3,152 research outputs found

    Social Prosperity Perception in Cultural Tourism Destinations: the Case of Peña de Bernal, Huejotzingo and Yuanhuitlán, México

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    The present quantitative study with a descriptive design tries to determine the conditions of "social prosperity" of three Mexican cultural tourist destinations, Yanhuitlán, Huejotzingo and Peña de Bernal. These places face similar conditions in aspects like marginalization and poverty but with activities like tourism have tried to reverse these adverse conditions. The objective was to know the perception of their population about the improvement of their living conditions as a result of the tourist activity through the application of surveys carried out in the chosen destinations. The instrument used was a questionnaire with a Likert scale to facilitate the response of the informants and the processing of the information. For the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument a factor reduction analysis and a Cronbach's alpha were elaborated, after which a one-way ANOVA was elaborated to know the differences of means taking the Bonferroni and Scheffe tests. The results show a significant difference between the averages of destinations in how residents perceive prosperity in the selected tourist destinations

    Metropolitan Multiregional Input-Output Modelling Framework

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    Urban population has been growing consistently worldwide, with large metropolitan areas experiencing expansion phenomena both in terms of population and extension. Naturally, these processes did not occur homogeneously throughout the territories. Through the last decade, population in suburbs has largely increased while the population living in Central Business Districts has generally shrunk in many of the European and American cities. Portugal is not an exception and several cities have been largely affected by this phenomenon, suffering significant changes in their economic structure and characteristics, particularly through residences and jobs ?relocation? to the suburbs. Our main aim is to establish the theoretical design of a modelling framework to assess social, economic, energy and environmental impacts of changes in urban forms and commuting patterns in the regions studied. Accordingly, we will use a multi-regional input-output model which considers the areas defined as the Central Business District (Lisbon municipality), the suburbs (North Lisbon metropolitan area and Setubal Peninsula) and the ?Rest of the country?. The model will then be extended with satellite accounts regarding social, energy, environment and mobility issues, in order to assess the (direct, indirect and induced) multidimensional effects of commuting felt within each metropolitan region and the ones that leak to other regions. This model has as an innovative feature, the fact that it distinguishes the final consumption of three types of households: the ones which do not commute, the ones which commute to other regions, and the ones who are real estate owners. Finally, the model will comprise a commuting satellite account which will allow to deal with the impacts on income, employment, energy requirements and emissions among regions, as well as with resulting changes both in the consumption patterns and in the location/region where consumption actually takes place. This modelling framework should allow for the assessment of the multidimensional impacts resulting from several scenarios reproducing real and/or hypothetical changes in commuters? behaviour and in the policy measures, such as, e.g.: modifications in household location, changes in travelling patterns and commuting distances, external shocks in the economies of these regions, the delocalization of industries or headquarters between regions, the implementation of specific (local, regional or national) policy measures

    La cadena de valor de los productos forestales y los costes de su remodelación: impacto multirregional de la reducción de las industrias de pulpa y papel en Portugal

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    Las evaluaciones macroeconómicas de la industria forestal tienden a subestimar su impacto en las economías regionales. Este trabajo propone un concepto más amplio – la "cadena de valor de los productos forestales"- que incluye la contribución de las actividades que dependen (directa e indirectamente) de la silvicultura y los productos forestales. Con una metodología basada en un modelo de input-output multirregional y centrado en la economía portuguesa. Los resultados elucidan el papel del eucalipto en las producciones de pulpa, papel y cartón y artículos de papel y cartón. Finalmente, se evalúan las consecuencias macroeconómicas proyectadas para una reducción de estas producciones.Forestry industry macroeconomic assessments typically concentrate on the production, harvesting, and earliest processing of wood products, underestimating the full range of forests impacts in regional economies. This work proposes a broader concept – “forestry products value chain”– that ponders the contribution of the downstream activities relying (directly and indirectly) on Silviculture and Forestry products. The paper adopts a methodology based on a Multi-Regional Input-Output framework. We apply this approach to the Portuguese economy. Results clarify the role of eucalyptus in “Pulp”, “Paper and Cardboard” and “Paper and Cardboard Articles”. Finally, the projected wider macroeconomic consequences from a reduction of these productions is evaluated

    A case study on the development of Intercultural Communicative Competence in a Finance Administration and International Business Program

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    This project studied the promotion of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) in a Finance and Administration Business course which was taking its seventh English level course. It was carried out using a qualitative case study research design, including a group of students and a teacher at a university in the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The data collection instruments used for this study included observations, interviews, written assignments and an analysis of the textbook that was used to teach the lessons in the course. The analysis of the interviews showed the limited knowledge the teacher had about ICC and his limitations to promote it effectively. The analysis of the textbook revealed that it did not provide learners with opportunities to promote effective ICC; on the contrary, it facilitated the traditional perspective of culture and grammar rules. However, the written assignment demonstrated that somehow students exhibited some positive indicators of ICC based on the way they developed some ideas within some situations they were asked about

    Greeks and Trojans Together

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    This paper describes a comprehensive solution for the integration of object oriented ontology representation frameworks with logic-based agent communication frameworks. The proposed solution addresses the problem at both the agent communication level and the agent implementation level. At the agent communication level, we propose to extend logic content languages with some domain independent operators that allow building logic constructs as propositions from domain dependent entities defined in an object oriented ontology. At the implementation level, we propose to use object-oriented databases as the support for the agent information. Finally, we propose an automatic mechanism for translating agent messages using the extended content language into ODMG OQL commands, which are then used to interact with the object-oriented database. This binding mechanism relies on a special purpose data dictionary representing the mapping between the domain ontology and the agent internal database

    A Contextual Reinforcement Learning Approach for Electricity Consumption Forecasting in Buildings

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    The energy management of buildings plays a vital role in the energy sector. With that in mind, and targeting an accurate forecast of electricity consumption, in the present paper is aimed to provide decision on the best prediction algorithm for each context. It may also increase energy usage related with renewables. In this way, the identification of different contexts is an advantage that may improve prediction accuracy. This paper proposes an innovative approach where a decision tree is used to identify different contexts in energy patterns. One week of five-minutes data sampling is used to test the proposed methodology. Each context is evaluated with a decision criterion based on reinforcement learning to find the best suitable forecasting algorithm. Two forecasting models are approached in this paper, based on K-Nearest Neighbor and Artificial Neural Networks, to illustrate the application of the proposed methodology. The reinforcement learning criterion consists of using the Multiarmed Bandit algorithm. The obtained results validate the adequacy of the proposed methodology in two case-studies: building; and industry.This article is a result of the project REal-Time support Infrastructure and Energy management for Intelligent carbon-Neutral smArt cities (RETINA) (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000062), supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and grant CEECIND/02887/2017. The authors acknowledge the work facilities and equipment provided by the Research Group on Intelligent Engineering and Computing for Advanced Innovation and Development (GECAD) research center (UIDB/00760/2020) to the project team.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde do Idoso na UBS/ESF Cidade Nova Macapá/Amapá

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    RAMOS Pedro Luis Porras. Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde do Idoso, na UBS/ESF Cidade Nova Macapá/Amapá. 2015, 94fls. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde do Idoso na UBS/ESF Cidade Nova Macapá/Amapá. Ao realizar um projeto de intervenção através de estudos e levantamento de dados, desenvolveu-se uma ação programática prioritária na atenção básica, intervindo na assistência, promoção e prevenção á saúde dos idosos da área de abrangência da UBS/ESF Cidade Nova 1 situada na Norte no município de Macapá-Amapá durante doze semanas nos meses de Abril a Junho do ano de 2015. Nosso objetivo foi melhorar atenção prestada às pessoas idosas incluindo atenção odontológica. Para a realização da intervenção utilizou-se o banco de dados do SIAB, prontuários, registros específicos, dados dos ACS, planilha de coleta de dados, e ficha espelho fornecidas pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Como resultado alcançou-se 100% de cobertura da população estimada a que havíamos planilha do um 80%. Alcançou-se ainda o exame adequado no programa de atenção a os idosos, com Realização do100% de exames clínicos incluindo exame físico dos pés com medida da sensibilidade e verificação dos pulsos tibial e pedioso a cada três meses para pessoas idosas diabéticas, também foi feita a 100% avaliação multidimensional rápida com solicitação de exames complementares periódicos e priorizamos a prescrição de medicamentos das farmácias populares. Realizamos 100% de visitas domiciliares aos idosos acamados e com problemas de locomoção também visitamos 100% dos idosos faltosos as consultas programadas rastrearam 100% dos idosos com HTA para DM. A avaliação de necessidades de atendimento odontológico realizou-se somente ao final da intervenção, alcançando 38% mostrando-se ser uma debilidade muito forte na UBS. Foram avaliados ainda o risco de morbidade, fragilidade na velhice e a rede social e garantimos as orientações sobre hábitos alimentares saudáveis, a prática regular de atividade física e sobre higiene bucal em o 100% do total de nossa população alvo. É bom descrever que também tivemos algum os resultados que não cumprimos como a verificação da pressão arterial que fico em um 87,8% e na entrega de caderneta de saúde dos idosos que fico em um 52,2% mais trabalhou por melhorar isto. Em relação ao inicio da intervenção trabalhamos com dados fornecidos por registros dos ACS e coleta das informações oferecidas por o SIAB comparando as informações e ficando com os dados mais certos para o trabalho por isso podemos perceber uma melhora qualitativamente e quantitativamente na atenção a saúde dos idosos em nossa UBS e sendo que as ações promovidas na intervenção estão incorporadas como rotina normal do trabalho diário

    Coherencia dinámica de difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos isotópicos a Anosov en nilvariedades

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es probar la coherencia dinámica de difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos en ciertas clases de isotopía de difeomorfismos de Anosov en nilvariedades, extendiendo un resultado debido a T. Fisher, R. Potrie y M. Sambarino [FPS] del caso del toro al caso de nilvariedades.The purpose of this thesis is to obtain dynamically coherence of partiallyhyperbolic diffeomorphisms in certain classes of Anosov diffeomorphisms onnilmanifolds, extending a result due to T. Fisher, R. Potrieand M. Sambarino [FPS] from the torus case to the nilmanifold case

    Los errores en la defensa arbitral del Gobierno Regional de Arequipa del 2015 a la actualidad

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    La presente investigación tiene por objeto identificar los errores (y omisiones) en las que incurre el Gobierno Regional de Arequipa (a partir del órgano de Procuraduría Pública) en la defensa de sus intereses, respecto de los arbitrajes, cuyos laudos han sido emitidos entre el año 2015 hasta la actualidad. La metodología de esta investigación es básica ya que tiene como propósito contrastar el conocimiento recopilado en los Laudos Arbitrales, Asimismo, se tiene una técnica realizada de revisión y análisis documental, desde el año 2015 a la fecha, el nivel de investigación es descriptiva, asimismo, su enfoque de dicha investigación es cualitativa, por partir del análisis de la información señalada en los laudos Arbitrales. Se tiene como resultado la identificación de puntos relevantes de la defensa ejercida por el Gobierno Regional de Arequipa, a partir de la información proporcionada por Laudos Arbitrales de fechas 18 de marzo de 2015, 19 de mayo de 2015, 4 de enero de 2016, y 19 de abril 2021.donde se evidencia el desconocimiento de la defensa de la Entidad (Gobierno Regional), de igual forma se identifica que la Entidad no realiza un mayor análisis de fondo sobre las pretensiones acumuladas. Tales errores pueden ser de contenido formal como sustancial, sobre categorías que son aplicables al arbitraje en las contrataciones del Estado, de conformidad a la normativa aplicable (según el momento de convocatoria del proceso de selección que dio origen al respectivo contrato). Así, se llega a la conclusión que en los Laudos analizados se han encontrado errores conceptuales de las Categorías aplicables al Arbitraje en las Contrataciones con el Estado, de tal forma en cuanto a la defensa formal, se advierte errores respecto a la excepción de incompetencia, respecto a la excepción de oscuridad o ambigüedad en el modo de proponer la demanda. Palabras clave Laudo arbitral, Procuraduría Pública, defensa, excepciones procesales, errores, omisiones

    Distributed, Agent-Based Intelligent System for Demand Response Program Simulation in Smart Grids

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    A distributed, agent-based intelligent system models and simulates a smart grid using physical players and computationally simulated agents. The proposed system can assess the impact of demand response programs