitos devidos a causas diretas ou indiretas. A principal causa da mortalidade materna é a hipertensão arterial, com 538 (22,5%) óbitos, seguida pelas complicações hemorrágicas de terceiro trimestre e puerpério com 330 (13,8%) ocorrências. As outras três causas responsáveis pelo óbito materno são as doenças cardiovasculares, complicações de aborto (incluindo os abortos inseguros) e a infecção puerperal. São feitas considerações sobre as cinco principais causas de morte materna e são disponibilizadas sugestões elaboradas pelo Comitê de Mortalidade Materna do Município de São Paulo para a redução desses eventos. As demais causas em menor número, mas não menos importantes, não serão objeto desse estudo