4,584 research outputs found

    Three-point correlators from string amplitudes: Mixing and Regge spins

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    This paper has two parts. We first compute the leading contribution to the strong-coupling mixing between the Konishi operator and a double-trace operator composed of chiral primaries by using flat-space vertex operators for the string-duals of the operators. We then compute the three-point functions for protected or unprotected scalar operators with higher spin operators on the leading Regge trajectory. Here we see that the nontrivial spatial structures required by conformal invariance arise naturally from the form of the polarization tensors in the vertex operators. We find agreement with recent results extracted from Mellin amplitudes for four-point functions, as well as with earlier supergravity calculations. We also obtain some new results for other combinations of operators.Comment: v3: corrected numerical factor and other minor change

    Foreign-Born Population in Upstate New York

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    For immigrants coming to New York State, NYC has traditionally been the gateway, the area where many first arrive and settle. Since the large number of foreign-born city residents has contributed significantly to population growth in the area, it is not surprising that downstate immigration trends have been well documented. Less often recognized, however, is the fact that a substantial number of immigrants -- more than 200,000 -- make their home in major upstate metropolitan areas. This influx of immigrants upstate has gone relatively unnoticed -- masked, no doubt, by the negligible growth in the region's overall population. This paper relies on 2000 Census data to create a profile of the upstate immigrants and to shed light on the role they play in the region's population growth and economy. It compares the demographic characteristics of this group with those of the foreign-born in New York City. It also investigates the extent to which the immigrants' education and occupational skills put them in competition for jobs with U.S.-born residents or enable them to fill jobs that complement those held by the native-born

    New York City Immigrants: The 1990s Wave

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    During the 1990s, more than 1.3 million people left New York City for nearby suburbs and other parts of the country while 1.2 million immigrants arrived. Due largely in part to immigration, New York City's population turnover in the 1990s was almost double the average for the nation's 100 largest cities. In 2000, 45% of New York City's adult population was foreign born. This paper, published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, provides a close look at the city's newest foreign-born residents. It shows that they are a very diverse group, with marked differences in education level, English language fluency, and other characteristics that help determine labor market skills and performance

    New York City immigrants: the 1990s wave

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    Fueled by a steady influx of immigrants, New York City's population turnover in the 1990s was almost double the average for the nation's 100 largest cities. A close look at the city's new foreign-born residents suggests that they are a very diverse group, showing marked differences in education level, English language fluency, and other characteristics that help determine labor market skills and performance.Immigrants - New York (N.Y.) ; Labor market - New York (N.Y.)

    The foreign-born population in upstate New York

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    An analysis of upstate New York's foreign-born residents suggests that they contribute to the region's human capital in important ways. This population boasts a greater concentration of college graduates than either the region's native-born population or immigrants downstate. While some immigrants upstate may compete with U.S.-born workers for jobs, the more highly educated appear to be entering skilled occupations - in medicine, science, and research particularly - that complement those of native-born residents. Subseries: Second District Highlights.Labor mobility ; Immigrants ; Federal Reserve District, 2nd ; Labor supply

    The Future of Low Wage Work in Metropolitan America

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    Many researchers have analyzed the factors contributing to the rise of low wage work, explored the changing composition of the low wage labor force, examined the barriers to upward mobility faced by low wage workers, and suggested potential policy avenues for improving their living conditions (Appelbaum, Bernhard, and Murnane 2003, Shulman 2003, Bartik 2001, and Freeman and Gottschalk 1998). Given the changing circumstances of recent years, however, the time is ripe for -- and the field requires -- a fresh and comprehensive look at current labor market conditions and trends. In particular, the philanthropic community, labor market scholars, and those working in and with government to help low wage workers and new labor force entrants to move into better jobs all face the challenge of better understanding: 1) how the changing occupational structure of various industries in the national labor market influences wage patterns across industry/occupation cells or niches, 2) how the demographics of those who work in these cells are also changing, 3) how these trends play out across metropolitan places, and 4) which metropolitan areas and labor force segments show the most interesting trends, both in terms of upward mobility and in terms of driving the overall picture. This study provides information useful in addressing these questions for the period from 1980 to 2006, with a particular focus on the trends between 2000 and 2006

    Prescripción oficiosa de los derechos laborales en la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa colombiana: efectos a la luz del derecho a la igualdad, el principio de favorabilidad y el debido proceso

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    La prescripción en derecho laboral es un modo de extinguir las obligaciones surgidas del contrato de trabajo, por el transcurso del tiempo y como consecuencia de la renuncia, abandono, desidia o inactividad del trabajador. La prescripción se encuentra regulada por el artículo 151 del Código Procesal del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social (C.P.T. y de la S.S.) de la siguiente manera: “Las acciones que emanen de las leyes sociales prescribirán en tres años, que se contarán desde que la respectiva obligación se haya hecho exigible. El simple reclamo escrito del trabajador, recibido por el empleador, sobre un derecho o prestación debidamente determinado, interrumpirá la prescripción pero sólo por un lapso igual”. En la Jurisdicción Ordinaria Laboral se ha establecido que la prescripción, es una institución de carácter rogado, que solo puede ser declarada por el juez, cuando se formula como una excepción en la contestación de la demanda, pues de lo contrario se entiende que se ha renunciado a lo misma, de conformidad con el artículo 282 del Código General Proceso, que por aplicación analógica del artículo 145 del CPT, consagra que los funcionarios judiciales pueden declarar oficiosamente hechos probados en el proceso, salvo la prescripción, la compensación y la nulidad relativa. Sin embargo la prohibición de que los jueces puedan declarar oficiosamente la prescripción en materia laboral, no opera en todas las áreas de la justicia colombiana, pues en la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa, la ley 1437 de 2011 estableció en el artículo 180 numeral 6 y el artículo 187 que el juez puede decretar de oficio la prescripción tanto en la audiencia inicial como en la sentencia, cuando la considere probada dentro de los hechos en el proceso. En ese orden de ideas, es evidente que hay una disparidad de criterios entre la jurisdicción ordinaria laboral y la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa frente al carácter oficioso o rogado de la prescripción extintiva, lo que se traduce en el desconocimiento del principio de igualdad para los empleados públicos que ven afectada su posibilidad de acceder a un juicio con garantías idénticas para todos los justiciables, sin que existan atribuciones oficiosas del juez que puedan afectar el equilibrio que debe existir entre las partes en todo proceso litigioso

    Students’ Engagement in School: A literature review

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    This work is financed by National Founds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, in the context of the project PTDC/CPE-CED/114362/2009- Students Engagement in Schools: Differentiation and Promotion, coordinated by Prof. Feliciano H. Veiga.Students’ Engagement in School has been the focus of debate concerning academic success and school dropout, and pointed out as a mean to address the problems affecting our schools and their students, not only for having value in itself, but also for being an important mediator between several academic variables. This paper reviews the research and literature on this concept and its relations with personal and contextual variables, as well as with academic performance, with the aim of summarizing the main relationships found. Literature presents a significant number of studies which sustain that personal variables, such as self-efficacy and self-concept, as well as contextual - peers, school, family- are related with school engagement. The adoption of mastery goals, for instance, has a positive impact on school, as they are related with the use of cognitive and self-regulatory strategies by students. Positive relationships with peers, teachers support and the quality of family relations are associated with higher levels of engagement and academic performance, while negative experiences, such as bullying, are related with educational difficulties. Following this, we reflect about the relevance of studying engagement in school, in the context of widespread financial crisis, and emphasize the need to rethink educational institutions considering the paradigmatic changes that currently occur.This work is financed by National Founds through FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, in the context of the project PTDC/CPE-CED/114362/2009- Students Engagement in Schools: Differentiation and Promotion, coordinated by Prof. Feliciano H. Veiga