17 research outputs found

    Presencia y estado de conservación de Jasione corymbosa Poir. ex Schult. (Campanulaceae) en la Península Ibérica.

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    Presence and conservation status of Jasione corymbosa Poir. ex Schult. (Campanulaceae) in the Iberian PeninsulaPalabras clave. UICN, especie extinta, población remanente, Mediterráneo, flora amenazada.Key words. IUCN, extinct species, extant population, Mediterranean, threatened flora

    Sobre el estado de conservación de "Scrophularia viciosoi" A. Ortega & Devesa (Scrophulariaceae)

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    About the state of conservation of Scrophularia viciosoi A. Ortega & Devesa (Scrophulariaceae) Palabras clave. Scrophularia viciosoi, Málaga, conservación, flora amenazada.Key words. Scrophularia viciosoi, Málaga, conservation, threatened flora

    Determining image distortion and PBS (point of best symmetry) in digital images using straight line matrices

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    [EN] It is impossible to take accurate measurements in photogrammetry without first removing the distortion in images. This paper presents a methodology for correcting radial and tangential distortion and for determining the PBS (Point of Best Symmetry) without knowledge of the interior orientation parameters (IOPs). An analytical plumb-line calibration method is used, measuring only the coordinates of points on straight lines, regardless of the position and direction of these lines within the image. Points belonging to multiple lines can also be used since the effects on their X and Y coordinates are calculated independently. The results obtained on an image of a common scene, taken with a handheld non-metric camera, show a high degree of accuracy even with a minimum number of observables. And its application on a calibrated grid for engineering purposes with a semi-metric camera, results optimal even using a single image. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors wish to thank CITES Espana and Direccion General de Bienes Culturales y Ensenanzas Artisticas, de la Consejeria de Educacion, Cultura y Universidades de la Comunidad Autonoma de la Region de Murcia, Museo Nacional de Arqueologia Subacuatica. Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from Spanish "I + D + I MINECO" projects CTQ2011-28079-CO3-01 and 02 and CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P supported by ERDEF funds. The authors also wish to thank Mr. Manuel Planes and Dr. Jose Luis Moya, technical supervisors of the Electron Microscopy Service of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Herráez Boquera, J.; Denia Ríos, JL.; Navarro Esteve, PJ.; Rodríguez Pereña, J.; Martín Sánchez, MT. (2016). Determining image distortion and PBS (point of best symmetry) in digital images using straight line matrices. Measurement. 91:641-650. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2016.05.051S6416509

    Restoration of paintings on domes with non-developable geometry (Los Santos Juanes Church in Valencia)

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    [EN] The restoration of paintings on elements in cultural heritage buildings (fundamentally, churches) involves two structural problems: capturing the geometry of the construction element and its development. In many cases, the geometries are regular (e.g., cylinders, spheres, elliptical domes). However, there are cases in which the elements cannot be adapted to any known geometry, much less one that can be mathematically developed. The development of surfaces becomes essential for the restoration of paintings over "flat elements" (over which work is performed on the ground) that are subsequently transferred to the real surface (ceilings). The mathematical transformations that allow regular geometries to be developed are widely known (cartographic projections). However, when the geometry is irregular, there is no development. This study presents a new methodology based on differential rectification and its application for the development of oculi in the Los Santos Juanes Church (Valencia), whose geometry is completely irregular both in shape and as a result of construction defects (and damage caused by fire). The present study focuses on the restoration of paintings damaged by fire.Navarro Esteve, PJ.; Yudici Oliver, SA.; Herráez Boquera, J.; Denia Rios, JL.; Martín Sánchez, MT.; Rodríguez Pereña, J. (2018). Restoration of paintings on domes with non-developable geometry (Los Santos Juanes Church in Valencia). International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 12(2):169-177. https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2017.1356946S16917712

    Cultural Heritage Restoration of a Hemispherical Vault by 3D Modelling and Projection of Video Images with Unknown Parameters and from Unknown Locations

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    [EN] Reverse engineering applied to architectural restoration for the reconstruction of structural surfaces depends on metric precision. Sometimes there are elements on these surfaces whose value is even higher than the building itself. This is the case for many churches whose ceilings have pictorial works of art. Reconstruction requires the existence of some identifiable remainder and/or a surface geometry that enables mathematical development. In our case, the vault has an irregular hemispherical geometry (without possible mathematical development), and there are no significant remains of the painting (which was destroyed by a fire). Through the 3D modelling of the irregular vault and two historic frames with a camera of unknown geometry, an inverse methodology is designed to project the original painting without metric deformations. For this, a new methodology to locate the camera positions is developed. After, a 3D virtual mathematical model of the complete image on the vault is calculated, and from it, partial 3D virtual images are automatically calculated depending on the variable unknown positions of the video cannons (distributed along the upper corridor of the apse) that will project them (visually forming a perfect complete 3D image)Herráez Boquera, J.; Denia Rios, JL.; Priego De Los Santos, E.; Navarro Esteve, PJ.; Martín Sánchez, MT.; Rodríguez Pereña, J. (2021). Cultural Heritage Restoration of a Hemispherical Vault by 3D Modelling and Projection of Video Images with Unknown Parameters and from Unknown Locations. Applied Sciences. 11(12):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125323112111

    The conquest of the dark spaces: An experimental approach to lighting systems in Paleolithic caves

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    Artificial lighting was a crucial physical resource for expanding complex social and economic behavior in Paleolithic groups. Furthermore, the control of fire allowed the development of the first symbolic behavior in deep caves, around 176 ky BP. These activities would increase during the Upper Paleolithic, when lighting residues proliferated at these sites. The physical peculiarities of Paleolithic lighting resources are very poorly understood, although this is a key aspect for the study of human activity within caves and other dark contexts. In this work, we characterize the main Paleolithic lighting systems (e.g., wooden torches, portable fat lamps, and fireplaces) through empirical observations and experimental archeology in an endokarstic context. Furthermore, each lighting system's characteristic combustion residues were identified to achieve a better identification for the archaeological record. The experiments are based on an exhaustive review of archaeological information about this topic. Besides, we apply the estimated luminous data of a Paleolithic cave with Paleolithic art (Atxurra in northern Spain) in 3D through GIS technology to delve into the archeologic implications of illumination in Paleolithic underground activities.This paper has been funded by the research projects “Before art: social investment in symbolic expressions during the Upper Paleolithic in the Iberian Peninsula” (PID2019-107262 GBI00), PI: Diego Garate, and “Learning and development of artistic abilities in Anatomically Modern Humans; a multidisciplinary approach (ApArt)" HAR2017-87739-P, PI: Olivia Rivero, both funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Spain). Besides, the University of Cordoba (Jose´ Luis Sanchidria´n, Economic Unit in Prehistory) has collaborated in the publication of this paper in open access. I.I.’s Ph.D. research is funded by a grant for the training of research personnel (PIF 2019) at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Lastly, this paper publishes a part of M.M.A.’s thesis. This PhD was financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport of Spain (FPU fellowship 2014-2018)

    Epipolar image rectification through geometric algorithms with unknown parameters

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    Herráez Boquera, J., Denia Rios, J.L., Navarro Esteve, P.J., Rodríguez Pereña, J., Martín Sánchez M.T."Epipolar image rectification through geometric algorithms with unknown parameters". JJ. Electron. Imaging. 22(4), 043021 (Dec 02, 2013). © (2013) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.22.4.043021Image processing in photogrammetry is commonly used for scene reconstruction. Although two-dimensional applications can be solved using isolated images, reconstruction of three-dimensional scenes usually requires the use of multiple images simultaneously. Epipolar image rectification is a common technique for this purpose. It typically requires internal orientation parameters and, therefore, knowledge of camera calibration and relative orientation parameters between images. A reparameterization of the fundamental matrix through a completely geometric algorithm of seven parameters that enables the epipolar image rectification of a photogrammetric stereo pair without introducing any orientation parameters and without premarking ground control points is presented. The algorithm enables the generation of different stereoscopic models with a single photogrammetric pair from unknown cameras, scanned from a book, or frames from video sequences. Stereoscopic models with no parallaxes have been obtained with a standard deviation of <0.5 pixels. (C) 2013 SPIE and IS&THerráez Boquera, J.; Denia Rios, JL.; Navarro Esteve, PJ.; Rodríguez Pereña, J.; Martín Sánchez, MT. (2013). Epipolar image rectification through geometric algorithms with unknown parameters. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 22(4). doi:10.1117/1.JEI.22.4.04302104302122

    La flora carniense de la Unidad de Los Pastores (Algeciras, Campo de Gibraltar).

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    La Unidad de los Pastores localizada al sur del núcleo urbano de Algeciras se encuentra representada por varios conjuntos cronoestratigráficos de clara diferenciación litológica. Están representados el Trías, el Jurásico (Lías-Dogger y Malm) y el Cretácico Inferior (Neocomiense) que se suceden en continuidad a pesar de la mecanización de algunos de sus contactos (Martín-Algarra et al., 1993). El gran interés paleontológico radica fundamentalmente en la presencia en estos yacimientos de edad triásica (250-200 m.a.) de abundante fauna y flora que marcan eventos acaecidos a nivel global, aquí representados y que nos proveen de abundante y fundamental información sobre cambios climáticos globales. En estos momentos se aborda el análisis de la macro€ora caracterizada por la presencia de pteridofitas, que incluyen equisetópsidas de gran tamaño, y por un claro predominio de las gimnospermas (pinófitas), lo que indicaría que el área estudiada estaría paleogeográficamente ubicada en una zona ecuatorial o subecuatorial árida, dominada por elementos xerofíticos, de acuerdo con el modelo propuesto por Visscher y Van der Zwan (1981).Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural Facultades de Ciencias Biológicas y Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Valor Patrimonial Y Estado de Conservación de Hábitats Litorales en Espacios Naturales Protegidos del Sur de España. Modelos de Gestión

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    Fecha de lectura de Tesis: 10 de julio 2018.Los ambientes litorales de Andalucía han sido sometidos a fuertes presiones de origen antrópico: turismo, urbanizaciones, actividades recreativas, invasiones de especies foráneas, etc., que han fragmentado y alterado, en los últimos 60 años, su estructura, composición y funcionalidad, lo que implica una amenaza para el estado de conservación y su valor patrimonial. En la presente memoria se han estudiado 14 Espacios Naturales Protegidos del litoral andaluz, desde la desembocadura del río Guadiana (Huelva), hasta el Cabo de Gata (Almería) y analizadas 61 comunidades que representan los hábitats psamófilos, halófilos y rupícolas más significativos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer el Valor Patrimonial actual y Estado de Conservación real de los diferentes Espacios Naturales Protegidos seleccionados, en base a los hábitats reconocidos en la Directiva 92/43/CEE y su ampliación en el Proyecto Nacional de Hábitats de España. Para ello, se han analizado diferentes aspectos (indicadores), como la flora amenazada, especies exóticas-invasoras, heterogeneidad, grado de artificialidad, etc., que proporcionan una información muy valiosa en términos de evaluación ambiental. También se presentan propuestas al modelo de gestión actual de la Red de Espacios Naturales de Andalucía, que pueden ayudar a Administraciones locales, regionales o estatales en su estrategia de conservación, así como en la revisión de los diferentes Planes de Ordenación de los Recursos Naturales (PORNs) y los Planes Rectores de Uso y Gestión (PRUGs)

    Presencia y estado de conservación de Jasione corymbosa Poir. ex Schult. (Campanulaceae) en la Península Ibérica.

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