682 research outputs found

    Food Availability and Stomach Content of Fish Populations in Semenyih Reservoir, Malaysia

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    This study was done to evaluate the food availability and stomach content of fish populations in Semenyih Reservoir, Malaysia. Samples were collected at monthly intervals from November 1998 to October 1999. Fish specimens were collected from twelve stations at the shallow littoral zone of the reservoir using various sizes of gill nets for the investigation of fish species inhabiting the reservoir and for the examination of the gut content. A total of 1,469 fish were collected from the Reservoir throughout the study. Seven species belonging to seven different families were identified. Fish community consisted of Mystacoleocus marginatus C&V (sia), Hampala macrolepidota van Hasselt (sebarau) Cyclochelichthys apogon C&V (merah mata), Osteochilus hasselti C&V (terbul), Oreochromis mossambicus Peters (tilapia), Oxyleotris marmorafus Bleeker (Ketutu), and Mystus nemurus C&V (baung). Mystacoleocus marginatus was the most dominant species, comprising 64.6% of the total number of fish sampled, followed by H. macrolepidota (24.8%), C. apogon (4.2%), 0. hasseltii (2.6%), 0. mossambicus (1.4%) 0. marmoratus (1.3%), and M. nemurus (1 .I%). Composition and frequency of occurrence of food items iii have been studied. Phytoplankton, insects and zooplankton were found to be the main food items consumed of different fish species in the reservoir. While the least food items were mollusks, juvenile fish and crustaceans. Mystacoleocus marginatus, Cyclochelichthys apogon and Oreochromis mossambicus were largely omnivore at the time they were analyzed. While Hampala macrolepidota, Osteochilus hasseltii, Oxyleotris marmoratus and Mystus nemurus were highly carnivorous at the time they were analyzed. The phytoplankton community was composed of six different groups, (chlorophytes, cyanophytes, bacillariophytes, crysophytes, euglenoids and dinoflagellates) with a mean total density of 20.41 X lo4 cells ml-I. Among the six groups, chlorophytes was the most dominant with a mean density of 64,806.40 cells ml-I, followed by bacillariophytes (51,836.28 cells ml-I); cyanophytes (48,916.48 cells d l ) ; dinoflagellates (24,943.25 cells ml-I); crysophytes (1 1,387.68 cells ml-I) and euglenoids (2,189.59 cells ml-I). On the other hand, the zooplankton community consisted of three groups, namely, copepods, cladocerans and rotifers. Zooplankton was dominated by copepods with a total density of 2,701.27 organisms I", followed by rotifers (2,297.40 organisms I-') and cladocerans (7,16.47 organisms I-'). The macrobenthos of Semenyih Reservoir was composed of mollusks, annelids and chironomids, with a mean total density of 13,658.33 organisms/m2. Among these groups, mollusks were the most dominant with a mean density of 11,525.17 organisms/m2; followed by chironomids (1,599.88 organisms/m2) and annelids (533.29 organisms/m2). Physico-chemical and biological parameters of Semenyih Reservoir were also studied. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, secchi disk visibility and pH values range from 27.55-30.00 OC, 6.63-7.33 mg I-'; 50.60 - 99.80 cm; and 6.96 - 7.84, respectively. Nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorous, silica and ammonia-nitrogen ranges from 0.09 mg 1-I to 0.15 mg I-', 2.71-5.26 mg I'', 0.2-0.3 mg I-' and 0.06 - 0.24 mg I-' respectively. One concluding sentence about the fish population, Semenyih Reservoir was a mesotrophic body of water

    Exploring the Nexus: Foreign Direct Investment, Trade Openness and GDP in Mexico and the Dominican Republic

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    This paper will explore the causality between foreign direct investment (FDI), trade openness and GDP within Mexico and the Dominican Republic. The paper will analyze the economy of some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as off the turn of the century, performing a time series analysis using a multivariate causal framework evaluating the causality between the three variables and determining the long and short run relationships between the variables. The paper estimates the Vector Autoregression (VAR) or Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) of the three variables to determine the short and long run causal relationship among the variables. The results show unidirectional causation between GDP and FDI in the Dominican Republic and fail to show any other causal relationship between the variables in both countries


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    Las cohortes cántabras del ejército romano: Cohors II Cantabrorum

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    Study on the auxiliary cohorts recruited by the Roman Army in Cantabria from new diplomata militaria who mentioned the Cohors II Cantabrorum.Estudio sobre las cohortes auxiliares reclutadas por el ejército romano en Cantabria a partir de los nuevos diplomata militaria que mencionan a la Cohors II Cantabrorum

    Los auxiliares cántabros del ejército romano y las maniobras de la caballería romana

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    Study on the Cantabrian equites and symmachiarii of the Roman army and its relationship with the cavalry manoeuver called Cantabricus densus/Cantabricus circulus and the standard Cantabrum.  Estudio sobre los equites y los symmachiarii cántabros del ejército romano, y su relación con la maniobra de caballería denominada Cantabricus densus/Cantabricus circulus y el estandarte llamado Cantabrum

    Evaluacion in vitro del efecto del camellia sinensis (Te Verde), sobre cultivos de streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175)

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto antibacteriano in vitro, del extracto hidroalcoholico del té verde en las concentraciones de 25%, 50%, 75% y 100% sobre cultivos de cepas de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), en 30 muestras durante el tiempo de 48 horas. El estudio, fue experimental in vitro, prospectivo, transversal y comparativo, se realizó el método de difusión del Agar, para las mediciones de los halos de inhibición se utilizó un calibrador vernier registrándolos en una ficha de recolección de datos, se procesó los datos en el programa estadístico SPSS y se realizó la prueba no paramétricas de Kruskall Wallis, utilizando gráficos descriptivos. Los resultados del estudio muestra que la clorhexidina al 0.12% presento un mayor efecto antibacteriano en todas las muestras, comparado con las del extracto de té verde que solo tuvo mejor efecto en las concentraciones de 100% y 75% , siendo las concentraciones de 25% y 50% las que presentaron bajo efecto inhibitorio sobre las cepas de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175). Concluimos que el extracto de té verde en concentraciones de 25%, 50%, 75% y 100% poseen eficacia antibacteriana sobre el Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175), observándose que a medida que aumenta la concentración, mayor es el nivel inhibición sobre el Streptococcus; por lo tanto, el extracto de té verde podría usarse en tratamientos alternativos de enfermedades de tejidos duros y periodontales, en forma de pastas dentales, colutorios los cuales tenga como componentes el extracto de té verde