294 research outputs found

    Laser-Driven Rayleigh-Taylor Instability: Plasmonics Effects and Three-Dimensional Structures

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    The acceleration of dense targets driven by the radiation pressure of high-intensity lasers leads to a Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) with rippling of the interaction surface. Using a simple model it is shown that the self-consistent modulation of the radiation pressure caused by a sinusoidal rippling affects substantially the wavevector spectrum of the RTI depending on the laser polarization. The plasmonic enhancement of the local field when the rippling period is close to a laser wavelength sets the dominant RTI scale. The nonlinear evolution is investigated by three dimensional simulations, which show the formation of stable structures with "wallpaper" symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. New version includes 2D and 3D simulations. More details in the analytical calculation are given in the previous versio

    Essays on Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk

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    This dissertation contains two papers about systemic risk and interconnectedness. In Part I we present a simulation model of contagion in interbank networks. We find that the frequency of contagion is non-monotonic in connectivity. We also explore the role of heterogeneity, finding how it interacts with connectivity in affecting contagion risk. In general, high levels of heterogeneity seem to widen the interval of connectivity levels in which contagion is possible. Heterogeneity has, in general, stabilizing effects under the hypothesis of random shocks, while it is detrimental when shocks are targeted to the most relevant institutions. We also find that too-connected-to-fail banks pose higher contagion risk than too-big-to-fail banks. We then put forward a complete interbank model which includes a short-term and a long-term market. Banks also engage in asset-liability management to satisfy capital requirements. We find that the objectives of a micro-prudential and a macro-prudential regulation may be misaligned when banks interact in a complex system. Balance sheet composition, fire-sale losses and capital requirements interact in complex ways in determining the probability of contagion. In Part II we develop a theoretical model of systemic risk defining it as the risk generated by and within the financial system. The model highlights how systemic risk is a network externality stemming from the dependence structure chosen by institutions in a decentralized equilibrium. Systemic risk can be offset by a stabilization policy which can be optimally funded by a tax based on institutions' centrality. We find that the intensity of the stabilization policy is linked to the leading eigenvalue of the financial network, which then becomes a measure of systemic risk. A t-copula model is then used to estimate the tail dependence (TailDep) network through which we are able to track the evolution of systemic risk and to quantify the systemic importance of financial institutions in the recent years

    Using Analog Scrambling Circuits for Automotive Sensor Integrity and Authenticity

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    The automotive domain rapidly increases the embedded amount of complex and interconnected electronics systems. A considerable proportion of them are real-time safety-critical devices and must be protected against cybersecurity attacks. Recent regulations impose carmakers to safeguard vehicles from replacing trusted electronic hardware and manipulating the information collected by sensors. Analog sensors are critical elements whose security is now strictly regulated by the new UN R155 recommendation, but it lacks well-developed and established solutions. This work adds integrity and authentication to automotive analog sensors by proposing a schema to create analog signatures based on a scrambling mechanism implemented with commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) operational amplifiers. The proposed architecture implements a hardware secret key and a hard-to-invert exponential function to generate a signal’s signature. A prototype of the circuit was implemented and simulated on LTspice. Preliminary results show the feasibility of the proposed schema and provide interesting hints for further developments to increase the robustness of the approach

    Health Surveillance and Response to SARS-CoV-2 Mass Testing in Health Workers of a Large Italian Hospital in Verona, Veneto

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    Italy presented the first largest COVID-19 outbreak outside of China. Veneto currently ranks fourth among the Italian regions for COVID-19 confirmed cases (~19,000). This study presents health surveillance data for SARS-CoV-2 in 6100 health workers (HW) employed in a large public hospital. Workers underwent oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal swabs, with a total of 5942 participants (97.5% of the population). A total of 11,890 specimens were tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection using PCR, identifying the viral genes E, RdRP, and N. Positive tests were returned for 238 workers (cumulative incidence of 4.0%, similar in both COVID and nonCOVID units). SARS-CoV-2 risk was not affected by gender, age, or job type, whereas work setting and occupation were both predictors of infection. The risk was higher in medical wards (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.9\u20133.9) and health services (OR 4.3, 95% CI 2.4\u20137.6), and lower in surgical wards and administration areas. To our knowledge, this study represents the largest available HW case list swab-tested for SARS-CoV-2, covering almost the total workforce. Mass screening enabled the isolation of HW, improved risk assessment, allowed for close contacts of and infected HW to return to work, provided evidence of SARS-CoV-2 diffusion, and presented solid ground to prevent nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infections. The ongoing concurrent sero-epidemiological study aims to enable the improvement of health surveillance to maintain the safety of HWs and the communities they serve

    SC83288 is a clinical development candidate for the treatment of severe malaria

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    Severe malaria is a life-threatening complication of an infection with the protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which requires immediate treatment. Safety and efficacy concerns with currently used drugs accentuate the need for new chemotherapeutic options against severe malaria. Here we describe a medicinal chemistry program starting from amicarbalide that led to two compounds with optimized pharmacological and antiparasitic properties. SC81458 and the clinical development candidate, SC83288, are fast-acting compounds that can cure a P. falciparum infection in a humanized NOD/SCID mouse model system. Detailed preclinical pharmacokinetic and toxicological studies reveal no observable drawbacks. Ultra-deep sequencing of resistant parasites identifies the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) transporting PfATP6 as a putative determinant of resistance to SC81458 and SC83288. Features, such as fast parasite killing, good safety margin, a potentially novel mode of action and a distinct chemotype support the clinical development of SC83288, as an intravenous application for the treatment of severe malaria

    Applicazione delle nuove linee guida AARC per l'aspirazione endotracheale : impatto sui parametri vitali in pazienti sottoposti a rivascolarizzazione miocardica (BPAC)

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    RIASSUNTOIntroduzione : La manovra di bronco aspirazione è una procedura che espone il paziente critico a modificazioni dei parametri vitali. Le nuove linee guida AARC hanno enfatizzato sia l'importanza dell'identificazione corretta del momento in cui eseguire la procedura, sia l'utilizzo routinario del sistema chiuso. Obiettivo : Applicare le nuove linee guida AARC utilizzando un rilevatore sonoro per l'identificazione della presenza di secrezioni (TBA care©) e l'aspirazione a circuito chiuso ed analizzare l'andamento dei parametri vitali in una popolazione di pazienti cardiochirurgici. Materiali e metrodi: Lo studio è di tipo osservazionale. Sono stati investigati 15 pazienti sottoposti a BPAC, ricoverati in terapia intensiva cardiochirurgia. Sono stati registrati in continuo i seguenti parametri vitali HR, PAS, PAS*HR, ST varie derivazioni, SpO2, PEEP, RRv, TVc in quattro finestre temporali, 5 minuti prima della manovra di Broncoaspirazione, al momento della manovra (momento 0), a 5 minuti dalla stessa e 10 minuti dopo. Risultati : I parametri vitali rimangono sostanzialmente stabili nei quattro step investigati, con minime variazioni (Variazione percentuale durante la manovra rispetto al basale : HR +2,93%, PAS + 5,66%, SpO2 – 0,13%) . Non si sono registrate modificazioni del tratto ST. Si registra un aumento dell'indice di lavoro cardiaco, che però rientra a 5 minuti dall'esecuzione della manovra. Non si sono verificate desaturazioni arteriose. Conclusioni : Le alterazioni dei parametri vitali osservate, seppur minime, suggeriscono di mantenere il massimo monitoraggio emodinamico e respiratorio. Nella popolazione osservata, l'utilizzo di tecnologie per la diagnosi associate al sistema chiuso di broncoaspirazione ha evitato l'insorgenza di complicanze legate alla manovra.Parole chiave: aspirazione endotracheale, identificazione delle secrezioni, sistema chiuso, ventilazione meccanica, gestione delle secrezioniABSTRACT Introduction: Endotracheal suctioning is a procedure that exposes the patient to critical changes in vital signs. New AARC guidelines have emphasized both the importance of correct identification when to perform the procedure, and the routine use of closed system. Objective: To implement the new guidelines AARC using a sound detector for identifying the presence of secretions (TBA care ©) , closed suctioning circuit and analyze the performance of vital signs in a population of cardiac patients. Methods : The study is observational. Were investigated 15 patients undergoing CABG, cardiac surgery ICU. Were continuously recorded the following vital signs HR, SBP, SBP * HR, ST various leads, SpO2, PEEP, RRV, TVC in four time windows, 5 minutes before the suctioning maneuver at the time of operation (time 0), 5 minutes from the same and 10 minutes later. Results: Vital signs remain stable in the four steps investigated, with minor variations (percent change from baseline during the maneuver: HR +2.93% 5.66% PAS +, SpO2 - 0.13%). There were no ST segment changes. There is an increase in the cardiac work, but within 5 minutes from the execution of the maneuver. There were no arterial desaturation. Conclusions: The observed changes in vital signs, albeit small, suggest to keep the maximum hemodynamic and respiratory monitoring. The use of technologies for the diagnosis associated with the closed system of broncoaspiration has prevented the onset of complications related to the maneuver.Keywords: endotracheal suctioning, secretion detector, closed system, mechanical ventilation, secretion managemen

    Cardiology in a Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for e-Health: A Literature Review

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    To date, mortality rates associated with heart diseases are dangerously increasing, making them the leading cause of death globally. From this point of view, digital technologies can provide health systems with the necessary support to increase prevention and monitoring, and improve care delivery. The present study proposes a review of the literature to understand the state of the art and the outcomes of international experiences. A reference framework is defined to develop reflections to optimize the use of resources and technologies, favoring the development of new organizational models and intervention strategies. Findings highlight the potential significance of e-health and telemedicine in supporting novel solutions and organizational models for cardiac illnesses as a response to the requirements and restrictions of patients and health systems. While privacy concerns and technology-acceptance-related issues arise, new avenues for research and clinical practice emerge, with the need to study ad hoc managerial models according to the type of patient and disease

    Timed rise from floor as a predictor of disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: An observational study

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    The role of timed items, and more specifically, of the time to rise from the floor, has been reported as an early prognostic factor for disease progression and loss of ambulation. The aim of our study was to investigate the possible effect of the time to rise from the floor test on the changes observed on the 6MWT over 12 months in a cohort of ambulant Duchenne boys.A total of 487 12-month data points were collected from 215 ambulant Duchenne boys. The age ranged between 5.0 and 20.0 years (mean 8.48 ±2.48 DS).The results of the time to rise from the floor at baseline ranged from 1.2 to 29.4 seconds in the boys who could perform the test. 49 patients were unable to perform the test at baseline and 87 at 12 month The 6MWT values ranged from 82 to 567 meters at baseline. 3 patients lost the ability to perform the 6mwt at 12 months. The correlation between time to rise from the floor and 6MWT at baseline was high (r = 0.6, p<0.01).Both time to rise from the floor and baseline 6MWT were relevant for predicting 6MWT changes in the group above the age of 7 years, with no interaction between the two measures, as the impact of time to rise from the floor on 6MWT change was similar in the patients below and above 350 m. Our results suggest that, time to rise from the floor can be considered an additional important prognostic factor of 12 month changes on the 6MWT and, more generally, of disease progression

    The alliance between genetic biobanks and patient organisations: the experience of the telethon network of genetic biobanks

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    Background: Rare diseases (RDs) are often neglected because they affect a small percentage of the population (6-8 %), which makes research and development of new therapies challenging processes. Easy access to high-quality samples and associated clinical data is therefore a key prerequisite for biomedical research. In this context, Genetic Biobanks are critical to developing basic, translational and clinical research on RDs. The Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (TNGB) is aware of the importance of biobanking as a service for patients and has started a dialogue with RD-Patient Organisations via promotion of dedicated meetings and round-tables, as well as by including their representatives on the TNGB Advisory Board. This has enabled the active involvement of POs in drafting biobank policies and procedures, including those concerning ethical issues. Here, we report on our experience with RD-Patient Organisations who have requested the services of existing biobanks belonging to TNGB and describe how these relationships were established, formalised and maintained. Results: The process of patient engagement has proven to be successful both for lay members, who increased their understanding of the complex processes of biobanking, and for professionals, who gained awareness of the needs and expectations of the people involved. This collaboration has resulted in a real interest on the part of Patient Organisations in the biobanking service, which has led to 13 written agreements designed to formalise this process. These agreements enabled the centralisation of rare genetic disease biospecimens and their related data, thus making them available to the scientific community. Conclusions: The TNGB experience has proven to be an example of good practice with regard to patient engagement in biobanking and may serve as a model of collaboration between disease-oriented Biobanks and Patient Organisations. Such collaboration serves to enhance awareness and trust and to encourage the scientific community to address research on RDs
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