845 research outputs found

    High-protein paternal diet confers an advantage to sons in sperm competition

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    Parental environment can widely influence offspring phenotype, but paternal effects in the absence of parental care remain poorly understood. We asked if protein content in the larval diet of fathers affected paternity success and gene expression in their sons. We found that males reared on high-protein diet had sons that fared better during sperm competition, suggesting that postcopulatory sexual selection is subject to transgenerational paternal effects. Moreover, immune response genes were downregulated in sons of low-protein fathers, while genes involved in metabolic and reproductive processes were upregulated

    Lymphatic vessels in human adipose tissue

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    Despite being considered present in most vascularised tissues, lymphatic vessels have not been properly shown in human adipose tissue (AT). Our goal in this study is to investigate an unanswered question in AT biology, regarding lymphatic network presence in tissue parenchyma. Using human subcutaneous (S-) and visceral (V-) AT samples with whole mount staining for lymphatic specific markers and three-dimensional imaging, we showed lymphatic capillaries and larger lymphatic vessels in the human VAT. Conversely, in the human SAT, microcirculatory lymphatic vascular structures were rarely detected and no initial lymphatics were found

    Large emissions from floodplain trees close the Amazon methane budget

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    Wetlands are the largest global source of atmospheric methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas. However, methane emission inventories from the Amazon floodplain, the largest natural geographic source of CH4 in the tropics, consistently underestimate the atmospheric burden of CH4 determined via remote sensing and inversion modelling, pointing to a major gap in our understanding of the contribution of these ecosystems to CH4 emissions. Here we report CH4 fluxes from the stems of 2,357 individual Amazonian floodplain trees from 13 locations across the central Amazon basin. We find that escape of soil gas through wetland trees is the dominant source of regional CH4 emissions. Methane fluxes from Amazon tree stems were up to 200 times larger than emissions reported for temperate wet forests6 and tropical peat swamp forests, representing the largest non-ebullitive wetland fluxes observed. Emissions from trees had an average stable carbon isotope value (δ13C) of −66.2 ± 6.4 per mil, consistent with a soil biogenic origin. We estimate that floodplain trees emit 15.1 ± 1.8 to 21.2 ± 2.5 teragrams of CH4 a year, in addition to the 20.5 ± 5.3 teragrams a year emitted regionally from other sources. Furthermore, we provide a ‘top-down’ regional estimate of CH4 emissions of 42.7 ± 5.6 teragrams of CH4 a year for the Amazon basin, based on regular vertical lower-troposphere CH4 profiles covering the period 2010–2013. We find close agreement between our ‘top-down’ and combined ‘bottom-up’ estimates, indicating that large CH4 emissions from trees adapted to permanent or seasonal inundation can account for the emission source that is required to close the Amazon CH4 budget. Our findings demonstrate the importance of tree stem surfaces in mediating approximately half of all wetland CH4 emissions in the Amazon floodplain, a region that represents up to one-third of the global wetland CH4 source when trees are combined with other emission sources

    Phase transitions and memory effects in the dynamics of Boolean networks

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    The generating functional method is employed to investigate the synchronous dynamics of Boolean networks, providing an exact result for the system dynamics via a set of macroscopic order parameters. The topology of the networks studied and its constituent Boolean functions represent the system's quenched disorder and are sampled from a given distribution. The framework accommodates a variety of topologies and Boolean function distributions and can be used to study both the noisy and noiseless regimes; it enables one to calculate correlation functions at different times that are inaccessible via commonly used approximations. It is also used to determine conditions for the annealed approximation to be valid, explore phases of the system under different levels of noise and obtain results for models with strong memory effects, where existing approximations break down. Links between BN and general Boolean formulas are identified and common results to both system types are highlighted

    Studies on an alkali-thermostable xylanase from Aspergillus fumigatus MA28

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    An alkalitolerant fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus strain MA28 produced significant amounts of cellulase-free xylanase when grown on a variety of agro-wastes. Wheat bran as the sole carbon source supported higher xylanase production (8,450 U/L) than xylan (7,500 U/L). Soybean meal was observed to be the best nitrogen source for xylanase production (9,000 U/L). Optimum medium pH for xylanase production was 8 (9,800 U/L), though, significant quantities of the enzyme was also produced at pH 7 (8,500 U/L), 9 (8,200 U/L) and 10 (4,600 U/L). The xylanase was purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation and carboxymethyl cellulose chromatography, and was found to have a molecular weight of 14.4 kDa with a Vmax of 980 μmol/min/mg of protein and a Km of approximately 4.9 mg/mL. The optimum temperature and pH for enzyme activity was 50 °C and pH 8, respectively. However, the enzyme also showed substantial residual activity at 60–70 °C (53–75%) and at alkaline pH 8–9 (56–88%)

    Divalent cation chelators citrate and EDTA unmask an intrinsic uncoupling pathway in isolated mitochondria.

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    We demonstrate a suppression of ROS production and uncoupling of mitochondria by exogenous citrate in Mg2+ free medium. Exogenous citrate suppressed H2O2 emission and depolarized mitochondria. The depolarization was paralleled by the stimulation of respiration of mitochondria. The uncoupling action of citrate was independent of the presence of sodium, potassium, or chlorine ions, and it was not mediated by the changes in permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane to solutes. The citrate transporter was not involved in the citrate effect. Inhibitory analysis data indicated that several well described mitochondria carriers and channels (ATPase, IMAC, ADP/ATP translocase, mPTP, mKATP) were not involved in citrate's effect. Exogenous MgCl2 strongly inhibited citrate-induced depolarization. The uncoupling effect of citrate was demonstrated in rat brain, mouse brain, mouse liver, and human melanoma cells mitochondria. We interpreted the data as an evidence to the existence of a hitherto undescribed putative inner mitochondrial membrane channel that is regulated by extramitochondrial Mg2+ or other divalent cations

    Co-production of hydrogen and ethanol from glucose in Escherichia coli by activation of pentose-phosphate pathway through deletion of phosphoglucose isomerase (pgi) and overexpression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (zwf) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (gnd)

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    Background: Biologically, hydrogen (H-2) can be produced through dark fermentation and photofermentation. Dark fermentation is fast in rate and simple in reactor design, but H-2 production yield is unsatisfactorily low as < 4 mol H-2/ mol glucose. To address this challenge, simultaneous production of H-2 and ethanol has been suggested. Co-production of ethanol andH(2) requires enhanced formation of NAD(P) H during catabolism of glucose, which can be accomplished by diversion of glycolytic flux from the Embden-Meyerh-of-Parnas (EMP) pathway to the pentose-phosphate (PP) pathway in Escherichia coli. However, the disruption of pgi (phosphoglucose isomerase) for complete diversion of carbon flux to the PP pathway made E. coli unable to grow on glucose under anaerobic condition. Results: Here, we demonstrate that, when glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Zwf) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gnd), two major enzymes of the PP pathway, are homologously overexpressed, E. coli.pgi can recover its anaerobic growth capability on glucose. Further, with additional deletions of Delta hycA,Delta hyaAB,Delta hybBC,Delta ldhA, and Delta frdAB, the recombinant.pgi mutant could produce 1.69 mol H-2 and 1.50 mol ethanol from 1 mol glucose. However, acetate was produced at 0.18 mol mol(-1) glucose, indicating that some carbon is metabolized through the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway. To further improve the flux via the PP pathway, heterologous zwf and gnd from Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Gluconobacter oxydans, respectively, which are less inhibited by NADPH, were overexpressed. The new recombinant produced more ethanol at 1.62 mol mol(-1) glucose along with 1.74 mol H-2 mol(-1) glucose, which are close to the theoretically maximal yields, 1.67 mol mol(-1) each for ethanol andH(2). However, the attempt to delete the ED pathway in the.pgi mutant to operate the PP pathway as the sole glycolytic route, was unsuccessful. Conclusions: By deletion of pgi and overexpression of heterologous zwf and gnd in E. coli Delta hycA Delta hyaAB Delta hybBC Delta ldhA Delta frdAB, two important biofuels, ethanol andH(2), could be successfully co-produced at high yields close to their theoretical maximums. The strains developed in this study should be applicable for the production of other biofuels and biochemicals, which requires supply of excessive reducing power under anaerobic conditions