46 research outputs found

    Microwave-driven synthesis of bisphosphonate nanoparticles allows in vivo visualisation of atherosclerotic plaque

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    A fast and reproducible microwave-driven process has allowed us to synthesise neridronate-functionalised nanoparticles. Contrary to tradition, the phosphate groups decorate the outside layer of the particles providing Ca2+ binding properties in vitro and selective accumulation in vivo in the atheroma plaque. In vivo and ex vivo detection by T2-weighted MRI is demonstrated and validated by histology. The accumulation in the plaque takes place in less than one hour following the intravenous injection, which is particularly suitable for clinical applications

    Cu-Doped Extremely Small Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Large Longitudinal Relaxivity: One-Pot Synthesis and in Vivo Targeted Molecular Imaging

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    Synthesizing iron oxide nanoparticles for positive contrast in magnetic resonance imaging is the most promising approach to bring this nanomaterial back to the clinical field. The success of this approach depends on several aspects: the longitudinal relaxivity values, the complexity of the synthetic protocol, and the reproducibility of the synthesis. Here, we show our latest results on this goal. We have studied the effect of Cu doping on the physicochemical, magnetic, and relaxometric properties of iron oxide nanoparticles designed to provide positive contrast in magnetic resonance imaging. We have used a one-step, 10 min synthesis to produce nanoparticles with excellent colloidal stability. We have synthesized three different Cu-doped iron oxide nanoparticles showing modest to very large longitudinal relaxivity values. Finally, we have demonstrated the in vivo use of these kinds of nanoparticles both in angiography and targeted molecular imaging

    European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS): protocol for two cohort studies to assess risk factors for tic onset and exacerbation in children and adolescents

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    Genetic predisposition, autoimmunity and environmental factors [e.g. pre- and perinatal difficulties, Group A Streptococcal (GAS) and other infections, stress-inducing events] might interact to create a neurobiological vulnerability to the development of tics and associated behaviours. However, the existing evidence for this relies primarily on small prospective or larger retrospective population-based studies, and is therefore still inconclusive. This article describes the design and methodology of the EMTICS study, a longitudinal observational European multicentre study involving 16 clinical centres, with the following objectives: (1) to investigate the association of environmental factors (GAS exposure and psychosocial stress, primarily) with the onset and course of tics and/or obsessive-compulsive symptoms through the prospective observation of at-risk individuals (ONSET cohort: 260 children aged 3-10 years who are tic-free at study entry and have a first-degree relative with a chronic tic disorder) and affected individuals (COURSE cohort: 715 youth aged 3-16 years with a tic disorder); (2) to characterise the immune response to microbial antigens and the host's immune response regulation in association with onset and exacerbations of tics; (3) to increase knowledge of the human gene pathways influencing the pathogenesis of tic disorders; and (4) to develop prediction models for the risk of onset and exacerbations of tic disorders. The EMTICS study is, to our knowledge, the largest prospective cohort assessment of the contribution of different genetic and environmental factors to the risk of developing tics in putatively predisposed individuals and to the risk of exacerbating tics in young individuals with chronic tic disorders

    The DES bright arcs survey: hundreds of candidate strongly lensed galaxy systems from the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification and year 1 observations

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    We report the results of searches for strong gravitational lens systems in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Science Verification and Year 1 observations. The Science Verification data span approximately 250 sq. deg. with a median i-band limiting magnitude for extended objects (10σ) of 23.0. The Year 1 data span approximately 2000 sq. deg. and have an i-band limiting magnitude for extended objects (10σ) of 22.9. As these data sets are both wide and deep, they are particularly useful for identifying strong gravitational lens candidates. Potential strong gravitational lens candidate systems were initially identified based on a color and magnitude selection in the DES object catalogs or because the system is at the location of a previously identified galaxy cluster. Cutout images of potential candidates were then visually scanned using an object viewer and numerically ranked according to whether or not we judged them to be likely strong gravitational lens systems. Having scanned nearly 400,000 cutouts, we present 374 candidate strong lens systems, of which 348 are identified for the first time. We provide the R.A. and decl., the magnitudes and photometric properties of the lens and source objects, and the distance (radius) of the source(s) from the lens center for each system

    Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks: a key service for diagnosis and research on rare diseases

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    Several examples have always illustrated how access to large numbers of biospecimens and associated data plays a pivotal role in the identification of disease genes and the development of pharmaceuticals. Hence, allowing researchers to access to significant numbers of quality samples and data, genetic biobanks are a powerful tool in basic, translational and clinical research into rare diseases. Recently demand for well-annotated and properly-preserved specimens is growing at a high rate, and is expected to grow for years to come. The best effective solution to this issue is to enhance the potentialities of well-managed biobanks by building a network.Here we report a 5-year experience of the Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (TNGB), a non-profit association of Italian repositories created in 2008 to form a virtually unique catalogue of biospecimens and associated data, which presently lists more than 750 rare genetic defects. The process of TNGB harmonisation has been mainly achieved through the adoption of a unique, centrally coordinated, IT infrastructure, which has enabled (i) standardisation of all the TNGB procedures and activities; (ii) creation of an updated TNGB online catalogue, based on minimal data set and controlled terminologies; (iii) sample access policy managed via a shared request control panel at web portal. TNGB has been engaged in disseminating information on its services into both scientific/biomedical - national and international - contexts, as well as associations of patients and families. Indeed, during the last 5-years national and international scientists extensively used the TNGB with different purposes resulting in more than 250 scientific publications. In addition, since its inception the TNGB is an associated member of the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure and recently joined the EuroBioBank network. Moreover, the involvement of patients and families, leading to the formalization of various agreements between TNGB and Patients' Associations, has demonstrated how promoting Biobank services can be instrumental in gaining a critical mass of samples essential for research, as well as, raising awareness, trust and interest of the general public in Biobanks. This article focuses on some fundamental aspects of networking and demonstrates how the translational research benefits from a sustained infrastructure

    Korkeakoulutettujen asumispreferenssit osana pääkaupunkiseudun alueellista eriytymistä

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    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan työssäkäyvien ylemmän korkeakoulutkinnon suorittaneiden asumispreferenssejä sellaisilla asuinalueilla, jotka ovat sosioekonomisesti tarkasteltuna hyväosaisia. Useat tutkimukset osoittavat pääkaupunkiseudun eriytyneen alueellisesti siten, että korkeakoulutetut ovat sijoittuneet asumaan Helsinginniemelle ja länsipainotteisesti merenrannoille. Matalan tulo- ja koulutustason, korkean työttömyyden ja etnisen heterogeenisyyden alueet painottuvat lähinnä Helsingin itäiseen suurpiiriin ja pääkaupunkiseudun radanvarsialueille. Tutkielmassa pureudutaan alueelliseen, sosioekonomiseen ja etniseen eriytymiseen korkeakoulutettujen asumispreferenssien lisäksi myös tutkittavien omien eriytymistä koskevien pohdintojen kautta. Tutkielman näkökulma on kulttuurisosiologinen. Teoreettisena taustana käytetään Bourdieun distinktioteoriaa erityisesti painottaen kulttuurisen pääoman merkitystä asumisvalintojen ja alueellista eriytymistä koskevien käsitysten mahdollistajana ja selittäjänä. Tutkielman fokuksessa on pääkaupunkiseudun alueellinen kehitys, mitä taustoitetaan ottamalla huomioon myös suomalaisen yhteiskunnan historialliset ja kulttuuriset erityispiirteet, kuten suomalaisten yhteneväiset asumistoiveet ja sosiaaliseen sekoittamiseen perustuva asunto- ja kaavoituspolitiikka. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu kymmenestä puolistrukturoidusta teemahaastattelusta. Haastateltavat olivat iältään 30 – 55-vuotiaita ylemmän korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneita naisia ja miehiä. Kuusi heistä asui Helsinginniemellä ja neljä muilla pääkaupunkiseudun kerrostalovaltaisilla alueilla. Aineiston analyysimenetelmä on abduktiivinen sisällönanalyysi. Analyysin pohjana käytetään aiempaa tutkimustietoa alueellisesta eriytymisestä ja asumispreferensseistä. Tuloksena esitetään korkeakoulutettujen asumispreferenssien ilmentävän urbaania asumisen elämäntyyliä. Asumisessa arvostetaan helppoutta: kerrostaloasumista, hyviä liikenneyhteyksiä ja palveluita. Kulttuuriset arvostukset liittyvät alueen historiallisuuteen, esteettisyyteen, suvaitsevaisuuteen ja sosiaalisten suhteiden myötä korostuvaan asukkaiden samankaltaisuuteen sekä turvallisuudentunteeseen. Alueellinen eriytyminen tulee ymmärrettäväksi tuntemattomiin ihmisiin liittyvien turvattomuuskokemusten ja uhkien kautta. Käytännössä tämä tapahtuu muille kuin omalle asuinalueelle paikantuvien turvallisuusuhkien ja vaarojen alueellisesti paikannettavana välttelemisenä. Eriytyminen on myös etäisyyden kautta määrittynyttä, korkeasti koulutetut ovat eriytyneet alueellisesti asuinalueidensa ja työpaikkojensa mukaisesti. Muut alueet asukkaineen jäävät konkreettisesti etäisiksi. Sosioekonominen, etninen ja alueellinen eriytyminen on haastateltavien käsitysten perusteella hyvin tunnistettua ja tiedostettua. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan erontekojen noudattavan toisenlaista logiikkaa kuin Bourdieun Ranskaa koskevissa tutkimuksissa. Suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa distinktioita tehdään ennen kaikkea häivyttämällä sosioekonomisia eroja; puheessa korostetaan tasa-arvoa ja omaa ylempää asemaa tuodaan alaspäin tavallisuuspuheen kautta. Oma asuinalue nähdään tavallisena sosioekonomisesta eriytymisestä huolimatta. Puheet ja käsitykset tuotetaan kulttuurisen pääoman kautta yhteiskunnallisesti sopiviksi ja hyväksytyiksi. Tällainen puhe on hyvin harkittua, varovaista ja refleksiivistä. Sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja turvallisuuteen perustuva samankaltaisten ihmisten pariin hakeutuminen kuitenkin on olennainen osa pääkaupunkiseudun alueellista eriytymistä

    European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS): protocol for two cohort studies to assess risk factors for tic onset and exacerbation in children and adolescents

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    Genetic predisposition, autoimmunity and environmental factors [e.g. pre- and perinatal difficulties, Group A Streptococcal (GAS) and other infections, stress-inducing events] might interact to create a neurobiological vulnerability to the development of tics and associated behaviours. However, the existing evidence for this relies primarily on small prospective or larger retrospective population-based studies, and is therefore still inconclusive. This article describes the design and methodology of the EMTICS study, a longitudinal observational European multicentre study involving 16 clinical centres, with the following objectives: (1) to investigate the association of environmental factors (GAS exposure and psychosocial stress, primarily) with the onset and course of tics and/or obsessive-compulsive symptoms through the prospective observation of at-risk individuals (ONSET cohort: 260 children aged 3-10 years who are tic-free at study entry and have a first-degree relative with a chronic tic disorder) and affected individuals (COURSE cohort: 715 youth aged 3-16 years with a tic disorder); (2) to characterise the immune response to microbial antigens and the host's immune response regulation in association with onset and exacerbations of tics; (3) to increase knowledge of the human gene pathways influencing the pathogenesis of tic disorders; and (4) to develop prediction models for the risk of onset and exacerbations of tic disorders. The EMTICS study is, to our knowledge, the largest prospective cohort assessment of the contribution of different genetic and environmental factors to the risk of developing tics in putatively predisposed individuals and to the risk of exacerbating tics in young individuals with chronic tic disorders