290 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic status and biological factors on the nutritional health of an urban community of Cape Verdean children residing in Portugal

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    Background and aims: Southern European countries have been showing high overweight and obesity (OW/OB) rates especially among the younger generations (Cattaneo et al. 2010). Portugal is one of those countries with 37.9% overweight and 15.3% obesity in 6 to 8 year olds (Rito et al. 2012). However little is known about the health of ethnic minorities living in its capital city, Lisbon. The Cape Verdean community in Lisbon, the second largest group in Portugal, would be expected to be more affected by this epidemic due to social inequalities. This community also tend to have low educational levels, material deprivation and struggle with discrimination and racism, factors that would likely be associated with a higher prevalence of OW/OB. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status of Cape Verdean ancestry children aged 6 to 12 years old living in Lisbon according to their socioeconomic status, general living conditions, family composition, diet and physical activity levels. To compare the findings with previous projects conducted in 1993 and 2009 in the same location with Cape Verdean ancestry children and with Portuguese ancestry children (national study conducted in 2009). To determine what early life factors have significant effect on these children's nutritional health. Methods : Physical measures and household information were collected from November 2013 to February 2014 in Cova da Moura Neighbourhood in Lisbon. Physical measures included height, weight, skinfolds, arm and waist circumferences. From these survey data body mass index (BMI) and the prevalence of stunting (chronic malnutrition - low height-for- age) and underweight (low-weight-for-age) were calculated according to reference values proposed by Frisancho (2008). Overweight and obesity values were defined based on the references established by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), CDC, and WHO depending on the specific aim or research question. Results: Results show this is a very deprived community with low educational levels and mostly employed in the service sector. Maternal height and child birth order showed a significant association with child's height. Moreover maternal height and age are associated with child leg length. Living in a single parent family is associated with an increase in child BMI of 1.412 units when accounting for maternal waist circumference. Also significant differences in height for boys and girls were observed between Cape Verdean and Portuguese children. Generally, Cape Verdeans growth falls within the healthy range of International growth references across all of the survey data collected. Cape Verdean rates for combined over nutrition (overweight and obesity) in 2013 (9.8% for boys and 16.7% for girls) are lower than the Portuguese (33% for boys and 31.7% for girls). Logistic regression models showed that Cape Verdean children have a lower risk of being OW/OB compared to Portuguese children when accounting for breastfeeding,birth weight,maternal education and occupation. Conclusions : Despite living in a deprived neighbourhood these Cape Verdean children seem to have grown healthier than Portuguese ancestry children. The challenge for policy makers will be to support improvement of the poverty related living conditions of this community without creating a risky environment for increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity

    Brazilian Botanic Gardens

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    We argue that botanic gardens, as plant conservation focused institutions, have been tested in temperate regions that possess a relatively robust conservation infrastructure and a relatively low number of threatened species. The ability of the Brazilian botanic gardens to support plant conservation is especially challenging, given their small number relative to Brazil’s plant diversity and the increasing rate of habitat loss and plant endangerment. This study, the first for Brazil, assesses the conservation capacity of Brazilian botanic gardens. An assessment is made of the status of conservation facilities in Brazilian botanic gardens and the conservation status of their plant collections.This was based on a survey sent to thirty-six Brazilian botanic gardens in 2011– 2013 using information from the 2008 Brazilian Red List, and seven state conservation lists. The results identified a small percentage of threatened species (n =102/21 per cent) in ex situ collections of 22 botanic gardens and less than 10 per cent representation for each state red list. An assessment based on the updated Brazilian Red List (2014) showed that 425 threatened species were maintained in living collections of 18 botanic gardens. Despite the extensive size of some collections, the proportion of threatened species in the collections was found to be very low. Improvement in infrastructure, technical capacity, including horticultural skills, and development of policies and protocols will benecessary to increase the effectiveness of the collections for conservation aims

    Nos conceitos de educação: repensando a formação dos profissionais do SUS

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    O artigo reflete sobre as práticas educativas desenvolvidas no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino na Saúde (PPGENSAU), em especial na linha de pesquisa – processos de ensino na saúde; tem a ver com a formação de professores que, ao fim e ao cabo, é a razão de ser de uma proposta de capacitação profissional. 

    Trabalho humanizado x desrespeito, crueldade e negligência: um caso em hospital psiquiátrico de Porto Alegre

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    Anúncios trazem inquietudes e abrem portas para conhecimentos subjacentes ao SUS e à humanização proposta como política pública no caso particular da saúde mental (2001) e do trabalho humanizado (2008), particularmente no município de Porto Alegre. Pela metodologia dialógica mediante o registro sistemático de memórias de integrantes do PPGEnSau, compartilhadas em sala de aula, visando dar visibilidade e dizibilidade, e promover: - a apreensão dos processos de trabalho e de formação para o ensino na saúde; - a reflexão acerca dos entendimentos, impasses, queixas, mudanças, possibilidades e impossibilidades, do atendimento no trabalho em saúde mental; e, - o acompanhamento, análise e discussão de narrativa de familiares de um trabalhador da saúde. Problematizando os caminhos propostos, os ajustes necessários e os estranhamentos emergentes frente aos documentos e sites oficiais disponíveis na rede informatizada, emerge a condição de trabalhadores e trabalhadoras a quem cabe ampliar possibilidades, lidar com as diversidades, produzir autonomia, valorizar os sujeitos, enfim, entender o processo de criação, experienciação na condição de racionalização, precarização e terceirização do trabalho. Antonio Gramsci sustenta as reflexões sobre as condições materiais para a consecução e a compreensão dos processos de trabalho humanizado com vistas à produção de novas ferramentas. Tornar as falas/discursos e o texto legal num “quefazer” e em práticas capazes de atender/efetivar ao preconizado, no contexto econômico social e político brasileiro, é o desafio. O atendimento que culpabiliza evidencia desrespeito, crueldade e negligência para com o corpo e a mente de trabalhadores da área da saúde, da saúde mental, pacientes e cidadãos envolvidos. Encerrando o texto e permanecendo em diálogo entre a necessidade e o produtivismo, entre corpo e mente, o individual e o coletivo, o profissional e o trabalho coletivizado, o privado e o público, emergem saberes que compõe a formação do Ensino na Saúde. Recria-se o humano


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    Este trabalho, cuja metodologia é a revisão bibliográfica, busca apresentar a importância dos estudos sobre liderança para o Judiciário brasileiro contemporâneo. Como ponto de partida, apresenta-se uma contextualização teórica de alguns significativos autores da temática “liderança” a partir do arcabouço das produções em Estudos Organizacionais; em seguida, o tema “liderança” é analisado na perspectiva de gestão da atividade-meio no Judiciário; finalmente, são tecidas algumas considerações finais, em que se reforça a pertinente contribuição dos Estudos Organizacionais para a reforma administrativa do Judiciário, sobretudo com a temática “liderança”

    Análisis de los comportamientos parentales en relación a la estimulación motriz y el juego en niños de 1 a 4 años. Un estudio exploratorio

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    Parental behaviors play a key role in the acquisition of habits and customs by their 1 to 4 years old children. This paper aims to explore children’s habits towards play and movement. To do so, we’ve used the Comprehensive Early Childhood Parenting Questionnaire (CECPAQ), specifically the items related to the domain of stimulation. Data suggest that particular parental behaviors tend to stimulate and favor children's play during those early ages; however, some differences have been found in relation to gender (favorable to children) and to the (higher) level of urbanization.Los comportamientos parentales juegan un importante papel en la adquisición de hábitos y costumbres en las primeras edades de los niños. En este trabajo hemos utilizado el Comprehensive Early Childhood Parenting Questionnaire (CECPAQ) –en concreto, los ítems del dominio de la estimulación– para explorar la influencia de los padres en la predisposición y costumbres hacia el juego y el movimiento por parte de sus hijos. Los resultados indican que, para la franja de 1 a 4 años, determinados comportamientos parentales tienden a estimular y favorecer el juego de los niños; que existen diferencias en relación al género (favorable a los niños) y en función del grado de urbanización

    Evaluation of physicochemical and microbiological stability of liquid preparation from tizanidine hydrochloride tablets - a Hospital concern

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    Tizanidine hydrochloride is a centrally acting skeletal muscle relaxant, used in the management of spasticity. This drug is commercially available only as tablets, which highlights the need to develop oral liquid formulations. In the hospital environment, this aspect is circumvented by the preparation of suspensions, to allow administration to children and adults with impaired swallowing, but there are no data regarding their stability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical andmicrobiological stability of liquid dosage forms prepared in the hospital environment from tizanidine hydrochloride tablets, applying high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and microbiological analysis. A simple and stability-indicating HPLC method was developed and validated for specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness. The liquid formulations were placed in amber PET and glass bottles, which were stored under three different conditions: at room temperature, under refrigeration and at 40 ºC. The liquid formulations were analyzed and demonstrated chemical stability for 56 days, allowing their use for long periods. However, the determination of microbiological stability showed that these formulations are prone to microbial contamination, which has dramatically reduced its stability to 7 days, in both bottles and at all evaluated temperatures