2,345 research outputs found

    Oral carcinoma development after 23 years of renal transplantation

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    Renal transplant patients are treated with immunosuppressive drugs that decrease the effectiveness of the immune system, making them more prone to developing cancer. Skin and lip carcinomas are common malignancies encountered after transplantation, whereas oral carcinomas are rare. We report the case of a 51-year-old female Caucasian patient, with no history of smoking, who presented white lesions on the tongue and an ulcerated lesion on the lower lip beginning 4 months prior. Diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma for both lesions was made following incisional biopsies. Interestingly, the patient reported a renal transplantation 23 years prior, and was maintained on a combination of cyclosporine, mycophenolate sodium and prednisone. The patient also presented a history of several basal and squamous cell carcinomas on sun-exposed areas of the skin. Both lesions were surgically excised. No sign of recurrence or new lesions in the oral cavity have been observed; however, new skin lesions are frequently diagnosed. This case report highlights that oral cancers may occur in transplant patients in the absence of classical risk factors. Thus, clinicians must be aware of the importance of thorough oral examination in transplant patients in routine follow-up

    Remote Postoperative Epidural Hematoma after Subdural Hygroma Drainage

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    Objective. Subdural hygroma is reported to occur in 5%–20% of all patients with closed head trauma, the treatment is controversial and in symptomatic cases surgical drainage is need. We report on a new case with remote acute epidural hematoma (AEH) after subdural hygroma drainage. Case Presentation. A 38-year-old man suffered blunt head trauma and had diffuse axonal injury grade III in CT scan. A CT scan that was late performed showed an increasing subdural fluid collection with mild mass effect and some effacement of the left lateral ventricle. We perform a trepanation with drainage of a hypertensive subdural collection with citrine aspect. Postoperative tomography demonstrated a large left AEH. Craniotomy and evacuation of the hematoma were performed. Conclusion. The mechanism of remote postoperative AEH formation is unclear. Complete reliance on neurologic monitoring, trust in an early CT scan, and a relative complacency after an apparently successful initial surgery for hygroma drainage may delay the diagnosis of this postoperative AEH


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    The article aims to know the historical, theoretical and conceptual context of Complexity Theory. More specifically, it investigates the paradigmatic interlacing, the incompleteness and intelligibility of knowledge of Morinian complexity and its relation with the education.This is a exploratory research for a qualitative approach. through of bibliographic research. The discussion privileges the dialogical movement to integrate epistemologies and knowledge linked to the principles of dialogicity (FREIRE, 2005); of collective and multiple reflexivity (BECK, 2003); of demodiversity (SANTOS, 2016); and of intelligibility (MORIN, 2002). The results indicate that complexity theory doesn’t deny the limits and possibilities of the epistemology of classical science, but incorporates its complex intelligibility. The results also show that education, in the complex Morínian thought, envisages on the horizon the formation of a subject who is aware of his situation as a planetary citizen prepared to exercise complex autonomy, reflective consciousness and the effects of globalization. In this sense, it is pointed out that, from the perspective of complexity, contemporaneity demands a new cognitive openness, a mental revolution capable of being constituted in more than pedagogical theories, moving from the individual, normative and prescriptive perspective to relearning to think through metacognitive knowledge and collective intelligibility.El artículo objetiva conocer el contexto histórico y el teórico-conceptual de la Teoría de la Complejidad. Más específicamente, investiga los entrelazamientos paradigmáticos, la incompletud y la inteligibilidad del conocimiento de complejidad moriniana y su relación con la educación. La metodología posee el carácter exploratorio de abordaje cualitativo por medio de la investigación del tipo teórico-bibliográfica. La discusión privilegia el movimiento dialógico de integralización de epistemologías y saberes ligados a los principios de la dialogicidad (FREIRE, 2005); de la reflexión colectiva y múltiple (BECK, 2003); de la demodiversidad (SANTOS, 2016); y de la inteligibilidad (MORIN, 2002). Los resultados indican que la teoría de la complejidad no niega los límites y las posibilidades de la epistemología de la ciencia clásica, sino que la incorpora a su inteligibilidad compleja. Se destaca que la educación, en el pensamiento complejo moriniano, vislumbra en el horizonte la formación de un sujeto conocedor de su situación de ciudadano planetario preparado para ejercer una autonomía compleja, la conciencia reflexiva y los efectos de la globalización. Así, se apunta que, en la óptica de la complejidad, la contemporaneidad demanda una nueva apertura cognitiva, una revolución mental capaz de constituirse en más que teorías pedagógicas, desplazándose de la perspectiva individual, normativa y prescriptiva para el reaprender a pensar por medio de los saberes metacognitivos y de una inteligibilidad colectiva.O artigo objetiva conhecer o contexto histórico e o teórico-conceitual da Teoria da Complexidade. Mais especificamente, investiga os entrelaçamentos paradigmáticos, a incompletude e a inteligibilidade do conhecimento de complexidade moriniano e sua relação com a educação. A metodologia possui o caráter exploratório de abordagem qualitativa por meio de pesquisa do tipo teórico-bibliográfica. A discussão privilegia o movimento dialógico de integralização de epistemologias e saberes ligados aos princípios da dialogicidade (FREIRE, 2005); da reflexibilidade coletiva e múltipla (BECK, 2003); da demodiversidade (SANTOS, 2016); e, da inteligibilidade (MORIN, 2002). Os resultados indicam que a teoria da complexidade não nega os limites e as possibilidades da epistemologia da ciência clássica, mas a incorpora a sua inteligibilidade complexa. Destaca-se que a educação, no pensamento complexo moriniano, vislumbra no horizonte a formação de um sujeito conhecedor de sua situação de cidadão planetário preparado para exercer uma autonomia complexa, a consciência reflexiva e os efeitos da globalização. Assim, aponta-se que, na ótica da complexidade, a contemporaneidade demanda uma nova abertura cognitiva, uma revolução mental capaz de se constituir em mais do que teorias pedagógicas, deslocando-se da perspectiva individual, normativa e prescritiva para o reaprender a pensar por meio dos saberes metacognitivos e de uma inteligibilidade coletiva

    “Quando o negro se movimenta, toda a possibilidade de futuro com ele se move”

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    The aim of this paper is to identify how Afrofuturist language appropriates related proposals such as the Brazilian black movement, as a strategy of resistance to racism. The analysis methodology is based on a literature review based on the studies of identity representation (Stuart Hall), Black Movement (Nilma Lino Gomes) and Afrofuturism (Ytasha Womack). Thus, this study demonstrates how design techniques inserted in aesthetic and artistic productions become crucial tools for the construction of images and social emancipation from the negative representations in contemporary culture.O objetivo deste artigo é identificar como a linguagem Afrofuturista se apropria de proposições correlatas as lutas do movimento negro brasileiro, comouma estratégia de resistência em relação ao racismo. A metodologia de análise se baseia em uma revisão bibliográfica a partir dos estudos de representação identitária (Stuart Hall), Movimento Negro (Nilma Lino Gomes) e Afrofuturismo (Ytasha Womack). Assim, este estudo demonstra como as técnicas de design inseridas nas produções estéticas e artísticas se tornam ferramentas cruciais para a construção imagética e emancipação social a partir das representações das populações negras na cultura contemporânea

    Morphological patterns of circumpulpal dentin affected by radiation-related caries

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the microscopic characteristics through polarized light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and the mineral content of circumpulpal dentin of irradiated (IT) and non-irradiated teeth (NIT), with deep caries that reached the root canal. A total of 25 IT were analyzed macroscopically, and radiographed. 5 NIT were used as controls. Two 100-?m-thick sections, per specimen, were evaluated in a polarized light microscopy and a scanning electron microscope. Demographics and clinical data were collected. The results did not demonstrate distinct morphology of the IT compared with NIT. Mineral content values by weight percentage of Ca and P were also similar, corresponding to 66.65% and 33.21% in the IT and 66.60% and 33.29% in the NIT. The Ca/P ratio did not show statistical differences between groups being respectively 2.74 and 2.72, in the IT and NIT (p> 0.05). Radiotherapy does not change morphology and mineral content of circumpulpal dentin in IT

    Panoramic and skull imaging may aid in the identification of multiple myeloma lesions

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of punched-out lesions in craniofacial bones using three different radiographic protocols in a large cohort of patients. One hundred fifty-five MM patients were evaluated using panoramic and skull (frontal and lateral) radiographs, which were performed in all patients at the time of MM diagnosis. The diagnostic potential for detecting punched-out lesions was compared among the radiographic techniques. MM punched-out lesions were identified in 135 (87%) panoramic radiographs, 141 (91%) frontal and 144 (93%) lateral skull radiographs. Punched out-lesions were synchronously present in skull and jawbones in 129 (83.23 %) cases. The lesions were detected exclusively in skull in 18 (11.61%) cases and exclusively in jawbones in 6 (3.87%) cases. Punched out-lesion mainly affected the skull and the jawbones in a synchronous way (p<0.001) rather than separately. All investigated radiographic techniques (panoramic, frontal and lateral skull approaches) demonstrated high detection rates for MM punched-out lesions in craniofacial bones. Panoramic radiography may aid to the radiographic protocols to identify multiple myeloma bone lesions


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    Este trabalho relata atividades desenvolvidas por bolsistas do PIBIB Pedagogia em uma turma do 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola do campo, no município de Palmas, cujo enfoque encontrava-se na elaboração e produção de material didático para o ensino de conteúdos matemáticos. O objetivo deste relato consiste em apresentar e discutir acerca da temática do lúdico em sala de aula a partir de um jogo matemático. Dessa forma, para compor o corpo teórico do trabalho nos apoiamos em Almeida (1998), Rosa (2003), Vygotsky (1989), Kishimoto (2000), Monteiro (2001), Lorenzato (2012), Fiorentini e Miorim (1990) e nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (1998). Por fim, trazemos as breves considerações, com a constatação de que atividades lúdicas ampliam as possibilidades de aprendizagem das crianças e se constituem uma importante estratégia metodológica para auxiliar no combate ao fracasso escolar.This work reports activities developed by PIBIB &nbsp;&nbsp;Pedagogy scholars in a class of the 4th year of elementary school in a School of the Field, in the municipality of Palmas, whose focus was on the elaboration and production of didactic material for the teaching of contents Mathematicians. The purpose of this report is to present and discuss the theme of play in the classroom from a mathematical game. Thus, in order to compose the theoretical body of work we rely on Almeida (1998), Rosa (2003), Vygotsky (1989), Kishimoto (2000), Monteiro (2001), Lorenzato (2012), Fiorentini and Miorim In the National Curricular Parameters (1998). Finally, we bring the brief considerations, with the observation that edutainment expand the possibilities of learning of children and constitute an important methodological strategy to help in the fight against school failure


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    This article proposes to report and reflect on the teaching experience of scholarship recipients of the Institutional Scholarship Program (PIBID), Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), Pedagogy course, Palmas campus, referring to the project of children's literature developed in a group of the 4th year of elementary school of a public school in the municipality of Palmas / TO. The theoretical reference was based mainly on the authors: Soares (2003), Frantz (1997), Bondía (2002), and Abromovich (1997) in the inquiries about infatexual literature and questions related to teacher training and project pedagogy. It was concluded that pedagogical activities linked to the use of infatojuvenil literature provide the students' autonomy regarding the reading, interpretation and writing skills of the textual genres. With regard to initial teacher training, the Program provided room for experience, re-signification of teaching practice and the learning of new didactic possibilities of literacy.Este artigo propõe relatar e refletir acerca da experiência docente de bolsistas do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT), do curso de Pedagogia, câmpus Palmas, referente ao projeto de literatura infantojuvenil desenvolvido em uma turma do 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública no munícipio de Palmas/TO. O referencial teórico contemplou principalmente os autores: Soares (2003), Frantz (1997), Bondía (2002), e Abromovich (1997) nas indagações acerca da literatura infatojuvenil e nas questões relacionadas à formação de professores e a pedagogia de projetos. Concluiu-se que atividades pedagógicas atreladas ao uso da literatura infatojuvenil propiciam a autonomia dos alunos quanto às habilidades de leitura, interpretação e escrita dos gêneros textuais. No que diz respeito à formação docente inicial, o Programa possibilitou espaço para experiência, ressignificação da prática docente e o aprendizado de novas possibilidades didáticas de letramento

    A utilização do planejamento estratégico como ferramenta de gestão das micro e pequenas empresas na região metropolitana de Fortaleza

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    As micro e pequenas empresas têm contribuído de forma crescente para o desenvolvimento da economia e tem se buscado maneiras para mantê-las vivas no mercado. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a importância do planejamento estratégico como ferramenta de gestão das micro e pequenas empresas. Como fonte de dados, foram pesquisadas cinco micro e pequenas empresas da região metropolitana de Fortaleza/CE. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada na abordagem qualitativa de múltiplos casos, o que permite uma visão mais abrangente em relação à compreensão de problemas. Os resultados demonstraram que as micro e pequenas empresas analisadas realizavam planejamento em curto prazo, de acordo com suas necessidades, pois dependiam de retorno financeiro para planejar novos investimentos