145 research outputs found

    Relatório de atividade clínica

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    Este Relatório de Atividade Clínica fará uma abordagem epidemiológica dos atos clínicos dos grupos nos quais estive incluído (n.º 69 e n.º 63) realizados no 5º ano do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária, na Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Em cada disciplina será apresentado um enquadramento teórico e respetivos atos realizados como operador. Por fim, serão apresentados três casos clínicos diferenciados realizados nas áreas disciplinares de Endodontia/Dentisteria e Medicina Oral, sob a forma de artigo tipo caso clínico. O primeiro caso clínico aborda o tratamento duma lesão cariosa profunda com recurso a uma proteção pulpar direta com Biodentine®. O segundo caso clínico aborda uma osteonecrose dos maxilares relacionada com medicação e, por fim, o terceiro caso clínico descreve o tratamento de lesões intraorais do tipo “venous-lake”.This clinical report will make an epidemiologic and statistical approach of all the clinical acts performed by my groups (nº69 and nº63) during the 5th year of the Masters in Dentistry, in the Faculdade de Medicina Dentária of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Furthermore, it will be presented theorical frameworks per disciplinary area and the respective performed acts as an operator. Lastly, three differentiated clinical cases will be presented, the first combining Endodontics/Operative Dentistry and the last two regarding Oral Medicine. The first clinical case addresses the treatment of a deep caries lesion with a direct pulp cap with Biodentine®. The second clinical case gives a treatment approach to a medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw and, lastly, the third clinical case describes the treatment of venous-lake intraoral lesions

    Chapter Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zinc Tin Oxide Nanostructures for Photocatalysis, Energy Harvesting and Electronics

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    The massification of Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Surfaces has increased the demand for nanomaterials excelling at specific properties required for their target application, but also offering multifunctionality, conformal integration in multiple surfaces and sustainability, in line with the European Green Deal goals. Metal oxides have been key materials for this end, finding applications from flexible electronics to photocatalysis and energy harvesting, with multicomponent materials as zinc tin oxide (ZTO) emerging as some of the most promising possibilities. This chapter is dedicated to the hydrothermal synthesis of ZTO nanostructures, expanding the already wide potential of ZnO. A literature review on the latest progress on the synthesis of a multitude of ZTO nanostructures is provided (e.g., nanowires, nanoparticles, nanosheets), emphasizing the relevance of advanced nanoscale techniques for proper characterization of such materials. The multifunctionality of ZTO will also be covered, with special attention being given to their potential for photocatalysis, electronic devices and energy harvesters

    Teste ELISA para diagnóstico da cisticercose suína usando antígenos de larvas de Taenia solium e Taenia crassiceps

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    Foi padronizado o teste ELISA para o diagnóstico da cisticercose suína. Após confirmação por exame post-mortem, os soros dos respectivos animais foram empregados como controles positivos e negativos. Soros de suínos portadores de infecções heterólogas foram ensaiados para determinação de reações cruzadas. Os quatro antígenos testados na fase de padronização foram líquido vesicular (VF) e extrato total (T) de larvas de Taenia crassiceps (Tcra) e de extrato de escólex (S) e de cisticercos (T) de Taenia solium (Tso). A titulação em bloco das ótimas concentrações de antígenos e diluições de soros e de conjugado, bem como o emprego de Tween-20 e de leite desnatado nas soluções bloqueadora e de lavagem exerceram nítida influência no desempenho do teste ELISA. Todos os antígenos revelaram bom desempenho na diferenciação entre soros positivos e negativos para cisticercose. O antígeno VF-Tcra apresentou as mais altas taxas de desempenho, seguido do T-Tcra. As taxas de desempenho para o antígeno VF-Tcra foram, respectivamente, para pontos de corte com 2sd e 3sd, de 96,0% e 80,0% para sensibilidade e de 97,5% e 100,0% para especificidade. Foi detectada reação cruzada com soros de hidatidose e de ascaridiose. Considerando o bom desempenho observado, o teste padronizado pode ser recomendado em matadouros no diagnóstico de animais suspeitos e no levantamento da ocorrência da doença nos segmentos de criação, sobretudo nos clandestinos, dando suporte às medidas de controle da cisticercose, integradas em toda a cadeia de produção da carne suína, exercendo efetiva contribuição à Saúde Pública.In the present study ELISA was standardized for the diagnosis of swine cysticercosis based on necropsy parameters and confirmed positive and negative control sera. Serum samples from pigs with other infections were also assayed to determine possible cross-reactions. Four antigens were assayed: from Taenia crassiceps vesicular fluid (VF-Tcra) and crude larvae extract (T-Tcra), and from Taenia solium extracts of scolex (S-Ts) and of larvae (T-Ts). A checkerboard evaluation of antigen, serum and conjugate dilutions, as well as the use of Tween-20 and skim cow milk in wash and blocking solution had a marked effect on improving ELISA performance. All the antigens showed a good performance, but VF-Tcra was the best, with 96.0% and 80.0% sensitivities for cut-offs respectively at 2sd and 3sd, and corresponding specificities of 97.5% and 100.0%. Cross-reactivity was observed only with hydatidosis and ascaridiosis. In view of the high performance observed, the ELISA test should be recommended for the diagnosis of cysticercosis in suspected swine in slaughterhouses and for the screening of cysticercosis in swine production. These results will support integrated measures of cysticercosis control throughout the chain of swine production, effectively contributing to public health

    Habitat correlates of red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) breeding density on mediterranean farmland

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    La Perdrix rouge (Alectoris rufa), l'un des oiseaux-gibier du Paléarctique occidental les plus prisés, est en régression. On manque d'informations sur son utilisation de l'habitat dans les agrosystèmes de la région mediterranéenne. Des corrélations entre variables de l'habitat et densité de couples reproducteurs ont été établies dans une région d'agriculture mixte du sud du Portugal. Les couples de perdrix ont été dénombrés de 1992 à 1994 par la méthode des plans quadrillés. La localisation des territoires, le couvert végétal, les chemins de terre et les réseaux hydrographiques ont été cartographiés et incorporés dans un Système d'Information Géographique vectoriel. Des contours de densité des couples de perdrix ont été établis pour chaque printemps en utilisant le « kernel smoothing » et ont été confrontés à d'autres informations pour obtenir dans chaque contour de densité les proportions de type de couvert végétal, de densité de chemins, de densité de réseaux hydrographiques, de densité de bordures de champs, de diversité du paysage et de densité de couples. Des régressions linéaires simples et multivariées ont été employées pour mettre en rapport la densité des couples avec les variables indépendantes. La densité des chemins, la proportion de rizières et d'oliveraies abandonnées montrent une corrélation positive avec la densité des perdrix, résultat qui est en accord avec la tendance des perdrix à sélectionner des éléments déterminés du paysage avec des parties non cultivées. Contrairement aux plus anciennes, les jachères récentes sont positivement associées à des densités élevées de perdrix. Les pâturages sont négativement associés aux densités de perdrix, probablement à cause de leur végétation basse et des perturbations par le bétail, Des pratiques d'aménagement susceptibles de favoriser de plus hautes densités dans les habitats moins utilisés sont suggérées

    Tree type and forest management effects on the structure of strem wood following wilfires

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    Wildfires are an increasingly common disturbance influencing wood recruitment to streams, and thereby affecting their physical and biological condition. Mediterranean countries such as Portugal, where more than 25% of the land area has burned since 1990, are ideal areas to study impacts of wildfire effects on streams. We evaluated the physical structure of 2206 downed wood pieces (DWP) across 27 first- to third-order streams in central Portugal, all of which had experienced recent wildfires. The streams flowed through monospecific upland forests of Eucalyptus, Maritime pines, or Cork oaks and were fringed by a mixture of riparian tree species. DWP structure differed between tree types and between burned and unburned pieces. Post-fire timber-production forests (Maritime pines and Eucalyptus) contributed a higher quantity of thinner, longer and straighter DWP to streams than Cork oak stands. Pieces from Maritime pines had more rootwads and branches than DWP from the other tree types. Pieces from Cork oak and riparian species generally had a bent form, were shorter and had no rootwads. Burned DWP in streams were often from riparian trees. Relative to unburned DWP, the burned DWP occurred more frequently, were larger and straighter, had branches less often, and were more decayed. With more complex branches, rootwads, and a larger diameter, inputs from burned Maritime pine forests are more likely to change stream hydraulics and habitat complexity, relative to inputs from Eucalyptus forests with their simpler structure. This study shows that, less than a decade after wildfires, structure of downed wood in and near streams is strongly influenced by wildfire, but also still reflects intrinsic species characteristics and respective silviculture practices, even after the effects of fire have been accounted for. Under an anticipated shift in landscape cover with higher shrubland proportions and more mixing of Maritime pine and Eucalyptus forests, our results suggest that instream large wood will become scarcer and more structurally homogeneous

    Solution Combustion Synthesis of Hafnium-Doped Indium Oxide Thin Films for Transparent Conductors

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    2021.03825.CEECIND 951774 (FOXES, H2020-EIC-FETPROACT-2019)Indium oxide (In2O3)-based transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) have been widely used and studied for a variety of applications, such as optoelectronic devices. However, some of the more promising dopants (zirconium, hafnium, and tantalum) for this oxide have not received much attention, as studies have mainly focused on tin and zinc, and even fewer have been explored by solution processes. This work focuses on developing solution-combustion-processed hafnium (Hf)-doped In2O3 thin films and evaluating different annealing parameters on TCO’s properties using a low environmental impact solvent. Optimized TCOs were achieved for 0.5 M% Hf-doped In2O3 when produced at 400 °C, showing high transparency in the visible range of the spectrum, a bulk resistivity of 5.73 × 10−2 Ω.cm, a mobility of 6.65 cm2/V.s, and a carrier concentration of 1.72 × 1019 cm−3. Then, these results were improved by using rapid thermal annealing (RTA) for 10 min at 600 °C, reaching a bulk resistivity of 3.95 × 10−3 Ω.cm, a mobility of 21 cm2/V.s, and a carrier concentration of 7.98 × 1019 cm−3, in air. The present work brings solution-based TCOs a step closer to low-cost optoelectronic applications.publishersversionpublishe

    Salivary cortisol and eye temperature changes during endurance competitions

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    Background The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of salivary cortisol (SC) and eye temperature measured by infrared thermography (IRTET) as biomarkers to manage competitions more effectively and monitor horse welfare in endurance competitions. Based on previous studies, it was hypothesised that pre-exercise baseline SC and IRTET would be higher in younger or less experienced horses, and that post-exercise variation from baseline would be higher in the top finishers. Results Salivary cortisol measured in 61 competing at qualifier 40 km and 80 km rides showed an abrupt variation (93–256% rise) of the baseline SC levels [median ± interquartile range (IQR) = 0.27 ng/dl ± 0.36] obtained at the Pre-Inspection (PI) into Vet Gate (VG)1 independently of the covered distance, but modest or even lower in the subsequent Vet Gates, e.g. VG2 or VG3. The IRTET measured concomitantly in 16 horses showed significant (p < 0.05) higher levels at the PI in less experienced horses participating in the 40 km ride (median ± IQR = 35.7 °C ± 1.4) than their counterparts in the 80 km ride (median ± IQR = 35.0 °C ± 1.5), but not SC. Baseline SC levels at the PI of horses classifying in the Top5 in the 40 km ride category were significantly (p < 0.05) higher median ± IQR = 0.90 ng/ml ±0.61) when compared to horses positioned from 10th position on (median ± IQR = 0.16 ng/ml ±0.40). A lower IRTET in the PI was correlated with better placement (p < 0.05) and those in the Top5 (median ± IQR = 33.9 °C ± 0.0) had a significantly (p < 0.5) higher variation (+ 10.65%) into the last VG. Conclusion Pre-exercise baseline IRTET levels, but not SC, were higher in less experienced horses in the 40 compared to their counterparts in the 80 km ride competitions. SC and IRTET showed different indications according to the competition. In the40 km ride competition, higher baseline pre-exercise SC levels seemed to be linked to a better classification outcome. In contrast, in the 80 km ride horses, the higher IRTET variation from pre-exercise into final Vet Gate was the parameter associated with a better performance. A more controlled environment and a larger sample are needed to confirm these results and monitor horse welfare in competitions

    Does patient-specific instrumentation in primary total knee arthroplasty improve long-term satisfaction or function? A randomized trial with a 9-year follow-up

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    Background: Patient-specific instrumentation (PSI) aims to increase the accuracy of total knee arthroplasty (TKA). However, the long-term benefit compared to conventional instrumentation (CI), is still controversial. This randomized controlled trial compares the long-term outcomes between PSI and CI in TKA. Methods: Patients submitted to PSI or CI TKA with a minimum follow-up of 8 years were evaluated. Satisfaction levels, forgotten joint score (FJS) and Western Ontario and McMaster university osteoarthritis index (WOMAC) scores were compared. Regarding descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation and frequencies were obtained. For inferential statistics we used the t test for independent samples the Mann-Whitney test and the Wilcoxon Test. Results: A total of 50 TKA were included (48% CI; 52% PSI) with an average follow-up time of 9.3 years. At the final follow-up the WOMAC score was similar between groups (p=0.846; CI:26.8±22.5; PSI:26.8±25.3). Similarly, no differences were seen for the FJS (p=0.785; CI:59.6±35.1; PSI:57.1±36.2) or satisfaction (p=0.486; CI:8.1±2.8; PSI:9.1±1.4). However, at the final follow-up, the total WOMAC score had worse results when compared to the previous evaluations (p=0.013 for CI group; p=0.009 for PSI group). No significant differences in the satisfaction levels were detected regarding the initial and final evaluations (p=0.581 for CI group; p=0.936 for PSI group). Conclusions: Nine years after TKA, PSI and CI patients reported similar levels of satisfaction and functioning. Both groups achieved similar results concerning the WOMAC, FJS scores and satisfaction levels. This study suggests that long-term satisfaction and functioning levels are similar in both PSI and CI

    Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis preventive chemotherapy: adverse events in children from 2 to 15 years in Bengo province, Angola

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    This work was supported by the promoters of the CISA as follows: Camões, Institute of Cooperation and Language, Portugal (www.instituto-camoes.pt/en/); Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Portugal (https:// gulbenkian.pt/en/); Government of Bengo Province; Angolan Ministry of Health (www.minsa.gov.ao).Preventive chemotherapy campaigns with praziquantel and albendazole are being implemented in Angola, as a high priority public health intervention. However, there are no published data regarding adverse events associated with these medications. In this context, we analyzed adverse events due to co-administration of praziquantel and albendazole in endemic areas of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths in Bengo, Angola. In the context of a targeted drug administration, between December 2012 and September 2013, we conducted two surveys after co-administrating single oral doses of praziquantel and albendazole tablets to children 2 to 15 years of age. About 24 hours after each treatment, participants answered a questionnaire about adverse events. At baseline, 605 children (55.0% male; mean age: 9.7 years) were treated; 460 were interviewed and 257 (55.9%) reported at least one adverse event, 62.3% (160/257) of children being infected with Schistosoma haematobium. After six months of treatment, among 339 children surveyed, 184 (54.3%) reported adverse events, with 49.5% (91/184) of infected children. Adverse events were most common in preschool-aged children, with no significant difference between genders. The most frequent adverse events in the two surveys were abdominal pain (18.5%, 25.7%), headache (20.9%, 23.0%) and dizziness (15.7%, 19.8%). Children aged 12 to 15 years (adjusted OR = 0.40, p = 0.040) and those with mixed infection (adjusted OR = 0.04, p = 0.011) had lower odds of adverse events. After the second treatment, those with heavy infection (adjusted OR = 2.72, p = 0.018) and aged 9-11 years (adjusted OR = 2.01, p = 0.049) had significantly fewer adverse events. About 2.0% of children experienced severe adverse events. This study adds evidence that preventive chemotherapy for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths control is safe, but cases of adverse events are expected. Standardized methodologies to discriminate drug-related adverse events from the clinical manifestations of the infections are needed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio