8 research outputs found

    Mesoscale simulation of clay aggregate formation and mechanical properties

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    This paper proposes a novel methodology for understanding the meso-scale aggregation of clay platelets in water. We use Molecular Dynamics simulations using the CLAYFF force fields to represent the interactions between two layers of Wyoming montmorillonite (Na-smectite) in bulk water. The analyses are used to establish the potential of mean force at different spacings between the layers for edge-to-edge and face-to-face interactions. This is accomplished by finding the change in free energy as a function of the separation distance between the platelets using thermodynamic perturbation theory with a simple overlap sampling method. These nanoscale results are then used to calibrate the Gay–Berne (GB) potential that represents each platelet as a single-site ellipsoidal body. A coarse-graining upscaling approach then uses the GB potentials and molecular dynamics to represent the meso-scale aggregation of clay platelets (at submicron length scale). Results from meso-scale simulations obtain the equilibrium/jamming configurations for mono-disperse clay platelets. The results show aggregation for a range of clay platelets dimensions and pressures with mean stack size ranging from 3 to 8 platelets. The particle assemblies become more ordered and exhibit more pronounced elastic anisotropy at higher confining pressures. The results are in good agreement with previously measured nano-indentation moduli over a wide range of clay packing densities

    Set in stone? A perspective on the concrete sustainability challenge

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    As the most abundant engineered material on Earth, concrete is essential to the physical infrastructure of all modern societies. There are no known materials that can replace concrete in terms of cost and availability. There are, however, environmental concerns, including the significant CO2 emissions associated with cement production, which create new incentives for university–industry collaboration to address concrete sustainability. Herein, we examine one aspect of this challenge—the translation of scientific understanding at the microscale into industrial innovation at the macroscale—by seeking improvements in cement-paste processing, performance, and sustainability through control of the mechanisms that govern microstructure development. Specifically, we consider modeling, simulation, and experimental advances in fracture, dissolution, precipitation, and hydration of cement paste precursors, as well as properties of the hardened cement paste within concrete. The aim of such studies is to optimize the chemical reactivity, mechanical performance, and other physical properties of cement paste to enable more sustainable processing routes for this ubiquitous material.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Concrete Sustainability Hu

    Cement As a Waste Form for Nuclear Fission Products: The Case of âč⁰Sr and Its Daughters

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    One of the main challenges faced by the nuclear industry is the long-term confinement of nuclear waste. Because it is inexpensive and easy to manufacture, cement is the material of choice to store large volumes of radioactive materials, in particular the low-level medium-lived fission products. It is therefore of utmost importance to assess the chemical and structural stability of cement containing radioactive species. Here, we use ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) to study the effects of90Sr insertion and decay in C-S-H (calcium-silicate-hydrate) in order to test the ability of cement to trap and hold this radioactive fission product and to investigate the consequences of its ÎČ-decay on the cement paste structure. We show that âč⁰Sr is stable when it substitutes the CaÂČâș ions in C-S-H, and so is its daughter nucleus âč⁰Y after ÎČ-decay. Interestingly,âč⁰Zr, daughter of âč⁰Y and final product in the decay sequence, is found to be unstable compared to the bulk phase of the element at zero K but stable when compared to the solvated ion in water. Therefore, cement appears as a suitable waste form for âč⁰Sr storage

    Mesoscale texture of cement hydrates

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    Strength and other mechanical properties of cement and concrete rely upon the formation of calcium–silicate–hydrates (C–S–H) during cement hydration. Controlling structure and properties of the C–S–H phase is a challenge, due to the complexity of this hydration product and of the mechanisms that drive its precipitation from the ionic solution upon dissolution of cement grains in water. Departing from traditional models mostly focused on length scales above the micrometer, recent research addressed the molecular structure of C–S–H. However, small-angle neutron scattering, electron-microscopy imaging, and nanoindentation experiments suggest that its mesoscale organization, extending over hundreds of nanometers, may be more important. Here we unveil the C–S–H mesoscale texture, a crucial step to connect the fundamental scales to the macroscale of engineering properties. We use simulations that combine information of the nanoscale building units of C–S–H and their effective interactions, obtained from atomistic simulations and experiments, into a statistical physics framework for aggregating nanoparticles. We compute small-angle scattering intensities, pore size distributions, specific surface area, local densities, indentation modulus, and hardness of the material, providing quantitative understanding of different experimental investigations. Our results provide insight into how the heterogeneities developed during the early stages of hydration persist in the structure of C–S–H and impact the mechanical performance of the hardened cement paste. Unraveling such links in cement hydrates can be groundbreaking and controlling them can be the key to smarter mix designs of cementitious materials.France. Investissements d'avenir (French Research National Agency. ICoME2 Labex Project ANR-11-LABX- 0053 and A*MIDEX Project ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02

    Design of Binary Nb2O5–SiO2 Self-Standing Monoliths Bearing Hierarchical Porosity and Their Efficient Friedel–Crafts Alkylation/Acylation Catalytic Properties

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    Alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons is among the most industrially important reactions, employing acid catalysts such as AlCl3, H2SO4, HF, or H3PO4. However, these catalysts present severe drawbacks, such as low selectivity and high corrosiveness. Taking advantage of the intrinsic high acid strength and Lewis and Brþnsted acidity of niobium oxide, we have designed the first series of Nb2O5–SiO2(HIPE) monolithic catalysts bearing multiscale porosity through the integration of a sol–gel process and the physical chemistry of complex fluids. The MUB-105 series offers efficient solvent-free heterogeneous catalysis toward Friedel–Crafts monoalkylation and -acylation reactions, where 100% conversion has been reached at 140 °C while cycling. Alkylation reactions employing the MUB-105(1) catalyst have a maximum turnover number (TON) of 104 and a turnover frequency (TOF) of 9 h–1, whereas for acylation, MUB-105(1) and MUB-105(2) yield maximum TON and TOF values of 107 and 11 h–1, respectively. Moreover, the catalysts are selective, producing equal amounts of ortho- and para-substituted alkylated products and greater than 90% of the para-substituted acylated product. The highest catalytic efficiencies are obtained for the MUB-105(1) catalyst, bearing the smallest Nb2O5 particle sizes, lowest Nb2O5 content, and the highest amorphous character. The catalysts presented here are in a monolithic self-standing state, offering easy handling, reusability, and separation from the final products

    cemff : A force field database for cementitious materials including validations, applications and opportunities

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    International audienceThis paper reviews atomistic force field parameterizations for molecular simulations of cementitious minerals, such as tricalcium silicate (C3S), portlandite (CH), tobermorites (model C-S-H). Computational techniques applied to these materials include classical molecular simulations, density functional theory and energy minimization. Such simulations hold promise to capture the nanoscale mechanisms operating in cementitious materials and guide in performance optimization. Many force fields have been developed, such as Born–Mayer–Huggins, InterfaceFF (IFF), ClayFF, CSH-FF, CementFF, GULP, ReaxFF, and UFF. The benefits and limitations of these approaches are discussed and a database is introduced, accessible via a web-link (http://cemff.epfl.ch). The database provides information on the different force fields, energy expressions, and model validations using systematic comparisons of computed data with benchmarks from experiment and from ab-initio calculations. The cemff database aims at helping researchers to evaluate and choose suitable potentials for specific systems. New force fields can be added to the database

    : A force field database for cementitious materials including validations, applications and opportunities

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