70 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo de la estrategia de los grupos competitivos: e-clientes vs. clientes off- line

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    El conocimiento de la forma en que el cliente valora las ofertas en competencia permite a la organización desarrollar ventajas competitivas sostenibles.Esta tesisanalizala oferta realizada los grupos competitivos de hoteles a través de factores cognitivos y afectivospercibidos por los clientes, estudiando las interrelaciones entre éstos. Los resultados muestran que la valoración de estos factores entre los clientes de estos grupos competitivos es estadísticamente diferente. Además, los distintos segmentos de clientes, diferenciados por su canal de reserva (e-clientes vs. clientes off-line), perciben con distintos niveles de intensidad los factores y sus interrelaciones. Tras el análisis teóricoformulamos las hipótesis asentadas en paradigmas aceptados por la comunidad científica que hemos contrastado a través del modelo matemático de los logit binomial modificado y ecuaciones estructurales.El resultado del contraste del modelo aporta nuevas recomendaciones para el diseño de la oferta de servicios hoteleros.Having a deep understandingabout how customers evaluate a business product and/or services is a must whenfirms want to improve their competitiveness. This research analyses customers’cognitive and emotional factors and their interrelationship. All these factors and relationships affect the perceived offer amongst competitive groups of hotels. Results show that the valueperceived by each group of clients is statistically significant in bothcognitive and emotional factors. They also show that depending on the booking channelused by customers (on-line and off-line) consumers perceive with differentintensity cognitive and emotional factors and their relationship. Academicrelevant literature has been reviewed to summarize the state of the art and to designresearch hypothesis. To contrast hypothesis a mathematical model (logitbinomial modified and structural equations) has been used. Finally, severalrecommendations to design hotel services offer are included

    Attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccine in Spain: correlational and configurational analyses

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    This study explains attitude towards vaccination against COVID-19. It evaluates four cognitive, affective and normative (CAN) factors: fear of COVID-19 (FCOVID), fear of the vaccine (FVACC), efficacy (EFFICACY), and social influence (SOCINF) and three sociodemographic variables: gender, age, and income level. Ordered logistic regression showed a significant positive influence of FCOVID, EFFICACY and SOCINF and a negative impact of FVACC and income level (INCOME). Configurational analysis allowed observing that all evaluated factors are relevant for explaining the attitude towards vaccination and that the sign of the relationship in configurations between CAN factors and attitude is positive for FCOVID, EFFICACY and SOCINF and negative for FVACC. These variables symmetrically impact on willingness and unwillingness to use the vaccine. INCOME and regarding gender (GENDER) impact asymmetrically to induce acceptance and resistance to vaccination. The results in our paper have clear practical implications. Correlational analysis discovers the average strength of assessed factors on vaccine acceptation and so identifying the most relevant variables. On the other hand, configurational analysis identifies how factors combine to shape profiles of persons with willingness and unwillingness to get vaccinated. These last profiles are of special concern for health policy-makers since their resistance diminishes the effectivity of collective vaccination

    Determinantes de la conducta de compra de servicios hoteleros por los turistas urbanos en La Rioja

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    La conducta de compra de servicios hoteleros está condicionada por varios factores: Expectativas sobre la calidad del servicio a recibir, los beneficios buscados en el viaje y estancia que el cliente realiza, la información sobre el precio a pagar por la pernoctación. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal delimitar la influencia de dichos factores sobre el tipo de hotel elegido en el ámbito del turismo urbano. Un segundo objetivo es detectar las diferencias existentes entre los distintos grupos competitivos que coexisten en el mercado; el análisis ha sido aplicado específicamente a la tipología de hoteles urbanos desarrollada para el ámbito geográfico de La Rioja.Several factors influence the buying behavior process implemented in choosing hotel services: (1) Service quality expectations, (2) available information related to prices, and (3) the utilities that the consumer seek to achieve with his selection. The aim of this paper is twofold: First, the influence that each factor exert on the selection of the type of hotel is analised. Second, to highlight the perceived differences among the several competitive groups that coexist within the market. To that purpose, the hotel’s tipology within the region of La Rioja (Spain) has been analised

    Emociones en la intención de compra del turista: el vino, la visita a la bodega y una noticia

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    El enoturismo ha servido a las bodegas para vender vino y desarrollar sus marcas, pero tienen un desconocimiento acerca del grado en el que las emociones producidas por el propio vino y la visita a la bodega, así como de las noticias sobre el vino influyen en la compra de dicho vino por el turista. Mediante la aplicación de ecuaciones estructurales a una muestra de 600 turistas se compara la capacidad explicativa de las emociones producidas por el vino, la visita a la bodega y una noticia sobre vino en la intención de compra de vino. Los resultados demuestran la mayor importancia de las emociones producidas por el vino, seguida de las producidas por la visita y la noticia genera escasa influencia en la intención de compra. Finalmente, se muestran relevantes implicaciones para la gestión y futuras investigaciones.Wine tourism has served the wineries to sell wine and develop their brands, but they have a lack of knowledge about the degree to which the emotions produced by the wine itself and the visit to the winery, as well as the news about wine influence the purchase of such wine by the tourist. Through the application of structural equations to a sample of 600 tourists is compared the explanatory capacity of the emotions produced by the wine, the visit to the winery and a news about wine in the intention to buy wine. The results show the greater importance of the emotions produced by the wine, followed by those by the visit and the news generates lower influence on the intention to buy. Finally, relevant implications for management and future research are shown

    ¿Quiere ser un cíborg? Efecto moderador de la ética en la aceptación de los implantes neuronales

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    El desarrollo de neuroimplantes para incrementar la memoria de las personas está permitiendo crear cíborgs (híbridos humano-máquina) con capacidades superiores. En este contexto el objetivo de este trabajo es avanzar en los modelos de aceptación de nuevas tecnologías analizando el efecto moderador de la ética sobre un modelo integrador Cognitivo-Afectivo-Normativo (CAN) para comprender la aceptación de los implantes cerebrales para incrementar capacidades. El modelo se contrasta sobre una muestra de 900 individuos segmentados en tres grupos: éticamente a favor, éticamente en contra y éticamente indiferente. Los resultados muestras que la valoración ética de los implantes de memoria diferencia la intención de uso de estos implantes pero no modera la influencia de la Expectativa de rendimiento, Esfuerzo esperado, Emociones positivas, Emociones negativas e Influencia social en la intención de uso de los implantes de memoria. Los resultados tienen implicaciones teóricas sobre los modelos de aceptación de tecnología y abren nuevas líneas de investigación relativas a la futura sociedad cíborg.The development of neuroimplants to increase the memory of the people is allowing to create cyborgs (human-machine hybrids) with superior capacities. In this context, the objective of this paper is to advance the models of acceptance of new technologies by analyzing the moderating effect of ethics on an integrative Cognitive-Affective-Normative (CAN) model to understand the acceptance of brain implants to increase capacities. The model is contrasted on a sample of 900 individuals segmented with respect to the ethical valuation they have of these insideables: Ethically in favor, Ethically against, and Ethically indifferent. The results show that the ethical evaluation towards the memory implants differentiates the intention of use of these implants but does not moderate the influence of the Performance Expectation, Expected Effort, Positive Emotions, Negative Emotions and Social Influence in the intention to use implants by heart. The results have theoretical implications on the models of acceptance of technology and open new lines of research concerning the future cyborg society.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ECO2014-59688-

    Dez tipos de expectativas

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    The concept of expectations has been extensively studied for decades; this has caused a terminological proliferation, alongside semantic confusion. This paper undertakes to provide an integrated framework to facilitate the study of expectations. A number of ways to interpret expectations has been found; the authors conducted content analysis and identified four approaches: i) comparison, ii) ideal amount, iii) levels, and iv) assessment point. In addition, we tried to shed light as to the factors which influence the creation of expectations, how judgments affect the service, and what limits should be considered to define service delivery levels. All these questions seek to determine the presence of expectations throughout the purchase process.Durante décadas el concepto de expectativas ha sido ampliamente estudiado, lo cual ha provocado una proliferación terminológica y, con ella, una confusión semántica. Este artículo tiene por objetivo ofrecer un marco integrador que facilite el estudio de las expectativas. Se han detectado numerosas formas de interpretar las expectativas y, tras el análisis de contenido, los autores han identificado cuatro enfoques: i) comparación, ii) cantidad ideal, iii) niveles, iv) momento de valoración. Además, se intenta dar respuesta a cuáles son los factores que condicionan la creación de las expectativas, cómo afectan los juicios sobre el servicio y qué límites son considerados para definir el nivel de prestación del servicio. Todas estas preguntas tienen como finalidad determinar la presencia de las expectativas a lo largo del proceso de compra.Durante décadas o conceito de expectativas tem sido amplamente estudado, o qual tem provocado a proliferação terminológica e, com ela, uma confusão semântica. Este artigo tem por objetivo oferecer um referencial integrador que facilite o estudo das expectativas. Têm-se identificado numerosas formas de interpretar as expectativas e, após analises de conteúdo, os autores identificaram quatro enfoques: i) comparação, ii) quantidade ideal, iii) níveis, iv) momento da valoração. Além disso, intenta-se dar resposta a quais são os fatores que condicionam a criação das expectativas, como afetam os juízos sobre o serviço e quais limites são considerados para definir o nível de prestação do serviço. Todas essas perguntas têm como finalidade determinar a presença das expectativas ao longo do processo de compra

    La realidad aumentada como llave para abrir la tienda física al "mobile-assisted showroomer": ¿presente o futuro del "retail"?

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    From a technological perspective, the COVID-19 crisis has impacted retail in two ways: (a) it has accelerated the digital transformation of physical retail with the incorporation of interactive technologies such as mobile augmented reality (MAR); and (b) it has transformed the shopping journey for customers, especially mobile-assisted showroomer (MAS) customers. With the aim of jointly examining the technology of the MAS customer (smartphone) and the technology of the store (MAR), a Cognitive-Affective-Normative theoretical model is proposed and contrasted on a sample of 805 MAS to explain their intention to use in-store MAR considering the moderating role of gender. The results show that the «performance expectancy» is revealed as the highest antecedent for both groups, although there is a moderating effect of gender given the greater explanatory and predictive capacity of the MAS men model (R2 = 56.1 %) compared to the model of MAS women (R2 = 51.3 %). Surprisingly, the «effort expectancy» is decisive in the assessment of MAS men, when in the literature it has been related to women. The «social influence» is revealed as the second factor in the antecedents of the female segment. These results have theoretical implications in the field of modeling and practical implications for reactivating the physical retail sector.Este trabajo ha obtenido un accésit del Premio Estudios Financieros 2021 en la modalidad de Marketing y Publicidad. Desde la perspectiva tecnológica, la crisis covid-19 ha supuesto para el retail: (a) la aceleración de la transformación digital del comercio físico con la incorporación de tecnologías interactivas, como la realidad aumentada móvil (RAM), y (b) la transformación del shopping journey de sus clientes, en particular, los mobile-assisted showroomers (MAS). Con el objetivo de examinar de manera conjunta la tecnología del cliente MAS (smartphone) y la tecnología de la tienda (RAM), se propone y contrasta un modelo teórico cognitivo-afectivo-normativo sobre una muestra de 805 consumidores MAS que explique su intención de uso de la RAM in-store, considerando el papel moderador del género. Los resultados muestran que la «expectativa de rendimiento» se revela como el mayor antecedente para ambos grupos, aunque existe un efecto moderador del género, dada la mayor capacidad explicativa y predictiva del modelo de hombres MAS (R2 = 56,1 %) frente al modelo de mujeres MAS (R2 = 51,3 %). Sorprendentemente, el «esfuerzo esperado» es determinante en la valoración de los hombres MAS, cuando en la literatura ha sido relacionado con las mujeres. La «influencia social» se revela como el segundo factor en los antecedentes del segmento femenino. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones teóricas en el ámbito de la modelización e implicaciones prácticas para reactivar el sector del retail físico

    La realidad aumentada como llave para abrir la tienda física al "mobile-assisted showroomer": ¿presente o futuro del "retail"?

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    From a technological perspective, the COVID-19 crisis has impacted retail in two ways: (a) it has accelerated the digital transformation of physical retail with the incorporation of interactive technologies such as mobile augmented reality (MAR); and (b) it has transformed the shopping journey for customers, especially mobile-assisted showroomer (MAS) customers. With the aim of jointly examining the technology of the MAS customer (smartphone) and the technology of the store (MAR), a Cognitive-Affective-Normative theoretical model is proposed and contrasted on a sample of 805 MAS to explain their intention to use in-store MAR considering the moderating role of gender. The results show that the «performance expectancy» is revealed as the highest antecedent for both groups, although there is a moderating effect of gender given the greater explanatory and predictive capacity of the MAS men model (R2 = 56.1 %) compared to the model of MAS women (R2 = 51.3 %). Surprisingly, the «effort expectancy» is decisive in the assessment of MAS men, when in the literature it has been related to women. The «social influence» is revealed as the second factor in the antecedents of the female segment. These results have theoretical implications in the field of modeling and practical implications for reactivating the physical retail sector.Este trabajo ha obtenido un accésit del Premio Estudios Financieros 2021 en la modalidad de Marketing y Publicidad. Desde la perspectiva tecnológica, la crisis covid-19 ha supuesto para el retail: (a) la aceleración de la transformación digital del comercio físico con la incorporación de tecnologías interactivas, como la realidad aumentada móvil (RAM), y (b) la transformación del shopping journey de sus clientes, en particular, los mobile-assisted showroomers (MAS). Con el objetivo de examinar de manera conjunta la tecnología del cliente MAS (smartphone) y la tecnología de la tienda (RAM), se propone y contrasta un modelo teórico cognitivo-afectivo-normativo sobre una muestra de 805 consumidores MAS que explique su intención de uso de la RAM in-store, considerando el papel moderador del género. Los resultados muestran que la «expectativa de rendimiento» se revela como el mayor antecedente para ambos grupos, aunque existe un efecto moderador del género, dada la mayor capacidad explicativa y predictiva del modelo de hombres MAS (R2 = 56,1 %) frente al modelo de mujeres MAS (R2 = 51,3 %). Sorprendentemente, el «esfuerzo esperado» es determinante en la valoración de los hombres MAS, cuando en la literatura ha sido relacionado con las mujeres. La «influencia social» se revela como el segundo factor en los antecedentes del segmento femenino. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones teóricas en el ámbito de la modelización e implicaciones prácticas para reactivar el sector del retail físico

    Consumers´ behaviour in fast-food restaurants: a food value perspective from Spain

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to understand consumers’ behaviour in fast-food restaurants in Spain. To this end, the authors conducted a survey that combined a classification of food values, as proposed in the relevant literature, with a related model that links personal values to behaviour. Design/methodology/approach – A sample of 400 consumers was gathered from two different, leading fast-food chains operating in Spain. With these data, respondents were grouped through hierarchical cluster analysis and K-measures, and in accordance with Lusk and Briggeman’s (2009) food values and the food-related lifestyle model. The authors validated these clusters by means of ANOVA and discriminant analysis, which led to useful observations about inter-group differences in consumers’ habits, as well as their satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Findings – The results indicate that consumers can be clustered into three groups based their food values assessments: the “mainly utilitarian” group, the “mainly hedonic” group and the “ethical values” group. These groups not only demonstrate diverse habits, but also differ on key variables such as satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Practical implications – The authors offer several managerial recommendations for designing and developing segmentation strategies in the fast-food industry. Any such strategies should acknowledge that all consumer groups appear to value restaurants’ efforts to provide them with both hedonic and utilitarian benefits, although the extent varies across groups. Originality/value – Among the relevant literature, this research is the only one that examines the existence of distinct consumer groups based on their food values assessments. In addition, this paper analyses inter-group differences in terms of both diverse consumptions habits ( frequency of visits, expenditure, etc.) and key marketing variables (satisfaction, trust and loyalty)