3,225 research outputs found

    Daylight Spectrum Index: A New Metric to Assess the Affinity of Light Sources with Daylighting

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    The current scenario of colorimetry shows a wide variety of different metrics which do not converge in the assessment of the color rendering of light sources. The limitations of the Color Rendering Index have promoted the emergence of new metrics, such as the Color Quality Scale. As in the case of the previous metric, these new concepts are based on the analysis of the deviation of different color samples in a color space, contrasting the results with those obtained with a light source reference, which can vary depending on the color temperature. Within this context, the Daylight Spectrum Index is proposed. This new concept aims to determine the affinity with daylighting of electric light sources, comparing the resulting spectral power distributions of the lamps studied and that observed under natural light. The affinity of an electric light source with daylighting allows for lower energy consumption due to the better performance of human vision. The new metric proposed is evaluated following the results obtained from 80 surveys, demonstrating the usefulness of this new concept in the quantification of color rendering of LED lamps and the affinity of electric light sources with daylighting.Government of Spain BIA2017-86997-

    Bio-inspired reverse engineering of regulatory networks: a revised approach

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    This work appears to complement an existing project, ”Bio-inpired reverse engineering of regulatory networks”, proposes a new algorithm inspired in the artificial development technique performing reverse engineering over regulatory networks. The present project studies that article addressing possible weaknesses and scalability issues. Nevertheless, during the investigation some updates have been performed over the algorithm, improving the previous results in some scenarios. Moreover DARBNs have been used as representation, looking for an alternative update schema and its possible improvements over results. Lastly, software reusable tools have been implemented and documented to allow additional experiments.Ingeniería en Informátic

    Estimación de Parámetros Para Cargas Contaminantes Conectadas a las Redes de Distribucción

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    In this paper we propose a new algorithm for the estimation of the parameters of the harmonic loads connected to the electric distribution system. The new parameter estimation algorithm is based on the weighted least-squares technique. The estimation algorithm solves an optimization problem and minimizes a set of variables which must comply with a series of specifications or characteristics of the harmonic loads. The estimation algorithm is able to obtain a load model with good accuracy comparatively to current -model of the system, due to a good engineering estimation of the initial conditions. Finally the new estimation algorithm could be used for power quality studies and to measure the contribution of the harmonic contamination of the clients connected to the electrical distribution system.Keywords: Harmonics, parameter estimation, weighted least squares, models

    Unified formalism for the generalized kth-order Hamilton-Jacobi problem

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    The geometric formulation of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory enables us to generalize it to systems of higher-order ordinary differential equations. In this work we introduce the unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism for the geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory on higher-order autonomous dynamical systems described by regular Lagrangian functions.Comment: 9pp. Revised version: Minor corrections done. Second part of our previous work arXiv:1309.2166. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.216

    Hamilton-Jacobi theory in multisymplectic classical field theories

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    The geometric framework for the Hamilton-Jacobi theory developed in previous works is extended for multisymplectic first-order classical field theories. The Hamilton-Jacobi problem is stated for the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formalisms of these theories as a particular case of a more general problem, and the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation for field theories is recovered from this geometrical setting. Particular and complete solutions to these problems are defined and characterized in several equivalent ways in both formalisms, and the equivalence between them is proved. The use of distributions in jet bundles that represent the solutions to the field equations is the fundamental tool in this formulation. Some examples are analyzed and, in particular, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for non-autonomous mechanical systems is obtained as a special case of our results.Comment: 44 p

    Unified formalism for higher-order non-autonomous dynamical systems

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    This work is devoted to giving a geometric framework for describing higher-order non-autonomous mechanical systems. The starting point is to extend the Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism of Skinner and Rusk for these kinds of systems, generalizing previous developments for higher-order autonomous mechanical systems and first-order non-autonomous mechanical systems. Then, we use this unified formulation to derive the standard Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, including the Legendre-Ostrogradsky map and the Euler-Lagrange and the Hamilton equations, both for regular and singular systems. As applications of our model, two examples of regular and singular physical systems are studied.Comment: 43 pp. We have corrected and clarified the statement of Propositions 2 and 3. A remark is added after Proposition

    Criticality Analysis for Maintenance Purposes: A Study for Complex In‐service Engineering Assets

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    The purpose of this paper is to establish a basis for a criticality analysis, considered here as a prerequisite, a first required step to review the current maintenance programs, of complex in‐service engineering assets. Review is understood as a reality check, a testing of whether the current maintenance activities are well aligned to actual business objectives and needs. This paper describes an efficient and rational working process and a model resulting in a hierarchy of assets, based on risk analysis and cost–benefit principles, which will be ranked according to their importance for the business to meet specific goals. Starting from a multicriteria analysis, the proposed model converts relevant criteria impacting equipment criticality into a single score presenting the criticality level. Although detailed implementation of techniques like Root Cause Failure Analysis and Reliability Centered Maintenance will be recommended for further optimization of the maintenance activities, the reasons why criticality analysis deserves the attention of engineers and maintenance and reliability managers are precisely explained here. A case study is presented to help the reader understand the process and to operationalize the mode

    Estudio de requerimientos para la viabilidad de los proyectos de transferencia de tecnología.

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    En el presente artículo se abordan las pautas para la elaboración de una metodología que permita determinar el grado de "madurez" de unos resultados de investigación desarrollados por grupos universitarios o de otras entidades públicas o privadas, para s


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    En la actualidad se atestigua un complejo fenómeno de movilidad y circulación internacional de adultos mayores en edad de jubilación, desde los países avanzados hacia destinos turísticos ubicados en países de menor desarrollo. Este fenómeno de movilidad con fines de recreación, salud o retiro laboral, ha sido difícil de categorizar como actividad turística o migratoria debido a que involucra estancias prolongadas, en su mayor parte, que coinciden con las temporadas invernales en los países de origen. Estas poblaciones en flujo están compuesta principalmente por ciudadanos de origen estadounidense y canadiense, en su gran mayoría pertenecientes a la generación conocida como “babyboom”. En años recientes las proyecciones demográficas auguran un importante boom de las actividades turísticas que se enfocan a este particular grupo de extranjeros que implican oportunidades de negocios para países como México en áreas como el turismo de retiro, turismo de salud, y el turismo de segunda residencia. Bahía de Kino, un destino de playa y sol ubicado en el Estado de Sonora ha desarrollado en las últimas décadas una incipiente industria del turismo; sin embargo, el fenómeno aludido tiene implicaciones muy particulares en este contexto regional particular, presentando una compleja serie de efectos económicos y socioculturales que intervienen y pueden llegar a reconfigurar la dinámica de la vida cotidiana de las regiones receptoras