3,369 research outputs found

    The Portuguese in America

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    UIDB/04647/2020 UIDP/04647/2020publishersversionpublishe

    Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia

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    The issue of admixture in human populations is normally addressed by genome-wide (GW) studies, and several approaches have been developed to date admixture events [1,2,3,4,5]. Admixed populations bear chromosomes with segments of DNA from all contributing source groups, the size of which decreases over successive generations until recombination renders them undetectably short. Several algorithms attempt to date admixture events by inferring the size of the nuclear ancestry segments, and these can work well when dating recent episodes in human history, such as the sub-Saharan African input into the New World [6], but they fail to detect several known episodes that took place at earlier times, such as the African input into Iberia [1] and genetic exchanges across the Red Sea [7]. Simulations with the suite of methods available at the ADMIXTOOLS package indicated that these methods could detect admixture events as early as 500 generation ago, but real data did not allow the tracing of such old events [8]. A recent improved algorithm, called GLOBETROTTER, has been used to tackle the detection of the co-occurrence of several mixture events by decomposing each chromosome into a series of haplotypic chunks and then analysing each chunk independently [3], but the problem of detecting ancient events remains. Its application to the systematic screening of worldwide admixture events was able to reveal around 100 events, but all occurring over only the past 4,000 years [3

    Prevenção de dores osteomusculares em estudantes trabalhadores

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    Orientadora: Silvana Rossi Kissula SouzaMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Aberta do Brasil Universidade Federal do Paraná. Coordenação de Integração de Politica de Educação a Distancia.Setor de Ciências da Saúde.Departamento de Enfermagem. Curso de Especialização em Saúde para Professores do Ensino Fundamental e Médi

    Sistema automático de "Load-Pull" com base num sintonizador de impedância eletromecânico

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesPor razões de potência, linearidade e e ciência o ampli cador é um componente limitador de performance em qualquer tipo de aplicações relacionadas com estações base de voz e dados, motivando a indústria das telecomunica ções a investir em sistemas capazes de ajudar o projetista de Ampli cador de Potência (AP) a obter o máximo deste elemento ativo. O sistema de 'load-pull' é uma ferramenta essencial para auxiliar o projeto de ampli cadores de potência, permitindo determinar as condições ideais de impedância que maximizam a sua performance. Esta dissertação insere-se na área de caracterização e projeto de AP, em rádio frequência e visa a concepção, implementação e validação de um sitema automático de 'load-pull' passivo. Neste trabalho, realizou-se um estudo sobre os mais diversos tipos de sistemas de 'load-pull' utilizados na caracterização de transistores de alta potência. De modo a cumprir a nalidade desta dissertação, construí-se um sistema passivo automatizado de 'load-pull' capaz de lidar com potência 250W forma de onda contínua (CW) e 2.5 kWde potência de pico em relação a envolvente de modulação (PEP), onde a repetibilidade da malha de saída deste sistema é -60dB a uma frequência correspondente de 1.8GHz, garantindo uma boa precisão das impedâncias apresentadas ao transístor de microondas.Due to power, linearity and e ciency reasons the PA is the performance limiting component in any state-of-the-art mobile voice and data base station, motivating the telecommunications industry to invest in systems capable of helping the designer of PA to get the most of the active devices. The load-pull system is an essential tool to assist the design of PA, allowing to determine the optimum matching conditions that maximizes the PA performance parameters. This dissertation ts in the area of radio frequency characterization and PA design, aiming the artful conception, implementation and validation of an automated passive load-pull system. In this work a study was also performed on the most diverse types of load-pull systems that are used in the characterization of high power transistors. In order to ful ll the purpose of this dissertation, an automated load-pull system was built, being capable to handle 250W of power in continuous wave (CW) and 2.5kW in peak-to-envelope (PEP), where the system repeatability of its output network is -60dB at a frequency of 1.8GHz, granting a good accuracy of impedances presented to the microwave transistor

    Eating, jigging or watching? Ocean heritage and sustainable development

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    Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Évora, Portugal, 22-26 June.This work emerges from the perspective that research has implications which can serve or hinder environmental and social justice within sustainable development. Who we listen to and how we listen are important to what narratives are highlighted through research. This study involves local residents as well as international tourists and people in the marine tourism industry and marine sciences in the Azores, Portugal in comparison with Newfoundland, Canada. The researchers dance between stepping out of the way in order to make room for voices and perspectives often ignored or silenced in educational and tourism stories of whales and the ocean, and stepping in to help uncover otherwise hidden forces of imperialism, and other oppressions. This study about perceptions of the ocean explores whose expression of heritage provides the driving force for commerce, business, leisure and politics. It also looks at the dynamic nature of heritage as it responds to changes in work, play and politics. Using various interview techniques including photo elicitation and focus groups, we gather rich narratives of visiting, living near and working in the sea. Multiple frames of lived experiences, ethics and politics support the narratives told. Some frames support the perceptions of diverse groups of people, while others privilege the stories of only a few. This study explores local power dynamics and global forces by asking about the ways in which people have learned about the ocean as well as how people decide what is relevant to their learning and what is important to sustain

    Endo- and epiphytic fungal communities of olive twigs is influenced by cultivar and olive knot infection

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    Olive tree phyllosphere is colonized by a diverse microbial assemblage that may interact with pathogenic fungi, making them potential candidates for disease supression. Olive knot (OK) is a disease caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv.) with significant economic losses in olive tree (Olea europaea L.). With this work we want to evaluate the effect of cultivar and OK infection on both endo- and epiphytic fungal community inhabiting olive twig tissues. For this, fungal composition and diversity was assessed in both asymptomatic and OK-symptomatic twigs of tree co-occurring olive cultivars with different susceptibilities to OK disease. The identification of isolated species was performed by ITS rDNA sequencing. The cultivar and OK infection were important in shaping both endophytic and epiphytic fungal communities. Fungal community composition was found to differ significantly (p=0.005) between olive tree cultivars, being Nectriaceae the dominant family in cvs. Cobrançosa and Verdeal Transmontana, whereas Pleosporaceae was dominant in the cv. Madural. Epiphytic and endophytic fungal communities also differed in size and in composition in asymptomatic and OK-symptomatic twigs, for the three cultivars. In general, asymptomatic twigs were more diverse and rich (up to 1.4-fold) when compared to OK-symptomatic twigs. Among the species identified in the asymptomatic tissues, Cladosporium cladosporioides and Chromelosporium carneum were the most frequently isolated within epiphytic and endophytic community, respectively; whereas in the OK-symptomatic tissues Cladosporium sp. and Fusarium lateritium were the most frequently isolated within epiphytic and endophytic community, respectively. According to indicator species analysis C. carneum, Pyronema dosmesticum and Phoma aloes (IndVal up to 0.56) may be promising species in the OK suppression. Better acknowledgement should be developed in order to uncover their role on plant health.FEDER funds through COMPETE (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade} and by national funds by FCT [Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) in the framework of the project EXCL/AGR-PRO/0591/2012. T. Gomes thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for PhD SFRH/BD/98127/2013 Grantinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bacterial disease induced changes in fungal communities of olive tree twigs depend on host genotype

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    In nature, pathogens live and interact with other microorganisms on plant tissues. Yet, the research area exploring interactions between bacteria-fungi and microbiota-plants, within the context of a pathobiome, is still scarce. In this study, the impact of olive knot (OK) disease caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Psv) on the epiphytic and endophytic fungal communities of olive tree twigs from three different cultivars, was investigated in field conditions. The ITS-DNA sequencing of cultivable fungi, showed that OK disease disturbs the resident fungal communities, which may reflect changes in the habitat caused by Psv. In particular, a reduction on epiphyte abundance and diversity, and changes on their composition were observed. Compared to epiphytes, endophytes were less sensitive to OK, but their abundance, in particular of potential pathogens, was increased in plants with OK disease. Host genotype, at cultivar level, contributed to plant fungal assembly particularly upon disease establishment. Therefore, besides fungi - Psv interactions, the combination of cultivar - Psv also appeared to be critical for the composition of fungal communities in olive knots. Specific fungal OTUs were associated to the presence and absence of disease, and their role in the promotion or suppression of OK disease should be studied in the future.This research was partially supported by FEDER funds through COMPETE (Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade) and by national funds through FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia) in the framework of the project EXCL/AGR-PRO/0591/2012. This work was supported by FCT under the project UID/MULTI/04046/2013. T. Gomes thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for PhD SFRH/BD/98127/2013 grant; and also the COST Action FA1405 for a short-term scientific mission (STSM) grant

    Maternity protection entitlements for non‑standard workers in low‑and‑middle‑income countries and potential implications for breastfeeding practices: A scoping review of research since 2000

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    Recommended breastfeeding practices contribute to improved health of infants, young children, and mothers. Access to comprehensive maternity protection would enable working women to breastfeed for longer. Women working in positions of non-standard employment are particularly vulnerable to not accessing maternity protection entitlements. The objective of this scoping review was to determine the current research conducted on maternity protection available and accessible to non-standard workers in low-and-middle-income countries and any potential implications for breastfeeding practices
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