106 research outputs found

    Carbohydrate patterns in the digestive tract of Sparus aurata L. and Psetta maxima (L.) (Teleostei) parasitized by Enteromyxum leei and E. scophthalmi (Myxozoa)

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    33 p., figuras, tablas y bibliografíaThe influence of Enteromyxum spp. infections on the carbohydrate patterns of the digestive tract of gilthead sea bream (GSB) Sparus aurata L. and turbot (TB) Psetta maxima (L.) has been studied. Histochemical stainings to differentiate the types of mucins and lectin-binding assays to detect terminal carbohydrate residues were applied to histological sections of GSB and TB uninfected or infected by Enteromyxum leei and E. scophthalmi, respectively. The number of intestinal GC decreased in severely infected fish in both parasitoses, though changes in mucin patterns were limited to the decrease in the staining intensity for acidic mucins in infected GSB. The TB stomach and intestine lacked histochemically detectable acidic mucins, or sialic acid detectable by SNA, in contrast with their abundance in GSB. Glucose/mannose, fucose and GlcNAc residues were less abundant in both infected hosts with respect to uninfected fish. In contrast, D-Gal and D-GalNAc moieties (detectable by BSL I) increased in most parts of E. scophthalmi-infected TB while decreasing (oesophagus) or remaining unchanged (intestine) in E. leei-infected GSB. The decreasing in the expression of acidic mucins and of sialic acid detectable by SNA in E. leei-infected GSB is remarkable. Differences in the carbohydrate patterns between both hosts could aid to explain the differences in the severity of both enteromyxoses. In addition, the changes induced by Enteromyxum spp. infections in the digestive tract of GSB and TB suggest a role of terminal carbohydrate residues in the parasite-host interaction.Funding for this work was obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education through the research project AGL2006-13158-C01. M. J. Redondo is recipient of a CSIC I3P contract funded by the European Social Fund.Peer reviewe

    Toxicodermias por uso de fármacos antigotosos

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    La prevalencia e incidencia mundial de gota, una enfermedad que se origina por la precipitación de cristales de urato monosódico, alrededor y en el interior de las articulaciones, aumenta gradualmente debido a los malos hábitos alimentarios, las comidas rápidas, la falta de ejercicio físico, el aumento de la incidencia de la obesidad y el síndrome metabólico. Se espera un aumento de consumo/prescripción de fármacos antigotosos. Entre las terapias eficaces frente al tratamiento agudo destacan los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE), la colchicina, los glucocorticoides y los nuevos inhibidores de la IL-­1. Para el tratamiento reductor de urato sérico, se utilizan tres tipos de fármacos: los inhibidores de la xantina oxidasa, los uricosúricos, y las uricasas. Las toxicodermias por fármacos antigotosos son poco frecuentes, pero algunas son potencialmente mortales. Es importante reconocer los factores predisponentes y de riesgo adicional como sexo femenino, edad superior a 60 años, dosis inicial superior a 100mg/dia, y comorbilidad renal o cardiovascular. El genotipado para el alelo HLA-­B * 5801 se puede considerar en pacientes que tienen factores de riesgo. Con el uso de alopurinol se puede presentar un síndrome de hipersensibilidad al alopurinol (SHA), una rara reacción adversa caracterizada por una combinación de reacciones cutáneas, disfunción hepática, insuficiencia renal, eosinofilia y leucocitosis. Entre las manifestaciones cutáneas del SHA encontramos un amplio rango de severidad, desde erupciones maculopapulares relativamente benignas hasta formas letales como son las reacciones cutáneas medicamentosas graves (SCAR), entre ellas encontramos: el síndrome de Stevens-­Johnson, la necrólisis epidérmica tóxica, o la reacción medicamentosa con eosinofilia y síntomas sistémicos (DRESS). Se han publicado diferentes casos de toxicodermias por febuxostat. Además, algunos informes de reacciones cutáneas graves con febuxostat se asociaron con un historial de reacción cutánea al alopurinol, en especial, en pacientes con insuficiencia renal.Grado en Medicin

    Digital Public Mortuary Archaeology via 3D Modelling: The Pago del Jarafi Cemetery (Granada, Spain)

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    One of the main goals of the MEMOLA research project's open-area excavation at Pago del Jarafí (Lanteira, Granada, Spain) was to promote knowledge socialisation by means of imparting information and public participation. The site, a multi-phased rural settlement with cemeteries of different chronologies and cultural affinities, was subject to a complete 3D photogrammetric survey, a tool serving to develop virtual models both to interpret the excavation and subsequently transmit the results to the public – so as to raise their level of engagement - via social networks and websites. Burials, in particular, are features that attract the local population to the site and arouse both a demand for information and site preservation. 3D modelling of the burials is thus a digital resource bearing a high scientific and social potential when integrated in a strategy reaching beyond the technical aspects. This paper therefore considers the 3D modelling of burials as an innovative form of digital public mortuary archaeology

    Novel horizontal transmission route for Enteromyxum leei (Myxozoa) by anal intubation of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata

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    11 p., il., bibliografíaThe aim of the present study was to determine whether Enteromyxum leei, one of the most threatening parasitic diseases in Mediterranean fish culture, could be transmitted by peranal intubation in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata L. Fish were inoculated either orally or anally with intestinal scrapings of infected fish in 3 trials. Oral transmission failed, but the parasite was efficiently and quickly transmitted peranally. Prevalence of infection was 100% at 60 d post inoculation (p.i.) in Trial 1 under high summer temperature (22 to 25°C; fish weight = 187.1 g), and 85.7 % in just 15 d p.i. in Trial 3 using smaller fish (127.5 g) at autumn temperature (19 to 22°C). In Trial 2, prevalence reached 60% at 60 d p.i. in the group reared at constant temperature (18°C), whereas no fish was infected in the group that was kept at low winter temperature (11 to 12°C), although infection appeared (46.1 % at 216 d p.i.) when temperature increased in spring. The arrested development at low temperature has important epidemiological consequences, as fish giving false negative results in winter can act as reservoirs of the parasite. Histopathological examination showed a posterior-anterior intestinal gradient in the progression of the infection, in terms of both intensity and parasite maturation. Thus, peranal intubation provides a very uniform, reliable and faster mode of transmission of E. leei than the commonly used transmission methods (cohabitation, exposure to infected effluent and oral inoculation), which require long exposure times or give variable and unpredictable results.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC) (AGL2006-13158-C03-01) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AGL2009-13282-C02-01). Additional funding was obtained from the ‘Generalitat Valenciana’ (research grant PROMETEO 2010/006). I.E. received a Spanish FPI-PhD fellowship from MEC.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of Chemical and Mechanical Surface Treatments on Metallic Precision Spheres for Using as Optical Reference Artifacts

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    [EN] The improvement of industrial manufacturing processes requires measurement procedures and part inspection tasks to be faster and faster while remaining effective. In this sense, the capabilities of noncontact measuring systems are of great help, not only because of the great amount of data they provide but also for the ease of the integration of these systems as well as their automation, minimising the impact on the industry. This work presents a comparative study on the influence of two surface treatments performed on low-cost, high-precision metallic spheres on the suitability of these spheres to be used as artefacts for the calibration of optical sensors, specifically laser triangulation sensors. The first surface treatment is sandblasting (a mechanical process), whose effect has been studied and presented in previous work. The second treatment focused on in this paper is acid etching (a chemical process). The comparison has been performed by evaluating the same metrological characteristics on two identical groups of spheres of similar type (diameter and accuracy), each of which was subjected to a different treatment. It was necessary to obtain the reference values of the metrological parameters with high accuracy, which involved measuring the spheres with a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) by contact probing. Likewise, spheres were scanned by a laser triangulation sensor mounted on the same CMM. The results derived from both the contact and laser measurements and before and after treating the surfaces were used to compare four parameters: point density, sphere diameter, sphere form deviation, and standard deviation of the best-fit sphere to the corresponding point cloud. This research has revealed that acid etching produces better optical qualities on the surfaces than the mirror-like original ones, thus enhancing the laser sensor capturing ability. However, such chemical etching has affected the metrological characteristics of the spheres to a greater extent than that produced by sandblasting. This difference is due to the variability of the chemical etching, caused by the high aggressiveness of the acid, which makes the process very sensitive to the time of exposure to the acid and the orientations of the spheres in the bath.SIUniversity Institute of Industrial Technology of Asturias, IUTA, through the research project ref. SV-21-GIJON-1-06

    Laser line scanner aptitude for the measurement of Selective Laser Melting parts

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    [EN] When looking for any metrological verification of parts manufactured by metal laser printing with optical equipment, it is necessary to ensure the traceability of the measurements that can be obtained. The difficulty of this process lies in the fact that these measurements are obtained on point clouds captured from surfaces with high form errors and poor surface finishes, even when this type of surface usually undergoes processes to improve the surface finish, such as sandblasting. This research focuses precisely on the analysis of the metrological suitability of a laser line scanner (laser triangulation sensor) on parts manufactured by Selective Laser Melting (SLM). The study starts from the design of a test part specifically oriented to the printing process with SLM metal powder bed. This test part was printed in 17-4PH stainless steel and then sandblasted. The test part was measured in a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), obtaining reference GD&T values. The measurement was carried out under pre-sandblasting ("as built") and post-sandblasting conditions, thus providing interesting information about the erosion rate of this post process. A state-of-the-art laser sensor was employed for the metrological comparison, mounted on the same available CMM that was used for contact measurements. In this research three analyses were carried out: the quality of 3D metal printed parts with respect to CAD model, the effect of the sandblasting post-process, and the accuracy of the measurements obtained with the laser line sensor. In addition, this work conducts an in-depth study about the influence of point cloud treatment and filtering procedures, by comparing the filtering methods applied by different reverse engineering software packages. The study leads to the conclusion that filters based on the standard deviation of the point cloud are the best candidates in order to obtain laser measurements closer to the contact measurements.SIAuthors thank to the financial support provided by the Junta de Castilla y León (project LE027P17-FEDER funds) and also to two student grants awarded by the University Institute of Industrial Technology of Asturias (IUTA, ref. SV-19-GIJON-1-14) and by the Young researcher mobility program of SIF (Manufacturing Engineering Spanish Society)

    Assessing motivational stages and processes of change for weight management around bariatric surgery: a multicenter study

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    [Abstract] Introduction/purpose: The assessment of the patients' motivation as a predictor of behavioral change via five stages (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance) and four processes (emotional re-evaluation, weight management actions, environmental restructuring, and weight consequences evaluation) of change. Materials/methods: A total of 542 participants (251 waiting for bariatric surgery (BS), 90 undergoing BS, and 201 controls) completed the Stages (S-Weight) and Processes (P-Weight) of Change in Overweight and Obese People questionnaires in a multicenter cross-sectional study. Results: A higher percentage of subjects seeking BS (31.7%) were in the action stage (16.7% of post-BS patients, p < 0.001; 14.9% of controls, p < 0.001). The referred body mass index (BMI) reduction was higher in subjects in active stages (3.6 ± 4.4 kg/m2 in maintenance versus 1.4 ± 1.4 kg/m2 in contemplation, p < 0.001). In the P-Weight questionnaire, patients looking for BS scored significant higher in the four processes of change than controls. In addition, a positive and significantly correlation between BMI and the four processes was observed. In the stepwise multivariate analysis, BMI and the S-Weight allocation were constantly associated with the four processes of change. Conclusion: Obesity is accompanied by a modifying behavioral stage, suggesting that subjects before BS are seriously thinking about overcoming excess weight. To identify subjects on the waiting list for BS who will be more receptive to weight lost interventions remains a challenge

    Periglacial activity in the Central and Southern Andes

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    The Andes Mountain range runs along the western margin of South America for ~7500 km, from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, next to the Caribbean Sea, to Cape Horn, at the southern tip of the continent. Based on structural differences, the Northern Andes (11ºN-1ºS), Central Andes (1º-47ºS) and Southern Andes (47º-68ºS) have been differentiated. In the Central Andes the mountain range is divided into Western and Eastern Andes, between which the Altiplano, a plateau of 300x500 km and 3800- 4900 m surrounded by peaks that reach 6000 m in altitude. Only the Himalayas and Tibet are higher and larger than Andes-Altiplano. Glaciers are preserved on many peaks of the Andes, and on their slopes, there are moraines revealing a much larger glacial extent in the past. Today, in the deglaciated areas there are extensive periglacial landscapes. However, the extent to which altitude and latitude modify periglacial forms and processes has not yet been investigated. Our team aims to make a first approach to the problem by analyzing three representative Study areas of a north- south transect of the Central and Southern Andes: Nevado Coropuna volcanic complex (16ºS, 73ºW, 6377 m), in the Arequipa region (Peru); Cerro Aconcagua (33ºS, 70ºW, 6960 m), in Mendoza (Argentina) and Cerro Alvear (54ºS, 68ºW, 1490 m), in the Argentinean side of Tierra del Fuego. In the last 20 years we have identified different periglacial processes linked to permafrost, such as: rock glaciers, protalus ramparts, debris lobes, patterned grounds including tundra polygons associated with active ice wedges, cryo-ejected clast, tors, nivation hollows or boulder (clast) pavements. This periglacial activity probably records aspects of current interests, as climate change, interhemispheric teleconnections, or ENSO phenomenon, which modify snow cover. Understanding this record is an interesting geomorphological challenge that we begin to address by presenting this work

    Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia after Bariatric Surgery: Diagnosis and Management Experience from a Spanish Multicenter Registry

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    Background: Severe postprandial hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery is a rare but invalidating complication. Our aim was to describe the different tests performed for its diagnosis and their outcomes as well as the response to the prescribed pharmacological and surgical treatments. Methods: Multicenter, retrospective systematic review of cases with recurrent severe postprandial hypoglycemia. Results: Over 11 years of follow-up, 22 patients were identified. The test most used to provoke hypoglycemia was the oral glucose load test followed by the mixed meal test which was the least standardized test. With pharmacological treatment, 3 patients were symptom-free (with octreotide) and in 12 patients hypoglycemic episodes were attenuated. Seven patients had persistent hypoglycemic episodes and underwent surgery. Partial pancreatectomy was performed in 3 patients who had positive selective arterial calcium stimulation, and nesidioblastosis was confirmed in 2 patients. Reconversion to normal anatomy was performed in 3 patients, and 1 patient underwent a resection of the 'candy cane' roux limb, with resolution of hypoglycemia in all cases. Conclusions: There is high heterogeneity in the evaluation and treatment options for postoperative hypoglycemia. In patients that do not respond to pharmacological treatment, reconstruction of gastrojejunal continuity may be the safest and most successful procedure

    Recent and ongoing transformations of the Nevado Coropuna tropical cryosphere (Central Andes): the Ground-Penetrating Radar perspective

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    The evaluation of presence and origin of ground-ice in the non-glaciated peripheral areas of Nevado Corpuna can contribute to a more refined estimation of its real extent, as well as of the ongoing and recent transformation processes (i.e. permafrost aggradation/degradation). We carried out GPR surveys in sectors immediately outside the glacial tongues which diverge from the glaciated area, both on rock glaciers and debris-covered glaciers. The data acquisition was made with an unshielded antenna operating at a central frequency of 25 MHz, and according longitudinal and cross profiles. We defined a processing sequence particularly effective in removing in air-reflections generated by isolated blocks on the surface, and the numerous point-source diffractions. The signal-to-noise ratio consents a data imaging interpretable up to 25-30 m of depth, according to the estimated velocity of GPR waves propagation. In some sectors we calibrated the GPR data (depth and reflection amplitude) with those obtained from Vertical Electric Sounding. The rock glaciers examined show a reflective pattern consistent with a permafrost that extends from 2-4 m to more than 20 m depth. The GPR reflections also depict a permafrost stratigraphic architecture, and potential deformation structures in the frozen layers (i.e. shear planes). The GPR profiles made on debris-covered glaciers show a high-amplitude reflection consistent with the presence of near-surface (2-3 m depth) (sedimentary) ice, which in depth exhibits a radar facies less characterized by reflection events than those of rock glaciers. Also in this case an ice stratigraphy and potential deformation features in layers highly rich in ice are visible. The GPR data allowed a view of ice-ground presence in the ice-free areas in Nevado Coropuna and can be integrated with the glaciological evolution of the last decades to build a forecasting model that considers the transformation from clean-ice to debris-covered glacier or permafrost landforms