1,262 research outputs found

    Narrativity and Identity in the Creative Process

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    Cette thèse propose une discussion sur les relations entre la musique et le langage et l'identification des bases d'une musique narrative dans une sélection de sept pièces composées au cours de mes études de doctorat à l'Université de Montréal. Les origines de ces pièces proviennent d'éléments extra-musicaux, issus des arts littéraires et visuels, aux côtés de phénomènes naturels visuels. Ce texte peut être subdivisé en deux parties, en soulignant les fondements théoriques et en présentant des éléments analytiques. La première partie considérera une perspective critique d'une prédisposition contemporaine à une catégorisation aprioriste de la musique en tant que système sémiotique, dans laquelle cette recherche est fondée. Par la suite, elle présentera comment l‘élément extra-musical peut être l’étincelle de départ de la créativité musicale, comme point de départ du développement de l'acte créatif lui-même, illustrant comment ma perception de ce matériau extra-musical peut être « traduite » et racontée à travers une forme sonore cohérente. Enfin, cette première partie abordera l'émergence d'une nouvelle perspective : le We-Composer, préconisant qu'aucun processus créatif n'existe sans la dynamique dialectique intrinsèque entre les aspects socioculturels et individuels entourant la conceptualisation d'un nouvel artefact, plus précisément, une nouvelle composition musicale. La deuxième partie se réfèrera à la perquisition du « fil d'Ariane » de la narrativité dans chacune des pièces sélectionnées, en les reliant aux sujets discutés précédemment, en tenant compte des références spécifiques et des considérations esthétiques – techniques et subjectives – qui enveloppent l'acte compositionnel. En conclusion, des réflexions philosophiques circonscrivant l'importance du récit comme outil de diffusion du savoir et de la connaissance de soi seront proposées, dans une perspective plus personnelle, en proposant un lien identitaire possible et dynamique entre les œuvres étudiées et moi-même.This thesis proposes a discussion on the relationships between music and language while identifying the basis for a narrative music in a selection of seven pieces composed during my studies as a Doctoral candidate at the Université de Montréal. The origins of the pieces stem from extra-musical elements, deriving from literary and visual arts, alongside visual natural phenomena. This text can be subdivided into two parts, emphasizing theoretical foundations and presenting analytical elements. The first part will consider a critical perspective of a contemporary predisposition towards an aprioristic categorization of music as a semiotic system, in which this research is grounded. Subsequently, it will present how musical creativity can be ignited through the extra-musical element, as a starting point towards the development of the creative act itself, illustrating how my perception of this extra-musical material can be “translated” and narrated through a coherent sound form. Finally, it will address the emergence of a new perspective: The We-Composer, advocating that no creative process exists without the intrinsic dialectical dynamic between the socio-cultural and individual aspects surrounding the conceptualization of a new artifact, more specifically, a new musical composition. The second part will refer to the perquisition of the “Ariane’s thread” of narrativity in each of the selected pieces, relating them to the previously discussed topics, taking into consideration specific references and aesthetical considerations – technical and subjective – that envelop the compositional act. Conclusively, some philosophical examinations circumscribing the importance of narrative as a tool regarding the dissemination of knowledge and self-knowledge will be offered, in a more personal perspective, while proposing a possible and dynamic identitary link between the studied pieces and myself

    Oxytetracycline in tomatoes and agricultural antimicrobials and evaluation of residues in tomatoes grown in greenhouse and open field

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    Orientador: Felix Guillermo Reyes ReyesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Antimicrobianos como fungicidas e/ou bactericidas têm sido utilizados para a melhoria da qualidade de produtos vegetais destinados à alimentação humana ou para sua maior produtividade em várias fases de sua obtenção, tais como: preparo do solo, crescimento, colheita, industrialização e comercialização. Entretanto, vários destes compostos podem permanecer como resíduos nos alimentos consumidos, e, dependendo de sua toxicidade e nível de exposição, podem apresentar risco à saúde do consumidor. Entre estas substâncias estão os agentes antimicrobianos usados para combater ou prevenir o aparecimento de alterações de origem microbiana no alimento. O desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos para a identificação e quantificação destes agentes em produtos vegetais é de grande interesse, uma vez que a exposição crônica em baixos níveis antimicrobianos pode promover a resistência bacteriana a antibióticos, assim como reações alérgicas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho objetivou desenvolver metodologia para o isolamento, identificação e quantificação de resíduos de oxitetraciclina em tomate, o qual é muito sensível a bacterioses, assim como comparou os níveis residuais encontrados nos frutos de cultura protegida (estufa) e cultura de campo. A metodologia analítica desenvolvida foi aplicada na análise de tomates comercializados na região de Campinas/SP e Alfenas/MG. Os dados obtidos foram comparados com os limites máximos de resíduos (LMRs) e os intervalos de segurança estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira em condições de plantio no campo. Foi validado, ainda, um método para quantificação dos antibióticos oxitetraciclina e estreptomicina em formulações para uso agrícola utilizadas para tratamento de tomatesAbstract: Antimicrobials as fungicides and/or bactericides have been used for the improvement of the quality of vegetal products destined to the human feed and for its higher productivity in some phases of its cultivation, such as: preparation of the ground, growth, harvest, industrialization and commercialization. However, several of these compounds can remain as residues in consumed foods, and, depending on its toxicity and level of exposure, they can present a risk to the health of the consumer. Among these substances are the antibiotics used to combat or to prevent the appearance of alterations of microbial origin in the food. The development of analytical methods for the identification and quantification of these agents in vegetal products is of great interest, once the chronic exposure to low levels of antimicrobials can promote bacterial resistance to the antibiotics, as well as allergic reactions. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop a methodology for the isolation, identification and quantification of residues of oxytetracycline in tomato, which is very sensible to bacterioses, as well as was compared the residual levels found in fruits cultivated in greenhouse and open field. The developed analytical methodology was applied in the analysis of tomatoes purchased in the region of Campinas/SP and Alfenas/MG. The obtained data were compared with the maximum residue limits (MRLs) and the intervals of security established by the Brazilian legislation in conditions in the field. It was validated a method for quantification of antibiotics oxytetracycline and streptomycin in agricultural formulations used for treatment of tomatoesDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência de Alimento

    Análise e monitoramento da carga líquida e carga sólida suspensa durante eventos pluviométricos na bacia do Gama/DF entre 2015-2016

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-graduação, 2017.O objetivo do trabalho consiste em realizar levantamento de descargas líquida e sólida em suspenção durante eventos pluviométricos de diferentes intensidades próximo na foz da bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão do Gama, Brasilia-DF entre os meses de dezembro de 2015 e março de 2016, período chuvoso, a fim de compreender o regime do canal e melhorar as estimativas de deposição de sedimentos pela bacia no lago Paranoá. A descarga líquida foi determinada com medições discretas a vau e em ponte com medição de velocidade pelo método acústico. O nível foi obtido com linígrafo digital e foi estabelecida curva chave com a equação exponencial. A Descarga sólida foi medida a vau e em ponte com amostradores manuais integradores e também com amostrador automático pontual, sendo obtida em mg/L pós filtragem à vácuo em laboratório. A turbidez foi medida automaticamente com a sonda Hydrolab DS5X. Foi calculado o tempo de concentração da bacia para os 11 eventos medidos e testadas as correlações entre chuva, vazão, carga sólida e turbidez. Os resultados indicam as histereses apresentadas em dois comportamentos figure eight e counterclockwise loop.The work aims to monitorate the water and solid suspended discharge during High intensity rainfall events on Gama basin/DF, from Dezember 2015 to March 2016, rainy season, to understand the fluvial regime and improve the channel depositon estimates on the Paranoá lake. We used the accoustic doppler method to determine the velocity in discrete measurements. The level was monitorated with a digital linigraph and the rating curve was obtained by the exponential method. The suspend solid discharge was monitorated with manual and automatic samplers, resulting mg/L measures after filtration in laboratory. The Hydrolab DS5X probe was used to determinate turbidity in the field. We calculated the time of concentration to 11 High intensity rainfall events and tested the correlation between rainfall, water discharge, solid discharge and turbidity. The results show two forms of hysteresis on the channel: figure eight e counterclockwise loop

    Os efeitos da crise global no Brasil: aversão ao risco e preferência pela liquidez no mercado de crédito

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    O artigo procura discutir os impactos da crise internacional na economia brasileira, com ênfase na virtual paralisia do mercado de crédito bancário doméstico a partir de setembro de 2008. Sustenta-se que a dinâmica concorrencial bancária conduziu à emergência de práticas de alto risco, cujo potencial desestabilizador veio à tona quando da reversão das expectativas ante o agravamento da crise financeira internacional e seus efeitos-contágio sobre as economias periferias, dentre as quais o Brasil. O conservadorismo dos bancos na fase de retração foi exacerbado, no caso brasileiro, pelo prazo relativamente curto do crédito e pela existência de títulos públicos líquidos, rentáveis e de baixo risco, que permitem uma rápida recomposição dos seus portfólios. A desaceleração da atividade produtiva em decorrência da contração do crédito não foi mitigada pelo Banco Central, apegado ao seu mandato de guardião da estabilidade dos preços.This article discusses the impacts of the international crisis on the Brazilian economy, with emphasis on the virtual paralysis of the domestic banking credit market that has occurred since September 2008. It argues that the dynamics of banking competition led to the emergence of high-risk practices. The destabilizing potential of these practices came to light when the aggravation of the international financial crisis and its contagion in peripheral countries such as Brazil caused a reversal of expectations. Generalized conservative behavior by banks during the retraction phase was exacerbated in Brazil by the relatively short credit cycle and by the liquidity, profitability and low-risk of public bonds, allowing a rapid recomposition of portfolios. The Central Bank, sticking to its mandate as the guardian of price stability, failed to move to mitigate the deceleration of productive activities that resulted from the contraction of credit

    Prevalence of auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder in an auditory health care service

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    AbstractAuditory neuropathy spectrum disorder (ANSD) is characterized by impairment of the auditory nerve associated with preservation of outer hair cell function.ObjectiveTo establish the prevalence of ANSD in subjects with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL).MethodThis retrospective study was carried out between 2010 and 2012 and included the charts of 2,292 individuals with SNHL. Data from otolaryngological and audiological examinations based on pure-tone and speech audiometry, impedance tests, otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), and brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were collected. Inclusion criteria: presence of OAEs and/or cochlear microphonic (CM); absent or altered BAEPs, and normal MRI scans of the brain.ResultsTwenty-seven (1.2%) of the 2,292 subjects with SNHL had ANSD (37% males; 63% females). Mild SNHL was seen in 29.6% of the individuals with ANSD; 55.5% had moderate SNHL; 7.4% had severe SNHL; and 7.5% had profound SNHL. In terms of age, 14.8% were aged between zero and 20 years, 44.1% were 41 to 60 years old, and 7.4% were above the age of 60.ConclusionANSD was seen in 1.2% of the individuals with SNHL included in this study

    Desemprego: evidências da duração no Brasil metropolitano

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    This work has as its objective to estimate the expected unemployment duration and to verify the reason for which the individual has difficulty of finding a new job in metropolitan Brazil in the year of 1999. For this purpose, we use the micro data’s of the Monthly Employment Survey (PME). The results obtained through the estimador of Kaplan-Meier show that the probability of the unemployed individuals stay in the unemployment state for at least 6 months is 48.83% and 25.10% for at least 1 year. On average unemployment duration is, approximately, 10 months. The parametric and extended parametric duration models allow to conclude that the individuals with grade levels of elementary and junior high school, with larger time of not- work, in son's condition and those resident in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro have smaller probability of finding a new job, while those that never worked with remuneration, those that receive FGTS in the last job, residents in the metropolitan areas of Recife, Salvador and Belo Horizonte have larger probability of leaving the state unemployment.unemployment duration; labor market


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    Este artigo propõe uma implantação e viabilidade do sistema de gestão ambiental e sustentabilidade conforme a ISO 14.001, em que analisa-se a viabilidade da aplicação dos requisitos e procedimentos que a norma exige. Foram relatados todos os aspectos que envolvem a norma como: reciclagem, sustentabilidade, auditoria ambiental, monitoramento e medição, política ambiental, objetivos e metas ambientais, indicadores de desempenho ambiental. Verificou-se com base nas pesquisas bibliográficas que, a gestão ambiental e a sustentabilidade não são apenas viáveis, mas sim indispensáveis para as instituições de ensino, empresas e para sociedade, enfim para o mundo. Neste contexto, encontrar soluções para solucionar os problemas ambientais e coloca-los em prática é uma questão de urgência e também imprescindível nos dias atuais, visto que, o meio ambiente já possui vários resquícios de destruição da natureza e impactos ambientais que geram grandes poluições ambiental e sonora, extinção de animais e plantas, impacto da camada de ozônio, problemas socioambientais e também ordem econômica

    Eco-efficient earth plasters: effect of cow dung and air lime on a kaolinitic clayish earth

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    Earth mortars are eco-efficiently used as plasters, but not all raw earth have a composition and behavior to meet the plasters nowadays requirements. Since long time ago, some stabilizing materials are often added to improve some characteristic of the earth mortars. Thus, to compare the performance of an industrial stabilizer recognized by the literature with a natural stabilizer already established by the Brazilian vernacular construction tradition, this research compared the effects caused by the addition of hydrated air lime and cow dung on the physical and mechanical properties of an earth mortar produced with a Kaolinitic Clay Earth (KCE). For this purpose, laboratory tests were carried out, following the guidelines of the German standard DIN 18947 for the analysis of earth plastering mortars. The results show that the earth mortars stabilized with cow dung presents superior results in all tests performed. Therefore, this is a material with great potential to be investigated as a stabilizer in earth plastering mortars.publishersversionpublishe

    Determinantes da duração esperada do emprego urbano e rural no Nordeste brasileiro

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    This study seeks to examine the determinants of the duration in employment in all Northeastern states of Brazil for the years 1993 and 2003. In order to do so, we used the data from the National Survey per Residence Samples (PNAD) which is done by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), every year. Results obtained by the parametric model showed that the duration of the relationship of employment is higher for men and older workers. With regard to the regional aspect, it was found that residents in the states of Pernambuco and Bahia - precisely those with the highest unemployment rates - have higher turnover when compared to other northeastern states.Duration, urban employment, rural employment., Agribusiness, J23, J64.,