131 research outputs found

    Lectura en poblaciones especiales

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    En esta charla resumiremos brevemente algunos trabajos recientes sobre lenguaje y lectura en tres poblaciones especiales: individuos con dislexia, individuos con sordera e individuos con ceguera. En el caso de individuos con dislexia examinaremos pruebas para su detección temprana y posibles entrenamientos para la mejora en la habilidad lectora. En el caso de individuos con sordera comprobaremos que pueden acceder automáticamente a los sonidos (fonología) durante la lectura. En el caso de los individuos con ceguera, examinaremos los procesos de lectura en braille.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Life after Breast Cancer: Dealing with Lymphoedema

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    Background In recent years, breast cancer (BC) mortality rates have declined, reflecting advances in early detection. Prevention and management of treatment sequelae that could impair function or quality of life have increased in relevance. Lymphoedema after BC treatment is one of these sequelae. It is caused by an acquired interruption or damage to the axillary lymphatic system and it is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of fluids and other substances in the tissue. Purpose We observed a group of patients with incidents of BC aiming to estimate the lymphoedema incidence, degree, time course, symptoms and treatment they received. Methods and Results We evaluated 127 women. Median age was 58 years. 66% were postmenopausal. The median number of axillary nodes was 9. Over the first five years of follow-up we were informed about hand/arm swelling, thickness or tiredness by 37% of this group. The median of axillary nodes affected by metastatic cells in our patients with lymphoedema was 6. The symptoms they referred to us as the most relevant were heaviness (33%), tiredness (27%), jewelry or clothing too tight (25%), swelling and indentations (9%) and difficulty writing (6%). Several of them had psychological problems. Conclusion We know of the relevance of lymphoedema in BC patients but its natural history and most effective therapies are poorly understood. Self-reported symptoms are relevant to promptly start therapy

    Is there a cost at encoding words with joined letters during visual word recognition?

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    For simplicity, models of visual-word recognition have focused on printed words composed of separated letters, thus overlooking the processing of cursive words. Manso de Zuniga, Humphreys, and Evett (1991) claimed that there is an early 'cursive normalization' encoding stage when processing written words with joined letters. To test this claim, we conducted a lexical decision experiment in which words were presented either with separated or joined letters. To examine if the cost of letter segmentation occurs early in processing, we also manipulated a factor (i.e., word-frequency) that is posited to affect subsequent lexical processing. Results showed faster response times for the words composed of separated letters than for the words composed of joined letters. This effect occurred similarly for low- and high-frequency words. Thus, the present data offer some empirical support to Manso de Zuniga et al.'s (1991) idea of an early 'cursive normalization' stage when processing joined-letters words. This pattern of data can be used to constrain the mapping of the visual input into letter and word units in future versions of models of visual word recognition

    Trabajo colaborativo: una estrategia para estimular ambientes escolares pacíficos en primaria

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    El artículo que se presenta, contiene avances de una investigación que se viene desarrollando en el programa de Maestría en Educación de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, que parte del interés de aportar a la consolidación de ambientes pacíficos en niños de educación básica primaria de la sede Nimisia de la Institución Educativa Saza del municipio de Gámeza - Boyacá, haciendo uso del trabajo colaborativo como estrategia pedagógica. Esta investigación se planteó desde el enfoque cualitativo de tipo investigación–acción educativa. Se toma como referente inicial los resultados arrojados por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, representados en el Índice Sintético de Calidad Educativa, en lo relacionado con el clima escolar; el cual obtuvo una calificación institucional baja para el año 2015 y, los constantes casos de conflicto que se presentan en dicha sede. Situación que ha generado ambientes desfavorables para el aprendizaje y la formación integral de los estudiantes.Dentro del proceso metodológico, se implementó en un primer momento un diagnóstico del grupo en estudio, basado en el reconocimiento de las diferentes manifestaciones de la convivencia que inciden en la generación del ambiente escolar, para posteriormente proponer algunas actividades que permitieran a los estudiantes afianzar sus relaciones interpersonales y trabajar en busca de objetivos comunes.Con esto, se logró registrar aspectos provenientes de la observación directa, relacionados con las manifestaciones de la convivencia de los estudiantes dentro y fuera del aula. Y el registro del desarrollo de talleres pedagógicos provenientes de la aplicación de la propuesta de trabajo colaborativo

    Atención y procesamiento emocional en personas con trastorno bipolar

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    Las personas con trastorno bipolar se caracterizan por una desregulación emocional que afecta a cómo atienden a la información que les rodea. Investigaciones recientes han encontrado sesgos atencionales en las personas con trastorno bipolar, tanto cuando su estado de ánimo es bajo (mayor atención a palabras negativas y rostros tristes) como cuando su estado de ánimo es elevado (mayor atención a palabras positivas y caras alegres). Es importante destacar que, en personas con depresión, estos sesgos pueden entrenarse de manera que disminuye la sintomatología afectiva. Esta opción podría contemplarse como una nueva alternativa de intervención en el trastorno bipolar

    Priming morfológico: algo más que priming ortográfico

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    Perea Lara, Manuel - [email protected] resultados de investigaciones recientes en reconocimiento visual de palabras apoyan cierta autonomía de las unidades morfológicas. Con el fin de investigar si los efectos de priming morfológico están producidos más por el solapamiento de forma que por las relaciones morfológicas de las palabras, se presenta un experimento de decisión léxica con priming enmascarado. Se comparan, mediante la utilización de las mismas palabras test (NUEVO), dos condiciones experimentales relativas a relaciones netamente ortográficas(nueve) y a relaciones morfológicas basadas en la marca de género (nueva). Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las palabras precedidas por otras con las que comparten una relación morfológica se reconocen más rápidamente que las palabras precedidas por otras con las que guardan un solapamiento formal. La magnitud del efecto de priming morfológico es significativamente superior a la magnitud del efecto de priming ortográfico cuando la manipulación para ambas condiciones se realiza en una sola letra de la palabra. Los resultados se interpretan en relación con los modelos de reconocimiento visual de las palabras.How morphological units are represented and processed has been a matter of concern for models of visual word recognition. A masked priming lexical decision experiment was conducted to examine how far the facilitation effects produced by morphological priming are due to form priming rather than to the morphological representations themselves. Each target word (e.g., NUEVO) was preceded by a morphologically related word (nueva) or by an orthographically related word (nueve). Form overlap was thus maintained constant across conditions. The results showed that morphological priming facilitates target recognition more than form priming. Morphological units seem to have an autonomous level of representation, independent of purely orthographic representations, since they produce different patterns of priming effects. The implications of these results for models of visual word recognition are discussed

    Post-Hartree-Fock studies of the He/Mg(0001) interaction: Anti-corrugation, screening, and pairwise additivity

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    12 págs.; 6 figs.; 5 tabs.The adsorption of noble gases on metallic surfaces represents a paradigmatic case of van-der-Waals (vdW) interaction due to the role of screening effects on the corrugation of the interaction potential [J. L. F. Da Silva et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 066104 (2003)]. The extremely small adsorption energy of He atoms on the Mg(0001) surface (below 3 meV) and the delocalized nature and mobility of the surface electrons make the He/Mg(0001) system particularly challenging, even for state-of-the-art vdW-corrected density functional-based (vdW-DFT) approaches [M. P. de Lara-Castells et al., J. Chem. Phys. 143, 194701 (2015)]. In this work, we meet this challenge by applying two different procedures. First, the dispersion-corrected second-order Möller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2C) approach is adopted, using bare metal clusters of increasing size. Second, the method of increments [H. Stoll, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 8449 (1992)] is applied at coupled cluster singles and doubles and perturbative triples level, using embedded cluster models of the metal surface. Both approaches provide clear evidences of the anti-corrugation of the interaction potential: the He atom prefers on-top sites, instead of the expected hollow sites. This is interpreted as a signature of the screening of the He atom by the metal for the on-top configuration. The strong screening in the metal is clearly reflected in the relative contribution of successively deeper surface layers to the main dispersion contribution. Aimed to assist future dynamical simulations, a pairwise potential model for the He/surface interaction as a sum of effective He–Mg pair potentials is also presented, as an improvement of the approximation using isolated He–Mg pairs. Published by AIP Publishing.This work has been partly supported by the COST Action No. CM1405 “Molecules in Motion (MOLIM),” Grant Nos. FIS2011-29596-C02-01 and MAT2012-33633 from the Spanish Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica, and the German Research Foundation (DFG) through Project No. VO 1711/2-1. The Cesga Super-Computer Center (Galicia), and the Centro Técnico de Informática (CTI, CSIC) are acknowledged for allocating computer time.Peer Reviewe

    Attentional biases toward emotional images in the different episodes of bipolar disorder: An eye-tracking study.

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    Attentional biases toward emotional information may represent vulnerability and maintenance factors in bipolar disorder (BD). The present experimental study examined the processing of emotional information in BD patients using the eyetracking technology. Bipolar patients in their different states (euthymia, mania, depression) simultaneously viewed four pictures with different emotional valence (happy, neutral, sad, threatening for 20 s while their eye movements were monitored. A group of healthy individuals served as the control. The data revealed the following: (i) a decrease in attention to happy images in BD patients in their depressive episodes compared to healthy individuals, and (ii) an increase in attention to threatening images in BD patients (regardless of their episode) relative to the healthy controls. These biases appeared in the late stages of information processing and were sustained over the 20 s interval. Thus, the present findings reveal that attentional biases toward emotional information can be a key feature of BD, in that:(i) an anhedonic lack of sensitivity to positive stimuli during the bipolar depressive episode may be considered a maintaining factor of this clinical state, and (ii) the trait-bias toward threat, even in asymptomatic patients, may reflect a marker of vulnerability in BD

    Morphological priming involves more than orthographic priming

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    Los resultados de investigaciones recientes en reconocimiento visual de palabras apoyan cierta autonomía de las unidades morfológicas. Con el fin de investigar si los efectos de priming morfológico están producidos más por el solapamiento de forma que por las relaciones morfológicas de las palabras, se presenta un experimento de decisión léxica con priming enmascarado. Se comparan, mediante la utilización de las mismas palabras test (NUEVO), dos condiciones experimentales relativas a relaciones netamente ortográficas (nueve) y a relaciones morfológicas basadas en la marca de género (nueva). Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las palabras precedidas por otras con las que comparten una relación morfológica se reconocen más rápidamenteque las palabras precedidas por otras con las que guardan un solapamiento formal. La magnitud del efecto de priming morfológico es significativamente superior a la magnitud del efecto de priming ortográfico cuando la manipulación para ambas condiciones se realiza en una sola letra de la palabra. Los resultados se interpretan en relación con los modelos de reconocimiento visual de las palabras.How morphological units are represented and processed has been amatter of concern for models of visual word recognition. A masked priming lexical decision experiment was conducted to examine how far the facilitation effects produced by morphological priming are due to form priming rather than to the morphological representations themselves. Each target word (e.g., NUEVO) was preceded by a morphologically related word (nueva) or by an orthographically related word (nueve). Form overlap was thus maintained constant across conditions. The results showed that morphological priming facilitates target recognition more than form priming. Morphological units seem to have an autonomous level of representation, independent of purely orthographic representations, since they produce different patterns of priming effects. The implications of these results for models of visual word recognition are discussed

    Thermally Induced Diffusion and Restructuring of Iron Triade (Fe, Co, Ni) Nanoparticles Passivated by Several Layers of Gold

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    9 pags., 5 figs., 3 tabs.The temperature-induced structural changes of Fe−, Co−, and Ni−Au core−shell nanoparticles with diameters around 5 nm are studied via atomically resolved transmission electron microscopy. We observe structural transitions from local toward global energy minima induced by elevated temperatures. The experimental observations are accompanied by a computational modeling of all core−shell particles with either centralized or decentralized core positions. The embedded atom model is employed and further supported by density functional theory calculations. We provide a detailed comparison of vacancy formation energies obtained for all materials involved in order to explain the variations in the restructuring processes which we observe in temperature-programmed TEM studies of the particles.This research has been supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under Grant No. P 29893-N36, the FWF and the Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) under Grant No. PIR8-N34, the Horizon 2020 research program of the European Union under Grant No. 823717-ESTEEM3, and the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the Fondo ́ Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, UE) under Grant No. MAT2016-75354-P. The authors acknowledge the use of HPC resources provided by the ZID of Graz University of Technology and by the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC). Further support by NAWI Graz is gratefully acknowledged. The CESGA supercomputer center (Spain) is also acknowledged for having provided computational resources.Peer reviewe