300 research outputs found

    Öğrencilerin Kimyasal Denge Konusundaki Kavram Yanılgıları

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    Most research shows that students have some misunderstandings and their ideas are difficult to change. We educators should know what children have in their minds in order to find suitable teaching strategies which might be used to help to develop students’ understandings. Understanding their ideas is also necessary for the development and improvement of practice in science education. In this paper, the issue of changing children’s ideas will be discussed briefly; and, then a review of the literature on the misconceptions held by students on the topic of chemical equilibrium, which is one of the most difficult areas for students to understand will be made. The article concludes with some implications.Çoğu araştırma öğrencilerin kavram yanılgılarının olduğunu ve bu yanlış algılamaların değişmesinin zor olduğunu göstermiştir. Biz eğitimciler öğrencilerin anlamalarına yardımcı olacak uygun öğretme stratejilerini saptayabilmek için onların kafalarında neler olduğunu bilmemiz gerekir. Bu fen eğitimi için de gereklidir. Bu makalede, öğrencilerin sahip oldukları fikirlerin değişmesi konusu tartışılacak ve anlaşılması çok zor konulardan biri olan kimyasal denge konusunda öğrencilerin sahip oldukları kavram yanılgıları hakkında bir derleme sunulacaktır. Makale konuya ilişkin, uygulamaya yönelik bazı önerilerde de bulunmuştur


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    The power of advanced analytics is substantial. Massive scales of big, structured and unstructured data relieve unthinkable patterns and help us redefine economic models, solve operational inefficiencies and optimize costs. The water utilities could substantially benefit from the data available from new digital assets and smart technologies. Many are facing damaged and failing infrastructure and lack of financial resources for makeovers. However, Industry 4.0 and Digitalization open new fronts and bring new assets such as real-time monitoring of critical systems via IoT and sensors, advanced metering and predictive analytics to improve customer billing, remote data collection systems at pumping stations and water storage facilities and many more. The power of “digital twin”, as a virtual replica of a physical asset, and ways of enriching the traditional data sources with open source data increase considerably the available intelligence for more sophisticated correlation, linkages and insights. This study reviews the core values of big data, advanced analytics, smart technologies and its application in water resources management and it gives concrete recommendation how to accelerate the adoption of use of Big Data by leveraging on technology and innovation

    Procedural understanding: teachers perceptions of conceptual basis of practical work

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    This is a study, which attempts to identify the ideas of science teachers about procedural understanding on a conceptual basis. The principle means of data collection was interviewing science teachers, in England and in Turkey, about their views of practical work in the dimension of procedural understanding. Some classroom observations involving practical work were also conducted to see teachers' actual practices. With the analysis of all data, it is hoped that findings would be utilised in informing a new science curriculum and a newly-designed teacher education programme in Turkey. The findings from English teachers suggest that their perceptions of procedural ideas are not as adequate as expected by the requirements of the National Curriculum. The results also present general views of Turkish teachers on practical work, which show that they have no knowledge of procedural understanding. Accordingly, the study concludes with some suggestions for more effective teaching

    Dirac Operator with Concentrated Nonlinearity and Bifurcation of Embedded Eigenvalues from the Bulk of the Essential Spectrum

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    We study the nonlinear Dirac equation with Soler-type nonlinearity in one dimension (which is called the Gross-Neveu model), with the nonlinearity localized at one and at two points. We study the spectral stability of the solitary wave solutions in these models. As a consequence, we obtain the result that the eigenvalues of the equation with the Soler-type nonlinearity move along the imaginary axis. We also construct solitary waves under perturbations of the model and look for relations between components of solitary waves in light of the techniques which we use for analyzing the Gross-Neveu model. We apply the same analysis to the Dirac equation with the concentrated nonlinearity of the same type as in the massive Thirring model. We find the same spectrum of linearization at solitary waves as that in the nonlinear Dirac equation with Soler-type nonlinearity

    Properties of Flour used in Flat Bread (Gaziantep pita) Production

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    Gaziantep pita, one of the regional flat breads in Turkey, had the geographical sign registration certificate in 2017. Gaziantep pita quality is directly related to flour properties. In present study, physico-chemical and flourgraph properties of bread flour containing 0.550% and 0.650% ash content (d.b.) were investigated. Results showed that the moisture contents of both samples were not significantly different from each other and were under upper limit of 14.5%. Sedimentation values for 0.550% and 0.650% ash content (db.) of flours were found good, between 25-36 mL. Wet gluten contents of both flours were determined as medium, between 20-27%. The falling number values for the samples were higher than normal values. The extensibility values were in normal values for both flour samples. The resistance to extension values for both samples were low, although these values were significantly different from each other. Energy value of 0.550% ash content (d.b.) of bread flour was in normal value, while energy value of 0.650% ash content (d.b.) of flour was low. Physico-chemical and flourgraph properties of 0.550% and 0.650% ash content (d.b.) of flours could be improved by blending or adding α-amylase

    The electrochemical properties of four dental casting suprastructure alloys coupled with titanium implants

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    OBJECTIVES: As the choice of suprastructure alloy to be combined with titanium for the oral cavity is still a much debated issue, the aim of this study was to investigate the electrochemical interaction of the suprastructure/implant couples under the determined experiment conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The potentiodynamic polarization curves and open-circuit potentials (OCP) of four UCLA type suprastructures coupled with straight Swiss Plus implant fixtures were taken in Afnor type artificial saliva solution at 37°C. The concentration of ions leached into artificial saliva solutions was estimated with ICP-MS. SEM images of the margins of suprastructure/implant couples were obtained before and after the electrochemical tests. RESULTS: The OCP value of titanium became passive at the most negative potential. The lowest difference between the initial and constant OCP value was exhibited by the Au based suprastructure. Suprastructures made greater contributions to the potentiodynamic polarization curves of the implant/suprastructure couples. According to the ICP-MS results, Pd based and Au based couples dissolved less than Co-Ni based and Co-Cr based couples. CONCLUSIONS: Within the conditions this study, it may be concluded that the titanium implant forms a stable passive oxide layer in artificial saliva exposed to open air and does not affect the corrosion properties of the suprastructures. Pd based and Au based couples have been found to be more corrosion-resistant than base alloy couples

    Evaluation of corrosion resistance of Co-Cr alloys fabricated with different metal laser sintering systems

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    PURPOSE. The aim of this study was to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the specimens produced by five different commercial metal laser sintering (MLS) systems with their recommended Co-Cr alloy powders. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The MLS machines and the alloy powders used were, ProX 100-ST2724G (St-Pro), Mysint 100-EOS SP2 (SP2-Mys), EOSINT 270-EOS SP2 (SP2-EOS), SLM 100-Starbond CoS (SB-SLM), and MLab Cusing-Remanium® Star (RS-MLab), respectively. Eight specimens from each group were prepared. Open circuit potential (Eocp) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements of polished surfaces of the specimens were conducted in a three-electrode cell using a potentiostat-galvanostat in Fusayama-Meyer artificial saliva (AS). Specimens from each group were immersed in AS and de-ionized water for seven days. Eocp, charge transfer resistance (Rct) values, and released ions (?g/cm2 x 7d) in different solutions were determined. The specimen surfaces were observed with SEM/EDS. Results were analyzed statistically. RESULTS. Eocp values have shifted to potentials that are more positive over time. Steady-state Eocp values were from high to low as follows, SB-SLM, SP2-Mys, SP2-EOS, RS-MLab, and ST-Pro, respectively. After 60 mins, RS-MLab specimens had the highest Rct value, followed by SP2-Mys, SB-SLM, SP2-EOS, and ST-Pro. In all groups, ion release was higher in AS than that in de-ionized water. CONCLUSION. There were small differences among the corrosion resistances of the Co-Cr alloy specimens produced with MLS systems; meanwhile, the corrosion resistances were quite high for all specimens. © 2020 The Korean Academy of Prosthodontics


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    Fen ve Teknoloji dersi programının işe yararlılığının test edilmesi için farklı öğretim alanlarını ölçmek üzere ölçüm araçlarına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu nedenle alanda şu anda kullanılmakta olan sadece çoktan seçmeli soru maddelerinin olduğu ölçeklere benzer bir ölçek geliştirmek yerine hem eğitimcilere hem de araştırmacılara bu alanda farklı ölçme ve değerlendirme yöntemleri sunmanın gerekli olduğu görülmüştür. Bu amaç kapsamında çalışmada ilköğretim Fen ve Teknoloji dersi öğretim programında yer alan Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri kazanımlarını Fen ve Teknoloji öğretmenlerinin ve alanla ilgili araştırma yapan araştırmacıların farklı ölçme yöntemleri ile ölçebilmesini ve değerlendirebilmesini sağlamak üzere "Fen ve Teknoloji Dersine Yönelik Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri Ölçeği" nin geliştirme, güvenirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması yapılmıştır. Yapılan güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması sonucunda farklı soru tiplerinin yer aldığı iki aşamalı güvenilir ve geçerli bir ölçme aracı elde edilmiştir. It is required to test the serviceability of Science and Technology Course Curriculum. For this reason, measurement tools are required in order to measure different instructional areas. Therefore, it is thought that it is necessary to present different measurement and evaluation methods to both educators and researchers in this area instead of developing an inventory similar to the existing inventories containing only multiple-choice questions which are used now in the area. In this context, developing, reliability and validity studies of "Scientific Process Skills Inventory Towards Science and Technology Course" had been performed in the study in order to provide the Science and Technology teachers and the researchers performing investigations related to this area to measure and evaluate the Scientific Process Skills attainments existing in Science and Technology Course Curriculum by means of different measurement methods. At the end of the reliability and validity studies, a double-stage reliable and valid measurement tool containing different types of questions was obtained

    Ortaca (Muğla) Yöresinde Halk Arasında Kullanılan Bazı Bitkiler

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    Bu çalışma, 2015–2016 yılları arasında, Ortaca (Muğla) ilçesinde halk arasında kullanılan bazı bitkileri tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanından doğal olarak yetişen 28 familyaya ait 38 taksonun halk tarafından kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bunlardan 23’ü tıbbi, 19’u yiyecek, 3’u baharat, 3’ü süs, 2’si yem, 2’si dini, 2’si diğer (kaşık yapımı, tarım ilacı yapımı) amaçlarla kullanılmaktadır. Yöre halkının bu bitkilerden bazen sadece bir amaçla bazen de birkaç değişik amaçla yararlandığı tespit edilmiştir

    Obezite tedavisinde egzersizin önemi

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    Exercise is an important tool for obesity treatment. Exercise decrease the loss of lean body mass which occurs in restricted diets and also increase energy expenditure. This review discusses the effects of exercise on body composition, metabolism and health, as well as the role of exercise inducing and maintaining weight loss. Furthermore this review demonstrate the components of an exercise prescription and examine the benefits of increasing lifestyle activity, combined  with efforts to decrease sedentary behavior