115 research outputs found

    AGMIAL: implementing an annotation strategy for prokaryote genomes as a distributed system

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    We have implemented a genome annotation system for prokaryotes called AGMIAL. Our approach embodies a number of key principles. First, expert manual annotators are seen as a critical component of the overall system; user interfaces were cyclically refined to satisfy their needs. Second, the overall process should be orchestrated in terms of a global annotation strategy; this facilitates coordination between a team of annotators and automatic data analysis. Third, the annotation strategy should allow progressive and incremental annotation from a time when only a few draft contigs are available, to when a final finished assembly is produced. The overall architecture employed is modular and extensible, being based on the W3 standard Web services framework. Specialized modules interact with two independent core modules that are used to annotate, respectively, genomic and protein sequences. AGMIAL is currently being used by several INRA laboratories to analyze genomes of bacteria relevant to the food-processing industry, and is distributed under an open source license

    Deglacial laminated facies on the NW European continental margin: The hydrographic significance of British-Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation and Fleuve Manche paleoriver discharges

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    [1] We have compiled results obtained from four high sedimentation rate hemipelagic sequences from the Celtic sector of the NW European margin ( NE Atlantic) to investigate the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic evolution of the area over the last few climatic cycles. We focus on periods characteristic of deglacial transitions. We adopt a multiproxy sedimentological, geochemical, and micropaleontological approach, applying a sampling resolution down to ten microns for specific intervals. The investigation demonstrates the relationships between the Bay of Biscay hydrography and the glacial/deglacial history of both the proximal British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and the western European continent. We identify recurrent phases of laminae deposition concurrent with major BIIS deglacial episodes in all the studied cores. Evidence for abrupt freshwater discharges into the open ocean highlights the influence of such events at a regional scale. We discuss their impact at a global scale considering the present and past key location of the Bay of Biscay versus the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

    AGMIAL: implementing an annotation strategy for prokaryote genomes as a distributed system

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    We have implemented a genome annotation system for prokaryotes called AGMIAL. Our approach embodies a number of key principles. First, expert manual annotators are seen as a critical component of the overall system; user interfaces were cyclically refined to satisfy their needs. Second, the overall process should be orchestrated in terms of a global annotation strategy; this facilitates coordination between a team of annotators and automatic data analysis. Third, the annotation strategy should allow progressive and incremental annotation from a time when only a few draft contigs are available, to when a final finished assembly is produced. The overall architecture employed is modular and extensible, being based on the W3 standard Web services framework. Specialized modules interact with two independent core modules that are used to annotate, respectively, genomic and protein sequences. AGMIAL is currently being used by several INRA laboratories to analyze genomes of bacteria relevant to the food-processing industry, and is distributed under an open source license

    Ocean productivity in the Gulf of Cadiz over the last 50 kyr

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    Reconstructions of ocean primary productivity (PP) help to explain past and present biogeochemical cycles and climate changes in the oceans. We document PP variations over the last 50 kyr in a currently oligotrophic subtropical region, the Gulf of Cadiz. Data combine refined results from previous investigations on dinocyst assemblages, alkenones, and stable isotopes ( 18O, 13C) in planktonic (Globigerina bulloides) and endobenthic (Uvigerina mediterranea) foraminifera from cores MD04-2805 CQ and MD99-2339, with new isotopic measurements on epibenthic (Cibicides pachyderma–Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi) foraminifera and dinocyst-based estimates of PP using the new n = 1,968 modern database. We constrain PP variations and export production by integrating qualitative information from bio-indicators with dinocyst-based quantitative reconstructions such as PP and seasonal sea-surface temperature and information about remineralization from the benthic 13C (difference between epi- and endo-benthic foraminiferal 13C signatures). This study also includes new information on alkenone-based SST and total organic carbon which provides insights into the relationship between past regional hydrological activity and PP regime change. We show that PP, carbon export, and remineralization were generally high in the NE subtropical Atlantic Ocean during the last glacial period and that the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) had lower 13C than the Heinrich Stadials with sustained high PP, likely allowing enhanced carbon sequestration. We link these PP periods to the dynamics of upwelling, active almost year-round during stadials, but restricted to spring-summer during interstadials and LGM, like today. During interstadials, nutrient advection through freshwater inputs during autumn–winter needs also to be considered to fully understand PP regimes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The SECURE project – Stem canker of oilseed rape: : molecular methods and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance

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    N Evans et al, "The SECURE Project - Stem Canker of oilseed rape: Molecular methods and mathematical modeling to deploy durable resistance", in Vol 4 of the Proceedings of the 12th International Rapeseed Congress : Sustainable Development in Cruciferous Oilseed Crops Production, Wuhan, China, March 26 - 30, 2007. The proceedings are available online at: http://gcirc.org/intranet/irc-proceedings/12th-irc-wuhan-china-2007-vol-4.htmlModelling done during the SECURE project has demonstrated the dynamic nature of the interaction between phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans), the oilseed rape host (Brassica napus) and the environment. Experiments done with near-isogenic lines of L. maculans to investigate pathogen fitness support field data that suggest a positive effect of the avirulence allele AvrLm4 on pathogen fitness, and that the loss of this allele renders isolates less competitive under field conditions on cultivars without the resistance gene Rlm4. The highlight of molecular work was the cloning of AvrLm1 and AvrLm6. L. maculans is now one of the few fungal species for which two avirulence loci have been cloned. Subsequent research focused on understanding the function of AvrLm1 and AvrLm6 and on the analysis of sequences of virulent isolates to understand molecular evolution towards virulence. Isolates of L. maculans transformed with GFP and/or DsRed were used to follow growth of the fungus in B. napus near-isogenic-lines (NIL) with or without MX (Rlm6) resistance under different temperature and wetness conditions. The results greatly enhanced our knowledge of the infection process and the rate and extent of in planta growth on different cultivars. Conclusions from work to model durability of resistance have been tested under field conditions through a series of experiments to compare durability of resistance conferred by the major resistance gene Rlm6 alone in a susceptible background (EurolMX) or in a resistant background (DarmorMX) under recurrent selection over 4 growing seasons. A major priority of the project was knowledge transfer of results and recommendations to target audiences such as plant breeding companies and extension services. CETIOM developed a “diversification scheme” that encourages French growers to make an informed choice about the cultivars that are grown within the rotation based on the resistance genes carried by the individual cultivars. Use of such schemes, in association with survey data on the population structure of L. maculans at both national and European scales will provide opportunities for breeders and the industry to manage available B. napus resistance more effectively.Non peer reviewe

    Stratification of surface waters during the last glacial millennial climatic events: a key factor in subsurface and deep-water mass dynamics

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    The last glacial period was punctuated by abrupt climatic events with extrema known as Heinrich and Dansgaard–Oeschger events. These millennial events have been the subject of many paleoreconstructions and model experiments in the past decades, but yet the hydrological processes involved remain elusive. In the present work, high-resolution analyses were conducted on the 12–42 ka BP section of core MD99-2281 retrieved southwest of the Faeroe Islands, and combined with analyses conducted in two previous studies (Zumaque et al., 2012; Caulle et al., 2013). Such a multiproxy approach, coupling micropaleontological, geochemical and sedimentological analyses, allows us to track surface, subsurface, and deep hydrological processes occurring during these rapid climatic changes. Records indicate that the coldest episodes of the studied period (Greenland stadials and Heinrich stadials) were characterized by a strong stratification of surface waters. This surface stratification seems to have played a key role in the dynamics of subsurface and deep-water masses. Indeed, periods of high surface stratification are marked by a coupling of subsurface and deep circulations which sharply weaken at the beginning of stadials, while surface conditions progressively deteriorate throughout these cold episodes; conversely, periods of decreasing surface stratification (Greenland interstadials) are characterized by a coupling of surface and deep hydrological processes, with progressively milder surface conditions and gradual intensification of the deep circulation, while the vigor of the subsurface northward Atlantic flow remains constantly high. Our results also reveal different and atypical hydrological signatures during Heinrich stadials (HSs): while HS1 and HS4 exhibit a "usual" scheme with reduced overturning circulation, a relatively active North Atlantic circulation seems to have prevailed during HS2, and HS3 seems to have experienced a re-intensification of this circulation during the middle of the event. Our findings thus bring valuable information to better understand hydrological processes occurring in a key area during the abrupt climatic shifts of the last glacial period

    Measurement and comparison of individual external doses of high-school students living in Japan, France, Poland and Belarus -- the "D-shuttle" project --

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    Twelve high schools in Japan (of which six are in Fukushima Prefecture), four in France, eight in Poland and two in Belarus cooperated in the measurement and comparison of individual external doses in 2014. In total 216 high-school students and teachers participated in the study. Each participant wore an electronic personal dosimeter "D-shuttle" for two weeks, and kept a journal of his/her whereabouts and activities. The distributions of annual external doses estimated for each region overlap with each other, demonstrating that the personal external individual doses in locations where residence is currently allowed in Fukushima Prefecture and in Belarus are well within the range of estimated annual doses due to the background radiation level of other regions/countries

    Integration Preferences of Wildtype AAV-2 for Consensus Rep-Binding Sites at Numerous Loci in the Human Genome

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    Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) is known to establish latency by preferential integration in human chromosome 19q13.42. The AAV non-structural protein Rep appears to target a site called AAVS1 by simultaneously binding to Rep-binding sites (RBS) present on the AAV genome and within AAVS1. In the absence of Rep, as is the case with AAV vectors, chromosomal integration is rare and random. For a genome-wide survey of wildtype AAV integration a linker-selection-mediated (LSM)-PCR strategy was designed to retrieve AAV-chromosomal junctions. DNA sequence determination revealed wildtype AAV integration sites scattered over the entire human genome. The bioinformatic analysis of these integration sites compared to those of rep-deficient AAV vectors revealed a highly significant overrepresentation of integration events near to consensus RBS. Integration hotspots included AAVS1 with 10% of total events. Novel hotspots near consensus RBS were identified on chromosome 5p13.3 denoted AAVS2 and on chromsome 3p24.3 denoted AAVS3. AAVS2 displayed seven independent junctions clustered within only 14 bp of a consensus RBS which proved to bind Rep in vitro similar to the RBS in AAVS3. Expression of Rep in the presence of rep-deficient AAV vectors shifted targeting preferences from random integration back to the neighbourhood of consensus RBS at hotspots and numerous additional sites in the human genome. In summary, targeted AAV integration is not as specific for AAVS1 as previously assumed. Rather, Rep targets AAV to integrate into open chromatin regions in the reach of various, consensus RBS homologues in the human genome