2,324 research outputs found

    An exploratory study in to the money laundering threats, vulnerabilities, and controls within the UK bookmaker sector, with a specific focus on Fixed-Odds Betting Terminals

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    The purpose of this exploratory study was to generate an understanding in to the money laundering threats, vulnerabilities and controls found within UK betting shops, with a direct focus on the exponential growth of Fixed-Odd Betting Terminals. Qualitative research methods facilitated eight semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders linked to the gambling and/or money laundering sphere. This included the Gambling Commission, Campaign for Fairer Gambling, an ex-Head of Security and Safety at a major bookmaker, and five regular Fixed-Odd Betting Terminal users. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded for thematic analysis, subsequently resulting in the emergence of four interesting and meaningful themes. These were (1) Ineffective CDD enforcement facilitating anonymity (2) Weak anti-money laundering safeguards unable to mitigate known threats (3) A lack of anti-money laundering training, awareness, and resources (4) The Gambling Commission’s attempt for increased anti-money laundering regulation unsuccessful. By allowing a phenomenological framework to guide the data collection process, the interpreted subjective views and experiences of the participants involved, although somewhat limited, indicate that money laundering threats within the bookmaker sector are inherently high, with a lack of effective safeguards in place to mitigate the identified vulnerabilities


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    Asesmen dan pembelajaran adalah dua kegiatan yang saling mendukung. Upaya peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dapat dilakukan melalui upaya perbaikan sistem penilaian Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan asesmen autentik untuk menilai Keterampilan Proses Sains terintegrasi siswa pada pembelajaran sistem ekskresi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan asesmen autentik yang berkualitas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA kelas XI semester II SMAN 6 Bandung yang memiliki kemampuan heterogen. Sedangkan sampelnya adalah siswa SMA kelas XI MIA 4,5, dan 6. Pelaksanaan pengembangan asesmen autentik ini menggunakan beberapa instrumen yaitu perangkat penilaian tes berupa soal esai serta perangkat penilaian non tes yang digunakan untuk menilai instrumen esai tersebut yaitu terdiri dari daftar cek, angket siswa, pedoman wawancara siswa, pedoman wawancara guru, dan catatan lapangan (anecdotal record). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan dan penerapan asesmen autentik ini cukup efektif dan mampu menilai Keterampilan Proses Sains Terintegrasi siswa. Asesmen autentik yang dikembangkan ini mendapat respon positif dan tanggapan yang baik dari siswa dan guru. Selain itu, penelitian ini pun mengungkap pula kekurangan dan kelebihan, serta kendala yang dihadapi selama proses pengembangan dan penerapan.----------Assessment and learning are two activities that are mutually supportive. Efforts to improve the quality of learning can be done through efforts to improve the assessment system This study aims to describe the development of authentic assessment to assess the Science Process Skills integrated student learning excretion system. This research was conducted to obtain authentic quality assessment. The method used is descriptive method. Population of research is high school students of class XI Junior High School 6 Bandung second half that have heterogeneous capabilities, and sample of research is high school students of class 4, 5, and 6 science. Implementation of this authentic assessment development using instruments that test assessment tools in the form of essays and non-test assessment tools that are used to assess an essay instruments, checklist, which are composed of student questionnaire, interview students, guidance teacher interviews, and field notes (anecdotal records). The results showed that the development and implementation of authentic assessment is quite effective and is able to assess the Integrated Science Process Skills students. Authentic assessment that was developed is also a positive response and a good response from students and teachers. In addition, this study also reveal also the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the obstacles encountered during the process of development and implementation


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    Circular statistics merupakan analisis statistik yang dikembangkan untuk data yang berupa arah dan posisi dalam dua dimensi. Sama seperti sebaran normal pada statistik linier klasik, sebaran von mises merupakan sebaran yang penting dalam circular statistics. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sebaran von mises. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah kajian pustaka dengan menggunakan data simulasi. Simulasi data dan analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan Program R. Data circular disajikan dalam koordinat kartesius dan perhitungan analisisnya dinyatakan dalam bentuk koordinat polar. Penggunaan metode circular statistics pada data berupa sudut akan lebih representatif. Pengujian asumsi kehomogenan data dapat dilakukan dengan uji Rayleigh

    The role of the family in traditional judaism.

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    In questo contributo viene esaminato il ruolo della famiglia nei testi tradidionali rabbinici e in alcuni filosofi ebrei medievali. Viene messo in evidenza il differente ruolo di "padre" e "madre" legato al genere, sia nelle fonti tradizionali sia in alcuni testi filosofici medievali. A partire dalla più antiche esegesi del testo biblico, fino ad arrivare ad alcuni testi filosofico-esegetici del quattordicesimo secolo, è interessante notare alcune linee interpretative che si ritrovano come costanti in un lunghissimo arco temporale e che possono suggerire riflessioni stimolanti per il mondo contemporaneo


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    Pepi Nurpalah, 58430595: “The Comparative Study Between Learning English Vocabulary By Using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) Method And Desuggestopedia Method For The Second Year Students At SMPN 15 Cirebon” The communication between one and another people need an instrument that is used for communicating, that is language. Language is the system of sounds and words used by humans to express their thoughts and feelings. In teaching language, it is important to teach its vocabulary. In this case, the writer compares the student’s achievement in vocabulary by using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) method and Desuggestopedia Method. The meaning of Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) method is the instructional use of small groups that allows students to work together to maximize their own and each other as learning. Desuggestopedia is one of the strangest “humanistic approaches”. The methodology of research is quantitative approach. It means that the data which is obtained from the field of the research then analyzed statistically by means of numbers by using the t-test (t-observed) formula. The objectives of the research are to find out the data about the students’ achievement in learning English vocabulary by using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) method and Desuggestopedia Method, and to find out the data if there is any positive and significant comparison between them. The population of the research is all the second year students at SMPN 15 Cirebon (259 students and sample 74). The average score of the student’s achievement in learning English vocabulary by using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) method is 8.08 and the average score of the student’s achievement in learning English vocabulary by using Desuggestopedia is 7.32. The score 8.08 means the student’s achievement in learning English vocabulary by using STAD is very good category and the score 7.32 means the students’ achievement in learning English vocabulary by using Desuggestopedia is good category. Meanwhile, the writer knows that the result of “to” (t–observed) is 2.62. And finds that the critical value of “t-table” with the significance 5% and the degree of freedom (df) 72, the critical value is 2.00. This means that the null hypothesis (H0) stated by the writer in chapter one is accepted because the value of “t-observed” (2.62) is higher than the value of “t-table” (2.00). This indicates that there is a positive and significant comparison between the students’ achievement in learning English vocabulary by using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) method and Desuggestopedia Method for the second year students of SMPN 15 Cirebon. The student’s achievement in learning English vocabulary by using Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) method is better than Desuggestopedia Method

    Proyectos y experiencias : respuestas a las nuevas exigencias educativas

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    En este artículo se analizan algunas de las experiencias y proyectos relacionados con la escolarización de alumnado inmigrante que se han articulado en distintos centros escolares españoles. Se trata de una muestra representativa de prácticas óptimas en torno al tratamiento de la diversidad cultural y social en la escuela aunque no agotan en absoluto el conjunto de buenas prácticas existentes